The Partnership Covenant with Jesus chart

Heart to Heart

Partnership with Jesus chart

Warren David Horak

a practical way to overcome our mountains

Note: It will be much more helpful to study this document in conjunction with the audio teaching on CD.

Breakthrough so we can break out into His promises and plans

This document is written for those who deeply long for, desire and pursue the testimony of Jesus Christ; being overcomers in this world. It should be our aim to hear the Lord say one day in heaven; “well done good and faithful servant”. One of the main areas of struggle in the Body of Christ today is fulfilling our callings and finishing the race. Our callings are some of the mountains that we have to go through. From the moment God gives us the first word and prophecy for our lives, the enemy who knows Gods voice, now seeks to stop us from completing Gods will and from receiving Gods blessings and promises for our lives.

As we start to obey God in each area, the enemy will come against us in various ways, attacking, wounding, deceiving and resisting us in every way. The areas of demonic blockages can be financial, ministry, relationship and health etc. This process will teach us how to effectively overcome strongholds and blockages that are standing between us and Gods will for our lives. It will help us to breakthrough so we can breakout into His promises for our lives.

In many cases we have the same issues/strongholds for years and we never seem to really breakthrough them. We know that it is wrong and we are desperately trying to overcome, yet, we can’t seem to breakthrough. Each time we are confronted with the same or similar set of circumstances we end up falling into the same old pattern and pits, never really getting the victory.

I am so thankful to the Lord for giving me the Heart to Heart with Jesus chart; it has really helped me and others to face and overcome major mountains in our lives. I trust it will also help you overcome yours.

Open heart surgery

The Heart to heart with Jesus process is spiritual “open heart surgery” with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. This is where we have a heart to heart conversation with Jesus addressing the real deep issues of our hearts. It is painful to go through this operation, but it is the most effective way I have found. God has used this process to help me overcome major, major mountains and strongholds in my life.

The wonderful thing about this process is it establishes and builds a deep and open relationship with us and the Lord as we share our hearts with Him, and His heart with us. This is all part of the heart transplant that Father wants to give His church. Through this process He removes the old stony heart and gives us His heart of flesh. He also shows us the way to overcome both spiritually and practically giving us the wisdom and victory in each are of our lives.

As we go through this process we will see our part, Jesus’ part, the enemies’ part and other people’s part in our mountains. We receive a tremendous amount of wisdom, understanding and revelation which is extremely liberating. The light always brings liberty if we are prepared to come to the light. The questions in each column bring the key issues into the light of our Father’s love. He is light and His love brings true freedom. The actions are also very important biblical steps we not need to do really overcome.

I have found that in each mountain the Lord has called us to go through; there is much hidden treasure. If we will only take the time to pray each mountain through, we will find so much treasure in the darkest, most difficult and painful areas of our lives. ‘I will go before you  And make the crooked places straight;   I will break in pieces the gates of bronze    And cut the bars of iron. 3     I will give you the treasures of darkness  And hidden riches of secret places,  Isaiah 45:2-3a. This scripture becomes reality as we go through our mountains with Jesus, He makes the crooked areas of our lives straight; He breaks the gates of bronze, that is the prison cells satan has put us in.

Then after He has set us free from the pain we have been through He turns it into treasures and riches, as we overcome by His power and grace. His ways are truly wonderful and majestic. Our darkest most difficult trials lead to the greatest treasures and riches of all. There are valuable lessons we each need to learn many of which we will only be able to learn if we go through our mountains and not over them.

These lessons will help us to not repeat the same mistakes that we made in the past. As the saying goes, “those who fail to learn from the past mistakes are doomed to repeat them.” There is much mixture in our hearts; as we go through this process the mixture will become evident and we can have clean hands and pure heart; then we will see God.

Everything we need to learn and know is provided on the path through our mountains. So let’s not waste our mountains. As we overcome in each area the grace that He has given us is now the heavenly treasure we can pass on to those we are called to minister to – 2 Corinthians 1:3-4. This is truly pain with purpose.

Counselling tool

This process is wonderful tool in the hands of leaders and pastors. It can be used when a person is battling with any specific area. No matter where the problem is; whether it is at home or in their jobs or ministries etc; this process will help them go through it and overcome it with Jesus. This will save a huge amount of counselling time and will help the person get connect directly with the main counsellor, the Holy Spirit and Jesus. Jesus is the source of all life. People are changed as they hear God speak directly to them. Just one word from God can and will change our lives for ever.

This tool also is an excellent tool to help counsel someone who has gone through some major trauma; it is also very useful for deliverance from strongholds. As we walk through this process with the person, the Holy Spirit will do all the work in the person.

It also helps to solve issues of relationship problems etc. Example, if you have two people who are not able to work in unity then they can both work through their mountains – there mountain would be defined as: Walking and working with John or Jenny etc. As the counsellor/facilitator you could then look at both “heart charts” and see where you could help each person better understand and overcome. The main counsellor always is the Lord himself. This is what makes this chart so awesome and powerful.

Each person is set free as they face their mountains and go through them. The Lord has shown us that going through it is more fruitful than going over it.

The pattern of the chart

The partnership covenant with Jesus is divided into three areas or columns – The first column defines the problem, – mountain/ tree of death, fruit, root and soil. Then we see what Jesus is doing – uprooting and planting new tree. Then we see what we have to do – tending the new tree. Each column has number of questions we need to address with the Lord.

In order go through our maintains, we need to draw up a Heart to Heart Partnership with Jesus chart – it is comprised of three columns, there are three parts to our partnership with Jesus.

