Inside the Computer, Storage, Software (Chapter 4, 5 and 2)

Understanding Hardware and Software

Objectives 7.1.2, 7.2 – 7.7.4, 9.4-9.6

The system unit contains ___________________________________________________________

Motherboard contains _____________________________________________________________

Expansion Cards give the computer added capability. Examples:

Expansion cards plug into __________________________________________ on the motherboard.

Ports- sockets that peripheral devices plug into; an interface used to connect a device. Examples:

Processor Speeds for modern computers range from:

|  |Abbr |No. of Bytes |Where measure is used {will complete in-class} |

| |b |1/8th |  |

|Byte |B |1 |1 character |

|  |KB | |1. Text file Size |

| | | |2. Small image |

| | | |3. |

|  |MB | |1. CD – 700 MB |

| | | |2. |

| | | |3. |

|  |GB | |1. |

| | | |2. |

| | | |7 minutes of HD-TV video (1GB) |

|  |TB | |1. |

|Petabyte |PB |250 bytes |Supercomputer hard disk size |

|(Quadrillion) | |1,024 TB |13.3 years of HD-TV video (1PB) |

Memory Types

1. _____________________ – loses its contents when electrical power is lost



2. ______________________ – retains its contents even when electrical power is lost




Bus: electrical pathway used to move data and instructions between system components

A Programmer writes programs, a user runs programs.

Two basic types of software and their purpose: Give examples of each.

1. ______________________ designed to allow the user to perform tasks. Examples:

2. ______________________ interacts directly with the hardware: operating system(OS), drivers, utilities

Match the following software types to the definitions: Beta version, Freeware, Open Source, Shareware

___________________ – copyrighted software you can get free. Examples:

___________________ – Programs still under development

___________________ – SW that allows users to run it for a limited time free of charge. Ex:

___________________ – free to use and change the source code if changes are distributed at no cost. Ex:

Secondary Storage, also called _mass storage________________ is a means of electronically storing data.

Two types of Secondary Storage and how bits are represented:

1._____________________-1’s and 0’s are represented as the presence or absence of _a magnetized spot___

2._____________________- 1’s and 0’s are represented by pits and lands. Created using a ______________

Storage capacities vary by type. Which are magnetic and which are optical?

|Media |Media Type |Storage Capacity |

|Name |Magnetic or Optical | |

| Floppy Diskette |Magnetic | 1.44 MB |

| CD |  | 700 MB, 650 MB, 210 MB mini |

| DVD |  | 4.7GB – 17.08GB |

|Blu-ray |  |25GB – 50 GB  |

|Hard Drive |  |  |

|  |  |  |

Data Compression - A means of reducing the amount of space or bandwidth needed to store or transmit a block of data.

1. Loseless – no bits are lost

2. Lossy - some bits are lost


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