4 - Sprint

9.0 Trouble and Complaint Reporting (L. (C.3.9)

L. Trouble and Complaint Reporting

The offeror shall propose and describe its existing service trouble and complaint handling systems (including means of electronic access) that are provided to large users of global integrated services. The offeror shall describe how these systems may be used to meet the Government’s requirements as specified in Section C.3.9 and the IEG. The offeror shall identify which requirements are not met by these systems. The offeror shall describe how its systems can be extended and/or modified to meet the total set of the Government’s requirements.

The offeror may, in its Price Proposal, propose a one-time price to fully develop and implement these extensions and/or modifications. The offeror may also propose a monthly recurring charge to cover maintenance and upgrading of these extensions and/or enhancements.


For the past nine years, the FTS2000 program has offered the Government leverage to achieve significant cost savings as well as receive timely improvements in contractor performance. The proven success of the FTS2000 program serves as the foundation for the Sprint solution going forward with the FTS2001 program. As a partner in the FTS2000 program, Sprint has repeatedly and successfully risen to the challenges to provide the Government state-of-the-art voice, video and data telecommunications. Sprint has viewed the FTS2000 contract as a long-term investment, in terms of both dollars and personnel needed to make the Government’s vision a reality.

The Government’s demand for exceptional service and support for its FTS2000 program provided Sprint the opportunity to challenge itself anew. The goal to deliver exceptional service propelled Sprint in the development of technological advancements which have set industry standards. It is this same commitment to excellence which will be provided to the FTS2001 program. Sprint will continue to commit its expertise, dedication and resources to provide superior, customer-focused maintenance for the FTS2001 program.

Because FTS2001 will run over Sprint’s all-fiber, nationwide commercial network, federal agencies will realize the benefits of this all-SONET network, such as higher bandwidth, fewer outages, faster restoration and improved fault tolerance. Of all SONET-standard architectures developed, Sprint chose the most robust SONET implementation currently available; the Four-Fiber Bi-directional Line-Switched Ring (BLSR) architecture. The 4-fiber BLSR design consists of two pairs of fiber, one pair designated for working

traffic and one pair designated for protection. Bi-directional enables Sprint to send traffic in either direction on a ring. This bi-directional design allows Sprint to route circuits on the most efficient paths through the network; thus, reducing the number of potential failure points and increasing reliability. In the event of a fiber cut, Sprint’s Four-Fiber Bi-directional Line-Switched Ring will automatically reroute the Government’s traffic. In most instances, the Government will not experience any down time.

This valued partnership and Sprint’s experience as an industry leader offers the Government a solution which is stable, proven, and best valued, as well as one which can be easily augmented to meet future needs. Our comprehensive familiarity with the needs of the Government user, our commitment to excellence and our strength as an industry leader offers the Government the best value for continuity of service, enhanced value and aggressive technology with little risk or disruption. The Government can be assured that Sprint will continue to deliver quality service and performance, thereby minimizing overall customer complaints.

Pledging a commitment to deliver excellence begins with our people. Meeting customer expectations, providing quality customer support begins simply: one person at a time. Technology cannot over-shadow a single person’s commitment to deliver excellence. This process begins with our people. Sprint support organizations are staffed by highly experienced, fully capable personnel whose knowledge and experience are paramount to the success of the FTS2001 program. Their expertise often enables us to minimize the impact of a failure and devise a correction action plan in a very short time.

As in the FTS2000 program, Sprint will continue to assume responsibility for providing the Government comprehensive customer support including services for both preventative and remedial maintenance. To this end, under the FTS2001 Program, the Government is assured it will receive customer support and trouble management 24 hours a day, 7 days per week including weekends and holidays.

This section addresses trouble and complaint reporting procedures developed to meet the Government’s unique needs. The following paragraphs describe the effective, efficient management and operations services available via a GSA/Sprint infrastructure which exists today and is readily positioned for growth.

Trouble and Complaint Reporting



Sprint provides extensive network operations, management and customer support and maintains responsibility for the operation and maintenance of its network. Sprint mandates a dynamic and responsive organization. The Government will receive customer support, trouble management and network operations 24 hours a day, 7 days per week including weekends and holidays year round.

