POSITION DESCRIPTION |1. Agency PDCN 70554000 | |

|2. Reason for Submission |3. Service |4. Empl Office Location |5. Duty Station |6. OPM Cert # |

|Redescription New |HQ Field |      |      |      |

| Reestablishment Other |7. Fair Labor Standards Act |8. Financial Statements Required |9. Subject to IA Action |

|Explanation (Show Positions Replaced) |Not Applicable |Exec Pers Financial Disclosure |Yes No |

|Replaces R8492000, Health Systems Specialist,| |Employment & Financial Interests | |

|GS-0671-09 | | | |

|       |10. Position Status |11. Position is |12. Sensitivity |13. Competitive Level |

| |Competitive |Supervisory |Non-Sensitive |      |

| |Excepted (32 USC 709) |Managerial |Noncritical Sens | |

|       | SES (Gen) | Neither | Critical Sens |14. Agency Use |

| |SES (CR) | |Special Sens |wo/enl |

|15. Classified/Graded by |

|a. US Office of Pers Mgt b. Dept, Agency or Establishment c. Second Level Review d. First Level Review |

| |Official Title of Position |Pay Plan |Occupational Code |Grade |Initials |Date |

| | | | | | | |

| |Health Systems Specialist |GS |0671 |09 |rrh |06 Apr 04 |

|16. Organizational Title (If different from official title) |17. Name of Employee (optional) |

|      |      |

|18. Dept/Agency/Establishment - National Guard Bureau | c. Third Subdivision Manpower & Personnel Directorate (J-1) |

| | |

|a. First Subdivision - State Adjutant General |d. Fourth Subdivision -Military Personnel Office |

| | |

|b. Second Subdivision - Joint Force Headquarters (State) |e. Fifth Subdivision -       |

|19. Employee Review. This is an accurate description of the major duties and | Employee Signature /Date (optional) |

|responsibilities of my position. |      |

|20. Supervisory Certification. I certify that this is an accurate statement of the major duties and responsibilities of this position and its organizational |

|relationships, and that the position is necessary to carry out Government functions for which I am responsible. This certification is made with the knowledge |

|that this information is to be used for statutory purposes related to appointment and payment of public funds. False or misleading statements may constitute |

|violations of such statutes or their implementing regulations. |

| a. Typed Name and Title of Immediate Supervisor | b. Typed Name and Title of Higher-Level Supervisor/Manager (optional) |

|      |      |

|      |      |

| Signature | Date | Signature | Date |

|      |      |      |      |

|21. Classification/Job Grading Certification: I certify this position has been | 22. Standards Used in Classifying/Grading Position |

|classified/graded as required by Title 5 USC, in conformance with USOPM |U.S. OPM Position Classification Flysheet, Health System Specialist Series, |

|published standards or, if no published standards apply directly, consistently |GS-0671, dated Dec. 1979, U.S. OPM PCS, Administrative Analysis Grade Evaluation|

|with the most applicable standards. |Guide, dated Aug. 1990, U. S. OPM General Schedule Supervisory Guide (GSSG), |

| |dated Jun. 1998, U.S. OPM Introduction to Position Classification Standards, |

| |dated Aug, 1991. |

| | |

| Typed Name and Title of Official Taking Action |      |

| Rena R. Hunt |Information For Employees. The standards and information on |

|Human Resources Specialist (Classification) |their application are available in the personnel office. The |

| |classification of the position may be reviewed and corrected by |

| Signature | Date |the agency or OPM. Information on classification/job grading appeals is |

|//SIGNED// |06 Apr 04 |available from the personnel office. |

|23. Position Review | Initials |Date |Initials |Date |Initials |Date |Initials |Date |Initials |Date |

| | | | | | | | | | | |

|b. Supervisor |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |

| | | | | | | | | | | |

|c. Classifier |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |

| | | | | | | | | | | |

|24. Remarks: |

|Released from NGB-J1-TNC, CRA 04-1012, dated 06 Apr 04    |

| |

|25. Description of Major Duties and Responsibilities (SEE ATTACHED) |

|NSN 7540-00-634-4265 Previous Edition Usable 5008-106 Optional Form 8 US Office of Personnel Management (USOPM), FPM CHAPTER 295 [Equivalent] |



This position is located in the Health Services Section of the Military Personnel Office (MILPO) of the Army National Guard (ARNG). The purpose of the position is to administer the state medical health program on a day-to-day basis.


