August 2017

West Los Angeles CollegeBehavioral SciencesCourse Syllabus?Instructor:?Payal Jain, MACourse:?Section 26527, General Psychology 1, 3.00 Units (UC: CSU)Best way to contact:?You can?reach me through the?"Private Message" link in our class website. Please allow 24 hours for a response. If you send a message over the weekend, you may not receive a response until Monday. PLEASE DO NOT USE MY WLAC EMAIL ( TO CONTACT ME!On-Line Office Hours: Wednesdays 2- 4 pm (This is the best place for us to chat in real time using the in-class chat room).Office Phone: 310-287-4358Office Location: West Los Angeles College, Psychology Department, GC 380SCourse Objective:This course will introduce students to the study of human behavior, specifically as it relates to research, human development, the senses and brain functions, mental illness, motivation, emotion, learning, intelligence, personality, and social interactions.General Education Student Learning Outcome:1)??????Tie historical theories in psychology to current research methodology and outcomes.2)??????Students will describe applied areas of psychology such as clinical, counseling, forensic, community, organizational, school and / or health.Required Materials:Required Textbook: Spielman, R. M. (2014).?Psychology. Rice University: OpenStax College.Your textbook is embedded in the Canvas website, and it is free!Making the most of each ModuleBecause this is an online course, it is imperative that you commit to logging on to our class site a?minimum of 5 times per week. Each time you log on you should check for new announcements, participate in discussions as you progress through each Module, and make sure you're aware of all open/close dates for assignments and exams.Modules will include lectures in the form of powerpoint, videos, audio clips and?web links. It is important that you complete each module in its entirety, read all of the text, watch all of the videos, etc. Modules may also include links to additional resources to help you better understand the material. Each element of a module is essential so please don't skip anything. If you do decide to put in the bare minimum of effort, it will not only be obvious to me, but it will reflect negatively in your overall course grade. You will get out of the course, what you put into the course--so make your time worthwhile.Modules are uploaded on a weekly basis.***YOU WILL BE DROPPED IF YOU DO NOT COMPLETE THE FIRST MODULE OR IF YOU HAVE NOT LOGGED IN FOR LONGER THAN 5 DAYS!Course Requirements:Final (Total 90 points):?The cumulative final will be 45 questions, and you will have 115 minutes to take it.?The final will be on all of the module chapters we go over. It will not be on the chapters we do not go over in the modules. Due 10/22.Exams (Total 250 points):?There will be a total of five exams. Each exam?(50 points)?will be timed, and you will only have one opportunity take the exam. If you begin an exam and then log out to continue later, the?clock will KEEP running. When time is up, your grade as-is will be submitted. All?exams will open at?12:00 AM?on their open date and will close at?11:59 PM?on their close date. The exams will cover all assigned readings, online lectures, videos or other media presented. The format will be primarily objective test items (multiple choice). You will have 115 minutes to complete 50 test questions.?THERE WILL BE NO MAKEUP EXAMS. You have until?midnight to complete exams on their respective dates. Remember to check the calendar on Canvas frequently to see when exams are due. Except for the first exam, you will have an exam about every ten days. You will not be able to take the exam unless you have completed the chapter modules for the exam.Exams are due various dates.Discussion Participation (Total 100 points):?You will participate in ten Discussion Forum topics (each worth 10 points). Because this is an online class, it can be harder to feel like you are part of a classroom environment. In the field of psychology, it is necessary to feel free to ask questions and share your experiences with your classmates. Class participation is a vital part of the course and will, therefore, be a crucial part of your grade. You will be required to interact with your classmates?at least two times per Discussion Forum.?Discussion participation requires one post to answer the chapter question and the other post can be answering another students'?question or correcting a classmate's incorrect responses, or sharing an experience that is?relevant?to?the material and?linking it explicitly with the module, textbook, etc. Chatting with a class mate is encouraged, but not as one of your graded posts, so?chat?all you want but be sure that at least 2 of your posts are grade worthy.?Therefore, each post should be a couple of paragraphs long.·?????????????????????Your discussion will be graded for its content quality. Participation does not mean just stating "I agree" or?"I don't understand."? To earn participation points you must?elaborate and contribute thoughtfully?to each discussion topic, for example, "I agree with John because..." and then offer clear and precise reasons as to why you agree and link that opinion back to course material. Or "I think this experience is a good example of ______because?..."·?????????????????????Your comments must be clear and articulate, using spell check and proper grammar. Do not use text language--this is not Facebook, and you are not chatting with a friend over IM, you are in a college classroom, so please be respectful of that.?Points will be deducted for work that is not college level appropriate. Points will also be deducted if the posts have no citations of the sources used. Anything not in your own words is cited within the post!!!