January 20, 2000

February 2, 2010


Name: Timothy R. Elliott

Citizenship: United States

Home Address: 2106 Fawn Court

College Station TX 77845

Phone: (979) 485-0470

E-mail Address: telliott@tamu.edu

RANK/TITLE: Professor

DEPARTMENT: Department of Educational Psychology

Business Address: 4225 TAMU

Texas A&M University

College Station, TX

Phone: (979) 862-3095 Fax: (979) 862-1256


Caremark, Inc., 2002 – 2004

State of Science Conference on Technology for Children with Orthopedic Disabilities, St. Petersburg, FL;

May, 2003

American Association for Caregiver Education, 2001 - 2005

Institute for Chronic Pain Management, Richmond, VA, 1990 – 1993

American Press Institute, Reston, VA 1989 – 1992

A. H. Robins, Co., Richmond VA 1989

Psychology Service, McGuire Veteran’s Administration Medical Center, Richmond VA 1988 – 1993


Institution Degree Year

Freed-Hardeman University B.S. 1979

Auburn University M.S. 1981

University of Missouri-Columbia Ph.D. 1987

CLINICAL INTERNSHIP: Seattle Veteran’s Administration Medical Center, 198-1987

CLINICAL PRIVILEGES: Allied Health, Professional Staff, UAB Low Vision Center, Physical

Medicine and Rehabilitation, April 15, 2003 – April 1, 2005

LICENSURE: Alabama #693 (1993)

BOARD CERTIFICATION: American Board of Professional Psychology (1997)

Rehabilitation Psychology Specialty (Diploma #4928)

American Board of Rehabilitation Psychology (Diploma #28)


Year Rank/Title Institution

2006 – present Professor Texas A&M University

(with tenure) Department of Educational Psychology

2003 – 2006 Professor University of Alabama at Birmingham

(with tenure) Department of Psychology

1993 – 2003 Associate Professor University of Alabama at Birmingham

(with tenure) Dept. of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

1993. Associate Professor Virginia Commonwealth University

(with tenure) Department of Psychology

1987-1993 Assistant Professor Virginia Commonwealth University

Department of Psychology

Secondary appointments: VCU Department of Rehabilitation Medicine (1988-1993)

Scientist: Center for Nursing Research, UAB (2002 - 2006)

Senior Scientist: Injury Control Research Center, UAB (2001 - present)

Center Faculty: Center for Aging, UAB (2006), Center on Disability and Development, TAMU (2006 – present)

Center for Community Health Development, TAMU (2008 – present)

Fellow, Mexican American and U. S. Latino Research Center, TAMU (2008 – present)


Director of Psychological Services to Spinal Cord Injury Program, UAB, 1993- 2002

Director, Project FOCUS, UAB, 1996 – 2003

Director, Project CLUES, CLUES II & CLUES III, UAB, 2002 – 2006

Director, Acute Care, Disability and Rehabilitation research domain, Injury Control Research Center, UAB,

2003 – 2006

Director of Training, Counseling Psychology Doctoral Training Program (APA-approved), Texas A&M

University, 2008 - present


Roger G. Barker Distinguished Research Contribution Award, Division of Rehabilitation Psychology, presented

at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, 2009

Best Science Award and Invited Address, Society of Counseling Psychology, August 19, 2007, at the

annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.

Dorothy Booz Black Award for Outstanding Achievement in Counseling Health Psychology, Society of

Counseling Psychology, 2004

Essie Morgan Lifetime Research Award, American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and

Social Workers, 2002

Fellow, Division 17, Society of Counseling Psychology, American Psychological Association, 1998

Fellow, Division 38, Health Psychology, American Psychological Association, 1997

Fellow, Division 22, Rehabilitation Psychology, American Psychological Association, 1996

The Fritz and Linn Kuder Early Career Scientist/Practitioner Award, Division of Counseling Psychology

(17), American Psychological Association, 1994

Early Research Achievement Award, Division of Rehabilitation Psychology (22), American

Psychological Association, 1991

Who's Who in the South and Southwest, Vol. 23, 1992

Rho Sigma Epsilon Honor Society for Rehabilitation Education, Auburn University, initiated May 1989

Wayne C. Hall Fellowship, Phi Kappa Phi, Virginia Commonwealth University, March 1989

Walter Scott Monroe Research Fellowship, College of Education, University of Missouri-Columbia,

1983, 1984, 1985, 1986

Outstanding Young Men in America, named 1984, 1985, 1986

Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities, named 1984

Certificate of Significant Contribution, Graduate Student Association, University of Missouri-Columbia,