1. Column 1 - Define the problem – situation

2. Column 2 – Jesus’ part

3. Column 3 - My part

This is our heart to heart with Jesus concerning our mountains. Our lives are in partnership with Jesus through a new blood covenant He has made with us. This covenant is established in His love for us and based on the terms and conditions of His commandments and promises. In order to inherit the promises for our lives, we need to know both the commands of the covenant and the promises. The key is to know the truth and to pray it through. The best way to know the truth is to seek and ask Jesus questions. The only way we will overcome is through intimacy with Jesus, this all happens through our prayer life. We will only overcome on our knees before His throne of grace and mercy.


❖ If this is your first mountain and or you are a new believer, then I would recommend that you go through the Heart to Heart chart with someone who is experienced in overcoming their own mountains.

❖ Where do I start? This is very important question, what I suggest you do is ask the Lord to show you all of your mountains. Make a list of them and prioritise them from the most painful to the least painful. Then I suggest you start with the most painful mountain, as this one is most probably where the Lord wants to help you at the moment. The mountain where the pressure currently is on you. Once you go through this very painful mountain it will give you much more strength to face the smaller mountains. Remember we don’t overcome by running from our mountains, the wall of fear in all its components, is what is standing between you and complete victory and freedom. To overcome fear we need to face it with Jesus. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;   And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you.     When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you. Isaiah 43:2

❖ I would highly recommend that all those who are going through their mountains do so in conjunction with the Hour of Power.

❖ The key to be set free is love for the truth; as the light of truth of His word exposes the darkness in hearts. Only those who love the truth more than their own lives, will want to go through their mountains. Pray that Father gives you a love for the truth in all areas of your heart and life.

❖ You need set enough time aside to do your mountain you will need quite a few hours to complete one mountain. The time needed differs from one mountain to the next. I also suggest that you don’t leave the mountain without at least going into column two as this is where your healing and comfort really happens. If you do leave the prayer time, before column two, then you leave with your heart very open and tender.

❖ I recommend you move through one mountain at a time and to keep focused. Don’t drag it out over months but put the time in so you can finish the process. There is no sense in prolonging the pain over months. I’m not recommending you rush through it, as you need to do each mountain thoroughly, so that there is a complete healing and victory taking place. Once you confront it, focus and move through it. You might have to revisit it from time to time as the Lord leads, to adress new or outstanding issues as they crop up. But once you have finished it, you will have a new heart in this area of your life. The mountain is not complete unto you see complete victory and Gods promises coming to pass in that area/calling of your life. Once you have finished the process of the chart you should have your own faith proclamations written in your Eternal Plan, which you are now standing on and praising God for.

❖ Recommended reading: To really understand more about how your heart works, you can read the castle and the castle guards by Mitt Jeffords. This is a vision the Lord gave him about the human heart. This vision and word is simply awesome and has helped me so much. If you need a copy you can just send us an email requesting a copy.

❖ Each time you go through a mountain, use this guideline and check these notes to make sure you don’t miss anything; this will help you to complete each step thoroughly.

❖ Don’t forget to set up to do list for your actions and to be faithful in doing your part.

❖ You cannot go through your mountain without His anointing and His manifest presence; as the mountains melt like wax in His presence and it is only by the Power of the Holy Spirit that the mountains are overcome Zec 4:6

The heart to heart process

1. Define the problem – Column 1

We need to know and understand the problem that causes our hearts to stumble – Ask the Holy Spirit to define the whole problem to you based on the following questions. Where are you Adam? We can’t make out our path if we don’t even know where we are now. In this column we look at the mountain/tree, fruit, root, the soil etc.

a. Mountain:

i. Three categories of mountains:

Here we identify the mountain - Acts 14:22

a. Calling mountains: Most of the time our mountain is our calling – as we are called to the following areas. Our mountain is basically God will for our lives in all the areas of our lives.

b. Trauma mountains: We can also have mountains based on major crises in our lives like divorce etc.

c. Stronghold mountains: We can also have a mountain based on a central stronghold for example fear or anger etc.

ii. Examples of mountains that we face are:

a. Calling mountains: Relationships - Family, mother, father, brother, spouse, children, other key relationships,(you can do one mountain per person just put their name as the mountain) finances, businesses, stewarding our bodies (diets, health), job, partnership, marriage, ministry, church, to be discipled, projects etc.

b. Trauma mountains: major crisis’s like death of loved one, sudden major sickness, accident, rape, robbery, murder, persecution, physical abuse, bankruptcy, any other major disaster in ones life.

c. Stronghold mountains: fear, lust, pride, unforgiveness, anger, poverty, depression, sickness, jezebel etc.

iii. Calling Mountains: As we go through our mountains we will find out what is really going on in our hearts and the other peoples hearts. Each aspect of our calling will eventually become a mountain we need to go through. The mountain is made up of the demonic resistance that comes our way as we try and fulfil our callings. The will of God leads us through the mountain. In order to fulfil God calling we have to go though the mountain. We need to identify the strongholds. The mountain is all the resistance we face, as we face the resistance our strongholds and sins are revealed and exposed. This process now provides a clear way for us to get delivered from our strongholds.

iv. Trauma Mountains: for trauma mountains it is advisable that you have someone with you who knows the Heart to Heart process well enough to help you go through your mountain. Someone you can call and ask for advice or prayer.

