Multiple Procedure Payment Reduction (MPPR) on Diagnostic ... - AAPC

Reimbursement Policy

Multiple Procedure Payment Reduction (MPPR) on Diagnostic

Cardiovascular and Ophthalmology Procedures






UnitedHealthcare Medicare

Reimbursement Policy Committee


Approval Date



This policy is applicable to UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage Plans offered by UnitedHealthcare and its


You are responsible for submission of accurate claims. This reimbursement policy is intended to ensure that

you are reimbursed based on the code or codes that correctly describe the health care services provided.

UnitedHealthcare reimbursement policies use Current Procedural Terminology (CPT?*), Centers for Medicare

and Medicaid Services (CMS), or other coding guidelines. References to CPT or other sources are for

definitional purposes only and do not imply any right to reimbursement.

This reimbursement policy applies to all health care services billed on CMS 1500 forms and, when specified, to

those billed on UB04 forms (CMS 1450). Coding methodology, industry-standard reimbursement logic,

regulatory requirements, benefits design and other factors are considered in developing reimbursement policy.

This information is intended to serve only as a general resource regarding UnitedHealthcare¡¯s reimbursement

policy for the services described and is not intended to address every aspect of a reimbursement situation.

Accordingly, UnitedHealthcare may use reasonable discretion in interpreting and applying this policy to health

care services provided in a particular case. Further, the policy does not address all issues related to

reimbursement for health care services provided to UnitedHealthcare enrollees. Other factors affecting

reimbursement may supplement, modify or, in some cases, supersede this policy. These factors may include,

but are not limited to: legislative mandates, the physician or other provider contracts, and/or the enrollee¡¯s

benefit coverage documents. Finally, this policy may not be implemented exactly the same way on the

different electronic claims processing systems used by UnitedHealthcare due to programming or other

constraints; however, UnitedHealthcare strives to minimize these variations.

UnitedHealthcare may modify this reimbursement policy at any time by publishing a new version of the policy

on this Website. However, the information presented in this policy is accurate and current as of the date of


*CPT copyright 2010 (or such other date of publication of CPT) American Medical Association. All rights

reserved. CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association.

Proprietary information of UnitedHealthcare. Copyright 2014 United HealthCare Services, Inc.

Table of Contents

Application ......................................................................................................................................1

Summary .........................................................................................................................................2


Reimbursement Guidelines ...............................................................................................................2

CPT/HCPCS Codes: Diagnostic Cardiovascular Services Subject to the MPPR ..................................3

CPT/HCPCS Codes: Diagnostic Ophthalmology Services Subject to the MPPR .................................9

References Included (but not limited to): .......................................................................................10

CMS Transmittals ............................................................................................................................10

UnitedHealthcare Reimbursement Policies ..........................................................................................10

MLN Matters ...................................................................................................................................10

History ............................................................................................................................................10


This reimbursement policy applies to services reported using the Health Insurance Claim Form CMS-1500 or its

electronic equivalent or its successor form, and services reported using facility claim form CMS-1450 or its

electronic equivalent or its successor form. This policy applies to all products, all network and non-network

physicians, and other health care professionals.

The HCPCS/CPT code(s) may be subject to Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) edits. This policy does not take

precedence over CCI edits. Please refer to the CCI for correct coding guidelines and specific applicable code

combinations prior to billing UnitedHealthcare. It is not enough to link the procedure code to a correct, payable

Proprietary information of UnitedHealthcare. Copyright 2014 United HealthCare Services, Inc.

Page 1

Reimbursement Policy

Multiple Procedure Payment Reduction (MPPR) on Diagnostic

Cardiovascular and Ophthalmology Procedures

ICD-9-CM diagnosis code. The diagnosis must be present for the procedure to be paid. Compliance with the

provisions in this policy is subject to monitoring by pre-payment review and/or post-payment data analysis

and subsequent medical review. The effective date of changes/additions/deletions to this policy is the

committee meeting date unless otherwise indicated. CPT codes and descriptions are copyright 2010 American

Medical Association (or such other date of publication of CPT). All rights reserved. CPT is a registered

trademark of the American Medical Association. Applicable FARS/DFARS restrictions apply to Government use.

Fee schedules, relative value units, conversion factors, and/or related components are not assigned by the

AMA, are not part of CPT, and the AMA is not recommending their use. The AMA does not directly or indirectly

practice medicine or dispense medical services. The AMA assumes no liability for data contained or not

contained herein. Current Dental Terminology (CDT), including procedure codes, nomenclature, descriptors,

and other data contained therein, is copyright by the American Dental Association, 2002, 2004. All rights

reserved. CDT is a registered trademark of the American Dental Association. Applicable FARS/DFARS apply.



Section 3134 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) added section 1848(c)(2)(K) of the Social Security Act which

specifies that the Secretary shall identify potentially misvalued codes by examining multiple codes that are

frequently billed in conjunction with furnishing a single service. As a further step in implementing this

provision, Medicare is expanding the MPPR policy by applying MPPRs to the TC of diagnostic cardiovascular and

ophthalmology procedures.