Kappa Delta Pi Initiate Scholarship, University of Missouri-Columbia, 1983

Traineeship in Rehabilitation Counseling, Auburn University, 1979-1980

President's List, Freed-Hardeman University, 1978-1979

ACT Scholarship, Freed-Hardeman University, 1975-1979

Opp-Micolas Cotton Mills Scholarship, Opp, Alabama, 1975-1979


American Public Health Association

American Psychological Association (APA)

APA Division 17 – Society of Counseling Psychology

APA Division 22 – Rehabilitation Psychology

APA Division 38 – Health Psychology

Association of Psychologists in Academic Health Centers


Convention Program Committee Member (2007), Society of Counseling Psychology, for the annual convention of

the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.

Invited participant and presenter in the summit entitled, “Trends in Disability and Rehabilitation Research:

Implications for Federal Agencies,” sponsored by the Interagency Committee on Disability Research (for

journal editors and Federal funding agencies), August 2006, Washington, D. C.

Member (2005 – 2006), Advisory Committee, Alabama Primary Health Care Association, Health

Disparities Collaborative (Southeast Region).

Representative Member (2004 - present) from the Society of Counseling to the Interdivisional Healthcare

Committee for the American Psychological Association.

Panel Member (2003), Rosalynn Carter Institute Expert Panel on Education, Training, and Support for

Family Caregivers

Board of Directors Liaison to Division of Rehabilitation Psychology (2001-2003), American

Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers

Member (2002 – present), Fellows Committee, Division 22 (Rehabilitation Psychology), American

Psychological Association

Past-President (2001-2002), Division 22 (Rehabilitation Psychology), American Psychological


President (2000-2001), Division 22 (Rehabilitation Psychology), American Psychological Association

President-Elect (1999-2000), Div. 22 (Rehabilitation Psychology), American Psychological Association

Elected, Member-at-Large (1997-1999), Div. 22 (Rehabilitation Psychology), American

Psychological Association

Co-Chair, (1993-1995) Health Psychology Special Interest Group, Div. 17 (Counseling Psychology),

American Psychological Association

Member (1995), Special Task Force, Div. 17 (Counseling Psychology) on Persons with Physical


Program Committee Member (1993), 27th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement

of Behavior Therapy

Editorial Advisory Board Member (1994), Key Words and Concepts in Psychosocial Rehabilitation,

Springer Press

Chair, Subcommittee on Predoctoral Training (1994-1997), Div. 22 (Rehabilitation Psychology),

American Psychological Association

Research Committee Member (1993-1999), Division 22 (Rehabilitation Psychology), American

Psychological Association

Chair, Awards Sub-committee (1995-1999), Research Committee, Division 22, American Psychological


Convention Program Committee Member (1994-1997), Div. 22 (Rehabilitation Psychology), American

Psychological Association

Chair, Program Committee (1996), Div. 22 for Toronto Convention, American Psychological


Convention Program Committee (1995-1997), American Association of Spinal Cord Injury

Psychologists and Social Workers

Chair (1997), Convention Program Committee, American Association of Spinal Cord Injury

Psychologists and Social Workers

Membership Committee (1994-1996), Division 38 (Health Psychology), American Psychological


Membership Committee (1988-1991), American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and

Social Workers


Departmental: Extra-Departmental:

Department Coordinator, Promotion to Professor Review Committee,

The Campaign for UAB, 2000 – 2001. School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2005

Library Committee, 1999 – 2003 College Representative, UAB Research Advisory Group, 2005

Admissions Committee, 2003 - 2005 Search Committee for Chair position, College of Education and Human Development, 2007-2008, Texas A&M University

Committee on Academic Freedom, Responsibility, and

Tenure (Elected), 2008-2009


Rehabilitation Psychology, 1996 – present

Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2004 - present

The Counseling Psychologist, 2004 - 2005

Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 1999 - present

Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 1996 - 2002

Journal of Counseling Psychology 1994-1996

SCI Psychosocial Process, 1994 – 1997


Editor, Rehabilitation Psychology, 2005 – 2011

Associate Editor, Rehabilitation Psychology, 1996 - 2005.

Associate Editor, Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 1999 - 2006

Associate Editor, Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 1996 - 2002

Consulting Editor, SCI Psychosocial Process, 1994 – 1997

Co-Editor (with C. R. Snyder), Visions of Clinical Psychology Education for the Twenty-First Century, Journal of Clinical Psychology, 61(9), 2005

Co-Editor (with Stephen Wegener), Special Section on Chronic Pain and Spinal Cord Injury, Clinical Journal of

Pain, 1992


Personal and familial adjustment following chronic illness, disability, and stress.