Example: The mountain is finances with the stronghold of material poverty. We are called to financial freedom; we need finances to fulfil our callings. We are all called to be wise stewards over our finances. As we go into our callings the spirit/stronghold of poverty will have to be dealt with and overcome.

b. Sin:

i. Identify fruit/ sin – which is my plan and way to deal with mountain: Luke 6:43-44; Isaiah 55:7-9. This is the area of our stronghold. As we go through problems in life we will tend to come up with our own carnal way of dealing with the issues. Some of the ways we are using, are godly and right we need to keep doing these. The key here is to ask the Lord to show us areas of sin that manifest in this specific mountain.

ii. As we walk towards our callings and we face resistance – in this case poverty; as God has called each one us to financial freedom. The enemy resists us and as he does all our strongholds and sins will start to manifest. These are the root issues or strongholds. If we don’t overcome them then we won’t inherit the promises the Lord has for us in each area of our callings. We are called to overcome. Following the will of God is the only way to overcome. As His will leads us through things that will expose our weakness and strongholds. The enemy would tell you to leave Gods will as it will be easier. The only way to overcome anything is to face it. This process teaches us how to effectively face our mountains and to fulfil Gods will for our lives.

Example: Worry, not giving freely into His Kingdom, stingy, stealing, lust of the eyes, covetousness, bad stewardship, fear, jealousy, not being honest, witchcraft, idolatry.

c. Needs and motives:

i. Identifying the Roots – these are the needs and motives in our lives. If we find the root then we know what causes the tree or stronghold to stand this is the key to being delivered as our sin is our way of fulfilling these needs. If our motives are wrong then the fruit will also be corrupted. What do we desire, want, what is the area of lack in our lives – Matthew 3:10-11, James 1: 14-15.

ii. In each area of weakness and sin you will find a need and or motive. We need to find out; what is driving us? These are the root issues. What makes me do the things I do? Why do I sin? Etc. My motive and justification for the sin. The motive is the thing that drives us. Some needs are pure and some are not. Many needs are legitimate and some are not. We need to discern these needs. We all have a legitimate need for finances; it is just how we look at meeting this need that makes the difference between sin and righteousness in our lives and bondage and break through.

iii. Coupled with our needs are our motives. For example; you could be a big giver, but have the wrong motive, because when you giving you are looking to impress the pastor and leaders and not trying to please God. These financial seeds are now corrupted by our evil motive and won’t receive Gods blessing – see Matt 6:1-4.

Example: Need for food, clothing and housing, money, security, safety, comfort. Impure motives or needs: Need for approval from man, To be seen by others as successful.

d. Wound:

i. The wounded heart; the wound comes from certain experiences and the sin in our lives that are connected to the mountain. Isaiah 61:1

ii. Identify the wound which is the soil – ground Mark 4: 13-20 the four types of soil in witch the false tree and stronghold grows.

iii. Any pain we have experienced in facing this mountain will make up the wounds in our hearts. If these wounds are not dealt with, then the enemy will always have access to these areas in our lives. We need His healing to be set free. Isaiah 61:1.

Example: the pain of poverty. Growing up in poverty and always never having enough, is my constant memory. The shame of the poverty, when I couldn’t join my friends because my parents never had enough money to pay for me to go on the outing, abuse, fear, rejection because I never had enough.

e. False belief system:

i. Everything we do in our lives is based on our belief system. There are true and false beliefs in us. This is the key to being set free; when we ask the Lord to show us our false beliefs in this area. The false beliefs are beliefs in us they are against what the Word of God says in that area of our lives. Basically we do what we believe is right, this is our self-righteousness. These are our false beliefs. The Lord wants us to be set free and to only do what He thinks is right, this is Gods righteousness. He says our righteousness is as filthy rags before Him. Only His righteousness which is His way of being and doing what is right will set us free. The false belief is the lie I have believed - 2 These 2:9-12 – to deal with the sin and wound, satan sells us the lie which we believe, this is the false belief system, the deception in our hearts. Satan builds his strongholds of deception in our lives on our false beliefs, therefore it is critical to find out what our false beliefs are. The nature of deception is that when we are deceived, we don’t know that we are.

ii. Many of our false beliefs lead us into sin and open the door to sin. For example; “Its ok to worry about my children as I love them and don’t want anything to harm them.” This is false belief as all worry is sin.The only way to get set free is to come into the light which is Gods word and His Spirit. His word is a discerner of the intents of our hearts. His word is able to show us not only whether what we believe is right but also show us our need/motive behind what we are doing.

Example: Note, when writing your false beliefs out it will help to number them example FB 1:… FB 2:…. Etc. so you can keep track of the numbers in the second column when you tackle them through the word of God)

Some false beliefs concerning finances and poverty: “FB 1: God wants me poor. FB 2: God doesn’t really love me. FB 3: It is the governments’ fault that I am poor. FB 4: There is nothing that can be done about it. It is godly to be poor. FB 5: It’s all the devils fault. FB 6: It will always be like this. FB 7: It is for those who are rich to look after me. FB 8: It’s ok to steal as long as I steal from a rich person. FB 9: Money is the root of all evil.”

If we carry on believing these false beliefs and don’t get Gods word on each false belief, we will continue be stuck in the poverty mind set. We need to seek the truth concerning each false belief, in fact it is truth that exposes the false belief.

f. Summary of hearts – Spirit of Understanding:

i. My heart: This is where I summarise my heart. Why do I do the things I do? How am I dealing with the problem? This step is there to see if we really know our own heart in this situation Jeremiah 17:9-10; We need to have an understanding heart – this only comes from His Spirit of counsel. We also need the Spirit of understanding.

ii. As we get more understanding this brings about freedom - Prov 20:5 Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water,  But a man of understanding will draw it out.

iii. Mark 8:14-21 – our false beliefs harden our heart so we can’t understand what Jesus is trying to teach us.