Sprint will use the X, discussed in Section 3.0 of the proposal, to provide trouble and complaint reporting to the Government in accordance with L.,C.3.9, and C. X will X address both trouble and complaint reporting. X designed to document the network problems and complaints and relay that information onto the appropriate Sprint departments or repair agencies. X is designed to track network related problems from the time the trouble ticket is entered until its closure. All tickets entered into X are assigned a ticket number and all resolution efforts and final disposition of the trouble are permanently recorded.

All trouble tickets are routed to the appropriate repair location within Sprint’s network operations organization for corrective action.

Similarly, X is the repository for complaint reporting. Complaints, like trouble tickets, are assigned a ticket number and all resolution efforts and final disposition of each complaint are permanently recorded. Complaint tickets are routed to the customer service supervisor for investigation and resolution.

To complement the capabilities of X, Sprint also uses the X system of X to provide a proven system which functionally meets the Government’s requirement for electronic access for status of trouble and complaint reporting. Trouble tickets appear as a “T” ticket and complaints as a “C” ticket in the X.

The use of the X expedites the FTS2001 service process and provides the Government with continuity, efficiency and effectiveness in resolution efforts. An integrated system such as TRS facilitates the service resolution process by forcing both trouble and complaints tickets to adhere to not only the same system but the same process, i.e., initiation, resolution and final disposition. Neither a trouble nor a complaint ticket is closed without customer authorization. A trouble is not considered closed until service is both restored and verified with the customer. A complaint is not considered closed until the problem is resolved to the customer’s satisfaction. Complaints are a test of Sprint’s commitment to customer service. Sprint discovered that the vast majority of people do not complain unless there is truly something wrong with our service or performance, and it is our mission to make things right. As historically documented in the FTS2000 program, Sprint will endeavor to turn a dissatisfied customer into a happy one and is pleased to state that we have only received two formal complaints in the last two calendar years.

Figure 2.A.9-1, Trouble and Complaint Reporting, illustrates the process in place to address trouble and complaint reporting.



Table 2.A.9-1, Existing FTS2000 Systems, provides a quick overview of the FTS2000 systems, and applications which will be applied in FTS2001. It must also be noted that Xcurrently provides FTS2001 trouble and complaint reporting functions. X


The Service Management Center (SMC) operates the X and functions as the single point of contact for all reported maintenance and repair requests, both domestic and international; as well as complaint reporting. This functionality will continue with the FTS2001 program. This continuity benefits the Government with proven processes and systems, thereby ensuring the Government receives:

• Knowledge of customer requirements

• Timely delivery/response

• An effective problem resolution process

The X provides focused trouble management by serving as the Government’s advocate and assumes ownership of the repair process. The X highly trained, empowered employees exceed customer expectations, through proactive communications, expeditious repair and confirmation of restoral. In addition, the X staff are professionals who are familiar with Sprint products and services, as well as being experienced with the handling of sensitive and priority issues of Government users. Agencies such as the FBI, USPS. US Attorneys, GSA and Department of Veterans Affairs have cited X staff members for providing exceptional customer support. Commendations citing “excellent, extraordinary efforts put forth”, “professionalism and motivation,” “taking that extra step,” and the “efficient, can-do attitude and dedication” are an indication of the support Sprint provides to GSA’s FTS customers.

These commendations not only compliment Sprint and its employees for their committed professionalism but they also serve to reinforce the true meaning of customer service: meeting and exceeding customer expectations.

The SMC monitors and manages the flow of trouble reports and ensures timely and proper resolution for domestic and international troubles. The X is supported by X within its trouble reporting system, X, to uphold visibility of domestic and international trouble flow and resolutions. X also tracks the status of all trouble tickets from the time they are entered until they are closed. For an individual report, X provides a number of ways for the technician to record information about the trouble, steps taken to resolve the trouble and the final disposition of the trouble report. Data pertaining to any verbal notification provided in the trouble report resolution process is entered into TRS for tracking purposes. Verbal notification data consists of the following:

• Report or event number

• Name of person who was notified

• Time of notification

• Name of person who performed notification.

This function facilitates performance analysis on trouble resolutions in cases where multiple departments are involved and provides users with performance monitoring indicators. User problems are tracked in Sprint’s trouble reporting system through trouble tickets. Depending on the type of trouble the user reports, a trouble ticket is routed to the appropriate repair location for correction. The trouble reporting system also keeps track of troubles reported in the past based on the Government account number. The trouble reporting system also measures Sprint’s repair performance with the following:

• Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) measures from the time the user reports the problem until the time Sprint repairs it.

