Sampling and thematic analysis: a response to Fugard and ...

PublicationsBooks and Research ReportsWith P. Atkinson Ethnography: principles in practice, Tavistock, 1983, 273 pp; Second edition, 1995. (Translated into Spanish and Norwegian.) Third edition, 2007.With J. Scarth The Impact of Examinations on Secondary School Teaching: a research report, School of Education, Open University, 1986.The Dilemma of Qualitative Method: Herbert Blumer and the Chicago tradition, London, Routledge, 1989, 270 pp.Classroom Ethnography, Milton Keynes, Open University Press, 1989, 151 pp. (Translated into Indonesian.)Reading Ethnographic Research, London, Longman, 1990; second edition 1997.What's Wrong with Ethnography, London, Routledge, 1992.The Politics of Social Research, London, Sage, 1995.(with P. Foster and R. Gomm) Constructing Educational Inequality, London, Falmer, 1996.Taking sides in social research: Essays on partisanship and bias, London, Routledge, 2000.Educational Research, Policymaking and Practice, London, Paul Chapman, 2002.Media Bias in Reporting Social Research? The case of reviewing ethnic inequalities in education, London, Routledge, 2006.Questioning Qualitative Inquiry, London, Sage, 2008.Methodology, who needs it?, London, Sage, 2011.(with A. Traianou) Ethics and Qualitative Research, London, Sage, 2012.(with B. Cooper, J. Glaesser, and R. Gomm) Challenging the Qualitative-Quantitative Divide: Explorations in Case-Focused Causal Analysis, London, Continuum, 2012.What is Qualitative Research?, London, Bloomsbury, 2012.The Myth of Research-Based Policy and Practice, London, Sage, 2013.The Limits of Social Science, London, Sage, 2014.Edited CollectionsWith P Woods: The Process of Schooling, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1976.With P Woods: School Experience, Croom Helm, 1977.The Ethnography of Schooling, Nafferton, 1983.With A Hargreaves: The Sociology of Curriculum Practice, Falmer Press, 1984.With P Woods: Life in School: the sociology of pupil culture, Open University Press, 1984.Controversies in Classroom Research, Open University Press, 1986. Second edition 1993.Case Studies in Classroom Research, Open University Press, 1986.With P. Woods: Gender and Ethnicity in Schools, Routledge, 1992.Social Research: Philosophy, Politics and Practice, Sage, 1992.Educational Research: Current Issues, Paul Chapman, 1993.Researching School Experience, London, Falmer, 1999.With R. Gomm and P. Foster: Case Study Method: key texts, key issues, London, Sage, 2000.Educational Research and Evidence-based Practice, London, Sage, 2007.(with Clark, A., Flewitt, R., and Robb, M.) Understanding Research with Children and Young People, London, Sage, 2014.Audio-VideoSage Research Methods Online: Methodology, who needs it?, 2010Open University D849 Podcasts on Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches, and on What is Ethnography?ThesesClassroom Learning, School Interaction and the Concept of Cultural Deprivation, unpublished M.A. (Econ.) thesis, University of Manchester, 1971A Peculiar World? Teaching and Learning in an Inner City School, unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Manchester, 1980Articles in Refereed JournalsThe Organisation of Pupil Participation'. Sociological Review, 22, 3, 1974, 355-368. (Reprinted in A Hargreaves and P Wood (eds.) Classrooms and Staffrooms, Milton Keynes, Open University Press, 1984)'Classroom Ethnography', Educational Analysis, 2, 2, 1980, 47-74'Using Qualitative Methods', Social Science Information Studies, 1, 1981, 209-220, (Reprinted in E. Arriaga, D. Anderton and D.J. Bogue (eds.) Readings in Population Research Methodology, Chicago, Social Development Centre, 1993.)'The Outsider's Advantage: a reply to McNamara', British Educational Research Journal, 7, 2, 1981, pp167-171'Some Reflections on the Macro-Micro Problem in the Sociology of Education', Sociological Review, 32, 2, 1984, pp316-24. (Reprinted in Hammersley (ed) Controversies in Classroom Research.)'From Ethnography to Theory: a programme and paradigm for case study research in the sociology of education', Sociology, 19, 2, 1985, pp244-59.'Ethnography and the Cumulative Development of theory', British Educational Research Journal, 13, 3 1987, pp73-81.'Ethnography for Survival?' British Educational Research Journal, 13, 3, 1987, pp283-95.'Some Notes on the Terms "Validity" and "Reliability"‘ British Educational Research Journal, 13, 1, 1987, pp73-81.'The Problem of the Concept: Herbert Blumer on the relationship between concepts and data', Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 18, 2, 1989, pp133-59. (Reprinted in H J Helle (ed.) Verstehen and Pragmatism: Essays in Interpretative Sociology, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1991.)'A Response to Maines' "Further Thoughts" on Blumer', Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 18, 2, 1989.'Herbert Blumer and qualitative method', International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 3, 1, 1990, pp31-6. 