2006 - present: Faculty member in the APA-approved Ph.D. program in Counseling Psychology, supervise graduate research experiences, supervise post-doctoral students, teach graduate courses.

2003 – 2006: Faculty member in the APA-approved Ph.D. program in Clinical Psychology (with medical psychology emphasis), supervise graduate and undergraduate research experiences, supervise post-doctoral students, teach graduate and undergraduate courses.

1993 – 2003: Participated in the APA-approved Ph.D. program in Clinical Psychology (with medical psychology emphasis), supervision of graduate student research and practica experience, internship (APA-approved), and post-doctoral students.

1987 – 1993: Counseling Psychology Program, Department of Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University. Affiliate Faculty, Social Psychology Program. Supervised doctoral students in social/counseling interface program; faculty member in Behavioral Medicine track for doctoral students in clinical psychology. Director, Undergraduate Honors Program for the Department of Psychology (1992-1993)

1985 – 1986: Teaching Assistant, Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology, University of Missouri-Columbia. Supervisor: Warren Seymour, Ph.D.

1984 – 1986: Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Missouri Health Sciences Center. Supervisor: Robert G. Frank, Ph.D.

1983 – 1984: Teaching Assistant, Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology, University of Missouri-Columbia. Supervisor: Donn Brolin, Ph.D.

Undergraduate Courses Taught

Effective Behavior Stress and Its Management

Introduction to Psychology Psychology of Religious Experiences

Senior Honors in Psychology Theories of Personality

Abnormal Psychology Psychology of Aging

Social Psychology

Graduate Courses Taught

Structured Training Groups Pre-practicum Training

Psychology of Aging Research and Clinical Practica

Introduction to Group Process Psychopathology

Career Counseling Seminar: Social-Counseling Psychology Interface

B.A. Honors Theses Supervised

Ash, S. (1989). Complicated bereavement and depression.

Richeson, C. (1991). Problem-solving appraisal and post-partum depression. Funded by the Undergraduate Research Grant Program, Virginia Commonwealth University ($300).

M.A. Theses Supervised

Godshall, F. (1989). Psychological adjustment as a function of problem-solving self-appraisal among

persons with spinal cord injury.

Patti, A. (1989). Social support, assertiveness, and depression following physical disability.

MacNair, R. (1990). Cognitive appraisal of a stressful event: The role of emotionality and self-perceived problem solving ability.

Herrick, S. (1991). Self-appraised problem solving ability and health status of persons with spinal cord injuries.

Johnson, M. O. (1996). Social problem solving and affective states: The effects on actual problem solving performance.

Schmitt, M. M. (2002). Verbal learning abilities and adjustment to recent-onset spinal cord injury. Received the 2004 Rosecrans Graduate Student Research Award, presented at the annual convention of the Alabama Psychological Association, June 5, 2004, Fort Walton Beach, FL.

Dissertations Supervised

Godshall, F. (1992). Problem solving appraisal and the performance of health related behaviors.

Herrick, S. (1994). Problem solving appraisal and the prediction of outcomes in a dual diagnosis treatment program. Funded by the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services for the Commonwealth of Virginia ($15,806).

Ford, G. R. (1996). Clinical and interpersonal impressions of practicing clinical psychologists to persons described as depressed or physically ill.

Johnson, M. O. (1998). Personality, protection, and motivation: An evaluation of HIV vaccine volunteers. Funded by The National Institute of Mental Health Office on AIDS, Dissertation Research Grant.

Schmitt, M. M. (2005). Verbal learning and mechanisms of adjustment to disability during inpatient blind rehabilitation.

Hui, S. A. (2006). Attributional activities and adjustment of family caregivers of persons with chronic health conditions.

Hartley, S. (2006). Predicting psychological adjustment and functional abilities after knee or hip replacement.

Blucker, R. (proposed). Posttraumatic stress in adolescent and young adult cancer patients and in their

parents and caregivers.

Resch, A. (proposed). Evaluating a dynamic process model of wellbeing for parents of children with


Johnson, C. (proposed). Life satisfaction as predicted by functional impairment and family satisfaction over five

years following acquired disability.


Visiting Assistant Professor; Randolph-Macon College, Dept. of Psychology, 1990-1992


Time Frame Total Cost

Workplace Personality Inventory 2009-2010 $24,986

NCS Pearson, Inc.