• Total Duration [also called Mean Time To Close] [MTTC] measures from the time the user reports the problem until the user confirms Sprint has repaired it.

In accordance with Sprint’s X (reference Section 3.0 of the Management Volume), Sprint will implement an electronic method for trouble ticket entry and trouble ticket tracking. Trouble reporting will be accomplished via X. Status and resolution information for FTS2001 trouble reports will be available to the PMO via Sprint’s X. This information can be used by the PMO to verify contract compliance with regard to trouble reporting. The agencies will be able to track and view status of their own trouble reports on-line via X. In addition, the Government will be able to review notifications, which provides a list of major network events that may be impacting a number of Sprint’s customers.

Complaint Reporting

Complaints are also directed to the X for ticketing, investigation and resolution. Complaints are entered in the X, and records all information about the complaint, steps taken to resolve the problem and the final disposition of the complaint report. Functionality of the complaint reporting process is similar to the trouble reporting process but is contained in a separate sub-system of X for separate, specialized handling by the X representative. As a customer advocate, the service representative will provide status at regular interval, seek outside departmental assistance, when applicable. and resolve problem to customer satisfaction.

C.3.9 Trouble and Complaint Reporting

Using the contractor’s commercial trouble reporting system (and extensions, if necessary), the contractor shall establish and implement its procedures and processes, as provided in accordance with the requirement of Section C., for trouble collection, entry, tracking, analysis, priority classifications, and escalation for all services to ensure that problems are resolved within the specified time frames. The trouble reporting system shall be operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The contractor shall use its existing automatic and manual trouble reporting escalation process.

The contractor’s trouble reporting system shall:

(a) Centralize the receipt of trouble reporting for all services.

(b) Identify and clear troubles for both agency-identified mission-critical (TSP) and non mission-critical (non-TSP) services.

(c) Maintain audit trails of trouble resolution activities.

(d) Respond to inquiries on trouble resolution status.

(e) Provide trend analysis of trouble reports.

(f) Sort trouble reports by type, duration, location, or as otherwise done commercially by contractor.

(g) Provide trouble escalation for normal and emergency events.

Using the contractor’s commercial complaint reporting system (and extensions, if necessary), the contractor shall establish and implement its procedures, as provided in accordance with the requirement of Section C., for complaint collection, entry, tracking, and resolution within the contractor’s commercial time frames. The complaint reporting system shall be operational during the days and hours provided by the contractor in its commercial practice.

The contractor’s complaint reporting system shall:

(a) Centralize the receipt of complaint reports

(b) Maintain audit trails for complaint resolution activities

(c) Respond to inquiries on complaint resolution status

(d) Sort complaint reports by subject, complainant, or as otherwise done commercially by the contractor

(e) Provide means to escalate complaint resolution efforts.

Instructions to offerors relating to Section C.3.9 are provided in Sections L. and L.

Trouble Reporting

Sprint will provide its trouble reporting in accordance with RFP Section C.

Sprint recognizes that even though its domestic and international network is less prone to fail than that of other carriers, there may be occasional network troubles. In an effort to minimize any disruption in service to the Government users, the SMC will work in conjunction with repair centers and field technicians to expeditiously resolve network related problems. Because of the system’s built-in remote maintenance and self-diagnostics capabilities, many of the fault conditions being reported by the system, are corrected by service technicians without the Government even being aware that a problem exists.

When a service problem does occur it is important for the Government to report it to the SMC in a timely manner. The sooner a problem is reported, the sooner the SMC, in conjunction with appropriate Network Operations personnel, can isolate the problem for quick and efficient resolution. The SMC retains full management ownership and responsibility for the problem and is accountable to the Government for timely status and problem resolution.

In the event an outage does occur, Sprint is committed to expeditiously restoring service. Sprint will continue to use its commercial trouble reporting system and proven Trouble Management and Escalation Procedures for the management and reporting of trouble collection, handling complaints, ticket entry, tracking, analysis, priority classifications, and escalation for all FTS2001 services to ensure problems are resolved expeditiously for the Government. As shown previously in Table 2.A.9-1, Sprint’s trouble reporting, tracking and complaint system manages and satisfies the trouble and complaint reporting requirements as defined in RFP Section 3.9.