'What's wrong with ethnography? The myth of theoretical description', Sociology, 24, 4, 1990, pp597-615. (Reprinted in A. Bryman and R. G. Burgess eds Qualitative Research, London, Sage, 1999.)'An evaluation of two studies of gender imbalance in classroom interaction', British Educational Research Journal, 16, 2, pp125-43, 1990. (Edited version published in P. Woods and M. Hammersley (eds) Gender and Ethnicity in Schools, Routledge 1992.)'A myth of a myth: an assessment of two studies of option choice in secondary schools', British Journal of Sociology, 42, 1, pp61-94, 1991.`A note on Campbell's distinction between internal and external validity', Quality and Quantity, 25, 4, 1991, pp.381-7.`Some reflections on ethnography and validity', International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 5, 3, 1992, pp195-203.`On feminist methodology', Sociology, 26, 2, 1992, pp187-206. (Reprinted in M. Bulmer (ed) Sociological Research Methods: an introduction, Basingstoke, Macmillan, Third edition, 1999.)`Reflections on the liberal university: truth, citizenship and the role of the academic'. International Studies in the Sociology of Education, 2, 1992, pp163-83.`Research and anti-racism: Peter Foster and his critics', British Journal of Sociology, 1993, 44, 3, pp429-48.`The rhetorical turn in ethnography', Social Science Information, 1993 32, 1, pp. 23-37. (Reprinted in A. Bryman (ed) Ethnography, vol. 4, London, Sage, 2001 and in C. Pole (ed.) Fieldwork, vol. 4, London, Sage, 2005)'On the idea of the teacher as researcher', Educational Action Research 1, 3, 1993. (Reprinted in M. Hammersley (ed.) Educational Research: current issues, London, Paul Chapman, 1993.)'Theory and evidence in qualitative research', Quality and Quantity, 29, 1995 pp55-66.'Post Mortem or Post Modern? Some reflections on British sociology of education', British Journal of Educational Studies, 44, 3, 1996, pp395-408.‘Educational research and teaching: a response to David Hargreaves’ TTA lecture’, British Educational Research Journal, 23, 2, 1997 pp141-61. (Edited version reprinted in B. Moon, J. Butcher, and E. Bird eds. Leading Professional Development in Education, London, RoutledgeFalmer, 2000.)'Qualitative data archiving: some reflections on its prospects and problems', Sociology, 31, 1, 1997 pp131-42. (Reprinted in A. Bryman and R. G. Burgess eds Qualitative Research, London, Sage, 1999.) 'On the foundations of critical discourse analysis', Language and Communication, 17, 3, pp237-48, 1997.‘Telling tales about educational research: a response to John K. Smith’, Educational Researcher, 27, 7, pp18-21, 1998.‘Sociology, what’s it for? A critique of Gouldner’, Sociological Research Online, 4, 3, September 1999.<;‘Not bricolage but boatbuilding: Exploring two metaphors for thinking about ethnography’, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 28, 6, 1999, pp574-85.‘Varieties of social research’, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 3, 3, 2000, pp221-9.‘The relevance of qualitative research’, Oxford Review of Education, 26, 3-4, 2000, pp393-405.‘Whose side was Becker on? Questioning political and epistemological radicalism’, Qualitative Research, 1, 1, pp91-110, 2001. (Shortened version of chapter 3 from Taking Sides in Social Research) (Reprinted in Atkinson, P. and Delamont, S. (eds.) Sage Qualitative Research Methods, Los Angeles, Sage, 2010.)‘On “Systematic” reviews of research literatures: a “narrative” reply to Evans and Benefield’, British Educational Research Journal, 27, 5, pp543-54, 2001. ‘Research as emancipatory: the case of Bhaskar’s realism’, Journal of Critical Realism, 1, 1, 2002, pp33-48.‘Can and should educational research be educative?’, Oxford Review of Education, 29, 1, 2003, pp3-25.