Training Partnerships with Family Caregivers of Patients 2008-2009 $64,800

Discharged from the Transitional Learning Center

Moody Endowment, Inc.

Role: Principal Investigator

Problem Solving for Caregivers of Persons 2004-2007 $151,411

With TBI R49/CE000191

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,

National Center for Injury Prevention and Control to the

Injury Control Research Center, UAB

Role: Principal Investigator

UAB – SEBD Pilot Project 2004-2005 $236,173

Center for Excellence: Project HEROS

Alabama Department of Human Resources

Agreement # 4163

Department of Psychology, UAB

Role: Co-Investigator

Problem-Solving Interventions for Caregivers of Women 2002-2007 $1,509,456

With Physical Disabilities R01HD37661

National Institute of Child Health and Development

National Institutes of Health

Role: Principal Investigator

Problem Solving Training for Family Caregivers of Persons 2002-2007 $309,891

With Traumatic Brain Injuries H133A021927

Model TBI Care System

National Institute of Disability Research and Rehabilitation

Role: Principal Investigator

Coming to Terms with Disability: A Longitudinal Study of 2000-2002 $190,710

Disability Acceptance in the First Year of SCI

Model SCI Care System

National Institute of Disability Research and Rehabilitation

Role: Principal Investigator

Preparing Problem Solving Programs for Persons with Diabetes: 2000-2001 $104,939

An Advanced Traineeship in the Application and Study of a Self-

management Intervention in Rehabilitation.

Historically Black Colleges and Universities Supplement to

Rehabilitation Research & Training Center

National Institute of Disability Research and Rehabilitation

Role: Principal Investigator

Problem Solving Intervention for Caregivers and Persons w/SCI 1998-2003 $334,660

Rehabilitation Research & Training Center

National Institute of Disability Research and Rehabilitation

Role: Principal Investigator

Outcomes of an Enhanced Spinal Cord Injury Follow-up Program. 1996-1999 $525,903

National Center for Injury Prevention and Control & Disabilities Prevention

National Center for Environmental Health

Role: Principal Investigator

Problem Solving Skills Training in the Treatment of Pressure Ulcers 1993-1998 $264,306

in Persons with Spinal Cord Injury.

Rehabilitation Research & Training Center

National Institute of Disability Research and Rehabilitation

Role: Principal Investigator

Interpersonal Behavior and Adjustment of Persons with Spinal 1989-1990 $19,633

Cord Injury

American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists & Social Workers

Role: Principal Investigator

Social-Cognitive Responses to Depression and Disability 1988-1989 $2,866

Bio-Medical Grants-in-Aid, Virginia Commonwealth University

Role: Principal Investigator

Problem Solving Interventions with Video-Teleconferencing for 1999-2004 $285,000

Caregivers of Persons with Spinal Cord Injury R49/CCR403641

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,

National Center for Injury Prevention and Control to the

Injury Control Research Center, UAB

Role: Co-Investigator

UAB Model Regional Spinal Cord Injury Care System 1995 – 2000 $1,865,000

National Institute of Disability Research and Rehabilitation

Role: Co-Investigator

Propranolol in the Treatment of Agitation among Community- 2000-2003 $361,989

Residing Persons with Traumatic Brain Injury

National Institute of Disability Research and Rehabilitation

Role: Investigator

Telephone Problem-solving Partnerships with Caregivers 1999 – 2000 $6,000

UAB Educational Trust Fund

Role: Co-Investigator

Telephone Problem-solving Partnerships with Caregivers 1999 – 2000 $2,000

Neuroscience Nursing Foundation

Role: Co-Investigator

Telephone Problem-solving Partnerships with Caregivers 1998 – 2000 $107,683


Role: Co-Investigator

Randomized Clinical Trial of an HIV Treatment 2004-2009

Side Effects Coping Intervention

National Institute of Mental Health

Role: Member, Scientific Advisory Committee

(Mallory Johnson, Ph.D., Principal Investigator)

Coping with HIV Symptoms and Treatment Side Effects 2000-2005

National Institute of Mental Health

Role: Faculty Advisor

(Mallory Johnson, Ph.D., Principal Investigator)

A Longitudinal Study of Adjustment After Homicide Among 1991-1992


National Institute of Mental Health

Role: Investigator

Pain Assessment Instrument Development 1990-1991

Social Security Administration

Role: Investigator

Evaluation of Pharmaceutical Compliance among Patients 1992-1993

with Chronic Diseases.

Standard Drug, Co.

