Use of TIBCO Activespaces

TIBCO ACTIVESPACESUSAGE AND USECASES IN SANDBOXPre-requisitesjdk-8u25-windows-i586TIB_rv_8.3.2_win_x86_vc8Binaries UsedTIB_activespaces_2.1.2_win_x86TIB_activespaces-addon_2.1.2_win_x86TIB_bwpluginactivespaces_2.0.0_win_x86Spacebar-2.1-win32.win32.x86Installation DirectoryE:\tibcoResources Tested on 32 bit architecture4 cores24 GB RAM40GB HDDOS Details (Installed with Administrator OS User.)Server <Server IP Address>Administrator user password :- <default>Use of TIBCO ActivespacesStart asmmOpen Command PromptE:cd tibco\as\2.1\asmm\java –jar asmm.jaropen the browser as-agent and create a metaspaceOpen another command promptE:cd tibco\as\2.1\binas-agent.exe –name <name of the member> -metaspace <metaspace name> -discovery <discovery url> -listen <listen url>, Example :- as-agent.exe –name hari –metaspace asm –discovery tcp:// –listen tcp:// metaspace would be created and one member “hari” would be connected.Open the browser and check in the asmm url by giving the credentials you provided <except the listen url>You should see the metaspace connected.Also in the command line you will see another member “stat-server” added which belongs to the asmm.Create a spaceFrom as-adminOpen a new command promptE:Cd \tibco\as\2.1\binas-admin.exe –name <name of the member> -metaspace <metaspace name> -discovery <discovery url> -listen <listen url>create space “<space name>”, Example :- create space “myspace”From DesigneriFrom SpacebarUSE CASES:- SCENARIO # 1We already have A metaspace “asm” running on discovery & Listen node “tcp://”What we need to achieveImport data in a space using spacebar from an excel file.Issues FacedHow to determine the Primary Key.How to define datatypes in header.Solution:-In The Excel file the data should be fed in this format.empid[INTEGER key]name[STRING nullable]2Rakesh3Mayur4Prashansa5VineethHere the Header is very important.BOLD Letters in the field name signifies it’s a Primary KeyAfter naming the field we must mention its data type in square bracketsAlso we can mention whether it can take null values or not in the same bracket.The Most important thing:-The name of the sheet would automatically be your Space name.SCENARIO # 2 We have already created a space “ASM”added fields “empid” and “name”filled in a few values to the two fields respectively What we need to achieveIntrospect from the designerAdd more value “1” and “Hari” to the space from the designerSet the persistence value to share all for the space Issues Faced:-Introspected spaces in the designer are non-editable We cannot modify or manipulate the parameters in the introspected space.Solution:-After introspecting the space export the configuration as an XML.Delete the space instance in the designerImport the exported XML fileMake the editable changes Create a space connectionAdd the remaining data through put in a PDCheck the asmm browser.You will find the changes updated in the space retaining the old data. ................

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