Ontario Genealogical Society

Application Deadline: May 1st of the current year

|Applicant Information |

|Organization name | |

|Street Address | |Apartment/Unit # | |

|City | |Prov. | |Postal | |

| | | | |Code | |

|Contact name |

|Contact title |

|Contact | |Contact | |

|Phone | |E-mail Address | |

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|Project infomration |

|Project Description |

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|Include the nature of the project, goals, and how the project meets the criteria of the grant |

|(Criteria: projects which contribute to the knowledge of genealogical techniques and to the knowledge of genealogy relating to names, places, dates |

|and family histories. This could include creating publications, developing databases, digitization of archival material/collections, hosting training|

|sessions and workshops, and the preservation of archival material/collections.) |

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|Start Date |End Date |

|Milestones |

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|Date |

|Milestone |

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|Project |$0.00 |Grant $ | $0.00 |

|budget $ | |requested | |

|How will the grant money be used for the project? |

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|Other contributors/partners (if any) on the project: |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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