‘Media representation of research: the case of a review of ethnic minority education’, British Educational Research Journal, 29, 3, 2003.‘Social research today: some dilemmas and distinctions’, Qualitative Social Work, 2, 1, 2003, pp25-44.‘Should social science be critical?’, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 35, 2, pp175-95, 2005.‘Conversation analysis and discourse analysis: methods or paradigms?’, Discourse and Society, 14, 6, pp751-81, 2003. [Reprinted in Wodak, R. (ed.) Critical Discourse Analysis, London, Sage, 2013.]‘Towards a usable past for qualitative research’, International Journal of Social Research Methodology (Special issue on ‘Celebrating classic sociology’), 7, 1, pp19-27, 2004.‘Action research: a contradiction in terms?’, Oxford Review of Education, 30, 2, pp165-81, 2004. (reprinted in Campbell, A. and Groundwater-Smith, S. (eds.) Action Research in Education, Thousand Oaks CA, Sage, 2010)‘What can the literature on communities of practice tell us about educational research? Reflections on some recent proposals’, International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 28, 1, 2005, pp5-21.‘The myth of research-based practice: the critical case of educational inquiry’, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 8, 4, 2005, pp317-30.‘Ethnography and discourse analysis: incompatible or complementary?’, Polifonia, 10, 2005.‘Is the evidence-based practice movement doing more good than harm? Reflections on Iain Chalmers’ case for research-based policymaking and practice’, Evidence and Policy, vol. 1, no. 1, 2005, pp1-16.‘Countering the “new orthodoxy” in educational research: a response to Phil Hodkinson’, British Educational Research Journal, 31, 2, 2005.‘Philosophy who needs it? The case of social science research on education’, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 40, 2, 2006, pp273-86.‘The issue of quality in qualitative research’, International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 30, 3, 2007, pp287-306.‘Ethnography: problems and prospects’, Ethnography and Education, 1, 1, 2006, pp3-14‘Troubling criteria: a critical commentary on Furlong and Oancea’s framework for assessing educational research’, British Educational Research Journal, 34, 6, 2008, pp 747 – 762.‘Against the ethicists: on the evils of ethical regulation’, International Journal of Social Research Methodology 12, 3, 2009, pp 211-225.‘Causality as Conundrum: The Case of Qualitative Inquiry’ Methodological Innovations Online [Online], 2(3), (2008, January 3). Available at: ‘Challenging relativism: the problem of assessment criteria’, Qualitative Inquiry, 15, 1, 2009, pp3-29.‘Why Critical Realism Fails to Justify Critical Social Research’, Methodological Innovations Online , 4, 2, 2009, pp1-11.‘Reproducing or constructing? Some questions about transcription in social research’, Qualitative Research, 10, 5, pp1-17, 2010.‘Can we re-use qualitative data via secondary analysis? Notes on some terminological and substantive issues’, Sociological Research Online, 15, 1, 2010. Available at:‘A historical and comparative note on the relationship between analytic induction and grounded theorising’, Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 11(2), 2010, Art. 4, Available at: .‘The Problem of the Disappearing Dilemma: Herbert Blumer on sociological method’, History of the Human Sciences, 23, 5, pp70-90, 2010.‘Aristotelian or Galileian? On a puzzle about the philosophical sources of analytic induction’, Journal for a Theory of Social Behaviour, 40, 4, 2010, pp393-409.‘On Becker’s studies of marihuana use as an example of analytic induction’, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 41, 4, 2011 pp535 - 566.‘Troubling theory in case study research’, Higher Education Research and Development, 31, 3, pp393-405, 2012.‘On the ethics of interviewing for discourse analysis’, Qualitative Research, 14, 5, 2014, pp529-541.‘Translating research findings into educational policy or practice: the virtues and vices of a metaphor’, Nouveaux c@hiers de la recherche en éducation,?Volume?17,?Numéro?1,?2014,?Pages?54-74, and Revue suisse des sciences de l’éducation, 36 (2) 2014, 213-228.‘The perils of “impact” for academic social science’, Contemporary Social Science, 9, 3, 2014, pp345-355. ‘The crisis in economics: what can it tell us about social science?’, Contemporary Social Science, 9, 3, 2014, pp338-44.