5011 Meadowood Mall, Suite 201 Reno, Nevada 89502.6541 ...

Administration and Discipline

5011 MeadowoodMall, Suite201 Reno,Nevada89502.6541

Tel: 775-688-2620 Fax: 775-688-2628 ToO-free1: -800-746-3980

E-maU: reno@nsbn.state.nv.us

December 8, 2004

Mr. Lome J. Malkiewich, Director Legislative CounselBureau 401 S CarsonStreet CarsonCity, NV 89710

DearMr. Malkiewich:

Pursuantto the provisionsofNRS 622.100,enclosedis a summaryof the mostrecent Disciplinary andLicensure/Certificationactionstakenby the NevadaStateBoardof Nursing. It wasmailed to all healthcarefacilities in the state,is availableon the Board'sweb site at nursinszboard.state.nv.uasn.dwaspublishedin theDecember2004issueof the Board's quarterlynewsmagazine,which is mailedto all Nevadalicenseeandcertificateholdersaswell to key government,legislative,andcommunitystakeholders.

We submitthis list for inclusion on theNevadaLegislature'sweb site section,"Reportsof OccupationalLicensingBoards,"asthe Board's 12/30/04"Quarterly Summaryof Disciplinary Action."

If you haveany questionsregardingthis information,pleasefeel freeto call me at 688-2620.


DebraScott,MS, RN, APN ExecutiveDirector


LIcensureand Certlficadon,2500 W. SaharaAve., Suite207, LasVegas,Nevada89102-4236 Tel: 702-486-5800 . Toll-free: 1-888-590-6726 . Fax: 702.486-5803

E-mail: lasveg:as@nsbn.state.nv.us. Web Site: nursingboard.state.nv.us

Disciplinary and Licensure/Certification Actions taken by the Nevada State Board of Nursing for the period of May 22, 2004 through September 24, 2004

Please note that this list does not include some outcomes of the September 22-24.2004 Board meeting due to legal notice requirements. Those outcomes will be reported in the next disciplinary actions list. This list does include some outcomes of the May J9-2 J. 2004 Board meeting that were not reported earlier due to legal notice


Settlement A2reements and/or Heario2 Outcomes

Batu, Corazon, LPNll 063Reprimandand Classfor violation ofNRS 632.320(14) failure to comply with an orderof theBoard. Buchanan, Mattie, CNAOO908Agreement for Reprimandfor violation ofNRS 6C3il2le.y3,20E(r1ic),frRaNud4u1l2e2n1taApgprleiceamtioenn.tfor:. .

Probationpursuantto NRS 632.320(5) uses anycontrolled substanced, angerousdrug or

intoxicating liquor. Coplin, Beverly, RN31031Agreementfor ReprimandandClassfor violation ofNRS 632.320(7) unprofessionalconduct,and NAC 632.890(11) positive urine/drug screenascondition of employment. Cork (Fitzgerald), Catherine, RN30105 Voluntary Surrenderof Licensein Lieu of OtherDisciplinary Action for violation of NRS 632.320(7) unprofessionalconduct,and NAC 632.890(9) practicing nursingwith or without goodcausewhile impairedand(27) customarystandards. Dinwiddie, Jason, CNAO17l15 Agreement for Probationfor violation ofNRS 632.320 (7) unprofessionalconduct,andNAC 632.890(11) positive urine/drugscreenasa condition of employment. Davis, Dorina, RN28570Licenserevoked for violation ofNRS 632.320(1) submission of fraudulentapplicationand(12) actionin anotherstate. Delgado, Nydia, LPNl1275 Agreement for Fine of$100 for violation ofNRS 632.320(7) unprofessionalconduct~d NAC 632.890(36) practicingwithout an active license.

Dorn, Pamela,LPNI0825 Licenserevoked

for violation ofNRS 632.320(7)

unprofessionacl onduct,andNAC 632.890

(16) failing to documentproperly controlled

substances(,21) obtain,possessf,urnish or



Gordon, Whitney, RN26638Agreementfor



Panroybcaotniotnroplulersds~ut bstotaNnRcSed,a6n32g.e3r2o0u(ds5r)uugsoers

intoxicating liquor. Griffin, Sharon, CNAO11413Certificate revokedfor violation ofNRS 632.320(7) unprofessionacl onduct,(13) deceive,defraud a patient,andNAC 632.890(34) misappropriatingpropertyof a patient. Harling, Thomas, RN39676 License revokedfor violation ofNRS 632.320(7) unprofessionacl onduct,andNAC 632.890 (10) positive urine/drugscreenon duty, (11) positive urine/drugscreenascondition of employmentand(27) customarystandards. Harris, Sherri, RN25153Reprimandand classesfor violation ofNRS 632.320(7) unprofessionalconduct,andNAC 632.890 (24) failing to collaborate,(25) failing to recordor reportto appropriatepersons,and (27) customarystandards. Harrison, Shelli, RN37226Licenserevoked for violation ofNRS 632.320(7) unprofessionalconduct,andNAC 632.890 (16) (a) failing to documentadministrationof controlledsubstancesand(27) customary standards. Hart, Ann Marie, LPN 11847License suspendedandclassorderedfor violation of NRS 632.320(7) unprofessionalconductand NAC 632.890(2) practicingbeyondscope,

(27) customarystandardsand(28) causing harm.

