Install WS FTP LE - My E-town -- Personal Home Pages


It is no longer possible to save files directly to our campus web server by placing them in your web (www) folder. The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) must be used to transfer files from your local computer to our web server. FTP is built into some common web page (HTML) editors such as FrontPage and Dreamweaver. Those creating HTML files with other applications should save them to a folder on their local computer and then transfer them to our web server using FTP. These instructions will guide you through this process using the WS_FTP LE program.

Install WS FTP LE

See directions for downloading from Elizabethtown College's web site:

Create a Local Folder for the Web Files Using My Computer

Open My Computer

Menu: File, New►Folder

Rename the folder

Ex.: MyWeb

Note: Remember this folder name, you will type it in the FTP Session Properties dialog box. If you want to use an existing folder, you can skip this step.


Start button


Folder WS_FTP


Note: As an alternate way to start the program, you can create a shortcut on the desktop for the program and then double click the shortcut to start WS_FTP LE.

Screen Appearance the First Time WS_FTP LE Starts

Create a New FTP Profile

Click the New button Session Properties are removed

You will set new session properties, see the next page

Configure WS_FTP LE to Work with the Web Server

In the Session Properties dialog box, change information on the General tab and Startup tab

General Tab

Profile Name:

A name for your web site

(This is NOT the www address)

Ex.: My Web Site

Host Name/Address:

(The name of Elizabethtown College’s web server)

Host Type:

Click the Drop-Down list arrow

Select Microsoft NT

User ID:

Type your user name

Ex.: smithj


(NOT your network password)

Type: the last 7 digits of your Student or Employee ID number

Ex.: Student ID- 001111111

Password- 1111111

(Note: at present you can’t change this password, but in the future you will be able to)

Un-Check Anonymous

Un Check Save Pwd

Especially important in any public computer lab, or a shared computer

(You will be prompted for the password every time you use FTP. In the future users will be able to change this password)


Leave this blank


Type a brief description, which only you will see, or, you may leave the description blank

Ex.: My personal web site using the new FTP server

Startup Tab

Initial Remote Site Folder:


/first letter of your last name/username

Ex.: /s/smithj

Note: when you publish your web site, files are transferred here. Anyone, anywhere with Internet access can view your site.

Example of the URL:

Initial Local Folder:

This is your pre-created folder

This folder is where you will store the web site files while working on them. Usually this will be on your own computer (hence “Local” Folder)

Type: drive letter, colon

Ex.: C:\

Type: My Documents, backslash

Ex.: My Documents\

Type: name of the pre-created folder

Ex.: MyWeb

Complete the WS_FTP LE Configuration

Click OK

Enter Your Password at the Prompt

Type your password (Student or Employee ID without the leading zeros

Example: 1111111

Click OK

Connection Screen

A screen displaying files on your local computer and the FTP server appears

Use Your Own Session Settings


Your own Profile Name should be displayed

Ex.: My Web Site

Click OK

Select YOUR Profile If a Different Profile Name Appears

Click the drop down list arrow next to Profile Name:

Select your Profile Name from the list

Ex.: My Web Site

Click OK

Because you didn’t check Save Password, you must enter your password. Your password is your Student or Employee ID without the leading zeros.

Ex.: 1111111


Successful connection established with FTP Server ((

URL of Your Web Site

It’s the same as before

Example of an imaginary user’s web address


“Default” settings – you will change these

Default profile displays:

You will create your own profile and change these settings


Check (() Auto

So the web pages display properly

YOUR computer

FTP Server

Indicates a successful connection

Any files from the former Web Server will appear here.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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