Sprint’s proven Trouble Management and Escalation Procedures will ensure the Government receives resolution for every FTS2001 trouble ticket worked by Sprint within the specified time frames. Sprint’s trouble reporting system will be fully operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Escalations will be both automated and manual processes. Sprint will provide the following functions:

• A centralized receipt for trouble reporting for all services through the Service Management Center (SMC). The SMC can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via a toll free or on-net number and is responsible for receiving trouble reports for customer-reported problems, issuing trouble tickets, and receiving problem resolution support. The SMC retains full management ownership and responsibility for the reported problem and is accountable to the Government for timely status and problem resolution.

• Identify and clear troubles for both agency-identified mission-critical (TSP) and non mission critical (non-TSP) services. Sprint will follow the X system X levels of priorities for restoration and provisioning, in accordance with RFP Section C.5.4.

• Maintain a comprehensive audit trail of information concerning the trouble, steps taken to resolve the trouble, and final disposition. Upon receiving a trouble report, the X will open a ticket using Sprint’s X for entering, tracking and clearing all reported troubles. Each trouble ticket is assigned a unique trouble ticket number (TT #)X.

• Respond to inquiries on trouble resolution status. Providing a response to all Government inquiries on trouble resolution status. Additionally, X is responsible for proactively contacting the Government to provide statusing.

• Track all trouble tickets, provide trend analysis and sort trouble reports and administrative reporting. The Program Service Manager (PSM) is available to compile information, report it and submit it to the FTS2001 Program Manager for customer submission.

• Provide escalation procedures to ensure task accomplishment and trouble resolution for normal and emergency events. Sprint’s escalation procedures provide next-step guidance with problem resolution and management involvement so that it may participate, as required, in the resolution process. A full description of trouble escalation procedures is provided in Volume 2, Section A.8.1 of this proposal.

Complaint Reporting

Complaint reporting will be provided in accordance with RFP Section C.

X will be utilized as the complaint report reporting system for complaint collection, entry, tracking and resolution. As customer support function, the complaint reporting system is operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The SMC retains full management ownership and responsibility for the complaint and is accountable to the Government for timely status and resolution. Complaint reporting processes include:

• Providing a centralized complaint reporting center for all FTS2001 users. X is the point of central contact for complaint reporting. All complaint tickets will be entered into X the centralized location of complaint reports. X retains full management ownership and responsibility for the reported problem and is accountable to the Government for timely status and problem resolution. Complaint reporting can be done at any time via a toll free number.

• Maintaining a comprehensive audit trail of information concerning the complaints, steps taken to resolve the complaint, and final disposition. Upon receiving a complaint report, the X will open a complaint ticket using Sprint’s X entering, tracking and clearing all reported complaint. Each complaint ticket is assigned a unique complaint ticket number (CT #) which the system generates at time of ticket entry.

• Responding to inquiries on complaint resolution status. X provides a response to all Government inquiries on complaint resolution status. Additionally, X is responsible for proactively contacting the Government to provide statusing.

• Tracking all complaint tickets, providing trend analysis and sorting of complaints reports and administrative reporting is conducted to ensure customer satisfaction. The Program Service Manager (PSM) is available to compile information, report it and submit to the FTS2001 Program Manager for customer submission.

• Providing escalation procedures to ensure task accomplishment and complaint resolution to customer satisfaction. Sprint’s escalation procedures provide next-step guidance with problem resolution and management involvement so that it may participate, as required, in the resolution process.

9.1 Entering and Handling Trouble and Complaint Reports (L. (C.3.9.1)

The offeror’s proposal shall:

(a) Describe the offeror’s trouble and complaint reporting and escalation procedures and processes

Escalations Procedure

Within Sprint’s CSO, the SMC will continue to provide the Government customer service and trouble management. The SMC can report trouble and complaints 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via either a toll free number, 1-800-FTS-FONS (1-800-387-3667), and an on net access number to be provided after contract award. The SMC is responsible for receiving trouble reports customer-reported problems, for issuing trouble tickets, and providing problem resolution support; as well as receiving complaint reports, issuing complaint tickets and providing complaint resolution. The SMC retains full management ownership and responsibility for the reported problem/complaint and is accountable to the Government for timely status and problem resolution.