Example: “As I grew up in poverty the enemy wounded me in many places and he gave many false beliefs, I have being trying to make my own plan to get out of the pit satan and my ancestors dug for me. I have stolen and lusted and even used satanic rituals to get food and to prosper. I also have trusted in the government to pay, my way and prosper me and not the Lord. I need grace and mercy to be healed and set free from the traps of the enemy.”

iv. Their heart: We also need to understand the other persons/people hearts if there are others involved in this problem. We need to seek understanding concerning the other person heart. Ask the Lord for understanding now for their hearts once you understand why they do what they are doing it helps you love them and pray for them. Don’t just focus on the negative points or their weaknesses but also focus on their positive points. This is very important as we are called to love everyone, love believes the best of everyone. Ask the Lord to see them now with His eyes and His heart. When we understand people then we won’t be angry with them. We will start to understand what makes them tick; what are their wounds and what their false beliefs are. Then we will know why they do what they do. Now we can we pray can pray with His understanding and heart of compassion. As we understand we will have more compassion and wisdom to adress the situation. Proverbs 14:29 He who is slow to wrath has great understanding,  But he who is impulsive exalts folly. Understanding someone’s heart releases compassion, patience, “rush is wrong every time”.

Example: “Those who hurt me only did so because they were in their own bondage and pain, those who never helped me when they were supposed to were in the bondage of fear of poverty just like me. I forgive them now. Thos who stole from me were controlled by mammon and lived in fear each night.”

v. Once we have a good understanding and have properly defined the mountain we can move onto the next phase of the solution which is Jesus part.

2. Jesus’ part – Column 2

What is Jesus doing in this situation? John 5:19; We need grace to overcome our strongholds. Heb 4:19 – here we look at uprooting the old tree and planting the new tree. This is the part where we really share our hearts with each other. Jesus has come to give us life in abundance. This is the time to receive his heart of love and freedom. He has come to show us a better way.

a. Test questions Jesus asks me:

i. What questions is Jesus asking you in this test? Deut 8:2. And you shall remember that the Lord your God led you all the way these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you and test you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not. In order to pass the tests that God puts us through; we need to know what question He is asking us. Not knowing the question that He asks is like writing an exam without reading the questions and just writing down random answers. He is looking for the correct answers, so that we will pass the test. We cannot walk in His promises until we have past the test He has given us. Say to the Lord what question are you asking me in this test?

Example: “Do you trust Me to meet all your needs?” Your answer: “No Lord, not yet.” We see by this question that He is looking for is our faith.

“Are you a good steward of the finances I have given you?” Your answer, “no Lord I am have wasted much of the money on things that are a waste of money. I have not saved money, I haven’t budget and I just spent all the money I got.” Are you are joyful giver? Answer; “no Lord, I give because I have to because I’m afraid and pay it like it tax”

b. My Questions for Jesus:

i. Ask Jesus questions that you want to ask Him, search His heart He will show you as He loves you so much. He is our friend and He reveals His secrets to His friends all we need to do is ask and seek Him for the answers.

Example: Why am I poor? Answer from the Lord. “Because you have been deceived by the enemy.”

c. Godly sorrow for false belief and sin:

i. Cutting the root – godly sorrow for our false beliefs and sins: 2 Cor 7:9-10.

ii. We really need His sorrow over our sins and deceptions as we weep and are broken before Him we are able to repent. This is where we ask Hi and seek for the gift of godly sorrow leads us to repentance.

Example: “Yes Lord I am sorry for stealing, lusting, worrying, witchcraft, worshipping mammon which is idolatry. Not giving my tithes and offerings. I am sorry for covetousness – lusting after other people things; which is idolatry.”

d. Healing for the wound:

i. This is where we come to Jesus our healer, Isaiah 61:3 the one who took our sorrows and all our pain and wounds on the cross. We know that by His stripes we are healed. His pan heals our pain. He weeps with those who weep. We can really experience His lover her.

ii. This is where we prepare the soil – of our hearts New good soil – healed land which will bear much fruit.

iii. We are in war and we need his love to heal us. What really helps is just putting on some anointed music which speaks of His love and healing of our broken hearts. There is a tremendous amount of healing that comes through anointed music.

iv. Ask Jesus to heal & restore your wounded heart Is 61:1-3; 2 Thes 2:16-17, Ps 23:3. Weeping in His presence means He is healing you and will set your free - Matt 5:4. Weeping without His presence can just make it worse. We need His presence and to focus on Him when we have pain.

v. If you still can’t get through your pain let someone who loves you pray with you and weep with you. Remember Jesus weeps with those who weep don’t resist weeping as we are healed when we weep in His presence. If you have serious pain you can listen to the CD series of overcoming pain.

vi. Ask him to heal the seat of your emotions with the balm of Gilead, ask the Holy Spirit to comfort you as He is your comforter.