(continued on next page)

Nevada State Board of Nursing Licensure and Disciplinary Actions


Jewett, Ronald, LPNl1524 License revoked for violation ofNRS 632.320 (7) unprofessional conduct and NAC 632.890 (11) positive urine/drug screen as condition of employment, (16)(a) failing to document properly controlled substancesand (21) obtain, possess,furnish or administer prescription drugs expect as authorized. Johnson, Carolyn, RN43556 Agreement for Reprimand and Classes for violation of NRS 632.320 (7) unprofessional conduct, and NAC 632.890 (20) inaccurate recording, falsifying and (27) customary standards. Jones, Cleodis, LPNI0297 Agreement for Reprimand for violation ofNRS 632.320 (13) deceive, defraud a patient. Kenbok, Dawn, RN34951 Agreement for Reprimand for violation ofNRS 632.320 (7) unprofessional conduct, and NAC 632.890 (20) inaccurate recording, falsifying and (27) customary standards. Larsen, James, CNAO16361 Certificate revoked for violation ofNRS 632.320 (14) failure to comply with an order of the Board. Lasala, Michael, RN37830 Voluntary Surrender of License in Lieu of Other Disciplinary Action for violation ofNRS 632.320 (5) controlled substances,(7) unprofessional conduct, and NAC 632.890 (11) positive urine/drug screen as condition of employment. Lopez, Stephanie, RN44038 Agreement for Probation for Monitoring for violation ofNRS 632.320 (7) unprofessional conduct and NAC 632.890 (11) positive urine/drug screen as condition of employment. McDowell, Deketra, RN33425 Agreement for Reprimand for violation ofNRS 632.320 (13) deceive, defraud a patient. Medina, Joey, CNAO17274 Agreement for Probation for Monitoring for violation of NRS 632.320 (7) unprofessional conduct and NAC 632.890 (10) positive urine/drug screen on duty. Minyard, Donna, CNAO16689 Agreement for Suspension/Probation for violation of NRS 632.320 (7) unprofessional conduct,

andNAC 632.890(4) competencenot maintainedand(27) customarystandards. Moir, Michelle, RN32658Agreementfor Reprimandfor violation ofNRS 632.320 (7) unprofessionalconduct,andNAC 632.890(20) inaccuraterecording, falsifying and(27) customarystandards. Mondak, Tiffany, RN35725Voluntary Surrenderof Licensein Lieu of Other Disciplinary Action for violation ofNRS 632.320(7) unprofessionacl onductand(14) failing to comply with an order of the Board, andNAC 632.890(16)failing to document properly the administrationof a controlled substance. Montes, Elizabeth, RN341OS, CRNAOOO17A8greementfor Fine of $100 for violation ofNRS 632.320(7) unprofessionacl onductand(36) practicing without anactivelicense/certificate. Montgomery, Robert, RN09185 Agreement for Probationpursuantto NRS 632.320(5) usesanycontrolledsubstanced, angerous drug or intoxicating liquor Moss, Hilda, RN12464Agreementfor Probationfor violation ofNRS 632.320(5) controlled substancesd, angerousdrugs,or

intoxicating liquor, (7) unprofessional conduct,andNAC 632.890(10) positive urine/drugscreenon duty and(27) customary standards. Nelson,Beverly, RN 23609Agreementfor Suspension/Probatiofnor violation ofNRS 632.320(7) unprofessionacl onduct,and NAC 632.890(9) practicingwith or without goodcauseimpaired,(10) positive urine/drugscreenon duty and(27) customarystandards. Nunez, Dante, CNAO16166Certificate suspendedfor violation ofNRS 632.320(14) violation of a Board order. Odom, Dagny, RN43352Agreementfor Reprimandfor violation ofNRS 632.320(7) unprofessionalconduct,andNAC 632.890 (11) positive urine/drugscreenascondition of employment.

(continuedon nextpage)

NevadaState Board of Nursing Licensure and Disciplinary Actions


Porter, Kimberly, RN12618,APNOO520 Agreementfor Voluntary SUITendeorf License/Cerificatein Lieu of Other Disciplinary Action by the Board for violation ofNRS 632.320(7)'unprofessional conduct,(14) failing to complywith an orderof the Board, andNAC 632.890(21) obtainingor possessinga prescriptiondrug to anyperson,including himself, exceptas directedby a personauthorizedby law to

prescribedrugs. Rowe, Beverly, TRN308743,RN45532

Agreementfor ReprimandandFine of $200

for violation ofNRS 632.320:,(7)


unprofessional conduct and NAC 632.890

(36) practicingwithout anactivelicense.