(1) Responsible for oversight, administration, and implementation of policies pertaining to state medical affairs, and exercise of programs such as: Line Of Duty (LOD) Investigation Program, Incapacitation Pay Program, Active Duty Medical Extension (ADME) Program, MOS Medical Review Board (MMRB) Program, Medical Disqualification Program, Follow up Health Care Program, Medical Claims Processing Program, Medical Travel and Orders Program, Medical Evaluation Board (MEB), Physical Evaluation Board (PEB), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Screening Program, Immunization Program, routine and special physical examinations and waivers, Weight Control Program, and Over-40 Medical Screening Program.

(2) Coordinates with the National Guard Bureau (NGB), the Military Medical Support Office (MMSO), Tri-Care, U.S. Total Army Personnel Command (PERSCOM), Regional Medical Command, the Military Treatment Facilities, and the Medical Evaluation Board (MEB), and Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) Liaison Offices located within the state.

(3) Serves as the principle advisor to the Chief of the MILPO, as well as to general officer commanders, and personnel on eligibility for health care, sources of health care, medical aspects of physical readiness training and testing, Active Duty Medical Extensions, and LOD investigations. Collects, analyzes and provides statistical reports to the MILPO Chief and the Commanders of the Major Army Commands (MACOMs) within the state regarding the health services programs. As required, organizes, coordinates, and provides health services briefings and training for the unit readiness workshops, Active Guard Reserves workshops, and the Commanders Course.

(4) Manages the funds associated with the health services account and provides an accounting for expenditures as required.

(5) Responds to inquires and various correspondence on health services issues and maintains an action file on all responses. Observes privacy requirements on the release of medical information concerning individual military members.

(6) Coordinates, assembles, monitors and ensures the proper conduct of the Incapacitation Pay Review Board and the MOS Military Review Board. As required, is a participant on review boards.

(7) Reviews, evaluates, and interprets regulatory guidance, policies, and procedures applicable to the health services programs. Provides guidance to all users through the development of policies, procedures, standard operating procedures (SOPs), electronic tracking systems, and dissemination of information related to the health services programs. Publishes guidance to enhance and simplify completion and submission of health service related actions.

(8) Provides supervision of subordinate staff through the planning, assignment, and review of work; granting of leave; providing recommendation on training requirements, performance standards, and ratings; and effecting minor disciplinary actions such as warnings and reprimands.

(9) Performs other duties as assigned.


Factor 1. Knowledge Required by the Position

--Knowledge of the regulations, policies, and procedures that impact the various programs overseen in order to evaluate and resolve procedural problems experienced in the state Medical Health Program.

--Knowledge of the full range of programs sufficient to advise management on the impact the current status individuals or groups may have on organizational requirements and activities i.e. physical readiness, training, testing; LOD investigation status and results; upcoming review boards or the status of the boards; etc.

--Ability to analyze the problems encountered and the skill to communicate, either orally or in writing, the recommendations to the parties involved i.e. all levels of management, individual military members, or the outside agencies or health care facilities that may be involved such as Tri-Care or local health facilities.

--Knowledge of the laws and privacy requirements concerned with the release of individual’s medical information.

Factor 2. Supervisory Controls

Work is performed under the supervision of a Supervisory Human Resources Specialist (Military) who makes assignments by identifying the issues, objectives, priorities, or deadlines; and provides assistance on unusual situations. The employee plans, coordinates, and carries out the work assignments independently and resolves work problems in accordance with regulation and accepted office practice without reference to the supervisor. Work is reviewed for conformance with instructions, policies, and overall requirements but is not reviewed in detail as to how the end results were achieved.

Factor 3. Guidelines

Guidelines consist of Department of Defense (DoD), Department of Army (DA), NGB, medical regulations, policies, and procedures as well as any state or local requirements. These guidelines may not always be directly related to the specific program or situation. Judgment is used to choose, interpret, or adapt guidelines to the specific situation to improve program effectiveness.

Factor 4. Complexity

Work involves the application of accepted techniques that affect the efficiency and effectiveness of the wide variety of programs overseen in the medical health program. The employee reviews problems, gathers information, performs analysis, and provides resolution based on the issues involved in each scenario.

Factor 5. Scope and Effect

Work consists of monitoring and resolving a variety of problems within the medical programs which range from: ADME, LOD investigations, HIV Screening, as well as monitoring, advising or participating on the following boards: MMRB, MEB, and PEB.

