Roups name : -Grade

St Mary Church – Ottawa SS Group’s name :…… ……………………….. – Grade : …6/7……

|Preparation date |7 Tout 1729/September 17, 2012 |Service date: 13 Tout 1729/September 23, 2012 | |

|Lesson’s title |Types of Martyrs |

|General purpose |(/ ) Love |(/ ) Faith |( /) Hope |

|Specific purpose |Who are martyrs, who are the types of martyrs, why martyrdom |

| |How to learn from martyrs in our daily lives. |

|Verses of the lesson|Luke 18:29,30 |

|References | |

|illustration tool |None |

|Psalm of the week |None; kids reading St. John's first letter. |

|Personal meditation |My dear Father in Heaven, I thank you for every precious gift you gave me, including your precious martyrs, of any type. Thank you God for giving|

| |them the blessing and willpower to stay honest in your path and deserve your kingdom. Allow us to learn from them O Lord, to grow closer in your |

| |love, to be more like them for the sake of your Holy Name |

|Introduction |[1] Let the kids answer the questions about the first letter of St. John |

| |[2] Who are the martyrs, can you give examples? |

| |[3] There are different types of martyrs, does anybody know the different types and examples? |

|Lesson |[1] Martyrs are those who give the most precious thing they have on earth, their lives, but they happily secede it to be able to be with God in |

| |heaven. |

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| |[2] Martyrdom is not suicide, but ultimate love to Jesus Christ. We take Christianity for granted, but they really lived it in truth, and when |

| |the time came to proclaim their faith, they did so gladly and willingly, even though they were put to death for it. |

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| |[3] The Lord Jesus did warn us that hardships are coming for those who believe in His Name and live by It (Luke 21:14-17). Martyrs took those |

| |hardships gladly. |

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| |[4] Martyrs are the best ambassadors to the Lord Jesus, especially regarding the traits of a true Christian. This is not to say that the Martyrs |

| |did so just to become a good Christian, their true goal was being faithful to Christ Jesus whom they adored with all their hearts, and through |

| |that gave their lives for it. As ambassadors, they provided the seed that made many people know the love of Christ and His church...but all these|

| |martyrs knew, at the time of their martyrdom, is that they love the Lord Jesus and were giving their lives so that they don't deny Him. |

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| |[5] Martyrs show the world, and us, of practical validity of Christ, His salvation, His church, and His love. How else could a church that gave |

| |hundreds of thousands, if not more, of martyrs throughout its almost 2000 year history still stand and be strong, except by the power of The Holy|

| |Spirit? |

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| |[6] There are three types of martyrs: |

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| |[1] Those who die for the sake of faith: We have many examples of those, and those are the majority of the martyrs in our church. The very famous|

| |examples are St. George, St. Mercurious, St. Mina, etc... |

| | |

| |[2] Those who die for the sake of purity: Those are martyrs, who would rather die than break the vow of celibacy that they made with the Lord |

| |Christ. They are mostly female martyrs who were supposed to marry non-Christian powerful people but did not because of their vow of celibacy with|

| |the Lord Christ, and got martyred because of it and their faith and live with the Lord Christ. |

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| |[3] Those who die for the sake of dogma: Believe it or not, some of our martyrs became martyrs on the hands of people calling themselves |

| |Christians but were not, like the Crusaders and Arians (explain why). Even then, our church gave a lot of martyrs for the correct Orthodox faith|

| |against those who called themselves Christians. |

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| |As a final note, martyrs are not only those who we know of in church, every day of every year in the 'Seneksar' we have a lot of saints, the |

| |majority of whom are martyrs. But those are the ones we know of; there are many more we don't know of at all; only God knows. That's why in the |

| |'Heteneyat' in Mass we ask for the intercessions of the 'Saints of this day, each one by his/her name.' Also, martyrdom is not only in old times,|

| |these days every little while we hear of martyrs in our beloved church, like the ones in the 'Kedeseen' Church Christmas before last |

|Conclusion |Christianity is very deep in its meaning, love, and final goal; in Heaven with Our Lord Jesus. Every day we live our lives normally, throughout |

| |whatever we do, and God blesses through everything. That is good, but is that enough. Is our life only for eating and drink and studying and |

| |working, and...and...? If look at the life of saints in general, and martyrs in particular, you will find a central burning love in all of them, |

| |with all their different stories. Before this burning love, they were kings, queens, rulers, actors,magicians, farmers, rich people, poor people,|

| |people of all ethnicities...but after they all were His children; this burning love was their love for Christ. The martyrs gave their lives for |

| |this love, and through their shed blood the Church grew with God's grace. |

|Lesson application | [1] Do you really love the Lord Jesus? |

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| |[2] What are you ready to give (not from your extras) for the Lord Jesus, given that God does not ask all of us to be martyrs in the ways |

| |described above)? |

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| |[3] These martyrs gave their lives so that we can have a strong blessed Church by God's grace; how much do we know about those martyrs; do we |

| |truly enjoy listening to their stories and finding that one thing in their story that really makes me want to apply it in our lives (there always|

| |is that one thing, or more...)? |

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| |[4] The way to grow in God's love like those martyrs, is to grow closer to God himself, and through that a beautiful love will emerge. How to do |

| |that is well known to all of us, the need here is to implement what we know, and God will give grace. |

|Homework |Continue reading whatever we agree on in Sunday's lesson, find a martyr of purity and dogma and get us their name, date of martyrdom and the one |

| |thing about this martyr that really is special to you. |

|Weekly report |# of kids : |Atten. : |Commun. |

|Personal notes |Confes. Date : |Commun. ( ) |# of visited kids : |

| |Bible ( ) |Spiritual book : |

|Notes of servant’s |________________________________________________________________________________ |

|servant |________________________________________________________________________________ |

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