Role: Investigator

National and Local Media Coverage of Research

“Telemedicine Brings Healthcare to Underserved Area,” by Heather Bush, in the St. Joseph's Journal, Fall, 2009, pp. 8-9.

Awards section, announcement of Roger G. Barker award in the The Eagle, Sunday, August 30, 2009, p. D5.

“Tele-Health Counseling a First for Leon County,” The Centerville News, Wednesday February 18, 2009, pp. 1, 3.

“Be the Best Caregiver You Can Be” by Elizabeth Janice, All*You magazine; January 23, 2009, pp. 60-64.

Panel member, “National Hospice Month” on For the Record, Alabama Public Television, aired November 14, 2005

“Monitor on Psychology Highlights ABCT Member Timothy R. Elliott.” the Behavior Therapist, 2005, 28, pp. 47,


“Psychologist wins outstanding achievement award.” UAB Arts and Sciences, Winter, 2005, p. 2.

“Dr. Elliott keeps his music on the side,” by Lori Herring, UAB Reporter, February 7, 2005, p. 8.

“They don’t need legs to succeed,” by Cynthia Malakasis, Birmingham News, January 27, 2005, p. 5B.

“Extending psychology's rehabilitation reach,” by Jamie Chamerlin, APA Monitor, January 2005, p. 76.

“Elliott honored by APA,” UAB Reporter, September 13, 2004, p. 8.

“Elliott tapped for panel on caregivers,” UAB Reporter, November 24, 2003, p. 8.

“How to raise a hopeful child,” by Wayne Kalyn. Good Housekeeping, May 2003, pp. 67-68

“How to raise a hopeful child” by Gershom Gorenberg, Child, February 2002, pp. 42-49.

“Bringing rehab into FOCUS: Teleconferencing program assists spinal cord injury victims, caregivers.” Birmingham Post-Herald, August 13, 2001. Section: Health & Healing, pp. C6, C5.

“Virtual visits bolster caregivers at home.” UAB Reporter, May 21, 2001, Vol. 25, No. 31, p. 1, 3.

“Elliott edits Handbook of Rehabilitation Psychology.” UAB Synopsis, February 5, 2001, Vol. 20, N. 4, p. 4.

“Text on rehabilitation psychology debuts.” UAB Reporter, September 11, 2000, Vol. 24, No. 46, p. 4.

“Hope a powerful tool for achievers.” Kansas City Star, February 12, 2000.

“Guidelines for spinal cord injuries don’t go far enough.” APA Monitor, November 1999. Vol. 30, No. 10, p. 29.

“Level-headed caregiving is key to the wellness of patients with physical disabilities” APA Monitor, April 1999. Vol. 30, No. 4, p. 9.

“Who cares for the caregiver?” UAB Reporter, November 23, 1998. Vol. 23, No. 9, pp. 1, 5.

“Study links coping skills, menstrual pain,” by Deborah Rissing Baurac, Chicago Tribune, March 21, 1993, Section 6, p. 11.

“The healing power of hope: The “big three.” February 1, Daily Guidepost, 1993, Carmel, NY: Guideposts.

“Coping with a problem that has no solution,” by Sondra Forsyth, Cosmopolitan, February 1993. pp. 140-143.

“Menstrual pain and problem solving.” By Janet Bailey, Glamour, October 1992, p. 48.

“What hope can do for you,” by Daniel Goleman, Self, June 1992. pp. 112-113, 180-181.

“Hope deemed crucial element for patients, nurses, students,” by Anna Barron Billingsley, Richmond News Leader, May 29, 1992, p. 15.

“Where there’s hope, there’s life.” University of California at Berkeley Wellness Letter, May 1992, Vol. 8, No. 8, pp. 2-3.

“Hope emerges as key to success in life,” by Daniel Goleman, New York Times, Science Times, December 24, 1991, pp. C1, C7.

“VCU psychologist sets out to debunk myth,” by Sandy Brasili, VCU Voice (Virginia Commonwealth University), Vol. 20, No. 7, pp. 1, 5.

“Weep and you weep alone.” Psychology Today, June 1989, p. 18.