This position has an effect on the operations of the state’s Army National Guard Medical Health Program as well as an individual affect on the physical and economic well being of the members who are seeking resolution to medical problems, or who’s career will be impacted as a result of decisions made during one of the board meetings i.e., MMRB, MEB, or PEB.

Factor 6. Personal Contacts &

Factor 7. Purpose of Contacts

Personal Contacts include employees, supervisors, and managers within the agency and up to NGB level; contacts outside the agency when dealing with MMSO, Tri-Care, PERSCOM, other Military Treatment Facilities (Army, Navy, Air Force); as well as local civilian medical treatment facilities and military family members.

Contacts are made to gather information, coordinate on work efforts, provide advice on program related problems or concerns, and to resolve problems with generally cooperative parties that are working toward mutual goals.

Factor 8. Physical Demands

Work is primarily sedentary, but may require some slight physical effort on occasion.

Factor 9. Work Environment

Work is typically performed in an adequately lighted and climate controlled office.


A. Title, Series, and Grade: Health Systems Specialist, GS-0671-09.

B. Reference:

1. U.S. OPM Position Classification Flysheet, Health System Specialist Series, GS-0671, dated Dec. 1979.

2. U.S. OPM Position Classification Standard, Administrative Analysis Grade Evaluation Guide, dated Aug. 1990.

3. U.S. OPM Position Classification Guides, General Schedule Supervisory Guide, dated Jun. 1998.

4. U.S. OPM Introduction to the Position classification Standards, dated Aug. 1991.

C. Background Information: The new OPM GS-0200 Job Family Position Classification Standard for Administrative Work in the Human Resources Management Group, GS-0200, was applied to positions within the MILPO. This position is located in the MILPO and additional duties were identified and a new position description was created to identify these duties.

D. Pay Plan, Series, Title, and Grade Determination:

1. Pay Plan: The introduction to Position Classification Standards states that to determine the Pay Plan, it must be determined what the “paramount requirement” of the position is to determine if it belongs to the General Schedule or Federal Wage System (Section IV: Determining Coverage by the General Schedule or the Federal Wage System). A position is subject to the General Schedule, even if it requires physical work, if its primary duty requires knowledge or experience of an administrative, clerical, scientific, artistic, or technical nature not related to trade, craft, or manual-labor work. In this particular position, the primary duty requires knowledge of an administrative nature in the support and management of the state’s Medical Health Program. Therefore, the General Schedule (GS) is the selected pay plan.

2. Series: The Health System Specialist Series, GS-0671, provides support to health care management officials by analyzing, evaluating, advising on and/or coordinating health care delivery systems and operations. This series requires specialized knowledge of the basic principles and practices related to the management of health care delivery systems. This position is responsible for the oversight and management of the medical affairs program for the state Army National Guard. Programs overseen include Line of Duty Investigations, Incapacitation Pay, Active Duty Medical Extension, MOS Medical Review Board, Medical Disqualification, Medical Claims Processing, Medical Evaluation Board, Physical Evaluation Board, Medical Travel Orders, Human Immunodeficiency Virus Screening, Immunizations, Physical Examinations and waivers (routine and special), Weight Control, and Over-40 Medical Screening. This position is coordinating with health facilities and billing companies in the treatment and coordination of the bill payment for military members who are being or require medical treatment and is a match with this series.

3. Title: The basic title for positions classified to the GS-0671 series is Health Systems Specialist. While the position is performing some limited supervisory duties, the position does not meet the criteria to be graded by the GSSG (ref 3) which are: the supervisory responsibilities constitute a major duty occupying at least 25% of their time, and meet the minimum qualifications expressed in 3-2. The position does not meet 3-2a because it is not production-oriented work; and does not meet the minimum authorities in 3-2c where it must perform at least three of the first four authorities and a total of six out all ten authorities listed; and is not performing supervisory duties 25% of the time. As a result, the position is not given a supervisory title and the correct title is Health Systems Specialist.

4. Grade: See attached Factor Evaluation System (FES) Position Evaluation Statement. The GS-0671 does not contain grading criteria but allows for other standards to be referenced for appropriate grade level determinations. For this position the Administrative Analysis Grade Evaluation Guide (Ref 2) was used.

