Unit 1 Amazing Words and Story Words

Third Grade Reading Street Unit 6.1: Story of the Statue of Liberty Genre: Narrative Nonfiction Vocabulary Words:crown - a head covering of precious metal worn by a royal person, such as a queen or kingliberty - freedommodels – small copies of somethingsymbol – an object, diagram, icon, and so on, that stands for or represents something elsetablet – a small, flat surface with something written on ittorch – a long stick with material that burns at one end of itunforgettable – so good or so wonderful that you cannot forget itunveiled – removed a veil from; uncovered; revealedSpelling Words1. few2. school3. true4. goose5. fruit6. cookie7. cushion8. noodle9. bookmark10. balloon11. suit12. chew13. glue14. Tuesday15. bushel16. bamboo17. mildew18. soothe19. barefoot20. renewalMore Words to Know:pedestal – a base on which a column or a statue standsriveted – fastened something with metal boltssculptor – an artist who makes things by cutting or shaping theminitials – the first letter of wordspatriotic – having or showing love and loyal support for your country recruiting – getting people to joinSpelling & Phonics:Vowel sounds in tooth and cookSocial Studies Content:History; Cultures; Symbols; Government HistoryStrategies;Main Idea, Text Structure, Word StructureGrammar; Capital LettersWriting Trait of the Week:Focus/Ideas, Taking NotesThird Grade Reading StreetUnit 6.2: Happy Birthday Mr. Kang Genre: Realistic FictionVocabulary Words:1. bows – bends the head and body in greeting, respect, worship, or obedience2. chilly - cold; unpleasantly cool3. foolish –without any sense; unwise4. foreign – outside your own country5. narrow –not wide; having little width6. perches – comes to rest on something; settles; sits7. recipe – a set of written directions that shows you how to fix something to eatSpelling Words:1. above2. another3. upon4. animal5. paper6. open7. family8. travel9. afraid10. nickel11. sugar12. circus13. item14. gallon15. melon16. character17. cardinal18. Oregon19. particular20. dinosaurMore Words to Know:1. fragrant – having a sweet smell or odor2. gingerly – with extreme care or caution3. sleek – soft and shiny; smooth4. affectionate – loving5. collar - a leather or plastic band or a metal chain for the neck of a dog or other pet animal6. territory – an area, such as a nesting ground, in which an animal lives, and which it defends from others of its kindSpelling & Phonics:Schwa Social Studies Content:Cultures, Community; ResponsibilityStrategies;Cause/Effect, Graphic Organizer, Context CluesGrammar; AbbreviationsWriting Trait of the Week:Sentences, Outlining Third Grade Reading StreetUnit 6.3: Talking Walls Genre: Photo EssayVocabulary Words:1. encourage – gives someone courage or confidence; urges on2. expression – the act of putting into words or visual medium3. local – about a certain place, especially nearby; not far away4. native – belonging to someone because of that person’s birth5. settled – set up the first towns and farms in an area6. social – concerned with human beings as a group7. support – to help; aidSpelling Words:1. question2. creature3. furniture4. division5. collision6. action7. direction8. culture9. vacation10. mansion11. fiction12. feature13. sculpture14. vision15. celebration16. fascination17. legislature18. manufacture19. possession20. declarationMore Words to Know:1. canvas – a type of cloth, often made of cotton2. murals – large paintings painted directly on a wall3. residents – people who live in a place4. appreciates – admires greatly, values5. downhearted – low in spirit, depressed6. pondered – reflected or considered with thought and careSpelling & Phonics:Syllables –tion, -sion, -tureSocial Studies Content:Freedom of Expression, Immigration, Murals as HistoryStrategies;Fact & Opinion, Answer Questions, GlossaryGrammar; Combining SentencesWriting Trait of the Week:Organization/Paragraphs, Informational ParagraphsThird Grade Reading StreetUnit 6.4: Two Bad Ants Genre: Animal FantasyVocabulary Words:1. crystal – a hard, solid piece of some substance that is naturally formed on flat surfaces and angles2. disappeared – vanished completely; stopped existing3. discovery – something found out4. goal – something desired5. journey – a long trip from one place to another6. joyful – causing or showing joy; glad; happy7. scoop – a tool like a small shovel used to dig up things8. unaware – not aware; unconsciousSpelling Words:1. leadership2. gracefully3. refreshment4. uncomfortable5. overdoing6. remarkable7. carefully8. unbearably9. ownership10. unacceptable11. impossible12. reappeared13. unprepared14. oncoming15. misbehaving16. outrageous17. incomprehensible18. undoubtedly19. independence20. disadvantageMore Words to Know:1. hovered – stayed in one place2. twilight – the faint light reflected from the sky before sunrise and after sunset3. violently – acting or doing something with great force4. encountered – met someone or something unexpectedly5. fascinated – held a great interest in6. guilty – knowing or showing that you have done something wrongSpelling & Phonics:Multisyllable WordsScience Content:Life Cycles, EnvironmentsStrategies;Plot & Theme, Visualize, Word StructureGrammar; CommasWriting Trait of the Week:Word Choice, Write about a PictureThird Grade Reading StreetUnit 6.5: Elena’s Serenade Genre: FantasyVocabulary Words:1. burro – a donkey, used to carry loads2. bursts – breaks open or opens suddenly3. factory – a building or group of buildings where people and machines make things4. puff – to swell up5. reply –to answer someone by words or actions6. tune – a piece of music; melodySpelling Words:1. cloth2. clothes3. nature4. natural5. able6. ability7. mean8. meant9. deal10. dealt11. please12. pleasant13. sign14. signal15. signature16. equal17. equation18. equator19. major20. majorityMore Words to Know:1. serenade – music played to someone outside at night2. shriek – to make a loud, sharp, shrill sound3. discouraged – feeling less hopeful about something4. instruments – devices for producing musical sounds5. mellow – soft and rich; not harshSpelling & Phonics:Related WordsStrategies: Generalize, Predict, Context CluesSocial Studies Content: Manufacturing; Cultures; Crafts; ChangesGrammar:QuotationWriting Trait of the Week:Organization/Paragraphs, Write Good Paragraphs ................

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