Reimbursement Guidelines

The MPPRs on diagnostic cardiovascular and ophthalmology procedures apply when multiple services are

furnished to the same patient on the same day. The MPPRs apply independently to cardiovascular and

ophthalmology services. The MPPRs apply to TC-only services, and to the TC of global services.

For cardiovascular services, full payment is made for the TC service with the highest payment under the

Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS). Payment is made at 75 percent for subsequent TC services furnished

by the same physician (or by multiple physicians in the same group practice) to the same patient on the same


For ophthalmology services, full payment is made for the TC service with the highest payment under the

Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS). Payment is made at 80 percent for subsequent TC services furnished

by the same physician (or by multiple physicians in the same group practice) to the same patient on the same


The MPPRs do not apply to professional component (PC) services. The current and proposed payments are

summarized below in the following examples:

The complete lists of codes subject to the MPPRs on diagnostic cardiovascular and ophthalmology procedures

are provided in the codes section below.

To accommodate implementation of this new proposal, CMS has modified the 2013 Medicare Physician Fee

Schedule to include the following changes:

1. A new Multiple Procedure (Field 21) value of ¡®6¡¯ will denote diagnostic cardiovascular services subject to the

Proprietary information of UnitedHealthcare. Copyright 2014 United HealthCare Services, Inc.

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Reimbursement Policy

Multiple Procedure Payment Reduction (MPPR) on Diagnostic

Cardiovascular and Ophthalmology Procedures

MPPR methodology.

2. A new Multiple Procedure (Field 21) value of ¡®7¡¯ will denote diagnostic ophthalmology services subject to

the MPPR methodology.

UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage will align with CMS and implement the new Multiple Procedure Payment

Reduction (MPPR) for Diagnostic Cardiovascular and Ophthalmology Services Policy, effective with claims

reported with a date of service on and after May 1, 2014.

CPT/HCPCS Codes: Diagnostic Cardiovascular Services Subject to the MPPR




Aortography, thoracic, without serialography, radiological supervision and interpretation


Aortography, thoracic, by serialography, radiological supervision and interpretation


Aortography, abdominal, by serialography, radiological supervision and interpretation


Aortography, abdominal plus bilateral iliofemoral lower extremity, catheter, by serialography,

radiological supervision and interpretation


Angiography, brachial, retrograde, radiological supervision and interpretation


Angiography, spinal, selective, radiological supervision and interpretation


Angiography, extremity, unilateral, radiological supervision and interpretation


Angiography, extremity, bilateral, radiological supervision and interpretation


Angiography, visceral, selective or supraselective (with or without flush aortogram), radiological

supervision and interpretation


Angiography, adrenal, unilateral, selective, radiological supervision and interpretation


Angiography, adrenal, bilateral, selective, radiological supervision and interpretation


Angiography, pelvic, selective or supraselective, radiological supervision and interpretation


Angiography, pulmonary, unilateral, selective, radiological supervision and interpretation


Angiography, pulmonary, bilateral, selective, radiological supervision and interpretation


Angiography, pulmonary, by nonselective catheter or venous injection, radiological supervision

and interpretation


Angiography, internal mammary, radiological supervision and interpretation


Angiography, arteriovenous shunt (e.g., dialysis patient fistula/graft), complete evaluation of

dialysis access, including fluoroscopy, image documentation and report (includes injections of

contrast and all necessary imaging from the arterial anastomosis and adjacent artery through

entire venous outflow including the inferior or superior vena cava), radiological supervision and



Shuntogram for investigation of previously placed indwelling nonvascular shunt (e.g., LeVeen

shunt, ventriculoperitoneal shunt, indwelling infusion pump), radiological supervision and



Venography, extremity, unilateral, radiological supervision and interpretation


Venography, extremity, bilateral, radiological supervision and interpretation


Venography, caval, inferior, with serialography, radiological supervision and interpretation


Venography, caval, superior, with serialography, radiological supervision and interpretation


Venography, renal, unilateral, selective, radiological supervision and interpretation


Venography, renal, bilateral, selective, radiological supervision and interpretation


Venography, adrenal, unilateral, selective, radiological supervision and interpretation


Venography, adrenal, bilateral, selective, radiological supervision and interpretation

Proprietary information of UnitedHealthcare. Copyright 2014 United HealthCare Services, Inc.

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Reimbursement Policy

Multiple Procedure Payment Reduction (MPPR) on Diagnostic

Cardiovascular and Ophthalmology Procedures


Venography, venous sinus (e.g., petrosal and inferior sagittal) or jugular, catheter, radiological

supervision and interpretation


Venography, superior sagittal sinus, radiological supervision and interpretation


Venography, epidural, radiological supervision and interpretation


Venography, orbital, radiological supervision and interpretation


Percutaneous transhepatic portography with hemodynamic evaluation, radiological supervision

and interpretation


Percutaneous transhepatic portography without hemodynamic evaluation, radiological

supervision and interpretation


Hepatic venography, wedged or free, with hemodynamic evaluation, radiological supervision

and interpretation


Hepatic venography, wedged or free, without hemodynamic evaluation, radiological supervision

and interpretation


Venous sampling through catheter, with or without angiography (e.g., for parathyroid hormone,

renin), radiological supervision and interpretation


Cardiac shunt detection


Non-cardiac vascular flow imaging (ie, angiography, venography)


