Nexus OpenAPI Version 7

Nexus OpenAPI Version 7.0

This document discusses Nexus CCDS OpenAPI and its methods to connect to the API Server and query patient data for Nexus EHR V7.0, in the context of meeting the Meaningful Use Stage 3 requirements.

Nexus CCDS OpenAPI Terms and Conditions of Use


This API criterion allow patients, through a third-party application, to pull certain components of their unique health data directly from the provider's EHR, and potentially could--on demand--pull such information from multiple providers caring for a patient. Nexus has developed a web API platform enabling Meaningful Use Stage 3 standards compliant documentation for the APIs.

Terms and Conditions of Use

This section discusses the terms and conditions of using the Nexus Open API version 7.0.

This is a legal agreement ("Agreement") between "you" (a "Developer" or "User") and Nexus Clinical LLC ("Nexus Clinical" or "Company"). BY USING Nexus OpenAPI AND/OR Nexus EHR AND/OR ACCEPTING THIS AGREEMENT, YOU ARE CONSENTING TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS.

Nexus OpenAPI documentation, access link and materials (together "Materials") have been made available to developers for development and testing. The Materials are provided to developers as-is with no other warranties expressed or implied. Developers may use the Materials with adherence to the below terms and conditions:

1. Nexus EHR web link has the most up-to- date documentation of Nexus OpenAPI. Developers may keep copies of the Materials; however, they may not be distributed. Developers wishing to share the Materials may do so via linking other developers to the Materials hosted on the Nexus EHR.

2. Developers own developments using the Materials. Nexus Clinical LLC owns the materials, as well as any improvements to or derivatives of the Materials, such as enhancements to the testing tools or documentation.

3. All Nexus OpenAPI is web-service based API and developers are welcome to use any programming language of choice to interact with API.

4. Developers are responsible for the products developed and how the products connect to the other software. Developers are also responsible for complying with all applicable laws, including not infringing on Nexus Clinical's or others' intellectual property rights. Developers are also responsible for complying with all MU and other applicable compliances required for their application that use Nexus OpenAPI. Some Interfaces listed on Nexus OpenAPI link may require customer to license additional functionality or build additional workflows or features, so developers are encouraged to work closely with Nexus Clinical and Mutual Customers.

5. IMPORTANT: Nexus Clinical makes no representations, warranties, or guarantees regarding any information provided by the Nexus OpenAPI or the results obtained from any 3rd Party App. or the use of any product or service and shall not be responsible or liable for any errors or omissions in that information or the results obtained from any such use.

6. Client applications using the service for API calls require an identifier to connect. Client identifier creation can be accomplished by vendors, in the case of patientfacing applications, or organizations, in the case of provider-facing applications.

7. You will not, through use of the Nexus OpenAPI create Application, or other code or program that would disable, hack or otherwise interfere with any security, digital signing, digital rights management, verification or authentication mechanisms implemented in or by the Nexus OpenAPI, Nexus EHR, any services or other Nexus Clinical software or technology, or enable others to do so.

8. Developer Account: In order to establish a Developer Account, you may be required to provide contact information, organizational details, billing details, and other information, and you agree to keep the information updated at all times.

9. We reserve right on case by case basis to do a background check of developer. This may require additional documentation from developer.

10. Entity representation: If you are using the Nexus Open API on behalf of a legal entity (i.e. an App company), you represent that you have proper authority to act on behalf of and bind the entity to these Terms, and by accepting, you accept on behalf of the entity (and all references to "you" in the Terms refer to the entity).

11. End User Use: In order to use application developed using Nexus Open API, end user has to be active registered user of Nexus EHR.

12. Applications must not contain any malware, malicious or harmful code, program, or other internal component (e.g., computer viruses, Trojan horses, "backdoors") which could damage, destroy, or adversely affect the Nexus OpenAPI, Nexus EHR Software, services, or other software, firmware, hardware, data, systems, services, or networks.

13. Developers interested in advertising products using Nexus OpenAPI, Nexus Clinical name, or logo, please contact info@ to obtain permission.

Last Updated: Jun 23, 2017

Current Version

Nexus Open API Platform Version 7.0

Contact Information


API implementation requirements

For this API, user can use any software but need ability to access web APIs. This specification requires a browser that is SVG compatible (Microsoft Internet Explorer 10+, Firefox 3.0+, Chrome, or Safari). All API access is over HTTPS.

Nexus Open API Methods for Meaningful Use Stage 3 Requirements

This API criterion allow patients, through a third-party application, to pull certain components of their unique health data directly from the provider's EHR, and potentially could--on demand--pull such information from multiple providers caring for a patient. We have made PatientClinicalData class which include methods for client authentication, identification of a unique patient based on some searching parameters, getting category based or all CCDS data to meet Meaningful Use Stage 3 requirements as listed below:

1. The Nexus Open APIs allows other health IT applications to make read-only data requests for patient health information that is part of the Common Clinical Data Set.

2. API interface will utilize the requirements set forth in ?170.315(d)(1) Access Control and Authorization and ?170.315(d)(9) Trusted Connection to securitize external connections to verify requests originate from trusted and authorized sources, and provide for privatized responses.

3. The Nexus Open APIs are responsible per ?170.315(d) (2) Auditable Events and Tamper-Resistance to audit events.

4. ?170.315(g)(7), ?170.315(g)(8) and ?170.315(g)(9) - API interface would allow a request for "all" the patient data, or specific "by specific data category." Available data via the API interface is limited by the data defined by the Common Clinical Data Set.

5. Provides technical documentation of API that would include, at a minimum, API syntax, function names, required/optional parameters and their data types, return variables and types/structures, exceptions and exception handling methods and their return types.

The OpenAPI client library has a class called PatientClinicalData, using an instance of this class, the developer would be able perform operations to authentication client, identification of a unique patient based on some searching parameters, getting category based or all CCDS data to meet Meaningful Use Stage 3 requirements.

Brief description of all methods given below:

User Authentication

This function allows us to authenticate client based on a token provided by nexus and user login details. User can be client/patient. Authenticates user with passed credentials and returns JSON data containing success type, API consumer keys and success message.

Our Testing Login Screen:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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