Grade 8: Rubric for an Opinion Piece (a Letter to the Editor)

Grade 9: Scoring Rubric for a Memoir

|Categories |Level 1 |

|- complexity of ideas |- writes a few simple, |- writes and develops a variety|- writes and develops ideas of |- develops ideas fully to create |

| |undeveloped ideas |of simple ideas |some complexity |greater understanding |

|- connecting ideas to the |connects few ideas to the |connects some supporting |connects many supporting |connects almost all supporting details |

|personal experience |experience |details to the experience |details to the experience |meaningfully and consistently to the |

| | | | |experience |

|- number and relevance of |- provides very few facts |- provides some supporting |- supports his or her point of |- supports his or her point of view |

|supporting details |supporting his or her point of|evidence for his or her point |view with relevant facts |fully with relevant facts |

| |view |of view | | |

|Communication |The student’s memoir: |

|- purpose (to create a memoir- |the purpose is unclear |the purpose is somewhat clear |the purpose is clear and |the purpose is clear, effective, and |

|significance to the author is | | |effective |engaging |

|clear) | | | | |

|- voice |writer’s voice not evident |some evidence of the writer’s |clear evidence of the writer’s |strong writer’s voice maintains the |

| | |voice |voice |reader’s interest |

|- clarity and precision of |- contains few ideas and facts|- contains some ideas and facts|- contains ideas and facts that|- contains all or almost all ideas and |

|ideas |clearly stated |clearly stated, but which may |are mostly clearly stated |facts clearly and concisely stated |

| | |be repetitive | | |

|- word use and vocabulary |- contains little or no |- contains some new vocabulary |- contains vocabulary that |- contains new words or special |

| |evidence of new vocabulary | |suits the purpose and audience |terminology that support the opinion |

| | | | |presented |

|- sentence variety (structure, |- relies on one sentence type |- contains a variety of |- contains a wide variety of |- contains a wide variety of sentences |

|type, length) | |sentences |sentences |used effectively |

|Organization |In the student’s memoir: |

|- overall structure |- there is no clear overall |- there is some evidence of a |- the organization is logical |- the organization supports the purpose|

|(introduction, body, |structure or organization |structure or organization |and appropriate |and enhances the argument |

|conclusion)) | | | | |

|-memoir structure |contains few events/reactions |contains some events/reactions |contains events/reactions |contains well-developed |

|(events/reactions are developed|developed sequentially |developed sequentially |developed sequentially |events/reactions developed sequentially|

|sequentially) | | | | |

|Conventions |In the student’s memoir: |

|- grammar, spelling, |- there are several major |- there are several minor |- there are only a few minor |- there are practically no errors or |

|punctuation |errors or omissions |errors or omissions |errors or omissions |omissions |

|- visual presentation (e.g., |- few aspects of the expected |- some aspects of the expected |- the visual presentation is |- the visual presentation is effective |

|indentations, spacing, margins,|visual presentation are |visual presentation are evident|appropriate | |

|letter formats, italics, font) |evident | | | |

|Next Steps For Instruction: |

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The Nova Scotia Writing Exemplars, Grades One to Eight Project- Adapted for classroom use September 2011


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