‘Research ethics and the concept of children’s rights’, Children and Society, 29, 6, pp569-82, 2015. ‘On ethical principles for social research’, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 18, 4, 2015, pp433-49.‘Can academic freedom be justified? Reflections on the arguments of Robert Post and Stanley Fish’, Higher Education Quarterly, 70, 2, pp108-26, 2016.‘An Ideological Dispute: Accusations of Marxist Bias in the Sociology of Education During the 1970s’, Contemporary British History, 30, 2, 2016, pp242-59.‘Glossing inadequacies: problems with definitions of key concepts in some methodology texts’, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, forthcoming. ‘Reflections on the value of ethnographic re-studies: learning from the past’,International Journal of Social Research Methodology, forthcoming. ‘Childhood Studies: A sustainable paradigm?’, Childhood, forthcoming.With P Atkinson and S Delamont, 'British Qualitative Traditions: a reply to Jacob', Review of Educational Research, 58, 2, 1988, pp 231-50 (Edited version reprinted in M. Hammersley Educational Research, London, Paul Chapman, 1993.)With P. Foster ‘A review of reviews: structure and function in reviews of educational research;, British Educational Research Journal, 24, 5, pp609-28, 1998.With P. Foster and R. Gomm ‘Case studies as spurious evaluations: the example of research on educational inequalities’, British Journal of Educational Studies, 48, 3, pp215-30, 2000.With R. Gomm, 'Bias in social research', Sociological Research Online, vol. 2, no. 1, 1997< A Hargreaves 'CCCS Gas', Oxford Review of Education, 8, 2, 1982, 139-44With J Scarth 'Questioning Oracle', Educational Research, 28, 3, 1986, pp174-84. (Reprinted in R. Gomm & P. Woods (eds) Educational Research in Action, London, Paul Chapman 1993.)With J Scarth ‘More Questioning of Oracle', Educational Research, 29, 1, 1987, pp37-46.With J Scarth 'Examinations and Teaching', British Educational Research Journal, 14, 3, 1988, pp 231-49.With J. Scarth 'Beware of Wise Men bearing gifts: a case study in the misuse of educational research', British Educational Research Journal, 1993. (Reprinted in R. Gomm and P. Woods (eds) Educational Research in Action, London, Paul Chapman, 1993.)With Peggy Treseder, ‘Identity as an analytic problem: who’s who in “pro-ana” web-sites?’, Qualitative Research, 7, 3, 2007, pp283-300.With A. Traianou ‘Making science education evidence-based? Reflections on a Teaching and Learning Research Programme (TLRP) study’, Oxford Review of Education, 34, 4, pp461-81, 2008.With A. Traianou (2011): ‘Moralism and research ethics: a Machiavellian perspective’, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 14, 5, pp379-390.With A. Traianou (2013) ‘Foucault and Research Ethics: On the autonomy of the researcher’, Qualitative Inquiry, 20, 3, pp227–238.With A. Traianou (2014) ‘An Alternative Ethics? Justice and Care as Guiding Principles for Qualitative Research’, Sociological Research Online, 19, 3.Articles in Edited Collections'The Mobilisation of Pupil Attention' in M Hammersley and P Woods (eds.) The Process of Schooling, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1976, 104-15. (Greek translation in School and the Classroom: sociological perspectives, Athens, Kyriakidis, 1999.)'School Learning: the cultural resources required to answer a teacher's question' in P Woods and M Hammersley (eds.) School Experience, Croom Helm, 1977, 57-86.'Towards a Model of Teacher Activity' in J Eggleston (ed.) Teacher Decision Making in the Classroom, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1979, 181-92.'Putting Competence into Action' in M MacLure and P French (eds.) Adult-Child Conversation, Croom Helm, 1980, 47-58.'On Interactionist Empiricism' in P. Woods (ed.) Pupil Strategies, Croom Helm, 1980, 198-213.'Ideology in the Staffroom: a critique of false consciousness' in L Barton and S Walker (eds.) Schools, Teachers and Teaching, Falmer Press, 1981.'The Sociology of Classrooms' in A. Hartnett (ed.) Educational Studies and Social Science, Heinmann 1981, 227-42.'Making a Vice of our Virtues: notes on theory in ethnography and history' in S Ball and I Goodson (eds.) Defining the Curriculum, Falmer Press, 1984, 15-24.'The Researcher Exposed: a natural history' in R G Burgess (ed.) The Research Process in Educational Settings, Falmer Press, 1984, 39-67.'The Paradigmatic Mentality: a diagnosis' in L Barton and S Walker (eds.) Social Crisis and Educational Research, Croom Helm, 1984, 230-55.'Staffroom News' in A Hargreaves and P Woods (eds.) Classrooms and Staffrooms: the sociology of teaching, Open University Press, 1984, 230-14.'Ethnography: what it is and what it does' in S Hegarty (ed.) Research in Special Education, NFER/Nelson, 1985, 152-63.'Measurement in Ethnography' in M Hammersley (ed.) Controversies in Classroom Research, Open University Press, 1986.