Troops/Dice - Fat Wally

Die-HardsBackground“We take few prisoners, because they always fight to the last man. They never surrender. Their materiel can’t be compared with ours; but they know how to use it” German Staff Officer, Army Group South June 1941.“A new feature in the sectors of Army Group South and North is the new heavy Russian tanks, reportedly armed with 8cm guns and according to another, but untrustworthy, observation from Army Group North, even 15cm guns!” General Halder.Late July 1941, Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of the Soviet Union. Army Group North, your armoured company has been in continual daily combat for almost a month and is down to nine effective tanks out of the seventeen that it began the campaign with. These are due as much to the dreadful nature of the terrain causing mechanical failures, as to the actions of the enemy. The spearhead of the Division has pressed forever onwards, and is engaged in a major tank battle a few miles away, leaving pockets of determined Soviets in their wake who need to be eliminated. Your Kompanie of weary veterans, was taken out of the front line for a rest, but has been tasked with clearing up an area which is reported as still having a number of the enemy present. Attached to your Kompanie is a Zug of Shutzen in halftracks and a Gruppe of combat engineers also in a halftrack, with an attached flamethrower crew, to clear any obstacles.TerrainThe shelled area of woods is classed as broken ground. All the other woods and boggy ground are classed as heavy going for movement. This means that vehicles cannot enter either terrain. Within 4” of the edge of the trees visibility is classed as badly obstructed. Further inside the woods visibility is considered to be very badly obstructed. Hills are low and do not impede movement but an element on a hill will add a +1 bonus to its spotting. All buildings are of wooden construction and classed as small.Troops/Dice01234Panzer Crews (Morale IV)---5-Veteran Schutzen1-3456,78Combat Engineers1,2345,67,8Flamethrowers1--2AT Rifle -1-2-Infantry Anti-Tank Weapons0-4”5-8”9-12”13”-16”ATR4433Combat Engineers4---Infantry2---Scenario NotesThe Germans get five blinds, one for each unit, plus three more dummy blinds. Your force begins the game on blinds on the road where it enters the northern table edge. Two blinds may be on table with two more following on each blinds card dealt.The Germans rate as Veterans. As such there are a number of bonus cards available; Rapid Deployment, Dynamic Commander, Heroic Leader, Rally, plus a Blitzkrieg armoured bonus. However, a vehicle breakdown card is also included.You win if you exit the southern table edge after clearing the table of the enemy. Armour 1BIG MAN 1Panzer Kompanie HQPzKpfw III E (Ave, Armour 3, Gun 5)PzKpfw II F (Fast, Armour 2, Gun 4 )SdKfz 9 ‘FAMO’ Recovery CO Hauptmann BIG MAN 1 (Level IV)The CO is mounted in the Panzer III E.CO can act as a Forward Observer for an artillery battery (blast radius 7”) of four 105mm Howizers (2D6 effect) for two command Actions.The SdKfz 9 ‘FAMO’ is useful for towing broken down or bogged vehicles. To winch out a bogged down vehicle it must be immediately adjacent to the front or rear of the stranded vehicle. Once a turn roll 2D6 needing a double to free the bogged down vehicle. While attempting to winch out another vehicle the crews of both vehicles are dedicated to this task and cannot undertake any other actions.Armour 2BIG MAN 4Panzer ZugTwo PzKpfw III F (Ave, Armour 3, Gun 8)Two PzKpfw III G (Ave, Armour 4, Gun 8) Oberleutnant BIG MAN 4 (Level III)Armour 3BIG MAN 5Panzer ZugThree PzKpfw III G (Ave, Armour 4, Gun 8) Unteroffizier BIG MAN 5 (Level II)Vehicles may be susceptible to breakdowns due to the rough terrain. Vehicles which have broken down will subsequently double any Shock they suffer.Inf Platoon 1BIG MAN 2BIG MAN 3Schutzen Zug3 x Rifle Gruppe (8 men) + SdKfz 251 Halftracks (Fast, Armour 2, MGs) AT Rifle (2 men) + SdKfz 251/10 (Fast, Armour 2, Gun 6)Leutnant BIG MAN 2 (Level III) Unterfeldwebel BIG MAN 3 (Level II)All Schutzen Gruppen have an additional LMG and will roll one more D6 than the number of Actions allocated to firing. Inf Platoon 2 BIG MAN 6Obegefreiter BIG MAN 4 (Level II) Combat Engineer Gruppe (8 men) + SdKfz 251/7 (Fast, Armour 2, MGs)Flamenwerfer (2 men) Pioneers that make contact with an enemy bunker or strong‐point will roll a D6, destroying it and killing the occupants on a roll of 2 to 6. On a roll of 1 the charge fails to explode. Will roll 1D6 each turn that they entirely devote to clearing a 6” by 6” area of minefield (assuming an engineering section of around eight to ten men is deployed for that purpose). On a roll of 6 they can declare the minefield passable. A 6” by 2” strip of mines will be cleared on a roll of 5 or 6. A false minefield will be identified as such by the end of one full turn spent working on it. Single file paths may be cleared through a 6” minefield on a roll of 4‐ Flamethrowers (p34) operate with the same number of Actions as a rifle section of their troop type. They have a maximum range of 9” and fire with 5D6 on the 0‐9” column of the fire table, ignoring all cover. Any Shock caused by a flamethrower is doubled. Flamethrowers firing on wooden buildings will set the building on fire if they roll two or more 1’s on their firing dice. If more 6’s than 1’s are rolled during firing then the flamethrower is out of fuel and the team is removed from the table. A flamethrower hit on a soft‐skin will automatically destroy the vehicle. The effect of hits on any passengers will be calculated without any allowance for cover. 8.4.3 Flamethrowers against armour. A flamethrower will automatically hit any AFV that is fired at. The player will roll the flamethrower’s normal fire dice as though rolling against an infantry target. If more 6’s than 1’s are rolled then the AFV has been destroyed, exploding with a critical hit. Any tank that has not been destroyed will take two points of Shock. Against open‐topped AFVs and armoured carriers the player will roll the flamethrower’s normal fire dice as though rolling against an infantry target. If more 6’s are rolled than 1’s, then the vehicle has been destroyed. Any armoured carrier not destroyed will take two points of Shock. Armoured Bonus: May move any number of his own tanks, armoured vehicles and Blinds representing armoured vehicles as long as all are within 6” of any other functioning vehicle in the group. Using this bonus does not affect a platoon’s normal activation by a Big Man or on its platoon card. Each tank, vehicle or Blind moving on the Armoured Bonus card must move using all of his normal number of Actions and may not undertake any Actions other than movement. Each AFV or Blind will dice individually to see how far it moves. The Armoured Bonus option is only available for AFVs operating with a radio net.Rally Card: The player may remove one point of Shock from a single unit that is not accompanied by a Big Man. Alternatively, if a Big Man is attached to a unit he may remove multiple Shock points up to his Command Initiative level without affecting his normal activation.Dynamic leader: The player may select one of his Big Men who may personally move with up to three Actions. This is a move only card for one leader in any turn. This will not affect his ability to be activated on his own unit card earlier or later in the turn.Heroic leader: A player may have one of his Big Men undertake an heroic action. The players should look at the normal chances of success and then increase them slightly before rolling the dice. Some examples of an heroic action would be manning an anti‐tank gun single‐handedly; attacking a tank with a bundle of grenades; leading a section in a desperate charge. This card may only be used once in a game after which it is discarded from the Game Deck. ................

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