E. Conclusion: Health Systems Specialist, GS-0671-09.

CLASSIFIER: Rena R. Hunt, NGB-J1-TNC DATE: 06 Apr 04



| |


| | | | |

|KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED BY |1-6 |950 |See Analysis Below |


| | | | |

|2. SUPERVISORY CONTROLS |2-3 |275 |See Analysis Below |

| | | | |

|3. GUIDELINES |3-3 |275 |See Analysis Below |

| | | | |

|4. COMPLEXITY |4-3 |150 |See Analysis Below |

| | | | |

|5. SCOPE AND EFFECT |5-3 |150 |See Analysis Below |

| | | | |

|6. PERSONAL CONTACTS & |3b |110 |See Analysis Below |


| | | | |

|8. PHYSICAL DEMANDS |8-1 |5 |See Analysis Below |

| | | | |

|9. WORK ENVIRONMENT |9-1 |5 |See Analysis Below |

| | |


Narrative Analysis of Chart


This position meets FL 1-6. At this level, work requires knowledge of, and skill in applying analytical and evaluative techniques to identify, consider, and resolve issues or problems of a procedural or factual nature. Issues or problems deal with readily observable conditions, written guidelines covering work methods and procedures, and information of a factual nature. Also at this level is knowledge of the theory and principles of management and organization, including administrative practices and procedures common to organizations, such as those pertaining to areas of responsibility, channels of communication, delegation of authority, routing of correspondence, filing systems, and storage of files and records. The incumbent of this position applies evaluative and analytical techniques to resolve the problems associated with injury investigations and the process of getting medical claims paid in association with those injuries, ensuring all documentation is available for members going before review boards (MMRB, MEB, PEB, etc.) and that the regulations are followed and applied correctly when it impacts the career of the military member, ensure that military members have the correct health insurance coverage based on the circumstances surrounding the injury (Active Duty – Title 10, Line of Duty – Title 32) and entitlements to dependent coverage, etc. The incumbent knows the administrative procedures involved in boarding military members, the requirements for getting military members medical claims covered and paid by Tri-Care, and the medical requirement for military members to be able to deploy, i.e. immunizations up to date, physical screening requirements met, waivers that may or may not be applicable, etc.

FL 1-7 is not met. This level requires knowledge and skill in applying analytical and evaluative methods and techniques to issues or studies concerning the efficiency and effectiveness of program operations carried out by administrative or professional personnel, or substantive administrative support functions. Projects typically require knowledge of the major issues, program goals and objectives, work processes, and administrative operations of the organization. There are three different appeals concerning this series for positions where the incumbent believed they were operating at a level 1-7 and two of the three refer to the illustration in this level that states this level analyzes and measures the effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity of administrative and technical programs, along with knowledge of the mission, organization, and work process of programs throughout a military command, complex multi-mission local installation, or equivalent. The incumbent of this position is not affecting programs throughout a military command but within the state National Guard program where assigned.


Work is performed under the general supervision of a Supervisory Human Resources Specialist (Military) who defines objectives, priorities, and deadlines. The incumbent works independently, within generally established policies and procedures, and resolves most problems without reference to the supervisor. The incumbent offers recommendations that are usually accepted and reviewed prior to release or discussion with management officials. The work is reviewed for compliance with regulations and policies but is not reviewed in detail. This fully meets level 2-3.

Level 2-4 is not met. At this level, the employee and supervisor, in consultation, discuss timeframes, scope of the assignment including possible stages and possible approaches. This level employee does plan and organize the work, coordinate with staff and line management personnel, and conduct all phases of the project. But the incumbent of this position does not meet this level by the fact that officials outside the employee’s immediate office, whose programs and employees would be affected by implementation of recommendations, would critically review the work performed by the incumbent. The incumbent’s work does not receive this kind of review or have that kind of impact.

FACTOR 3 – GUIDELINES Level 3-3 275 Pts

Guidelines include a wide variety of reference materials and manuals. However, they are not always directly applicable to issues and problems or have gaps in specificity. Available precedents outline the preferred approach to more general problems or issues. Judgment is used in researching, choosing, interpreting, modifying, and applying available guidelines to specific staffing problems or issues. The incumbent of this position requires use of a wide range of readily available guidelines which include: DoD, DA, and NGB regulations, as well as any state or local requirements that can be directly applied to most situations encountered. Some guidelines have gaps in specificity. The employee uses judgment in researching, choosing, interpreting, modifying, and applying available guidelines for adaptation to specific medical problems or issues. This fully meets level 3-3.