‘Deconstructing the qualitative-quantitative divide’, in Brannen, J. (ed.) Mixing Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Research, Aldershot, Avebury, 1992.'An appraisal of “Labouring to learn”', in R. Gomm and P. Woods (eds.) Educational Research in Action, London, Paul Chapman 1993.'Introducing ethnography', in D. Graddol, J. Maybin, and B. Stierer (eds) Researching Language and Literacy in Social Context, Clevedon, Multilingual Matters, 1993.'Ethnography, policy-making and practice in education', in B. Troyna and D. Halpin (eds.) Researching Education and Policy, London, Falmer, 1994.'The relationship between quantitative and qualitative research', in J Richardson (ed.) Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for Psychology and the Social Sciences, Leicester, British Psychological Society Books, 1996.(with D. Boulton) ‘The analysis of unstructured data’, in R. Sapsford and V. Jupp (eds.) Data Collection and Analysis, London, Sage. (revised version of DEH313 unit).'Educational inequality as a social problem: the case of England', in B. Cosin and M. Hales (eds) Families, Education and Social Differences, London, Routledge, 1997.'Partisanship and credibility: the case of anti-racist educational research', in P. Connolly and B. Troyna (eds) Researching 'Race" in Educational Settings, Buckingham, Open University Press, 1998.‘The profession of a “methodological purist”?’, in G. Walford (ed) Doing Research about Education, London, Falmer Press, 1998.‘Get real! A defence of realism’, in P. Hodkinson (ed.) The Nature of Educational Research: Realism, Relativism, or Post-Modernism?, Crewe, Crewe School of Education, Manchester Metropolitan University, 1998. Reprinted in H. Piper and I. Stronach (eds.) Educational Research: Difference and Diversity, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2004.‘Evidence-based practice in education and the contribution of educational research’ (revised version of ‘Educational research and teaching: a response to David Hargreaves’ TTA lecture’, British Educational Research Journal, 23, 2, 1997 pp141-61), in S. Reynolds and E. Trinder (eds) Evidence-Based Practice, Oxford, Blackwell, 2000. (Reprinted on the web-site of D847 Dissertation Module, Faculty of Social Sciences, The Open University).'Taking sides against research: an assessment of the rationales for partisanship', in D. Scott (ed) Values and Educational Research, Bedford Way Papers, Institute of Education, University of London, 2000.‘Ethnography and realism’ (from What’s Wrong with Ethnography?) in R. M. Emerson (ed) Contemporary Field Research, Second Edition, Prospect Heights Illinois, Waveland Press, 2001‘Obvious, all too obvious? Methodological issues in using sex/gender as a variable in educational research', in B. Francis and C. Skelton (eds) Perspectives on Gender and Education, Buckingham, Open University Press, 2001.‘Ethnography and realism’ (Chapter 3 from What’s Wrong with Ethnography), in M. Huberman and M. B. Miles (eds) The Qualitative Researcher’s Companion, Thousand Oaks CA, Sage, 2002.‘Ethnography and the disputes over validity’, in G. Walford (ed.) Debates and Developments in Ethnographic Methodology, Amsterdam, JAI Press, 2002.‘Teaching qualitative methodology: craft, profession, or bricolage?’, in C. Seale, D. Silverman (eds.) Handbook of Qualitative Research Practice, London, Sage, 2004.‘Some questions about research and evidence-based practice in education’, in G. Thomas and R. Pring (eds.) Evidence-Based Practice in Education, Buckingham, Open University Press, 2004.‘Should ethnographers be against inequality? On Becker, value neutrality and researcher partisanship’, in B. Jeffrey and G. Walford (eds.) Ethnographies of Educational and Cultural Conflicts: Strategies and resolutions, Oxford, Elsevier, 2004.‘Is social research political?’ (from The Politics of Social Research), ‘Taking sides in research’ (from Taking Sides in Social Research), and ‘The rhetorical turn in ethnography’, reprinted in C. Pole (ed.) Fieldwork, vols 3 and 4, London, Sage, 2005.‘Ethnography, toleration and authenticity: ethical reflections on fieldwork, analysis and writing’, in G. Troman, B. Jeffrey, and G. Walford (eds.) Methodological Issues and Practices in Ethnography, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2005.‘Systematic or unsystematic, is that the question? Reflections on the science, art, and politics of reviewing research evidence’, in A. Killoran, C. Swann, and M. Kelly (eds.) Public Health Evidence: changing the health of the public, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2006.‘Troubles with triangulation’, in Bergman, M. (ed.) Advances in Mixed Methods Research, London, Sage, 2008.‘Assessing validity in social research’, in Alasuutari, P., Bickman, L. and Brannen, J. (eds.) Handbook of Social Research Methods, London, Sage, 2008.'What is evidence for evidence-based practice?', in Otto, H-U, Polutta, A., and Ziegler, H. (eds.) Evidence-based Practice – Modernising the Knowledge Base of Social Work, Opladen, Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2009.‘The Problem of the Disappearing Dilemma: Herbert Blumer on sociological method’, in Hart, C. (ed.) The Legacy of the Chicago School of Sociology, Poynton, Midrash Publications, 2010.‘Is social measurement possible, or desirable?’, in Walford, G. Tucker, E., and Viswanathan, M. (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Measurement: How Social Scientists Generate, Modify, and Validate Indicators and Scales, London, Sage, 2010.‘Objectivity: a reconceptualisation’, in Williams, M. and Vogt, P. (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Methodological Innovation, London, Sage, 2011.‘What is evidence for evidence-based practice?', in St. Clair, R. (ed.) (2009) Education Science: critical perspectives, Rotterdam, Sense Publishers.‘On transcription’, in Delamont, S. (ed.) Handbook of Qualitative Research in Education, Elgar, 2012.‘Am I Now, Or Have I Ever Been, A Symbolic Interactionist? Autobiographical Reflections’, Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Volume 36, Bingley UK, Emerald, 2012.‘How is the knowledge about childhood produced? The issue of methodology’, in Kehily, M. J. (ed.) Understanding Childhood: a cross-disciplinary approach, Bristol, Policy Press, 2013. [Teaching text]‘Researching children’s lives offline and online’, in Bragg, S. and Kehily, M. J. (eds) Children and Young People’s Cultural Worlds, Bristol, Policy Press, 2013. [Teaching text]‘Using visual data in research on childhood’, in Clark, A. (ed.) Childhoods in Context, Bristol, Policy Press, 2013. [Teaching text]‘Research on childhood issues as social problems’, in Montgomery, H. (ed.) Local Childhoods, Global Issues, Bristol, Policy Press, 2013. [Teaching text]‘Research design’ in Clark, A. et al (eds) Understanding Research with Children and Young People, London, Sage, 2014. [Teaching text]‘Methodological ideas’ in Clark, A. et al (eds) Understanding Research with Children and Young People, London, Sage, 2014. [Teaching text]‘Questions of quality in educational research’, in Reid, A., Hart, E. P. and Peters, M. (2014) A Companion to Research in Education, Dordrecht, Springer.‘Methodology: the essence of sociology?’, in Holborn, M. (ed.) Contemporary Sociology, Cambridge, Polity, 2014. [Teaching text]‘Ethnography “inside”, viewed from “outside”: Some reflexive thoughts’, in Drake, D., Earle, R., and Sloan, J. (eds) Palgrave Handbook of Prison Ethnography, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.‘The Values of Social Research: Epistemic and Ethical’, in Tolich, M. and Iphofen, R. (eds) The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research Ethics, London, Sage, forthcoming.