·?????????????????????I take these points very seriously, so be sure that your participation is thoughtful, relevant and demonstrates that you are a vital part of the class environment.?Also, you have until?Sunday?night to post two times for each Discussion Forum. Some weeks you will have one Discussion Forum due, other weeks you will have two separate Discussion Forums due. Make sure that you post two times for each Discussion Forum.I DON'T ACCEPT LATE DISCUSSION POSTS!Due every Sunday night at midnight.Written Assignment (80 Points):APA Format Mental Health Disorder Research Paper GuidelinesThe psychology department requires that each student in Psychology 1 complete a paper.? You may NOT use a paper you turned in for any other class.You may choose any disorder covered in the textbook to write.? It will be at least five pages complete, APA Format, typed, double-spaced pages with 1.0” margins (left indented only, not block formatted) in Times New Roman font, 12-point size. Do not skip spaces between paragraphs (Microsoft Word now automatically puts 1.5 space between paragraphs, so you will need to change this). The paper can be longer than three pages of research information.Your paper will be on a mental health disorder of your choosing from chapter 15. The first page will be your title page. You will write the second page (only) as an autobiographical or biographical statement of why you are specifically interested in your topic. For example, let’s say Major Depressive Disorder interests you, you can write about why that disorder interests you as one page. The next two pages must be a synopsis of the scholarly research journals you read. You cannot use interviews or stories of people as evidence of empirical studies. You must include a 5th page that will be a list of all of your references (a bibliography).The research paper must be written in essay format, without bullet points, lists, or subsection titles.? You will not write an abstract. You need a minimum of 3 references for this paper, which may only include journal articles and approved websites. Do not use any book as a reference. Your references should be no older than 2005.You are not allowed to use websites for the paper until I approve the site beforehand. A few exceptions to this include , , , , and any site I directed you to in the classroom. You can’t use any “.com” because there is no one to govern the truth of many of these sites which mean you can’t even use or any other "wiki" site!When you are using someone else’s work to write your paper, you must give them credit.?You must cite your references in every paragraph of your paper; this should be done in APA format (see and the way your textbook is written).? APA format means you include the author’s last name and the year of publication ONLY of the article inside parentheses when you are referencing work they presented. The following is an example of a sentence from a paper on depression:? Many times depression is linked to anxiety (Myers, 2007). ?The important thing to remember here is NOT TO PLAGIARIZE the information. CITE your references in EVERY paragraph, and USE YOUR OWN WORDS! Please do not copy word for word from your references unless you put it in quotation marks.? You may not use quotes longer than one sentence, and you may not have more than five quotes in the paper.You must summarize what you have read using plain English.? Do not write scientific jargon (such as lists of prescription drugs or the ingredients of drugs) that is not understandable without a medical degree.? If you do not use all of your own words and do not accurately cite your sources, this is plagiarizing and grounds for cheating. I will either give your paper back to you to redo or give you a zero.I DON'T ACCEPT LATE PAPERS!Due 10/18.Methods of EvaluationExams??????????? ???????????? ?????????????????? ?250Discussion Forum??????????????????????????100Paper ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 80Final ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?90Total????????????????????????????????????????????????520 points468- 520=A416- 467=B364- 415=C312- 363=DBelow 311=FAcademic Dishonesty:·Students are expected to abide by ethical standards in preparing and presenting material that demonstrates their level of knowledge and which is used to determine grades. Such standards are founded on basic concepts of integrity and honesty.·Cheating constitutes academic dishonesty and, in general, will be handled as part of the course grading process. Penalty may range from no credit for the assignment up to and including exclusion and an “F” grade for the course·Academic work is evaluated on the assumption that the work presented is the students own unless designated otherwise.·Plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty are not acceptable conduct at West Los Angeles College.Web Etiquette·Some helpful hints with regards to taking an online class·?????????????????????1.? Be respectful to your classmates and instructor - be aware that what you write may be misconstrued, so think about it before you send it·?????????????????????2.? Do not write in all capitals - this is considered SHOUTING·?????????????????????3.? Do not belittle any of your classmate's opinions/ideas - everyone is entitled to their own views whether you agree or not, it is OK to disagree in a constructive wayExtra CreditThere will be no extra credit given!!!Students with DisabilitiesStudents with disabilities who need any assistance or accommodations should contact the instructor. Students should also contact the Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS) center located in SSB 320 or call 310.287.4450.Academic IntegrityStudents are responsible for the honest completion and representation of their work, for the appropriate citation of sources, and for respect of others’ academic endeavors. When there is evidence of cheating or plagiarism in classroom work, the instructor will assign a failing grade, “F,” or zero points to the examination or assignment in which the alleged cheating