
?Name:______________________________________________ Date:________________________ Grade 3: Expository WritingTrimester: ____4 Exceeding Standard3 Meeting Standard2 Making Progress1 Minimal Progress3.W.2: Informative/ Expository WritingSkillfully introduces a topic States two or more clear main ideasUses facts, definitions, and explanation to develop points and support main ideasUses linking words and phrases (also, another and, more, but) to connect ideas within categories of informationIncludes specific content-related vocabularyProvides a clear, unique concluding statement or paragraphIntroduces a topic States one or more clear main ideasUses facts, definitions, and explanation to develop points and support main ideasUses linking words and phrases (also, another and, more, but) to connect ideas within categories of informationAdequate vocabularyProvides a concluding statement or paragraphTopic is named or identifiedMain ideas are vague writing shows a lack of focusLinking words to connect ideas is not apparentSimple and general vocabularyResponse comes to an abrupt end or there is a minimal attempt to restate main ideasDoes not introduce topicUnclear or scattered main idea and details.No facts or explanation provided to support main ideas.Lacking linking words to connect ideasVague and inappropriate vocabularyWeak or missing concluding statement4 Exceeding Standard3Meeting Standard2Making Progress1Minimal ProgressLanguage and ConventionsFew, if any, errors in spelling, capitalization, or punctuationUses a variety of sentence types (simple, compound)Fluent responseConsistent capitalizationConsistent punctuationConsistent spelling of high-frequency wordsLegible hand writing and spacingUses a variety of sentence startersInconsistent capitalizationInconsistent punctuationInconsistent spelling of high-frequency wordsHandwriting and/or spacing may be difficult to read Repetitive sentence startersFrequent errors in spelling, capitalization, and punctuationSimplistic sentence structureErrors affect the readability of the response making it difficult to understandName:______________________________________________ Date:________________________ Grade 3: Opinion WritingTrimester: ____4 Exceeding Standard3 Meeting Standard2 Making Progress1 Minimal Progress3.W.1: Opinion WritingProvides an opinion with a compelling lead Distinct reasons and powerful supporting detailsLogical sequence and clear focusUsers linking words and phrases (another, for example) to enhance the responsePrecise and appropriate vocabularyProvides a clear, unique concluding statement or paragraphProvides an opinion with an adequate leadDistinct reasons and supporting detailsClear focusUses linking words and phrases (and, but, more) to make connectionsAdequate vocabularyProvides a concluding statement or paragraphProvides an opinion General reasons and overlapping supporting detailsMay lack focusLinking words to connect ideas is not apparentSimplistic and general vocabularyResponse comes to an abrupt end or there is a minimal attempt to restate main ideasDoes not state an opinion and lacks an introductionLacks reasons and supporting detailsUnfocusedLacks linking words to connect ideasVague and inappropriate vocabularyWeak or missing concluding statement4Exceeding Standard3Meeting Standard2Making Progress1Minimal ProgressLanguage and ConventionsFew, if any, errors in spelling, capitalization, or punctuationUses a variety of sentence types (simple, compound)Fluent responseConsistent capitalizationConsistent punctuationConsistent spelling of high-frequency wordsLegible hand writing and spacingUses a variety of sentence startersInconsistent capitalizationInconsistent punctuationInconsistent spelling of high-frequency wordsHandwriting and/or spacing may be difficult to read Repetitive sentence startersFrequent errors in spelling, capitalization, and punctuationSimplistic sentence structureErrors affect the readability of the response making it difficult to understandName:______________________________________________ Date:________________________ Grade 3: Narrative WritingTrimester: ____4 Exceeding Standard3 Meeting Standard2 Making Progress1 Minimal Progress3.W.3: Narrative WritingWrites narratives in which they recount a well-elaborated event or short sequence of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure. Beginning uses a variety of strategies: dialogue, thought/question, action, or sound Skillfully stops the action and provides creative, descriptive and sensory details to describe character, setting, or objectUses a balanced mix of strategies including (details and description, actions, thoughts, feelings, and suspense)Shows character emotion and uses strong and specific words throughoutCreative and thoughtful conclusion or solution to provide a sense of closureStory ends with a skillfully crafted extended ending that reveals character emotions. Clear use of one or more strategies: memory, feeling, hope/wish, or decisionBeginning uses a simple strategy: dialogue, thought/question, action, or sound.Story includes some specific descriptive and sensory details to describe character, setting, or objectIncludes a single main event elaborated with a mix of some specific strategies (details and description, actions, thoughts, feelings, and suspense)Shows character emotion and uses some specific words throughoutAction leads to a clear conclusion or solution of problem Story ends with an extended ending that includes one strategy: memory, feeling, hope/wish, or decisionStory begins without an entertaining beginning strategyStory includes a few relevant descriptive and sensory details to describe character, setting, or objectFocuses on one main event without benefit of details and description, actions, thoughts, feelings, and suspense“Tells” more than “shows” character emotion and uses a few specific words throughoutWeak conclusion or solution of problem Story ends without the benefit of an extended ending strategy (memory, feeling, hope/wish, or decision)Story lacks beginning and does not establish a character or settingStory lacks descriptive and sensory details to describe character, setting, or objectStory reads like a list and lacks fully developed main event“Tells” more than “shows” using limited specific words throughoutShows no conclusion or solution of problem Story ends abruptly with no sense of closure4 Applying Standard at Complex Level3Meeting Standard2Making Progress1Minimal ProgressLanguage and ConventionsFew, if any, errors in spelling, capitalization, or punctuationUses a variety of sentence types (simple, compound)Fluent responseConsistent capitalizationConsistent punctuationConsistent spelling of high-frequency wordsLegible hand writing and spacingUses a variety of sentence startersInconsistent capitalizationInconsistent punctuationInconsistent spelling of high-frequency wordsHandwriting and/or spacing may be difficult to read Repetitive sentence startersFrequent errors in spelling, capitalization, and punctuationSimplistic sentence structureErrors affect the readability of the response making it difficult to understand ................

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