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Transition to Teaching FOCUS Grant Program PROMISSORY NOTEGeorgia Professional Standards Commission200 Piedmont Avenue, Suite 1702Atlanta, GA 30334-9032Paid through USDOE Federal Grant Award U350B090037FY 2013FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned Educator unconditionally promises to pay to the order of the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GAPSC), its successors and assigns (“Commission”), at the address shown or at such other place as may be designated by the Commission, the principal sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($1,000.00) in lawful money of the United States, if the service repayment described below is not fulfilled by the Educator.This Promissory Note (“Note”) evidences a service or cash repayment obligation arising from and in consideration of an award from the Transition to Teaching Fund (“the Fund”), pursuant to stipulations of USDOE Federal Grant Awards, awarded as a stipend to providers of non-traditional preparation programs on behalf of the eligible Educator. The Fund is governed by the terms and conditions of any and all notices of awards, or notice of replacement of awards, to be issued to Educator (“Award Letter”). The Award Letter is incorporated herein by this reference. The Fund award is made to providers of non-traditional preparation programs on behalf of the Educator in order to ease the burden of tuition for non-traditional preparation programs and for the exclusive purpose of enabling Educator to obtain a clear renewable Georgia Teachers Certificate. Educator is required to: (i) be officially enrolled in the Transition to Teaching Program, (ii) meet all eligibility requirements and (iii) maintain continuous employment as a teacher of an eligible subject in an eligible school within an eligible Georgia school system for a minimum of three (3) years, beginning with the year the Educator began teaching (iv) obtain the Clear Renewable Georgia Teacher certificate within three (3) years of receiving the Fund award.SERVICE REPAYMENT:1.SERVICE REPAYMENT REQUIREMENTS. Educator shall satisfy Educator’s obligations under this Note by complying with the following service repayment requirements (“Service Repayment Requirements”). So long as Educator is complying with the Service Repayment Requirements, Educator shall be deemed to be in Service Repayment Status.(a)Educator shall obtain the Clear Renewable Georgia Teacher Certificate within three (3) years of receiving the Fund award.(b)Educator shall be engaged in a Qualified Position for three (3) years (“Service Repayment Term”) in an eligible school within an eligible Georgia school system. The Service Repayment Term may be extended only if Educator has received a deferment as provided in this Note; and (c)Educator shall provide the Commission, in the form and at the times specified by the Commission, evidence of compliance with the Service Repayment Requirements.CASH REPAYMENT:2.CASH REPAYMENT STATUS. The Commission shall deem Educator to be in default of the Service Repayment Requirements of this Note, and shall convert Educator to cash repayment status if the Commission, in its sole discretion, determines that Educator: (1) has failed to satisfy, or is not meeting the Service Repayment Requirements; or (2) does not complete the requirements for a clear renewable Georgia teaching certificate within the three years specified.3.CASH REPAYMENT. Upon designation by the Commission that Educator is in Cash Repayment Status, Educator shall have the following options:(a)If Educator obtained Clear Renewable Georgia Teacher Certificate, but did not meet service repayment requirements, Educator must repay the full amount of the Fund award received.