Kimberly Kay Wiley, PhD


Assistant Professor of Nonprofit Leadership and Community Development, University of Florida, August 2019 - Present

Assistant Professor of Nonprofit Management, University of Illinois Springfield, August 2016 – August 2019

Instructor, Florida State University, January 2014 – July 2016


PhD: Florida State University. Major: Public Administration, 2016

Wiley, K.W. (2016) Administering Conflicting Policy Narratives and the Resulting Policy Directives in the Domestic Violence Advocacy Organization; Major Professor: Frances Berry

Master of Public Administration with a Certificate in Domestic Violence from the University of Colorado at Denver, 2006

Bachelor of Science in Family, Youth and Community Development with a Minor in Education from the University of Florida, 2000, Dean’s List: Fall 1999 and Spring 2000.


Wiley, K., Young, S., & Searing, E. (in press). The utility of the advocacy coalition framework in a regional budget crisis. Public Policy and Administration.

Wiley, K. (in press). Implementing domestic violence policy: When accountability trumps mission. Affilia: Journal on Women in Social Work.

Young, S., Searing, E., &  Wiley, K. (in press). Lost in the hollow state: Human service delivery during the 2015-2017 Illinois budget crisis. Illinois Municipal Policy Journal, 4(1).

Wiley, K., & *Hott, K. (in press). Lost in translation? Critical pedagogy in the online classroom. Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership.

Wiley, K. (in press). Review of the book Leading in place: Leadership through different eyes by Rita Hilton and Rosemary O’Leary. Journal of Public Affairs Education. 

Wiley, K., & Berry, F. (2018). Compassionate bureaucracy: Assuming the administrative burden of policy implementation. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 47(4S), 55S–75S.  

Wiley, K., & Berry, F. (2015). Teaching social entrepreneurship in public affairs programs: A review of social entrepreneurship courses in the top 30 U.S. public administration and affairs programs. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 21(3), 381-400.


“Voices of a Social Movement: A Large N Qualitative Analysis” presented at the Association for Research of Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, San Diego, CA, November 2019. Co-author Kate Baker.

“Held Hostage”: How Illinois Human Services Nonprofits Survived a Multi-Year Budget Crisis” presented at the Association for Research of Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, San Diego, CA, November 2019.Co-authors Elizabeth Searing and Sarah Young..

“The Shifting Role of Nonprofit Advocacy Coalitions in the Policy Process” presented at the Association for Research of Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, Austin, TX, November 2018.

“Lost in Translation? Critical Pedagogy in the Online Classroom.” presented at the Association for Research of Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, Austin, TX. November 2018, Co-Author Kelsea Hott.

“Meeting the Needs of Civil Society: A Study of the Distribution of Nonprofit Activity When Capitalist Democracy Fails” presented at the International Society for Third Sector Research Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 2018. Co-authors Elizabeth Searing and Sarah Young. Presented by Sarah Young.

“’Bringing Spoons to a Gunfight’ Policy Implementation and Advocacy during the State of Illinois Budget Impasse” presented at Midwest Political Science Conference in Chicago, IL, April 2018.

“Network Management and the Illinois Budget Impasse” presented at the Association for Research of Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, Grand Rapids, MI. November 2017. Co-authors Elizabeth Searing and Sarah Young.

“Nonprofit Resiliency and the Illinois Budget Impasse” presented at the Association for Budget and Financial Management, Washington, DC., September 2017. Co-authors Elizabeth Searing and Sarah Young.

“Constructing Cohesive Policy Narratives” presented at the Midwest Political Science Conference in Chicago, IL, April 2017.

“#AwarenessMonth: Connecting Nonprofits with Stakeholders” presented at the American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference in Atlanta, GA, March 2017

“Compassionate Bureaucracy” presented at the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action Annual Conference in Washington, D.C., November 2016

“When Accountability Trumps Mission” presented at the American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference in Seattle, WA March 2016

“Administering Conflicting Policy Narratives” presented at the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action Annual Conference in Chicago, IL, November 2015

“Teaching Social Entrepreneurship in Public Affairs Programs: A Review of Social Entrepreneurship Course in the US” presented at the American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference in Chicago, IL, February 2015

“Playing the Walnut Shell Game: Administering Conflicting Policy Narratives” presented at the American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference in Chicago, IL, February 2015

“Citizen-Generated E-Governance: A Case Study of Open-Source Data and Geo-location Technology” presented at the Southeastern Conference of Public Administrators Annual Conference in Charlotte, NC, September 2013


Burks Oakley II Distinguished Online Teaching Award, University of Illinois Springfield, 2019

Competitive Scholarly Research Grant, University of Illinois Springfield, $5000, 2019