Peer Reviewer: (Manuscripts)

American Psychologist (2009)

Applied and Preventive Psychology (2000)

Annals of Behavioral Medicine (1996)

Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (1996-1997, 1999, 2001 - 2005)

British Journal of Health Psychology (2005)

Clinical Journal of Pain (1992)

Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice (1997)

Cognition and Emotion (2006)

Cognitive Therapy and Research (1992, 1993, 1995, 1997, 2001 – 2005, 2009)

Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice (1998)

Journal of Abnormal Psychology (1997, 1998)

Journal of Applied Social Psychology (2005)

Journal of Behavioral Medicine (1992, 1997)

Journal of Clinical Psychology (2001, 2002, 2004)

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (1996, 1999)

Journal of Counseling Psychology (1984, 1997-2003)

Journal of Pediatric Psychology (2001, 2003)

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (1993)

Journal of Research in Personality (1993, 1995)

Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology (1990, 1991, 1993 – 1995; 2005)

Journal of Social Behavior and Personality (1994)

NeuroRehabilitation (1991)

Professional Psychology: Research and Practice (1995)

Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes (1997)

Psychology and Aging (2003)

Psychology and Health (2005)

Rehabilitation Psychology (1995)

Sex Roles (1993)

Social Psychology in Education (1996)

The Counseling Psychologist (1997, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003)

Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation (2003)

Women’s Health Issues (2006)

Book Reviewer

American Psychological Association Press

John Wiley & Sons


Oxford University Press

Taylor and Francis

Sage Publications

Grant Reviewer:

American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Nurses (2003)

American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers (1994, 1997, 2000 –


Buehler Center on Aging, Northwestern University (2001)

Center for Aging, University of Alabama at Birmingham (2002)

Center for AIDS Research, Developmental Grant Program, UAB (2005)

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Disease Disability and Injury Prevention Control (2006)

National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (2007)

German Research Foundation – Humanities and Social Sciences (2007)

Health Research Board, Ireland (2009)

Health Research Council of New Zealand (2007)

John Templeton Foundation (1998)

National Institutes of Health:

National Institute of Child and Human Development (1993)

National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research (1994)

Behavioral Medicine Study Section (2005)

National Institute of Disability Research and Rehabilitation (2003, 2004)

Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation, Graduate and Postdoctoral Awards (2009)

Paralyzed Veterans of America (1998)

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (1997, 2004)

U. S. Department of Education (1992)



1. Elliott, T., & Byrd, E. K. (1982). Media and disability Rehabilitation Literature, 43, 348-355.

2. Elliott, T., & Byrd, E. K. (1983). A pilot study of the effects of cardiopulmonary resuscitation training on participant self-concept. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 57, 604-606.

3. Elliott, T., & Byrd, E. K. (1983). Attitude change toward disability through television portrayal. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 14(2), 35-37.

4. Elliott, T., Byrd, E. K., & Byrd, P. D. (1983). An examination of disability as depicted on prime-time television programming. Journal of Rehabilitation, 49(3), 39-42.

5. Elliott, T. (1983). Celluloid images of disability. American Rehabilitation, 9(4), 12-15.

6. Brolin, D. E., Elliott, T., & Corcoran, J. (1984). Career education for persons with learning disabilities. Learning Disabilities: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 3, 1-14.

7. Brolin, D. E., & Elliott, T. (1984). Meeting the lifelong career development needs of students with handicaps. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 7, 12-21.

8. Elliott, T., & Byrd, E. K. (1984). Video depictions of blindness and attitudes toward disability. Journal of Rehabilitation, 50(1), 49-50, 71.

9. Elliott, T., & Byrd, E. K. (1984). Attitude change toward disability with male college students. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 7, 320-322.

10. Byrd, E. K., & Elliott, T. (1985). Feature films and disability: A descriptive study. Rehabilitation Psychology, 30, 47-51.

11. Elliott, T. (1985). Counseling adults from Schlossberg's adaptation model. American Mental Health Counselors Association Journal, 7, 133-141.

12. Elliott, T., & Byrd, E. K. (1985). Scoring accuracy of the self-directed search with eighth grade students. Vocational Guidance Quarterly, 34, 85-90.

13. Elliott, T., & Byrd, E. K. (1986). Frequently cited works, authors, and sources of research in Rehabilitation Psychology. Rehabilitation Psychology, 31, 112-115.

14. Elliott, T., Anderson, W. P., & Adams, N. A. (1987). MMPI indicators of long-term therapy in a college counseling center. Psychological Reports, 60, 79-84.

15. Elliott, T., Byrd, E. K., Nichols, R. K., & Sanderson, R. (1987). Sources of research cited in the rehabilitation counseling literature. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 18(1), 43-44.

16. Elliott, T., Byrd, E. K., & Nichols, R. (1987). Influential publications and authors in contemporary rehabilitation counseling research. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 18(3), 45-48.