Sanders,Valone, CNA 16554Reprimand

andProbationextensionfor violation ofNRS

632.320(14) failure to comply with anorder

of the Board.

Shook, Faith, LPNO9729Agreementfor

Probationfor violation ofNRS 632.320(7)

unprofessionalconduct,andNAC 632.890

(11) positive urine/drugscreenascondition

of employment.


Shy, Ronald, RN21177Agreementfor. Probationfor violation ofNRS 632.320(7) unprofessionalconduct,andNAC 632.890 (16) failure to properly document controlledsubstances(,27) customary standards. Steadman,Donna, RN21119Agreement for Reprimandfor violation ofNRS 632.320(7) unprofessionalconduct,and NAC 632.890(20) inaccuraterecording, falsifying and(27) customarystandards. Stone,Carla, RN15033Voluntary SUITender of Licensein Lieu of OtherDisciplinary Action for violation ofNRS 632.320(7) unprofessionalconduct,andNAC 632;890 (10) positive urine/drugscreenon duty. Sutton, Joyce, RN30944Agreementfor Probationfor violation ofNRS 632.320(5) controlledsubstances(,7) unprofessional conduct,andNAC 632.890(27) customary standards.

Swingle,Kermit, RN20836Voluntary Surrenderof Licensein Lieu of Other Disciplinary Action for violation ofNRS (7) unprofessionacl onduct,NAC 632.890(18) diverting supplies,equipmentor drugsand (27) customarystandards. Tarter, Georgia, LPN12270 Agreement for Probationfor violation ofNRS 632.320 (7) unprofessionacl onduct,andNAC 632.890(9) practicingwith or without good causeimpairedand(10) positive urine/drug screenon duty. Trottot, Lisa, LPN10839 Agreementfor i Reprimandfor violationofNRS 632.320 (7) unprofessionacl onduct,andNAC 632.890(20) inaccuraterecording,

falsifying. Wells, Sharon, CNA016934Voluntary Surrenderof Certificatein Lieu of Other Disciplinary Action for violation ofNRS 632.320(7) unprofessionalconduct,and NAC 632.890(27) customarystandards and(33) abuse. Wilder, Tracey, RN41649Agreementfor Probationfor violation ofNRS 632.320(7) unprofessionacl onduct,andNAC 632.890 (9) practicingwith or without goodcause impairedand(27) customarystandards. Winters, Judith, RN31666Agreementfor ReprimandandFine of $200 for violation ofNRS 632.320(7) unprofessional conduct,andNAC 632.890(36) practicing without an active license. Woodard, Shawn, RN27804Voluntary Surrenderof Licensein Lieu of Other Disciplinary Action for violation ofNRS 632.320(1) fraudulentapplication,(7) unprofessionacl onductand(12) actionin

anotherstate,andNAC 632.890(18) diverting supplies,equipmentor drugs.

(continued on next page)

Nevada State Board of Nursing Licensure and Disciplinary Actions


Denials of Applications for Licensure or Certification

Akins, Wendel, RN applicant Buitizon, Juliana, CNA applicant Applications denied for violation ofNRS 632.320 (1) is guilty of fraud or deceit in procuring or attempting to procure a license or certificate pursuant to this chapter.

Carter, Myndie, CNA applicant Cavalier, Marla, CNA applicant Foppiano (Mortensen), Laura, RN applicant Mc Calister, Opal, CNA applicant Tanton, Elaine, RN applicant Wallace, Charles, CNAO14912 Applications denied for violation ofNRS 632.320 (2) is guilty of a felony or any offense (a) involving moral turpitude; or (b) related to the qualifications. functions or duties of a licensee or holder of a certificate. in such case the record of conviction is conclusive evidence thereof

Gozaloff, Barbara, RN applicant Application denied for violation ofNRS 632.320 (7) unprofessional conduct, NAC 632.890 (10) positive urine/drug screen on duty and (11) positive urine/drug screen as condition of employment.

Suelan, Leahtlor, RN/LPN applicant Application deniedfor violation ofNRS 632.320(7) unprofessionalconduct,NAC 632.890(24) failure to collaborateand(27) customarystandards.

Culver, Cashawna, CNA applicant Application deniedfor violation ofNRS 632.320(1) submissionof a fraudulent application,and(2) conviction.

Findinl!s of !!Uilt for Abuse. Nel!lect or Misaoorooriation olaced on the Certified Nursinl! Assistant Rel!istrv bv the Nevada State Health Division's Bureau of Licensure and Certification

Edie, Michell, CNAOI6092 Francrosendo, Metiam, CNA 012213 Verbal/PhysicalAbuse

Penh all, Lydia, CNAOO2087 Slack, Sherry, CNAO13175 Verbal Abuse

Garcia, Tishmal, CNAO13659 Neglect

Valdez, Lolita, CNAOl1687 Misappropriation of Property

Licenses/CertificatesVoided for Nonpayment of Fees

Clemmer, Roberta Ann, RN32215


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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