Description for Call for Special Issue

Special Issue Proposal for International Journal of Distance Education Technologies

➢ Special Issue on

Emotional Intelligence for Online Learning

➢ Objectives

Emotions play an important role when users engage in career or drama training, or language learning situations via role-play. Interpreting player experience and affect from open-ended verbal communication and diverse body language has been challenging research tasks. It further promotes the importance of such studies when employing diverse game-play modalities (e.g. mobile interfaces and augmented reality platforms) and when recognising affect and mood from metaphorical affective expressions, dialogue context, emotionally ambiguous or non-prototypical spoken utterances, facial expressions and gestures. Such research is significantly beneficial to the development of intelligent virtual agents which are capable of interpreting social relationships, context, general mood and emotion, sensing or reasonably predicating others' inter-conversion, identifying its role and participating intelligently in open-ended interaction.

The detection of affect from multimodal channels and emotion generation bring research from different disciplines (such as cognitive, social, computer, mathematical and biological science) together. Various artificial intelligence techniques and bio-inspired approaches are used to interpret affect from verbal and non-verbal communications.

Many intelligent tutoring systems have been developed and used to support students' learning. Good online learning systems require emotional communications happened in-between the tutors and the learners. Emotion is one of the most important factors that influence how people making decision. How to develop a system which can identify user's emotion and/or present its feelings to the user according to user's words, behaviors, and performance in online learning is definitely an important, a very helpful as well an interesting research topic. The purpose of this special issue is to explore how models, theories, and solutions of emotion intelligence can be used in online learning and what benefits users can receive from such emotion intelligence-embedded systems and agents.

➢ Submission topics

We cordially invite authors to submit high quality manuscripts for any application domain as long as the core of the manuscript belongs to:

❖ Affect sensing from text, speech, facial expression and gestures

❖ Affect inspired interactive intelligent agents/games

❖ Emotion modelling and generation

❖ Human computer interaction issues and challenges that affective computing/emotional intelligence solutions for online learning may have

❖ Emotional tutoring agents

❖ Emotional learning companions

❖ Emotional interactive robots

❖ Affective computing tools, systems and applications for online learning

❖ Emotional intelligent agents for assisting teaching or learning

❖ Multi-agent based affective computing systems and applications

❖ Practical experiences in using & deploying emotional intelligence for online learning

❖ Successful cases of applying emotional intelligence to online learning

❖ Not-so-successful cases and the lessons learnt

❖ Evaluation models for emotional intelligent agents/systems

➢ Potential authors

[they need not be confirmed in a proposal]

➢ Procedure for recruiting papers

[…detailed procedure could be written here before talking about the acceptance rate below]

We hope to receive more than ??? submissions and we are going to accept 5 to 6 manuscripts for publishing in the special issue. [please note that all accepted manuscripts need to be in high quality, in statistics, the acceptance rate of submissions for regular issues is about 30%]

➢ Prospective reviewers

[as well as a process for recruiting reviewers who can deliver good reviews]

➢ Important dates and manuscript guidelines

All submissions have to follow IGI Global journal manuscript guidelines and should be submitted via open journal system at by February 28, 2021. All submissions are going to be reviewed by at least three reviewers, the final camera-ready manuscripts have to be revised by the author(s) according to reviewer comments before sending to the guest editors by June 15, 2021. The important dates are:

❖ Submission deadline: February 28, 2021

❖ Review result notification: May 1, 2021

❖ Revised manuscript submission deadline: June 1, 2021

❖ Acceptance notification: July 1, 2021

❖ Final camera-ready manuscript and required documents upload deadline: July 15, 2021

❖ Editorial Preface submitted by guest editor: July 31, 2021

❖ Publication date: according to the arrangement and decision made by Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Distance Education Technologies

❖ IGI Global instruction, paper template, manuscript guidelines, image guidelines, and APA style







➢ Short biographies of the guest editors (in alphabet order):

Dr. Maiga Chang (maiga.chang@)

Full Professor, School of Computing and Information Systems

Athabasca University, Canada

Dr. Maiga Chang is a Full Professor in the School of Computing Information and Systems at Athabasca University, Canada. His researches mainly focus on game-based learning, training and assessment; mobile learning and ubiquitous learning; museum e-learning; learning behaviour analysis; learning analytics and academic analytics; data mining and artificial intelligence; intelligent agent technology; and, mobile healthcare.

He is now Chair of IEEE Technical Committee of Learning Technology (TCLT, ), an Executive Committee member of Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education (APSCE, ), Global Chinese Society for Computing in Education (), and Chinese Society for Inquiry Learning (). He is Secretary and Treasurer of International Association of Smart Learning Environments. He is also chair of Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning special interest group (SIG) under the TCLT. Dr. Chang was executive chair (2016-2018) and new initiative chair (2015-2016) in the executive board of IEEE Technical Committee of Learning Technology (TCLT) and chair (2016-2017) and co-chair (2014-2015) of APSCE Asia-Pacific Region Game and Toy Enhanced Learning and Society special interest group (SIG).

He is editors-in-chief of Journal of Educational Technology & Society (an Open Access journal included in Web of Science's SSCI without publication fee), editor-in-chief of Bulletin of Technical Committee on Learning Technologies (an Open Access journal included in Web of Science's ESCI without publication fee), and editor-in-chief of International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (included in SCOPUS, EI and Web of Science's ESCI journal without publication fee for choosing regular publishing mode). He was section editor of Education and Science (a free SSCI Open Access journal), guest associate editor of IEEE Technology and Engineering Education, advisory board member of Journal of Computers and Applied Science Education, and guest editor of Education and Technology Society (a free SSCI Open Access journal), International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (a free SSCI Open Access journal without publication fee), Multimedia Tools and Applications (an SCI journal), Mathematical Problems in Engineering (an SCI journal), Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (APSCE's flagship journal, an Open Access journal published by Springer), and The Scientific World Journal (an SCI journal).

Dr. Chang also serves academic international conference events include being program chair of International Conference on Smart Learning Environments (ICSLE 2015, 2018 to 2020), general program chair of IEEE TCLT flagship conference International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (IEEE ICALT 2017 to 2020) and International Conference on Technology for Education (IEEE T4E 2019), program advising chair and program committee chair of 16th and 15th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS 2020 and 2019), IPC Coordination chair and co-chair of International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2019 and ICCE 2018), executive chair of inaugural English Paper Track (EPT) of 24th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2020), steering committee member and advisory chair of IADIS International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning (2017~2020 and 2012~2016).

He was also executive program chair and program co-chair of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE) in 2017 and 2016, track program chair of Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning in IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies 2014 to 2018, executive chair of GCCCE 2014 sub-conference on Joyful Learning and Society and co-chair for the sub-conference in GCCCE 2013 and 2015, executive chair of ICCE 2014 sub-conference on Game and Toy Enhanced Learning and Society (GTEL&S) and co-chair for the sub-conference in ICCE 2011, 2013 and 2015, steering committee of International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications (2017~2018) and special area chair of pervasive education (2011~2016), program co-chair (2011), general co-chair (2009), and advisory board (2013) of Edutainment, and local chair of IEEE DIGITEL 2008.

He has given more than 100 talks and lectures in different conferences, universities, and events; He has participated in more than 310 international conferences and workshops as a Program Committee Member; and, he also has (co-)authored more than 225 edited books, book chapters, journal and international conference papers. He is an IEEE member for twenty-four years since 1996 and also a member of ACM (2001-2017), AAAI (since 2001-2017), INNS (2004-2018), and Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society.

Dr. Second Guest Editor (maiga.chang@)

Professor, School

XXX University, Country

Second Guest Editor …


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