Sprint uses stringent internal escalation procedures to ensure customer satisfaction. Escalation procedures are in place to ensure task accomplishment and expedient trouble resolution. Sprint’s escalation procedures provide next-step guidance with problem resolution and alert management to the problem so that it may participate, as required, in the resolution process.

To ensure timely resolution on reported service troubles, the SMC initiates its standard escalation procedures for all trouble tickets. These escalations are used to resolve significant and minor network service matters

Table 2.A.9-2 outlines the FTS2001 guidelines for escalation of trouble tickets. These escalation procedures and timetables are followed when managing Sprint related FTS2001 trouble reports.


Sprint will use the same trouble reporting system when initiating our own trouble reports.

Escalations for complaint reports follow the same process as previously identified for trouble tickets, however, timeframes are different. Sprint is committed to resolve any complaint tickets as quickly as possible. Management is involved from the onset, overseeing the resolution process and offering assistance upon request. Sprint will resolve the issue or, at a minimum, provide status of the complaint resolution activities on a daily basis.

C.3.9.1Entering and Handling Trouble and Complaint Reports

Users shall be able to reach the contractor’s trouble and complaint reporting center via the contractor’s CSO.

The contractor shall perform the following activities regarding the handling of trouble reports and complaints:

(a) Identify each reported trouble or complaint via a unique trouble and complaint report number

(b) Provide trouble repair time estimates to users

(c) Report the close-out of trouble reports to the reporting party or its designee

(d) Report the resolution of the complaint to the complainant.

The contractor shall use the same trouble reporting system when initiating its own trouble reports.

Trouble Reporting

The trouble reporting process is as follows:

• X

• who will take immediate action to identify, track, and resolve network malfunctions to ensure timely resolution. Upon receiving a trouble report, X will open a ticket using Sprint’s trouble reporting system. Sprint’s trouble reporting system is X for entering, tracking and clearing all reported troubles.

Each trouble ticket is assigned a unique TT # which the trouble reporting system generates at time of ticket entry. For each trouble report, the trouble reporting system maintains information about the trouble, the steps taken to resolve the trouble, and final disposition. The X will provide the ticket number to the caller and thereafter, the trouble ticket number will be used to reference, retrieve and notate all activity associated with the trouble.

• As soon as a trouble ticket is entered into Sprint’s trouble reporting system, X will route the trouble ticket to the appropriate repair agency within Sprint network operations and coordinate efforts to isolate, diagnose and expeditiously repair all network reported issues. X Network operations technicians will immediately implement a problem resolution strategy based on information from the appropriate repair agency, the Government contacts, and information from other X

• X will provide trouble report status to the Government for timely status updates and verification of trouble report closures. No Government trouble ticket will be X

• Report the resolution of the complaint to the complainant. The trouble reporting system maintains an audit trail of information concerning the trouble/complaint, steps taken to resolve the trouble/complaint, and final disposition. A hardcopy report of the ticket, its activities thereof, can be generated. In addition, X can compose a report on ticket(s) as requested by the Government.

Sprint will use the same trouble/complaint reporting system for proactively initiating its own trouble reports.

Complaint Reporting

The complaint reporting process follows a similar process. Its steps are as follows:

• Each complaint into the X who will take immediate action to identify, research and resolve to ensure timely resolution. Upon receiving a complaint report, the X will open a ticket using Sprint’s trouble reporting system. Sprint’s trouble reporting system is X system for entering, tracking and clearing all reported complaints. Each complaint ticket is assigned a unique CT # which TRS generates at time of ticket entry. For each complaint report, TRS maintains information about the complaint, the steps taken to resolve the complaint, and final disposition. X will provide the ticket number to the caller and thereafter, the complaint ticket number will be used to reference, retrieve and notate all activity associated with the complaint.

• As soon as a complaint ticket is entered into Sprint’s trouble reporting system, X will immediately initiate investigating the complaint, identify steps to both resolve the problem and eliminate the precipitating circumstances so as not to re-occur, if possible. X

Sprint take complaints very seriously and view a complaint as a test of its commitment to deliver excellence. For each complaint report, the Program Office is notified.

• SMC will provide complaint report status to the Government with timely status updates and verification of trouble report closures. No Government complaint ticket will be closed until the customer is completely satisfied. Additionally, complaint reports are tracked in the Program Review.