Example: “I come to you Jesus, all the times I feared for my children’s future, and not having food and clothes and never having enough, and all the shame I have gone through. I ask You to heal my broken heart.”

e. Planting the new tree: Dealing with my false beliefs & His words to me:

i. Exposing the old tree of sin and death is what we do in column one in column two is where Jesus plants the new tree of life in our hearts which is His word and Spirit. We will only start to bear good fruit once we have a new tree in our lives and hearts. The tree of life always bears good fruit. No matter how much we cut of the branches of the old tree it will always bear the same fruit. We have cut it down with the axe of His word and plant the new tree.

ii. There are two basic areas that we focus on as we deal with the new tree the first one is: dealing with the false beliefs. The second is: What Jesus is saying about this mountain to us?

iii. This is where we receive the Heart of our Father, His heart is full of love and truth. Only once we know the truth will we be set free. Knowing the truth means to know through experience and interaction with. Now wait on the Lord to give you His words, scriptures visions etc concerning the mountain. This is so powerful as we are set free by His words of life.

iv. We need see what is Jesus doing & saying in this mountain; scriptures; words & visions His solution Hab2:2-3 – write them down. Let Him show you how He will meet your need in His Word 1 Cor10:12-13. Ask Him to give you His beliefs so that you will be transformed by the renewing of your mind - Rom12:2

Example: Jesus speaking to us: “I love you and will never, never leave nor forsake you, I died for you and will always look after all your needs. If I feed the birds, will in not also feed you. Learn to trust in me and do not lean on your own understanding. My Kingdom works by giving and receiving, if you learn to give in joy and faith you will reap in joy”

2 Corinthians 9:6-10 But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. 7 So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.

v. Dealing with our false beliefs: We need to ask Him to give us the truth that addresses each one of our false beliefs concerning this mountain. Each false belief is what robs us of our inheritance. These false beliefs from the root of the strongholds in our lives. We need to study the subject we are dealing with through looking up scriptures in this case look for scriptures concerning finances. There are over 2000 versus in the bible dealing with finances and wealth in some way. You can also get come teaching CD’s, attend a course or read a book on the subject. As you read and study on this subject, many of your false beliefs will be exposed and the truth will be released. The word says, “My people perish because of a lack of knowledge.” You need to grab on to the truth and replace the lies of satan with the truth. Look at His promises to meet the need – 2 Peter 1:4. As you study the truth make notes and add the into this section of your mountain. This will provide an ongoing reference for you in this area in your life.

Example of dealing with some false beliefs:

Remember to number the false beliefs according to you column one list of false beliefs. Example FB 1: … FB 2: etc now after each false belief in the next line write the New True Belief or NTB 1: .. NTB 2:… etc.

a. FB 1: God wants me poor and to not have enough.

b. NTB 1: “If Father looks after the birds He will also look after me, as Jesus came to die for me and God loves me more than the birds. I need to trust in Him and not worry about money and food etc and focus on seeking his kingdom which is his righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” see Matt 6:19-34; Romans 14:17

c. FB 9 : “money is the root of all evil”

d. NTB 9: the word says, the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. So its not money its self that is evil, but the love for it. 1 Tim 6:10a For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil,

e. Important note: it is so important to take the time to deal with all your false beliefs in columns one, as only when you know the truth will you be set free. Knowing the truth means you not only know the word, but practice the truth. If this is very active mountain it will be useful to revisit the mountain from time to time and look at the false belief and new true beliefs to see how we are doing.

3. My part - Column 3

What do I need to do, to work with Jesus in this situation? Here He will give us wisdom to take spiritual action based on His word and practical action to address the problem and overcome completely. This is now the process of removing the old tree and tending the new tree; through weeding and watering etc. Many issues in our lives just keep coming back because we have never overcome the mountain because avoid the pain of facing our problems and don’t even know how to really face them. Jesus wants to bring us into the cycle of complete victory!!

Getting healed is not enough; Jesus wants us to truly overcome and establish His Kingdom in each situation and mountain in our lives. We are partners with Him in this great adventure called life. This is where things really get exciting as we rise up in His power and see God releasing signs, wonders and miracles on our behalf as we learn to work with Him according to the Genesis one pattern. Jesus then came to earth and showed us how to do things His way in Mark 11 we see Jesus using the same pattern and teaching us on how we can now operate just like Him.

Spiritual actions for me:

We need to make sure we do each of these steps as relating to what He has shown us in the first two columns.

a. Repentance: We need to repent for each sin and false belief that the Lord has shown us. 1 John 1:9.

Example: “Father forgive me for not tithing, forgive me for worrying about money and not trusting in You. Forgive me for stealing from You and others. Forgive me for judging other and being angry with them when they never gave me money, forgive me for looking to other for money and not to you, forgive me for all my false beliefs, pleas set me free from these strongholds.”

b. Casting care on Him: We need to humble our selves and cast the care and anxieties of the mountain on Him - 1Peter 5:7

Example: “Father I cast all my anxiety and fear about my finances onto You, for you care for me and You will meet all my needs”

c. Forgive: We need to forgive those who have hurt us to truly be free, to move forward. Unforgiveness is one of the main reason Christians get stuck in their mountains and never overcome. Matthew 6:14-15.

Example: “Father, I forgive those who hurt me and never helped me and all those stole from me”

d. Surrender: We need to surrender the problem into His hands and fully trust in Him to show us the way through the mountain. Prov 6:5-6

Example: “Father, I surrender all my pain and poverty to you. I trust You to deliver me from my lack and poverty now in Jesus name.”

e. Resist the devil James 4:7 – identify the demons in operation and resist them by name. Now resist satan: as he is defeated & has no power over you Col1:10,Heb2:14 speak & stand against him Jm4:7,2Cor10:3-6.

Example: Spirit of fear, poverty, greed and mammon I bind and resist you now in Jesus name.

f. Forget the past and embrace the new Isaiah 43:18-19 “Do not remember the former things,    Nor consider the things of old.19     Behold, I will do a new thing,    Now it shall spring forth;    Shall you not know it?  I will even make a road in the wilderness  And rivers in the desert. Philippians 3:13; Look to the promises of the bright future – Jer 29:11

Example: “ I now choose to forget all the pain and bad memories of past failures. I don’t look back any more. I throw them into the sea of forgetfulness. I now embrace the new thing you are doing I see you providing for me and blessing me in all areas. I focus on Your word and Eternal plan for my life. Eternal plan according to Jer 11:29”

g. Invite Jesus to come in and rule Psalm 24:7-10

Now invite Jesus as the King of Kings to come and rule supreme in the entire situation and in your heart. We need to do this daily as it works so well; as we are subjecting our entire lives and beings to His will and Kingdom rule. This is true freedom as we are only free in His perfect will.

