Langston Charter Middle School

Math 6/7 and Math 7/8General InformationTeacher: Ms. Susan WoodE-Mail: swood@Phone: (864)312-9331Ms. Wood’s Website: swoodlangston. Welcome back to school! I’m excited about the opportunity to get to know you and I’m looking forward to a fantastic year together! A successful classroom is built upon a foundation of mutual respect. With your cooperation we will be learning a lot this year and having fun while we do it! Classroom norms will be ….come into the classroom, take your seat, and begin work,treat everything and everyone in the classroom with respect,wait until I dismiss you to pack up and leave the classroom,come to class everyday prepared with everything you need.Should you choose not to follow classroom norms and expections….My behavior expectations for you are high. If I feel that your behavior is inappropriate for class or you are not following the classroom norms (expectations) or rules the following consequences will be utilized: Step 1 – Verbal warning.Step 2 – Verbal warning with possible removal from class, and a note sent home for a parent signature.Step 3 – If no improvement, parent will be contacted by phone regarding the issue.Step 4 - If no improvement is seen after speaking with the parent, the student will be referred to the administration. Supplies you will need for class:1 ?” binder or large binder with sections for math (HW/CW, notes, quizzes)Looseleaf notebook paperSharpened pencils or mechanical pencils with plenty of extra leadScientific calculator (preferably TI-30Xa or TI-30X IIS)Welcome to Class! This is going to be a great year.Through skill building, problem-solving, and collaboration we are going to grow in our mathematical thinking.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat should I expect in terms of homework?You should expect to do homework most every night except Fridays. I don’t usually assign homework on Fridays but I do on occasion. You should NOT be spending inordinate amounts of time on homework. When 15 problems can cover what you need to learn I don’t assign 50 problems.How is homework graded?I check for completeness and effort ONLY; not for accuracy. All work MUST be shown on each problem in order to receive credit. Answers will be given to all homework in class but only a few of the problems will be worked for clarification. You should be able to use those to find and correct your mistakes on all others. It is the YOUR responsibility to make corrections on homework and ask questions if clarification is needed.What are your expectations of my homework, Ms.Wood?1. I will accept all work that is completed in PENCIL.2. I will accept all papers which SHOW ALL WORK unless specific directions state otherwise.So exactly what makes up my grade?Grades are online so parents can check them at any time.Grades are weighted. Tests make up 50% of the nine-week grade; quizzes make up 40% of the nine-week grade, and homework/classwork make up 10% of the nine-week grade.Letter grades are assigned at the end of each quarter based on the District grading scale, as follows:A: 90-100 B: 80-89 C: 70-79 D: 60-69 F: 59 and underHow do I make up work if I am absent?In the event that a student is absent from class, it is your responsibility to gather all make-up work and complete it in a timely manner (within 3 days of your return to school). Tests and quizzes that need to be made up will not be done during class time. Fridays at 7:45 am or 1:45 pm have been designated as the time to make up tests and quizzes.Can I turn in my homework late and get credit?My policy is not to accept late work unless you have been absent. Anyone present without his/her homework will be given a zero. You will not be allowed to call parents regarding work left at home. In lieu of a zero, you can use a HW Pass. A HW Pass may be used once a quarter in Ms. Wood’s math class. What can my parents do to help?Check my grades in the Parent Portal. Grades are updated at least weekly. Please feel free to email or call Ms. Wood with questions or concerns. With assignments at home, my parents can help using these suggestions:1. Never pick up the pencil! Ask questions and give directions, but I must do all the work!2. Give the smallest hint you can without telling me how to solve the problem.3. Always be encouraging. Please don’t ever say “This is so easy” or “I already know how to do this”. 4. NEVER tell me, “Well, I was never good at math!” Some of us believe that since you were never good at math that we will never be successful. Research proves that mindset is what makes all of us successful! ................

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