‘The emergence of the ethnography of education in England’, in Beach, D., Bagley, C., and da Silva, S. M. (eds) International handbook on the ethnography of education, Chichester, Wiley, forthcoming.With P. Atkinson `Ethnography and Participant Observation' in N.K. Denzin and Y. S. Lincoln (eds) Handbook of Qualitative Research, Thousand Oaks, Sage, 1994. (Reprinted in N.K. Denzin and Y. S. Lincoln (eds) Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry, Thousand Oaks CA, Sage, 1998.)With P. Foster and R. Gomm ‘Case study and generalisation’, in R. Gomm, M. Hammersley and P. Foster (eds) Case Study Method: key texts, key issues, London, Sage, 2000.With P. Foster and R. Gomm ‘Case study and theory’, in R. Gomm, M. Hammersley and P. Foster (eds) Case Study Method: key texts, key issues, London, Sage, 2000.With R. Gomm ‘Recent radical criticism of the interview in qualitative inquiry’. In Holborn, M. and Haralambos, M. (eds.) Developments in Sociology, Volume 20, Ormskirk, Causeway Press/Edinburgh, Pearson Education, 2005. (Reprinted in Questioning Qualitative Inquiry, London, Sage, 2008.)With J. Scarth 'Some Problems in Assessing Tasks for Closedness' in M. Hammersley (ed.) Case Studies in Studies in Classroom Research, Open University Press, 1986.With J Scarth and S Webb 'Developing and Testing Theory: the case of research on examination and pupil learning' in R G Burgess (ed.) Issues in Educational Research, Falmer Press, 1985, 48-66.With G Turner 'Conformist Pupils?' in P Woods (ed.) Pupil Strategies, London, Croom Helm, 1980, 29-49Shorter Papers and Responses'The Interpretive Attack on Statistics', Radical Statistics, May 1979'Revisiting Hamilton and Delamont: a cautionary note on the relationship between “systematic observation” and ethnography', Research Intelligence, 20, 1985, pp 3-5'Heap and Delamont on transmissionism and British ethnography', Curriculum Inquiry, 17, 2, 1987'On Transmissionism and Evaluative Inquiry: a reply to Heap', Curriculum Inquiry, 18, 2,. 1988'A response to Carl Couch', Contemporary Sociology 21, 3, 1992, 417-8.`A response of Barry Troyna's "Children" Race' and Racism: the limits of research and policy,' British Journal of Educational Studies, XXXX, 2, 174-7, 1992.`Introducing Ethnography', Sociology Review, 2, 2, November 1992'Abandoning Internal and External Validity: A response to Peter Swanborn', Quality and Quantity, 27, 1993, 217-8.'On methodological purism: a response to Barry Troyna', British Educational Research Journal, 19, 4 1993, 339-41.'On constructivism and educational research methodology: a comment', Newsletter of International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, May 1993, 6-8.'On feminist methodology: a response', Sociology 28, 1, 293-300, 1994.'Opening up the quantitative-qualitative divide', British Psychological Society Education Section Review, 19, 1, 1995, 2-9.'Who's afraid of positivism: a reply to Shilling and Abraham', British Journal of Sociology of Education, 16, 2, 1995.‘Selling science short’, Times Higher Education Supplement, December 1st, 1995. Available at (accessed 29.1.14): 'Playing Aunt Sally: an open letter to Pat D'Arcy', Educational Action Research, Volume 3, No. 1, 1995'Comment', Current Anthropology, 36, 1, 1995, pp119-120.‘Invited response to a review of The Politics of Social Research’, British Journal of Educational Psychology, 66, 2, 1996, p282.‘On the foundations of critical discourse analysis’, Centre for Language in Education, University of Southampton, Occasional Papers, No. 42.'Academic research and the voluntary sector: a response', International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 1, 3, 251-4, 1997.'A reply to Humphries', Sociological Research Online, 2, 4, 1997<;‘Who questions the questioners?’, Times Educational Supplement, October 9, 1998, p25.‘Report - Interactive Social Science: a conference on the production and consumption of social science research’, Research Intelligence, newsletter of the British Educational Research Association, April, 1999.‘Irresponsible communication?’, Network, newsletter of the British Sociological Association, 74, October 1999.‘Reflections on the current state of qualitative research’, Research Intelligence, newsletter of the British Educational Research Association, 70, December, 1999.‘The sky is never blue for modernisers’, Research Intelligence, 72, 2000.‘On Michael Bassey’s concept of the fuzzy generalisation’, Oxford Review of Education, 27, 2, pp219-25, 2001.‘A response to partisan reviews’, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 22, 3, pp435-9, 2001.‘Interpreting achievement gaps: some comments on a dispute’, British Journal of Educational Studies, 49, 3, pp285-98, 2001.‘Recent radical criticism of interview studies: any implications for the sociology of education?’, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 24, 1, 2003, pp119-126.'Making educational research fit for purpose? 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