Permit Reviewer:

Permit Reviewer: Tempi Chaney 17104, 17109-2011-SG

Telephone Number: (301) 952-4707 Superior Financial

Fax Number: (301) 952-4141 Gretta’s Addition to Riverdale

Permit Status: June 29, 2011

E-mail: Tempi.Chaney@ppd.

The following comments were generated from permit review. Any questions or concerns regarding the following should be directed to the reviewer at the phone number provided above. Further comments may be generated when the appropriate information has been submitted. Revised plans and required information must be submitted to the Permit Review Section. To expedite subsequent review, all revised plans and required information must be submitted to the Permit Review Section in one package.

1. Why were two (2) permits applied for one (1) freestanding signs? Or, are you applying for two (2) separate freestanding signs? If you are applying for two (2) different freestanding signs, both signs must be shown on the site plan.

2. Permit 27739-2009-U was approved for an accounting office under the name of Superior Tax and Mortgage. Revise the use and occupancy permit to reflect the correct name shown on the sign, Superior Financial. A use and occupancy permit will also be required for the insurance office, the tag portion and check cashing portion of the business.

3. A check cashing business is permitted in the C-O zone with the approval of a Special Exception. 27-341.01 - ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SPECIFIC SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS

Sec. 27-341.01. Check Cashing Business.

(a) A check cashing business may be permitted, subject to the following:

(1) Hours of operation shall be limited to the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.,

(2) A schedule of fees/charges shall be posted and immediately visible to persons upon entering the Check Cashing Business. A copy of the fee schedule shall also be made available to all persons upon entrance to the Check Cashing Business;

(3) No other business shall share floor space with the Check Cashing Business;

(4) Security lighting and cameras shall be provided on all open sides of the Check Cashing facility providing surveillance of the area within 100 feet from the exterior of the building;

(5) At least one (1) security employee (with no other duties) must be on the premises when the Check Cashing Business is open for business; and

(6) Cashiers must work behind bullet resistant glass.


4. In the CO zone, check cashing is permitted with approval of a special exception. However, all the business shown on your sign can not be in the same building. You can either have the tax office, insurance office and tag office with no check cashing or you can have the check cashing business with none of the office uses which are listed.

5. Submit a copy of the floor plan of the office building demonstrating the location of each business and how access is gained to the businesses.

6. This property was rezoned from R-35 and conditionally approved for the CO zone in 1975 per A-8695c. Condition 3 of the approved re-zoning A-8695c states “Submission of a site plan to the Prince George’s County Planning Board for review relative to landscaping and design.” Since the freestanding sign was not originally shown on the Detailed Site Plans, a revision to the Detailed Site Plan will be required to erect the new freestanding sign. Contact Joe Dehuarte at 301-952-3772 to obtain information for applying for a revision to the Detailed Site Plan.

7. Per Section 27-614 (a) (1) – In all Commercial and Industrial Zones (except the I-3 and U-L-I zones), signs shall only be located on property where the main building associated with the sign is located at least forty (40) feet behind the front street line. It does not appear the building associated with this sign is located forty (40) feet behind the front street line. A Departure from Sign Design Standards will be required. Contact Edward Holley at 301-952-3215 to obtain information on applying for the DSDS.

8. The maximum height of a freestanding sign in the CO zone is 8 feet. The sign shown on the sign detail sheet is shown at 12 feet. Either reduce the height of the sign or apply for a Departure from Sign Design Standards for the height of the sign being over the maximum allowed height.

9. Once revised plans addressing the above comments have been submitted, review will continue and additional comments may be generated based on the revised plans. Submit all requested information in one package.

June 29, 2011 – Comments e-mailed to Steve at steve@. Tempi




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