Generate and Expose Swagger/OpenAPI Definitions for FHIR

Generate and Expose Swagger/OpenAPI Definitions for FHIR

Bruno R Neves & Lee Surprenant, IBM

HL7 FHIR DevDays 2020, Virtual Edition, November 17?20, 2020 | @FirelyTeam | #fhirdevdays | november-2020

HL7?, FHIR? and the flame Design mark are the registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International and are used with permission.

Who are we?

? Bruno R Neves ? Integration Specialist at IBM

? Lee Surprenant ? Software Engineer at IBM


Learning Objectives

? Compare Implementation Guides / FHIR Spec vs API Developer Portal ? Configure and use the fhir-swagger-generator module of IBM FHIR Server ? Expose Open API definitions in an API Developer Portal


Implementation Guides vs API Developer Portal


Implementation Guides vs API Developer Portal



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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