
Sebastian’s Story

It was Mother’s Day 2003, the day after Sebastian was born that we were given the diagnosis of Tetralogy of Fallot. This was a complete shock. How could this happen? The pregnancy was normal and now we were being told our newborn son could turn blue, have slow growth and would need open heart surgery, therefore; be prepared for the worst.

After several doctor appointments, x-rays and ultra sounds of his heart, we were told it was time for the surgery. Sebastian was thirteen weeks old at this time and the surgery came much sooner than we had anticipated. When the big day came and the surgery was over, the surgeon met with us and told us that Sebastian’s heart was in worse condition than they had thought, but the surgery went well. But instead of the 5 days of being in the hospital, expect 7-10 days. Sebastian spent the next 19 days on a ventilator in the Intensive Care Unit (I.C.U.). Of those 19 days, we had very few bad days, but the bad days we had consisted of needing platelets, trying to get his blood pressure under control and just wanting to see the color of his eyes again.

After Sebastian came off the ventilator, we moved to a different part of the hospital for a few days before going home. Two days after being home we ended up back in the same I.C.U. for a drug addiction. We had to spend one more day in the I.C.U. while the doctors figured out a drug weaning plan. We were able to go home, but had to deal with many days and nights of providing different medicines at different times. But after about a month and a half, he was no longer addicted.

Now years later, Sebastian is a normal, healthy child and is even on McKenna Elementary PAWS unicycle team. Sebastian will need an additional surgery, but he is doing so well and has exceeded expectations with his doctor hoping to get to his teenage years before having to do the second surgery.

The facts: (according to the American Heart Association)

➢ 8 out of every 1,000 births will have some form of congenital heart disorder (CHD).

➢ Approximately 36,000 babies are born with a heart defect each year.

➢ About 1.3 million Americans born with a CHD are alive today.

➢ Cardiovascular disease ranks as the number 2 cause of death for children under the age of 15.

Our son is here today because of the research made by the American Heart Association. We are truly blessed with Sebastian’s inspiring life.

Sebastian is in your community and attends McKenna Elementary.

Darin and Kristy Creamer

Jump Rope for Heart

By helping the American Heart Association through Jump Rope for Heart, you will have helped your family, friends and neighbors live healthier lives. JRFH envelopes with money are due Friday, February 12th. If you raised money online, bring a printed copy of the summary. Go to , click fundraising, go to Jump Rope for Heart, and click I am ready. Click on the Washington state, write McKenna in the search box, and click on McKenna Elementary. On this page, click Check Reports then enter student name and password. Print the report and return it with the donation envelope. Thanks again for being a Heart Hero!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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