• Report the resolution of the complaint to the complainant. The trouble reporting system maintains an audit trail of information concerning the trouble/complaint, steps taken to resolve the trouble/complaint, and final disposition. A hardcopy report of the ticket, its activities thereof, can be generated. In addition, X can compose a report on ticket(s) as requested by the Government.

9.2 Trouble Report Status Reporting (L. (C.3.9.2)

The offeror’s proposal shall:

(b) Describe the mechanism and procedures used to electronically access the status of trouble reports opened by or for the Government user

The Government will continue to have access to X which functionally X the electronic access requirement. Sprint intends to X currently allows electronic access to trouble/complaint ticket status.

As with the current FTS2000 program, all source data pertaining to trouble and/or complaints is driven by X trouble reporting system. As the customer advocate, each service representative is responsible for reporting to the Government customer the status of current trouble/complaint resolution efforts, an estimate when the trouble will be resolved and what the fix agency is doing to provide interim service. The service representative will keep the Government updated on trouble/complaint status via X. For both domestic and international service trouble matters, X is the X main interface with other internal Sprint groups, such as Sprint fix agencies, network service managers and CPE technicians.

As with the FTS2000 program, the SMC assumes responsibility for all coordination and diagnostics for fault isolation through Sprint’s Network Operations and Support Centers. This provides the Government a turnkey approach to problem isolation, management and resolution.

C.3.9.2 Trouble Report Status Reporting

In accordance with the contractor’s procedures provided as in response to Section C.3.9, the contractor shall advise users submitting a trouble report of the status of clearing the trouble report and the resolution of the trouble report when cleared. The contractor shall verbally report the status of trouble resolution efforts according to the contractor’s existing commercial procedures. However, the Government desires that the verbal reporting occur every two hours, unless the requester authorizes updates either via E-Mail, a longer reporting duration than two hours, or agrees to obtain updates via the contractor’s trouble reporting status system. In accordance with its existing procedures, the contractor shall report status resolution efforts for all services classified as NS/EP and for services covered by the TSP System. The Government desires that such status reports be made at least hourly.

A trouble report will be closed out only when the reporting party or its designee agrees that service has been restored. If the Government’s site representative is unavailable to confirm re-establishment of service, the contractor shall compute the service outage interval using the close-out time for the trouble as logged by the contractor. If the Government’s site representative is unavailable to participate in cooperative testing to confirm reestablishment of the service, the contractor shall note the time interval between the request for the Government’s assistance and the time the Government’s assistance for cooperative testing was actually obtained. This time interval shall be subtracted from the total outage time in order to compute the interval for credit adjustment.

The contractor shall be responsible for maintaining a record of the close-out which includes recording entries for the beginning time and ending time of the outage. This information shall be included in a PMO periodic report as specified in Section C.6.1.4. The contractor shall process any credits applicable to the service outage based on this record of information.

Through the support it has provided on FTS2000, the SMC has developed an effective method of trouble status reporting to keep the Government apprised of problem resolution during service interruptions/malfunctions. For FTS2001, the SMC will continue to provide trouble report status to the Government for timely status updates and verification of trouble report closures. It is the responsibility the SMC GSR to advise users submitting a trouble report of the status of clearing the trouble report and the resolution of the trouble report when cleared. Status information can also be obtained by the Network Monitoring and Management (NMM) workstation.

Sprint assigns severity levels to tickets, and adheres to ticket status guidelines when managing Sprint trouble reports. Severity levels work in concert with our stringent escalation procedures to ensure efficient, prompt trouble resolution.

Sprint’s standard status reporting guidelines exceed the Government’s requirement for verbal status of trouble resolutions efforts every two hours. X

The status guidelines are detailed in Table 2.A.9-3.


Sprint ensures that all priority circuits are X within the Trouble Reporting System. X manages all services classified as NS/EP for the Federal Government and for all services that carry a Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP). The normal procedure in which NS/EP services are identified is through X

Sprint will report status resolution efforts X for all services classified as NS/EP and for services covered by the TSP System. Should the government designate other services as priority services not under a TSP, Sprint will make the appropriate arrangements to handle these services in a priority manner.


Services assigned a TSP priority take precedence over other services except as noted on E-designated (emergency) orders.

