Patient Access Week Reception Planning Guide

Patient Access Week Reception Planning Guide

1. Check with your organization to review guidelines for Departmental Recognition Weeks. You can gather some excellent ideas from the suggestions and you can avoid planning an event that is not acceptable to your organization.

2. Determine the theme for your event; this will help with your choice of the room and special considerations as in item # 6.

3. Secure a room.

a. Reserve the room for a period of time that will allow ample time for decoration and special set up time.

b. Determine if this is an event for all employees at the same time or if the time period will be extended as an open house.

c. Will this event be open to others outside your department?

d. Choose a room that will comfortably accommodate the largest number that will attend at any one time.

e. Plan set up.

i. Placement of tables and chairs.

ii. Electrical outlets and location if they are going to be needed.

iii. Determine if there is a need for audio-visual or other special equipment.

1. Plan a time to practice the use of this equipment, lighting and temperature controls for the room.

4. Catering.

a. Compare pricing from sources and make sure instructions are in writing so your expectations are met. Include:

i. Number of persons served.

ii. Time for set up to be in place.

iii. Are tablecloths needed? Will there be an additional charge?

5. Publicity

a. To help other departments celebrate your special week and events you will want to advertise it.

i. Your marketing department is a good resource for publicity, some examples follow:

1. Signage in visible locations announcing Patient Access Week.

2. Overhead announcements at intervals during the celebration

3. Flyers to post in other departments.

4. Tent cards on cafeteria tables and in the celebrating department.

5. An article in you organizations newsletter.

6. Special Considerations and ideas

a. If your department is located in various buildings, consider securing a van from your organization or rental to transport employees to and from the reception.

b. Designate persons responsible for room decorations in keeping with your theme.

c. Pictures of co-workers may be displayed as a ‘loop PowerPoint’.

i. Secure proper authorization from each employee for their picture to be displayed. (most marketing departments can furnish the proper form)

d. Decide if you would like background music or even live entertainment of some type during the event.

i. If background music is chosen test equipment and sound characteristics of the room.

ii. If live entertainment is provided, sit with the entertainer to agree on expectations and time frame for their performance.

iii. If special equipment is needed for a live performance, verify if the entertainer will provide it or if the expectation will be for your department to furnish the equipment.


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