or plagiarism occurred. The instructor will provide the student with supporting documentation of the plagiarism or cheating charge. Instructors have the authority to use plagiarism detecting instruments such as “Turn It In” to detect academic dishonesty.Forms of Behavior which Violate Academic IntegrityCheating: Using any materials or devices or strategies which provide an undue advantage on any exam, assignment, activity or other methods of assessment for a course. This includes, but is not limited to, looking at another student's exam, using phones or other communication systems to text message during exams, taking pictures or images of exams, talking with others during exams, using the Internet to find information or any other system of inappropriate "help." Exams are to be measures of what YOU, as an individual, have learned.Collaboration:?Working together on projects, papers, exams or other forms of assessment which are to be completed individually.Plagiarism:?Taking anyone else's work as one's own. Presenting another's words, ideas, forms of expression, materials, or labor without proper citation, referencing, and a declaration that this material originated outside the student's own work.Standard of Student ConductFaculty members are charged with responsibility for building and maintaining a classroom atmosphere conducive to learning. Disruptive, disrespectful, or obstructive behavior will be dealt with in terms specific to this syllabus and following the LACCD Standard of Student Conduct.?Select forms of disciplinary action appropriate to the misconduct may be taken by an instructor when there is evidence that the student’s behavior interferes with classroom instruction.??The following types of disciplinary action may be taken by an instructor:1)??????????????????????????????Warning-?A verbal or written notice, given to the student by an instructor. Continuation or repetition of the specified conduct may be cause for further disciplinary action.2)??????????????????????????????Removal by Instructor?- An instructor may remove (suspend) a student from his or her class for the day of the incident and the next class meeting.? During this period of removal, the student shall not return to the class from which he or she was removed without the permission of the instructor of the class.Students may refer to the College Catalog or the online student orientation at?; click “Counseling, Assessment, and Orientation,” then scroll down to “Orientation” for complete details regarding the aforementioned policies.?Makeup Policy:It should be clear by now that there are NO MAKEUPS FOR ANY REASON. The class schedule outlines the open/close dates for each module, assignment, and exam, so each student should be able to plan their time effectively. Late assignments and discussion participation?will not be accepted under any circumstance.? The course syllabus outlines your obligations for this course and all open/close dates are outlined in the "modules" and "assignments, tests and surveys" sections of this course. Therefore each student should be prepared to complete these requirements as they are assigned.? Online classes are already far more lenient than traditional face to face classes, so do not try to take further advantage by making up silly excuses for not meeting your college class obligations.?If you decide to wait until the last minute to complete an assignment and then a problem occurs (computer problems, illness, work obligations, family obligations, sick kids, etc.) that prevent you from completing your work, that is simply a consequence of the choice you made to procrastinate and wait until the last minute. Schedule: HYPERLINK "" \o "July 2017" ? Jul 2017August 2017Sep 2017 ?SunMonTueWedThuFriSat20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Open: Module chapters 1 and 2Open: Discussion chapter 2 29 30 31 ? Aug 2017September 2017Oct 2017 ?SunMonTueWedThuFriSat1 2 3 Due: Discussion chapter 2 at midnight4 Open: Module chapter 3Open: Discussion chapter 3Open: Exam 1 on chapters 1, 2, 35 6 7 8 9 10 Due: Discussion chapter 3 at midnight Due: Exam 1 on chapters 1, 2, 3 at midnight 11 Open: Module chapters 4, 6, 7 Open: Discussion chapters 4, 6Open: Exam 2 on chapters 4, 6, 7 12 13 14 15 16 17 Due: Discussion Chapters 4, 6 at midnight18 Open: Module chapters 8, 9Open: Discussion chapter 819 20 Due: Exam 2 on chapters 4, 6, 7 at midnight 21 Open: Exam 3 on chapters 8, 922 23 24 Due: Discussion chapter 8 at midnight25 Open: Module chapters 10, 11, 12Open: Discussion chapters 11, 1226 27 28 29 30 Due: Exam 3 on chapters 8, 9 at midnight ? Sep 2017October 2017Nov 2017 ?SunMonTueWedThuFriSat1 Due: Discussion chapters 11, 12 at midnight2 Open: Module chapter 15Open: Discussion chapter 15Open: Exam 4 on chapters 10, 11, 12 at midnight 3 4 5 6 7 8 Due: Discussion Chapter 15 at midnight 9 Open: Module chapter 14Open: Discussion chapter 1410 Due: Exam 4 on chapters 10, 11, 12 at midnight11 Open: Exam 5 on chapters 14, 1512 13 14 15 Due: Discussion Chapter 14 at midnight16 Open: Module chapter 16Open: Discussion chapter 16Open: Cumulative Final 17 18 Due: Written Assignmnet at midnight19 20 Due: Exam 5 on chapters 14, 15 at midnight21 22 Due: Discussion chapter 16Due: Cumulative Final at midnight23 24 25 26 27 28 ***This syllabus is subject to change at Instructor’s discretion.Chapters1: Introduction to Psychology Chapter2: Psychological Research Chapter3: Biopsychology Chapter4: States of Consciousness Chapter5: Sensation and Perception Chapter6: Learning Chapter7: Thinking and Intelligence Chapter8: Memory Chapter9: Lifespan Development Chapter10: Motivation and Emotion Chapter11: Personality Chapter12: Social Psychology Chapter13: Industrial-Organizational Psychology14: Stress, Lifestyle, and Health Chapter15: Psychological Disorders16: Therapy and Treatment ................

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