Example: “King Jesus I invite you now to come and rule the room of material possession this includes all my stuff – finances and wealth everything you have given me, come and take over Jesus I invite you in to rule, show me Your way Jesus.”

h. Other spiritual actions:

This is where we can write down any other spiritual actions the Lord wants us to do. Ask the Lord to show you what else you need to do to be free in this mountain. For example; if we have had an unholy alliances, this happens in relationships that are not of the Lord, where there are soul ties based on intimacy and sexual relations. Soul ties are invisible connections between their soul and ours like strings that keep you connected even though you are apart. In this case we can cut the soul ties with the person.

Loving those who hurt us: We will never have a true breakthrough without walking in love. This is such an important spiritual action that we need to make sure that each mountain we go through we love the people on our knees in prayer, so we can truly be free. We cannot avoid the pain by running from these people; we need to release Gods love over them until all the pain and wounds are removed and we are able to speak with them face to face without fear or pain. Perfect love cast out fear. We won’t be healed by trying to cut the memory of them off. Each time the thought of them comes up we should release thoughts of Father’s love over them in our hearts and minds. We do this as worship to Jesus, as we only truly love Him when we obey His commands.


Action 1: I need to find scriptures on how God provides for me.

Action 2: Make right and repent to the people I hurt and love them daily.

Action 3: Meditate daily and do my daily proclamation over my finance.

Action 4: Take the Sword of the Spirit and proclaim the following point daily: -- I have victory over my flesh, sin, temptation, sickness & satan - knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him Rom 6:6. Yes Lord my sinful nature that is the “old man”, was crucified and completely destroyed with You on the cross ….. etc. use this daily.

i. Receive Spirit of the Lord to do what you need to do.

We now need power to do what He wants us to do. Just ask the Holy Spirit who is your helper to now fill you and anoint you to do everything as He has shown you.

Zech 4:6 – it is not by our own power of might but by His Spirit.

Get ready to release Gods creative power. We need the power of His Spirit to break down the opposition of the enemy and we need His power to build the new thing in our lives as we see in Genesis 1:2. We need is anointing so we can pray the prayer of faith and praise and worship in Spirit and Truth.

Example: “Holy Spirit please come and anoint me now and give me the power, wisdom and love to do what I need to do each day.”

j. Prayer of faith, thanksgiving and Proclamations:

1. Personal Sword of the Spirit: Write down in your personal Sword of the Spirit which you can incorporate in your Eternal plan your own faith proclamations. You can put them under headings – you can even use the mountain heading as your headings. Write your proclamations in the past tense as though it is already happened.

You can use the words that Jesus spoke together with scripture He has given you for this mountain in your personal proclamation. Makes sure you have heard from the Lord. You need you own revelation/rhema on each scripture in your proclamation. His scriptures are the most powerful weapons.

Example: “ I have been set free from poverty and I am blessed with His abundant provision in my life” Phil 4:19 And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

2. Prayer of faith: before you make the proclamation for the first time make sure you have faith in the words Jesus has given you. Only when you have revelation and faith can you pray the prayer of faith God only answers the prayer of faith see Mark 11:24 Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.

Pray the prayer of faith once. You might need to mediate on the words for a few days until you have the substance of your faith, when you have substance faith then come to the Father and pray and believe when you pray that you receive what you are praying for.

Example: “ I have been set free from poverty and I am blessed with His abundant provision in my life” Phil 4:19 And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

3. Thanksgiving: once you have prayed the prayer of faith; thank Him for the answer over and over as if you actually received it when you prayed. We get what we prayed for when we pray; this is faith. We need to believe we get it when we pray not when we see it with our natural eyes but when we see it with our spiritual eyes of faith. You don’t have to ever ask Father against once you have asked in faith once. He is not deaf and He has heard us the first time. Now all we need to do is thank Him and praise Him for the answer. 1 Timothy 2:1

Example: “I thank You Father for setting me free from poverty and blessing me with your abundance in my finances.”

4. Proclamation: Make sure you go through this proclamation regularly especially when there is pressure and resistance in this area. For example you have financial pressure focus on this area and get his word on this mountain. Doing these proclamation does two things it builds your faith and releases the creative power from your mouth over the situation. Speaking His words over the situation release His will over the whole situation forcing the enemy to submit, as the devil has to submit to Gods words. This is why Jesus Himself used Gods word to overcome the devil. The devil has to submit when you stand on the word of God.

Once you have built up your faith move onto the next step in order to remove any demonic blockage from the tunnel you are in.

5. Loud faith filled Praise:

To get out breakthrough in this mountain we need give Him faith filled praises. Once you are full of faith and the Holy Spirit – you get filled with faith by mediation and proclaiming this word over the mountain, release this faith through praise. Faith comes from hearing Gods spoken word, His “now” word to you. As faith praises Him!!! You praise is the evidence of your faith. This sacrifice will be consumed by His fire which destroys the demonic stronghold that stands in your way. As God sent fire for Elijah to break that demonic stronghold over the nation of Israel, so God will send fire to break your stronghold. We need to really praise Him with all our hearts to show Him our faith as Father is waiting and looking for real faith so He can move on our behalf and show us His power. Remember faith please Him (

Why say it loud? God wants the high praises to come out our mouths - high praise are praises that are loud and faith filled, God wants all our love, strength, power when we praise and worship Him, not some half hearted attempt, of praise. How come people can stand and shout over a football or rugby match; but they cant shout over the creator of the universe? Simple; it’s where their passion is; we need to give and show God our passion; He likes that. When we have faith we will show it through thanksgiving and loud praises. Luke 19:37-40.