17. Frank, R. G., Van Valin, P., & Elliott, T. (1987). Adjustment to spinal cord injury: A review of empirical and nonempirical studies. Journal of Rehabilitation, 53(4), 43-48.

18. Frank, R. G., & Elliott, T. (1987). Life stress and psychological adjustment to spinal cord injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 68, 344-347.

19. Frank, R. G., Elliott, T., Wonderlich, S. A., Corcoran, J., Umlauf, R. L., Ashkanazi, G., & Wilson, R. (1987). Gender differences in the interpersonal response to depression and spinal cord injury. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 11, 437-448.

20. Frank, R. G., Umlauf, R. L., Wonderlich, S. A., Ashkanazi, G., Buckelew, S. A., & Elliott, T. (1987). Coping differences among persons with spinal cord injury: A cluster analytic approach. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 55, 727-731.

21. Frank, R. G., Elliott, T., Corcoran, J., & Wonderlich, S. A. (1987). Depression after spinal cord injury: Is it necessary? Clinical Psychology Review, 7, 611-630.

22. Byrd, E. K., & Elliott, T. (1988). Disability in full-length feature films: Frequency and quality of films over an 11 year span. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 11, 143-148.

23. Frank, R. G., Beck, N., Parker, J. C., Kashani, J. H., Elliott, T., Smith, E., Atwood, C., Brownlee-Duffeck, M., & Kay, D. (1988). Depression in rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Rheumatology, 15, 920-925

24. Frank, R. G., Elliott, T., Buckelew, S., & Haut, A. (1988). Age as a factor in the psychological adjustment to spinal cord injury. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 67, 128-131.

25. Corcoran, J., Frank, R. G., & Elliott, T. (1988). The interpersonal response to spinal cord injury and depression: A methodological study. Journal of the Multihandicapped Person, 1, 161-174.

26. Elliott, T., Beardon, L., Byrd, E. K., Nichols, R. K., Sanderson, R., & Umlauf, R. (1988). Influential research in behavioral medicine and health psychology: A study of citation behaviors. Psychology, 25, 23-31.

27. Newton, R. M., Elliott, T., & Meyer, A. (1988). The role of structured work in alcoholism rehabilitation. Journal of Rehabilitation, 54(4), 63-67. Reprinted in Vocational & Rehabilitation Services Newsletter, 1(2), pp. 6-8. Veteran’s Health Administration Mental Health & Behavioral Science Service, American Lake VAMC, Tacoma, WA.

28. Frank, R. G., Kashani, J. H., Parker, J. C., Beck, N., Brownlee-Duffeck, M., Elliott, T., Haut, A., Atwood, C., Smith, E., & Kay, D. (1988). Anti-depressant analgesia in rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Rheumatology, 15, 1632-1638.

29. Heesacker, M., Elliott, T., & Howe, L. (1988). Does Holland code predict job satisfaction and productivity in clothing factory workers? Journal of Counseling Psychology, 35, 144-148.

30. Elliott, T., Frank, R. G., & Brownlee-Duffeck, M. (1988). Clinical inferences about depression and physical disability. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 19, 206-210.

31. Frank, R. G., & Elliott, T. (1989). Spinal cord injury and health locus of control beliefs. Paraplegia, 27, 250-256.

32. Elliott, T., & Frank, R. G. (1989). Social-cognitive responses to depression and physical stigma. Journal of the Multihandicapped Person, 2, 211-223.

33. Elliott, T., Gramling, S., Lee, L., Elliott, A., & Shrout, J. R. (1990). Hassles on campus. College Student Affairs Journal, 9(3), 13-22.

34. Elliott, T., Godshall, F., Shrout, J. R., & Witty, T. (1990). Problem-solving appraisal, self-reported study habits, and performance of academically at-risk college students. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 37, 203-207.

35. Elliott, T. (1990). Training vocational rehabilitation counselors in group dynamics: A psychoeducational model. Journal of Counseling and Development, 68, 696-698.

36. Elliott, T., Frank, R., Corcoran, J., Beardon, L., & Byrd, E. (1990). Previous personal experience and reactions to depression and physical disability. Rehabilitation Psychology, 35, 111-120.

37. Elliott, T., & Frank, R. G. (1990). Social and interpersonal reactions to depression and disability. Rehabilitation Psychology, 35, 135-147.

38. Elliott, T., & Gramling, S. (1990). Psychologists and rehabilitation: New roles and old training models. American Psychologist, 45, 762-765.

