School of Computing and Information Sciences

Computer Programming I Instructor: Greg Shaw

COP 2210

Submitting Your Assignments

• All assignments are to be uploaded to Canvas, which is where your grades and feedback will be posted

• Assignments will not be given via Canvas. All assignments will be posted on the class web page and discussed in class when assigned

• All assignments must be uploaded by the cutoff date, which is one week after the due date. No exceptions (see “Class Rules” online)

• Canvas allows you to resubmit assignments only until either the grade is posted or the due date has passed

• Whatever you upload is exactly what will be graded – no more, no less

• For each assignment you will upload two (2) files

1. A zip file containing your NetBeans Project Folder.

2. An empty Word document (extension .doc or .docx) to receive feedback

• “Zip” file means a compressed file with extension .zip (see “Creating a Zip File,” online)

❖ If you need help, see a lab supervisor or one of our LAs, or come to office hours

❖ Canvas will not accept compressed files in any format other than .zip

• For full credit, make sure you zip your NetBeans Project Folder. Do not zip the individual .java files

← When your files are extracted, there must be a “ready-to-run” NetBeans Project. If the Graders have to waste time locating your .java files and creating the project for you, that will be a one letter grade deduction (e.g. 3 points out of 20)

• Worse, if crucial files are missing so that your program does not run, unfortunately that is a grade of zero (see “Class Rules” online)

To make sure you receive credit for your work, follow these simple steps on every assignment:

1. Zip your NetBeans Project Folder. Do not zip the individual .java files, zip the project folder. If you are using an IDE other than NetBeans, you must still upload a zip file of a working NetBeans project to get credit

2. Before creating the zip file, make sure your output is correct and your program and output meet all of the published specifications

3. Before uploading the zip file, extract the individual files and make sure you have included all that are required. Don’t forget to include a file containing the program output if required (see “Using NetBeans” online for a simple way to capture your output in NetBeans)

4. After uploading the zip file, log out of Canvas, then log back in and make sure your file is there!

← Failure to follow these simple directions will result in a loss of credit for the assignment.

I cannot allow you to resubmit the assignment because that means you will have had an extra week or more to work on it. Do not ask for special consideration or exceptions to be made. The rules are the same for everybody.

If this does happen to you – and there is no reason that it should! – the good news is that it will only happen once. Just. Follow. Directions. If you have any questions, ask now or come to office hours.

Hey, what’s with the empty Word doc?

• Due to large class sizes, SCIS now employs student Graders

• For obvious reasons, the identities of the Graders must remain confidential

• Currently, the ONLY way to preserve Grader anonymity in Canvas is to post the feedback via a Word document

• Do not zip the Word document

• You will use the same link on Canvas to upload both your zip file and the Word doc

• After uploading the zip, click the [+] button to upload the Word doc

• Failure to upload the empty Word doc will result in the equivalent of a one-letter-grade penalty on the assignment

This is necessary because it creates extra work for the Graders and me. Even with the penalty, there are inevitably several students who forget on each assignment. Without the penalty, I shudder to think what would happen. If you do not have Word on your computer, create the document in the lab and save it.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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