Research Fellow Center for Online Learning, Research and Service; University of Illinois Springfield, 2017- 2019

Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Florida State University, recognized as one of six university-wide, 2015

American Society of Public Administration 2015 Founders’ Fellow

Augustus B. Turnbull Scholarship Award, Florida State University, 2013


Working with Nonprofits in Community Settings (FYC 4409)

Nonprofit Sector and Society, University of Illinois Springfield (PAD 542)

State and Local Community Development, University of Illinois Springfield (PAD 432)

Program Evaluation, University of Illinois Springfield (PAD 533)

Grant Writing and Management, University of Illinois Springfield (PAD 590)

Introduction to the Profession, University of Illinois Springfield (PAD 501)

Organization Dynamics, University of Illinois Springfield (PAD 502)

Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Florida State University (PAD 4936)

Confronting Gender-based Violence in the United States, Florida State University (PAD 4936)

Public Administration in Society, Florida State University (PAD 3003)

Teaching Assistant for “Policy Development and Administration” for Professor Fran Berry, Summer 2014 and Summer 2015

Teaching Assistant for “Public Budgeting and Finance” for Professor David Matkin, Fall 2012 and Spring 2013


Dooley, T. P. & Wiley, K. (2017). 2015 Community Service Block Grant Report and Program Evaluation, Spring 2017. Commissioned by the Illinois Association of Community Action Agencies.


Referee, Journal of Public Administration Education

Referee, Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs

Referee, Public Performance and Management Review


Innovate Springfield Social Innovation Steering Committee

College of Public Affairs representative on University Research Board

Coordinator, Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management, University of Illinois Springfield

Member, Doctorate of Public Administration Committee

Member, Social Entrepreneurship Internship development and selection committee in the Florida State University Interdisciplinary Social Sciences in Spring 2015 and Fall 2015

Coordinated Domestic Violence Research and Action Coalition Research Poster Presentations at the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence Conference in Denver, CO, 2004


Yetunde Agbesola, Graduated Summer 2019

Sarah Jennings, Doctoral Candidate

Cynthia Lamar, Doctoral Candidate


2013-2016 Research Assistant for Dr. Frances Stokes Berry at Florida State University

2012-2013 Research Assistant for Dr. David Matkin at Florida State University

2003-2004 Research Assistant for the Domestic Violence Research Action Coalition at University of Colorado at Denver


Program Manager/Training and Technical Assistant Provider, 2008- 2012 at the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Tallahassee, FL

Victim Advocate/ Volunteer Coordinator, 2002-2003 at Micah’s Place Center for Domestic Violence, Nassau County, FL

Youth Program Manager, 2000-2002 at Shelter House, Inc. Domestic Violence Center, Ft. Walton Beach, FL


International Presentations

“The Intersection of High-Tech Stalking and Domestic Violence in the Supervised Visitation Setting” delivered at the Supervised Visitation Network Worldwide: Annual Conference in Orlando, FL, May 2012

“Technology, Advocacy & Victim Safety” delivered at the World Conference of Women’s Shelters in Washington, DC with Erica Olsen and Karen Bentley, February 2012

National and Statewide Presentations

“@NCJFCJ Implications of Technology and Social Media for Family Court. #Cyberstalking” delivered at the National Council on Family and Juvenile Court Judges Annual Conference in Las Vegas, NV, March 2012

“@AFCC-LA Implications of technology and social media for family court. #Cyberstalking” delivered Keynote Presentation at the Louisiana Chapter- Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Annual Conference in Baton Rouge, LA, January 2012

“CYBER-STALKING: The Landscape of Social Media Technology and the Courts as Viewed Through a Domestic Violence Lens” delivered Keynote Presentation at the Florida Circuit Court Judges Annual Conference- with Honorable Judge Jenifer Davis Marco Island, FL, 2011

“Domestic Abuse in a Technological Age” delivered at the National Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Annual Conference in Orlando, FL, 2011

“Assistive Technology: Safety & Accessibility for People with Disabilities or who are Deaf” at the National Network to End Domestic Violence Safety Net Training of Trainers, San Francisco, CA; Boston, MA; Washington, DC, 2009, 2010, and 2011

“Intersection of Domestic Violence and Cyberstalking” delivered at the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence Annual Institute in Orlando, FL, 2011

“Ensuring American with Disabilities Act Compliance in Florida’s Domestic Violence Shelters” delivered at the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence Executive Director Institute in Saddlebrook, FL, 2010

“Domestic Violence and its Impact on Women’s Physical Health” delivered at the National Academy of Optometry Annual Conference in Orlando, FL, 2010


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