Example: “PRAISE THE LORD!!!! For setting me free financially. Yes thank You Father I am free from poverty.”

k. Practical actions for me:

i. James 2:18;26 - This is a partnership we need to do our part He will do His part if we let Him yet we must follow through with action/obedience. Now we walk in the grace we have received.

ii. These practical actions need to be written down some of them will be transferred to our Eternal Plans, actions plans and daily duties etc. .

iii. Revisit these to see that you are doing what you need to do according to your action plans.


Action 1: Do my personal budget

Action 2: get a job, work as unto the Lord

Action 3: stop complaining

Action 4: stop stealing

Action 5: start to sow seeds by giving and tithing with joy.

Action 6: Pay debts off

Action 7: Learn how to invest and grow the finances God has given me.

l. Lessons I have learnt:

i. After going through the entire mountain it is worthwhile to open a separate document for all your mountains, so you can write down key things you have learnt in each mountain. Writing things down is a very powerful exercise as it means it is important and the wisdom you have gained through great pain, won’t be lost as paper does not forget.

ii. Much of wisdom comes through the things we suffer, as the city gates of the New Jerusalem are giants pearls, pearls speak about wisdom gained through longsuffering. I believe this represents the wisdom gained through the pain and trials we have gone through which is the very gateway to His Holy city and Kingdom. This document now is your wisdom document, as you can now write down the wisdom God has given you to help the future generations not make the same mistakes. We can pass this on to our children, disciples, churches and communities. This is all part of our testimony - Rev 12:11. We need to keep looking at our lesson documents, so we do not repeat the mistakes of the past, as failure is not the main problem; but repeating the failures, is a major one. This is all part of the process if becoming a disciple/learner of Christ.

iii. This lesson document is a very valuable tool when helping others through their mountains. As God gives each of us wisdom in this process as we are faithful to learn the lessons that we need to learn as we go through each mountain. If we don’t learn the lessons we are supposed to then we are doomed to repeat them over and over. This is one of the main purposes of the heart to heart chart.

iv. Make headings: things I have learnt; things I shouldn’t do again, and things I should focus on in this area.

Heart to heart partnership

with Jesus chart

Example Heart to heart chart: For this exercise we will use the mountain of finances with stronghold of material poverty as an example, you can use these steps with any mountain or stronghold.

This is a template that you can use for your own heart to heart with Jesus. The actual chart can be done on computer in word format or it can be written in your prayer journal. You are welcome to copy and paste this format into your word document.

“the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.” John 5:19

inheriting the Kingdom of god

|Define the problem |Jesus’ part |My part |

| | | |

| | |Spiritually and practically |

|Mountain: Finances - material poverty |Test questions Jesus asks me? |Repentance: |

| |“Do you trust Me to meet all your needs?” Your answer: “No|“Father forgive me for not tithing, forgive me for|

|Sin: |Lord, not yet.” We see by this question that He is looking|worrying about money and not trusting in You. |

|Worry – not giving freely into His Kingdom – stealing, |for our faith. |Forgive me for stealing from You and others. |

|lust of eyes, jealousy, witchcraft, covetousness, |“Are you a good steward of the finances I have given you?”|Forgive me for judging other and being angry with |

|idolatry, pride of life. |Your answer, “no Lord I have wasted much of the money on |them when they never gave me money, forgive me for|

| |things that are a waste of money. I have not saved money |looking to other for money and not to you, forgive|

|Needs and motives: |but spent it as I got it.” |me for all my false beliefs, pleas set me free |

|Need for food and clothing and housing, security, | |from these strongholds.” |

|safety, comfort. |Godly sorrow for false belief and sin: | |

|To impress people with my wealth. |“Yes Lord I am sorry for stealing, lusting, worrying, |Casting care: |

| |witchcraft, worshipping mammon which is idolatry. Not |“Father I cast all my anxiety and fear about my |

|Wound: |giving my tithes and offerings. I am sorry for |finances onto You, for you care for me and You |

|Growing up in poverty and always never having enough, |covetousness – lusting after other people things; which is|will meet all my needs” |

|sickness, abuse, fear, rejection. |idolatry.” | |

| | |Forgive: |

|False belief system: |Healing for the wound: |“Father, I forgive those who hurt me and never |

|FB 1: God wants me poor, it is the governments fault, |“I come to you Jesus, and ask You to heal me from all the |helped me and all those stole from me” |

|there is nothing that can be done about it. |times I feared for my children’s future, and not having | |

|FB 2: It will always be like this. |food and clothes and never having enough, and all the |Surrender: |

|FB 3: I can’t afford to give tithes and offerings as I |shame I have gone through. I ask You to heal my broken |“Father, I surrender all my pain and poverty to |

|need to eat and feed my family. |heart.” |you. I trust You to deliver me from my lack and |

| | |poverty now in Jesus name.” |

|Summary of hearts: |Planting the new tree: Dealing with my false beliefs & His| |

|My heart - As I grew up in poverty the enemy wounded me |words to me: |Resist the devil: |

|in many places and he gave many false beliefs, I have |FB 1: God wants me poor and to not have enough. |I resist and bind the spirit of fear of lack, the |