Myocardial perfusion imaging, tomographic (SPECT) (including attenuation correction,

qualitative or quantitative wall motion, ejection fraction by first pass or gated technique,

additional quantification, when performed); single study, at rest or stress (exercise or



Myocardial perfusion imaging, tomographic (SPECT) (including attenuation correction,

qualitative or quantitative wall motion, ejection fraction by first pass or gated technique,

additional quantification, when performed); multiple studies, at rest and/or stress (exercise or

pharmacologic) and/or redistribution and/or rest reinjection


Myocardial perfusion imaging, planar (including qualitative or quantitative wall motion, ejection

fraction by first pass or gated technique, additional quantification, when performed); single

study, at rest or stress (exercise or pharmacologic)


Myocardial perfusion imaging, planar (including qualitative or quantitative wall motion, ejection

fraction by first pass or gated technique, additional quantification, when performed); multiple

studies, at rest and/or stress (exercise or pharmacologic) and/or redistribution and/or rest



Acute venous thrombosis imaging, peptide


Venous thrombosis imaging, venogram; unilateral


Venous thrombosis imaging, venogram; bilateral


Myocardial imaging, infarct avid, planar; qualitative or quantitative


Myocardial imaging, infarct avid, planar; with ejection fraction by first pass technique


Myocardial imaging, infarct avid, planar; tomographic SPECT with or without quantification


Cardiac blood pool imaging, gated equilibrium; planar, single study at rest or stress (exercise

and/or pharmacologic), wall motion study plus ejection fraction, with or without additional

quantitative processing


Cardiac blood pool imaging, gated equilibrium; multiple studies, wall motion study plus ejection

fraction, at rest and stress (exercise and/or pharmacologic), with or without additional



Cardiac blood pool imaging (planar), first pass technique; single study, at rest or with stress

Proprietary information of UnitedHealthcare. Copyright 2014 United HealthCare Services, Inc.

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Reimbursement Policy

Multiple Procedure Payment Reduction (MPPR) on Diagnostic

Cardiovascular and Ophthalmology Procedures

(exercise and/or pharmacologic), wall motion study plus ejection fraction, with or without



Cardiac blood pool imaging (planar), first pass technique; multiple studies, at rest and with

stress (exercise and/or pharmacologic), wall motion study plus ejection fraction, with or

without quantification


Cardiac blood pool imaging, gated equilibrium, SPECT, at rest, wall motion study plus ejection

fraction, with or without quantitative processing


Electrocardiogram, routine ECG with at least 12 leads; with interpretation and report


Electrocardiogram, routine ECG with at least 12 leads; tracing only, without interpretation and



Cardiovascular stress test using maximal or submaximal treadmill or bicycle exercise,

continuous electrocardiographic monitoring, and/or pharmacological stress; with supervision,

interpretation and report


Cardiovascular stress test using maximal or submaximal treadmill or bicycle exercise,

continuous electrocardiographic monitoring, and/or pharmacological stress; tracing only,

without interpretation and report


Ergonovine provocation test


Microvolt T-wave alternans for assessment of ventricular arrhythmias


Rhythm ECG, 1-3 leads; with interpretation and report


Rhythm ECG, 1-3 leads; tracing only without interpretation and report


External electrocardiographic recording up to 48 hours by continuous rhythm recording and

storage; includes recording, scanning analysis with report, review and interpretation by a

physician or other qualified health care professional


External electrocardiographic recording up to 48 hours by continuous rhythm recording and

storage; recording (includes connection, recording, and disconnection)


External electrocardiographic recording up to 48 hours by continuous rhythm recording and

storage; scanning analysis with report


External mobile cardiovascular telemetry with electrocardiographic recording, concurrent

computerized real time data analysis and greater than 24 hours of accessible ECG data storage

(retrievable with query) with ECG triggered and patient selected events transmitted to a

remote attended surveillance center for up to 30 days; technical support for connection and

patient instructions for use, attended surveillance, analysis and transmission of daily and

emergent data reports as prescribed by a physician or other qualified health care professional


External patient and, when performed, auto activated electrocardiographic rhythm derived

event recording with symptom-related memory loop with remote download capability up to 30

days, 24-hour attended monitoring; includes transmission, review and interpretation by a

physician or other qualified health care professional


External patient and, when performed, auto activated electrocardiographic rhythm derived

event recording with symptom-related memory loop with remote download capability up to 30

days, 24-hour attended monitoring; recording (includes connection, recording, and



External patient and, when performed, auto activated electrocardiographic rhythm derived

event recording with symptom-related memory loop with remote download capability up to 30

days, 24-hour attended monitoring; transmission and analysis


Signal-averaged electrocardiography (SAECG), with or without ECG


Programming device evaluation (in person) with iterative adjustment of the implantable device

to test the function of the device and select optimal permanent programmed values with

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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