(b)If Educator did not obtain Clear Renewable Georgia Teaching certificate within the time agreed, Educator must repay in full the amount of the Fund award received.4.CASH REPAYMENT SCHEDULE. The $1000 must be re-paid to the PSC within 6 months of failure to meet conditions of the promissory note described in this document.5.WAIVERS, CONSENTS AND CONVENANTS. Educator hereby waives demand, presentment, dishonor, protest, and notice of dishonor or protest. Educator is and shall be obligated to pay principal and any and all other amounts which become payable hereunder (including reasonable attorney’s fees and all other costs for collection) or under any other documents or instruments executed in connection herewith absolutely and unconditionally and without any abatement, postponement, diminution, or deduction and without any reduction for counterclaim or setoff.DEFAULT OF SERVICE AND CASH REPAYMENT:6.EVENTS OF DEFAULT. In addition to the default of the Service Repayment Requirements, the following are events of default hereunder: (i) the failure to pay or perform any obligation, liability or indebtedness of Educator to the Commission, or any affiliate or subsidiary of the Commission, whether under this Note or any other instrument, when due (whether upon demand, at maturity or by acceleration); (ii) the determination by the Commission that any representation or warranty made to the Commission by Educator, when it was made, is untrue or misleading; (iii) the seizure or forfeiture of, or the issuance of any writ against Educator which the Commission, in its sole discretion, deems to be of a material nature; (iv) the determination by the Commission that it is insecure for any reason; (v) the determination by the Commission that a material adverse change has occurred in the financial condition of Educator; or (vi) the failure of Educator to comply with any law or regulation relating to Educator’s professional field.I HEREBY CONVENANT THAT I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE FOREGOING IN ITS ENTIRETY AND FURTHER COVENANT TO USE ALL FUNDS AWARDED TO ME OR ON MY BEHALF FOR CLEAR RENEWABLE (full) GEORGIA TEACHER CERTIFICATION EXPENSES ONLY. I UNDERSTANDTHAT FAILURE TO OBTAIN A CLEAR RENEWABLE (full) GEORGIA TEACHING CERTIFICATE WITHIN THE ESTABLISED DEADLINE WILL RESULT IN FORFEITURE OF MY FUND AWARD. NOTE: Eligibility criteria are described in the award e-mail to which this promissory note was attached and is further contingent upon the Superintendent or his/her designee signing a Letter of Agreement with the Professional Standards Commission and the school system’s subsequent submission of paperwork required to initiate payment by the published deadlines.FUNDS WILL BE PROVIDED ON BEHALF OF ELIGIBLE RECIPIENTS FOR WHOM THE COMPLETED, SIGNED AND NOTARIZED PROMISSORY NOTE IS RECEIVED AT THE ADDRESS PLETE EACH SPACE BELOW, PRINT AND SIGN THIS DOCUMENT, HAVE IT NOTARIZED AND SEND ALL PAGES OF THE PROMISSORY NOTE CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED AND POSTMARKED within 10 dates from online registration date to:Gayle McManis, Administrative AssistantFOCUS: Transition to Teaching Grant ProjectsGeorgia Professional Standards Commission200 Piedmont Avenue, Suite 1702Atlanta, GA 30334-9032NOTE: ALL ITEMS ON THE REGISTRATION FORM MUST BE ACCURATELY COMPLETED BY THE APPLICANT AND ALL INFORMATION REQUESTED IN THE FORM BELOW MUST BE PROVIDED IN LEGIBLE MANNER. ONCE ELIGIBILITY HAS BEEN VERIFIED BY THE PSC AND ALL PAPERWORK IS RECEIVED BY THE NOMINATING GATAPP PROVIDER AND/OR SCHOOL DISTRICT THE PROCESS TO REQUEST DISBURSEMENT OF STIPENDS WILL BE INITIATED. FUNDS WILL BE PAID TO GATAPP PROVIDER OR LEAS DIRECTLY.To be considered for the FOCUS stipend, you must submit all pages of this promissory note AFTER registering online and meeting all eligibility requirements.Educator’s Name _________________________________ Social Security Number_________________Georgia Teaching Certificate Number ____________________________ and field __________________Home Address________________________________________________________________________City_____________________________________________________ State______ Zip______________Home Email Address ___________________________________ [If no home e-mail, write “none”]School Email Address___________________________________Phone Number [Home] ____________________________ [Cell] _____________________________School’s Name ________________________________ Principal’s Name _________________________ School’s Phone Number ________________________School System________________________________________________________________________Educator’s Signature_________________________ Date_______________Notary Public _______________________________________________________________________________Subscribed and Sworn to me on this _________________________Day of ______________________________ ................

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