Sample Open Ended Questions - Neshaminy School District

Sample Open Ended Questions

These questions may be used where appropriate.

Please have the students organize all ideas on a t-chart before writing their responses.

All responses should be scored with the 3 point PA Reading Rubric.

Author’s Purpose:

What is the author’s purpose for writing this passage? Use at least three details from the passage to support your response.

Was the author’s purpose to inform, entertain, instruct, or persuade the reader: Use at least three details from the passage to support your response.

Is ___________________ argument persuasive? What or why not? Use two references from the passage to support your response.

How does the author try to persuade the reader to (or not to) _______________? Use two examples from the passage to support your response.

Character: (may also be called speaker, narrator, or subject of biography)

What challenges did _____________ encounter? Use at least three examples from the passage to support your response.

Describe two traits that __________ possessed. Use details from the passage to support your response.

How could you describe ____________? Use three examples from the text to support your response.

Based on their actions, how can ___________ be described? Use at least three details from the text to support your response.

Why can ____________ be considered _________ (Example: a good citizen)? Use at least three examples from the text to support your response.

How does ____________ change from the beginning of the story to the end? Use information from the passage to support your response.

Based on their actions, how would you describe the friendship between ________ and ___________? Use at least two examples from the text to support your response.

Compare and Contrast:

Give at least three ways ___________ and ____________ are different. Support your answer with details from the passage.

Give at least one similarity and two differences between _________ and ___________ . Support your response with details from the passage.

Connection between Texts:

_________ (Passage 1) and ___________ (passage 2) have many similarities and differences. Explain at least three similarities and/or differences. Use details from both passages to support your response.

Explain two ways that the characters _________ and __________ alike? Use information from both passages to support your answer.

Figurative Language:

How does the use of figurative language affect the meaning of the poem? Use at least three details from the poem to support your response.

How does the author make the ___________ seem human? Use at least two details from the poem to support your response.

Does the author’s use of figurative language (simile, metaphor, hyperbole, and imagery) improve the passage or make it worse. Use two examples from the passage to support your response.


Is this text fiction or non-fiction? Use at least three details from the text to support your answer.


Summarize the passage. Use details from the passage to support your response. Make sure you include details from the beginning, middle, and end.

What is the greatest problem ________ faced? Explain two attempts to solve this problem. Use information from the passage to support your response.

What is the climax of the story? Use details from the story to support your response.

What do you think this story is called ___________ ? Use at least three examples from the text.

Poetry: (Also see Figurative Language)

What is the theme of the poem? Use two examples from the poem to support your response.

Explain what the author’s attitude is toward the topic of the poem. Use two examples from the poem to support your response.

Write a word or phrase to describe the speaker of the poem. Use at least two details from the poem to support your response.


How is the setting important to the events of this passage? Use at least three details from the text to support your answer.


What does ___________ represent? Use at least three details from the passage to support your response.

What does __________ symbolize? Use at least three details from the passage to support your response.


State the theme or the author’s message. Describe at least two examples from the passage that express this theme or message.


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