Level 3-4 is not met. At this level, guidelines and precedents are very general regarding agency policy statements and judgment is used in deviating from established methods to research trends and patterns, develop new methods and criteria, and propose new policies and practices. The existence of the applicable DA and NGB regulations, guides, and precedent decisions precludes considering the work as requiring considerable interpretation and modification of guides to fit the actual situation as identified in level 3-4.

FACTOR 4 – COMPLEXITY Level 4-3 150 Pts

The position meets factor level 4-3. This level involves dealing with problems and relationships of a procedural nature and is analyzing, selecting, and applying accepted techniques to the resolution of procedural problems that affect the efficiency, effectiveness, or productivity of the organization. Findings and recommendations are based on analysis and review of production records or similar documentation, through research of precedent studies, and application of standard administrative guidelines. The incumbent is dealing with procedural problems such as: initiating Line of Duty (LOD) investigations when injuries occur to determine members eligibility for medical benefits and/or if entitled to Incapacitation pay; assisting members in the documentation of covered medical problems (LOD or ADME) in order to resolve or preclude medical billing and claims problems; ensuring that members who have suffered a permanent or disabling injury have all the medical documentation necessary in their files and to coordinate and monitor the MOS Medical Review Board so that regulatory requirements are met to afford the individual all options available to them; ensure follow-up care is preauthorized for correct payment of medical claims, checking that member is following through with any required follow-up care; etc. The incumbent evaluates each situation and determines the best method of resolution based on the military and administrative guidelines.

Level 4-4 is not met. At this level, assignments consist of issues, problems, or concepts that are not always susceptible to direct observation and analysis, and the application of the qualitative and quantitative analytical techniques frequently require modification to fit a wider range of variables. Illustrations at this level discuss the work impacting agency’s programs and work force or at the bureau headquarters of an agency. This position does not have that kind of impact.

FACTOR 5 - SCOPE AND EFFECT Level 5-3 150 Pts

The position meets factor level 5-3. The purpose of the work at this level is to plan and carry out projects to improve the efficiency and productivity of organizations and employees in administrative support activities. This level employee identifies, analyzes, and makes recommendations to resolve conventional problems and situations in work flow, work distribution, organizational structure, and/or administration. Work may also involve developing detailed procedures and guidelines to supplement established administrative regulations or program guidance. Recommendations influence decisions by managers concerning the internal administrative operations of the organizations and activities. The incumbent of this position meets this level because they are concerned with the administrative function of the medical health program for the state for which they are assigned and the efficiency and effectiveness of the program impacts the units serviced for their state.

FL 5-4 is not met. The position does not have an affect on the productivity, effectiveness, and efficiency in program or administrative operations at different echelons and/or geographical locations within the organization. While this position impacts different locations within the state, it does not go outside this location and impact the operation of the program at other states.



Persons Contacted

The position meets level 3 where the contacts are with personnel from within the agency, i.e. units serviced, military members and their dependents, personnel within the MILPO; as well as outside the agency when dealing with TRI-CARE, Military Medical Support Office, local Military Treatment Facilities, as well as civilian treatment facilities for the medical treatment and billing resolution of military members.

The position does not meet level 4 where contacts are with high-ranking officials in other agencies or top congressional staff officials.

Purpose of Contacts

The position meets level “b” where contacts are to provide advice on noncontroversial organization or program related issues and concerns. The Primary Standard identifies this level as to plan, coordinate, or advise on work efforts, or to resolve operating problems by influencing or motivating individuals who are basically cooperative and working toward mutual goals. The incumbent is working with the outside agencies trying to resolve billing problems in cooperation with all parties involved.

The position does not meet level “c” which is to influence managers or other officials to accept and implement findings and recommendation on organizational improvement or program effectiveness. The employee at this level may encounter resistance due to such issues as organizational conflicts, competing objectives, or resource problems. The incumbent of this position is not influencing managers or officials to accept findings and is not encountering resistance as a result of organizational conflicts or resource problems.


The work is primarily sedentary, although some slight physical effort may be required. This meets FL 8-1.


Work is typically performed in an adequately lighted and climate controlled office. This meets FL 9-1.

FINAL CLASSIFICATION: Health Systems Specialist, GS-0671-09

Classifier: Rena R. Hunt, NGB-J1-TNC Date: 06 Apr 04


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