Table 2.A.9-4 outlines the guidelines that Sprint Operations personnel adhere to when restoring priority services.



No Government trouble ticket is closed until service is fully restored and ticket closure is authorized by the reporting party or its designee. Sprint will be responsible for maintaining a record of the close-out which includes recording entries for the beginning time and ending time of the outage. Sprint’s trouble reporting system tracks and maintains information on each trouble ticket and associated service outage credit(s).

If the Government’s site contact is unavailable to participate in cooperative testing to confirm re-establishment of the service, Sprint will note the time interval between the request for the Government’s assistance and the time the Government’s assistance for cooperative testing was actually obtained. This time interval will be subtracted from the total outage time in order to compute the interval for credit adjustment.

Sprint is responsible for maintaining a record of the close-out which includes recording entries for the beginning time and ending time of the outage. This information will be included in a PMO periodic report as specified in RFP Section C.6.1.4. The trouble reporting, tracking and complaint system will track each trouble ticket number and will automatically process any outage credits applicable to the service outage based on this record of information.

More information pertaining to how service outage credits will be processed for the Government is described in Section 6.7 through 6.7.2.

9.3 User Trouble and Complaint Report Data Access (L. (C.3.9.3)

The offeror’s proposal shall:

(c) Describe both its existing and its proposed trouble and complaint archiving capability, including length of archiving and delivery time(s) for requested archived information

Table 2.A.9-5 describes Sprint’s X system and archiving capabilities.


Archive requests should be sent to the attention of the Sprint Program Office for processing.

C.3.9.3 User Trouble and Complaint Report Data Access

For status inquiries, the contractor shall provide on-line real-time access to trouble reporting information. For status inquiries, the contractor shall provide complaint reporting information using its existing access procedures.

The contractor shall make the status of trouble and complaint reports accessible via the user entering either the trouble or complaint report number or the name of the reporting party for troubles or the complainant for complaints.

The contractor’s data access capability shall allow the PMO and agencies to obtain the contents of user-specified trouble reports opened by or for the Government user.

Sprint will provide the Government with status inquiries pertaining to user trouble and complaint reports and data. On-line access will be provided to the Government X Trouble reporting status information will also be made available verbally through the X

Sprint’s SMC will make the status of each trouble and compliant reports accessible to the user entering the trouble report number or the name of the reporting party.

Sprint’s data access capabilities will be accomplished through the use of a X. These mechanisms will allow the PMO and agencies to obtain the contents of user-specified trouble reports and complaints opened by or for the Government users.

9.4 Ad Hoc Trouble/Complaint Reporting Capability (C.3.9.4)

To the extent possible, using the contractor’s existing trouble and complaint reporting capability, the contractor shall provide the capability to collect and sort trouble and complaint records by any field or combination of fields in each record.

The contractor shall:

(a) Maintain, according to its existing practice, the Government’s access to trouble and complaint report and resolution data for all reports.

(b) Maintain an archive, according to its existing practice, of trouble and complaint reports and their resolutions.

(c) According to its existing practice and upon request from the PMO and agencies, deliver archived trouble and complaint report data per the contractor’s commercial time frame(s) for delivery of such information.

Sprint will use its X trouble reporting system to provide the Government with ad hoc trouble/complaint reporting capabilities. The trouble, tracking and complaint reporting system will have the capability to collect and sort trouble/complaint records by any field or combination of fields in each record. Through the use of X the Government will have the capability to obtain reports directly from this system. For example, Sprint’s X will contain a reports module which supports the generation of X reports which allows the agency/user to select trouble tickets associated with the FTS2001 program and sort trouble tickets X.

Sprint’s X will include a reports module for providing ad hoc trouble/ complaint reporting capabilities pertaining to:

• Maintaining, access to trouble report and resolution data for all trouble reports.

• Maintaining an archive of trouble reports and their resolutions for the duration of the contract

• Delivering archived trouble report data upon request from the PMO and agencies.

9.5 Measurement of Time to Restore Service (C.3.9.5)

As requested by the PMO, the contractor shall calculate and report a Time to Restore Service as specified in Section C.6.1.13.

Sprint will calculate and report to the PMO a Time to Restore Service as specified in RFP Section C.6.1.13 and will provide the PMO a report on the time to restore DTS service supplied under the Service Assurance feature. The report will include the data elements listed in IEG Section B.


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