|being trying to make my own plan to get out of the pit |NTB 1: “If Father looks after the birds he will also look|spirit of theft, mammon, greed, stinginess, |

|satan and my ancestors dug for me. I have stolen and |after me, as Jesus came to die for me and God loves me |covetousness, poverty now in Jesus name. |

|lusted and even used satanic rituals to get food and to |more than the birds. I need to trust in Him and not worry | |

|prosper. I need grace and mercy to be healed and set |about money and food etc and focus on seeking his kingdom |Forget the past: |

|free from the traps of the enemy. |which is his righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy |“ I now choose to forget all the pain and bad |

| |Spirit” see Matt 6:19-34; Romans 14:17 |memories of past failures. I don’t look back any |

|Others hearts: my family is afraid of not having enough |FB 9: “money is the root of all evil |more. I throw them into the sea of forgetfulness. |

|food to eat. Because this fear strife in the house. |NTB 9: the word says, the love of money is the root of all|I now embrace the new thing you are doing I see |

|Those who hurt me only did so because they were in their|kinds of evil. So its not money its self that is evil, |you providing for me and blessing me in all areas.|

|own bondage and pain, those who never helped me when |but the love for it. 1 Tim 6:10a For the love of money is |I focus on Your word and Eternal plan for my life.|

|they were supposed to were in the bondage of fear of |a root of all kinds of evil, |Eternal plan according to Jer 11:29” |

|poverty just like me. I forgive them now. Thos who stole| | |

|from me were controlled by mammon and lived in fear each|“I love you and will never, never leave nor forsake you, |Jesus to come in: |

|night. |I died for you and will always look after all your needs. |“King Jesus I invite you now to come and rule the |

| |If I feed the birds, will in not also feed you. Learn to |room of material possessions this includes all my |

| |trust in me and do not lean on your own understanding. My |stuff – finances and wealth everything you have |

| |Kingdom works by giving and receiving, if you learn to |given me, come and take over Jesus I invite you in|

| |give in joy and faith you will reap in joy” 2 cor 9:6-10 |to rule, show me Your way Jesus. You are My |

| |But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap |provider now. |

| |sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap |Come and rule my finances and my thoughts about |

| |bountifully. 7 So let each one give as he purposes in his |money and material goods. Please change me and set|

| |heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a |me free from material poverty.” |

| |cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to make all grace abound| |

| |toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all|Other spiritual actions: |

| |things, may have an abundance for every good work. |Action 1: I need to find scriptures on how God |

| | |provides for me. |

| |I see Jesus healing my finances and blessing me coming in |Action 2: Make right and repent to the people I |

| |and when I go out Deut 28:1-14 |hurt. Action 3: Meditate daily and do my daily |

| |Matt 6:25-33 Trust in Him as my Abba Father who loves me |proclamation over my finance. |

| |to meet all my needs; He takes care of me as He does the |Action 4: Take the Sword of the Spirit and |

| |birds. |proclaim the following point daily: -- I have |

| |Phil 4:19 He will supply all my needs. |victory over my flesh, sin, temptation, sickness &|

| |Sowing and reaping, God says He will make sure I reap what|satan |

| |I sow -2 Cor 9:6-11; Mal 3:10-12; | |

| | |Receive the Spirit of the Lord: |

| |He is more than enough |“Holy Spirit please come and anoint me now and |

| | |give me the power, wisdom and love to do what I |

| | |need to do each day.” |

| | | |

| | |Prayer of faith: |

| | |“ I have been set free from poverty and I am |

| | |blessed with His abundant provision in my life” |

| | |Phil 4:19 And my God shall supply all your need |

| | |according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. |

| | | |

| | |Thanksgiving: |

| | |“I thank You Father for setting me free from |

| | |poverty and blessing me with your abundance in my |

| | |finances.” |

| | | |

| | |Proclamations: |

| | |“I have been set free from poverty and I am |

| | |blessed with His abundant provision in my life” |

| | |Phil 4:19 And my God shall supply all your need |

| | |according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. |

| | | |

| | |Loud faith filled praise: |

| | |“PRAISE THE LORD!!!! For setting me free |

| | |financially. Yes thank You Father I am free from |

| | |poverty.” |

| | | |

| | |Practical actions: |

| | |Action 1: Do my personal budget |

| | |Action 2: get a job, work as unto the Lord |

| | |Action 3: stop complaining |

| | |Action 4: stop stealing |

| | |Action 5: start to sow seeds by giving and tithing|

| | |with joy. |

| | |Action 6: Pay debts off |

| | |Action 7: Learn how to invest and grow the |

| | |finances God has given me. |

| | |Lessons I have learnt: |

| | |I need to go and write down all my lessons I have |

| | |learnt in this mountain in my lesson document. |

|Mountain: |Test questions Jesus asks me? |Repentance: |

| | | |

|Sin: |My questions for Jesus? |Casting care: |

| | | |

|Needs and motives: |Godly sorrow for false belief and sin: |Forgive: |

| | | |

|Wound: |Healing for the wound: |Surrender: |

| | | |

|False belief system: |Planting the new tree: Dealing with my false beliefs & His|Resist the devil: |

| |words to me: | |

|Summary of hearts – Spirit of Understanding: | |Forget the past: |

| | | |

| | |Jesus to come in: |

| | | |

| | |Other spiritual actions: |

| | | |

| | |Receive the Spirit of the Lord: |

| | | |

| | |Prayer of faith: |

| | | |

| | |Thanksgiving: |

| | | |

| | |Proclamations: |

| | | |

| | |Loud faith filled praise: |

| | | |

| | |Practical actions: |

| | | |

| | |Lessons I have learnt: |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |


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