39. Elliott, T., & Gramling, S. (1990). Personal assertiveness and the effects of social support among college students. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 37, 427-436.

40. Elliott, T., Yoder, B., & Umlauf, R. (1990). Nurse and patient reactions to social displays of depression. Rehabilitation Psychology, 35, 195-204.

41. Elliott, T., & MacNair, R. R. (1991). Attributional processes in response to social displays of depressive behavior. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 8, 129-132.

42. Elliott, T., MacNair, R. R., Yoder, B., & Byrne, C. (1991). Interpersonal behavior moderates "kindness norm" effects on cognitive and affective reactions to physical disability. Rehabilitation Psychology, 36, 57-66.

43. Buckelew, S., Frank, R., Cheney, J., Hewett, J., & Elliott, T. (1991). Adjustment to spinal cord injury: Stage theory revisited. Paraplegia, 29, 125-130.

44. Elliott, T., MacNair, R. R., Herrick, S., Yoder, B., & Byrne, C. (1991). Interpersonal reactions to depression and physical disability in dyadic interactions. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 21, 1293-1302.

45. MacNair, R. R., Elliott, T., & Yoder, B. (1991). AIDS prevention groups as persuasive appeals: Effects on attitudes about precautionary behaviors among persons in substance abuse treatment. Small Group Research, 22, 301-319.

46. Elliott, T., & Maples, S. (1991). Stress management training for employees experiencing corporate acquisition. Journal of Employment Counseling, 28, 107-114.

47. Elliott, T., Godshall, F., Herrick, S., Witty, T., & Spruell, M. (1991). Problem-solving appraisal and psychological adjustment following spinal cord injury. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 15, 387-398.

48. Elliott, T. (1991). Interpersonal behavior and adjustment of persons with spinal cord injury. SCI Psychosocial Process, 4, 82-87. [Invited paper]

49. Elliott, T., & Harkins, S. (1991). Psychosocial concomitants of persistent pain among persons with spinal cord injury. NeuroRehabilitation: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 1(4), 9-18. [Invited paper]

50. Elliott, T., Witty, T., Herrick, S., & Hoffman, J. (1991). Negotiating reality after physical loss: Hope, depression, and disability. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 61, 608-613.

51. Elliott, T., Herrick, S., Patti, A., Witty, T., Godshall, F., & Spruell, M. (1991). Assertiveness, social support, and psychological adjustment of persons with spinal cord injury. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 29, 485-493.

52. Gramling, S., & Elliott, T. (1992). Efficient pain assessment in clinical settings. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 30, 71-73.

53. Elliott, T. (1992). Problem-solving appraisal, oral contraceptive use, and menstrual pain. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 22, 286-297.

54. Elliott, T., Herrick, S., & Witty, T. (1992). Problem solving appraisal and the effects of social support among college students and persons with physical disabilities. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 39, 219-226.

55. Elliott, T., Herrick, S., Witty, T., Godshall, F., & Spruell, M. (1992). Social support and depression following spinal cord injury. Rehabilitation Psychology, 37, 37-48.

56. Elliott, T., & Wegener, S. (1992). Introduction to the special section on chronic pain and spinal cord injury. Clinical Journal of Pain, 8, 86.

57. Wegener, S., & Elliott, T. (1992). Pain assessment of persons with spinal cord injury. Clinical Journal of Pain, 8, 93-101.

58. Sherwin, E., Elliott, T., Rybarczyk, B., Frank, R., Hanson, S., & Hoffman, J. (1992). Negotiating the reality of caregiving: Hope, nursing and burnout. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 11, 129-139.

59. MacNair, R. R., & Elliott, T. (1992). Self-perceived problem solving ability, stress appraisal, and coping over time. Journal of Research in Personality, 26, 150-164.

60. Elliott, T., Herrick, S., Witty, T., Godshall, F., & Spruell, M. (1992). Social relationships and psychosocial impairment of persons with spinal cord injury. Psychology and Health, 7, 55-67.

61. Elliott, T., & Harkins, S. (1992). Emotional distress and the perceived interference of menstrual pain. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 14, 293-306.

62. Frank, R., Chaney, J., Shutty, M., Clay, D., Beck, N., Kay, D., Elliott, T., & Gramling, S. (1992). Dysphoria: A major factor of depression in persons with disability or chronic illness. Psychiatry Research, 43, 231-241.

63. Chartrand, J., Rose, M., Elliott, T., Marmarosh, C., & Caldwell, S. (1993). Peeling back the onion: Personality, problem solving, and decision making correlates. Journal of Career Assessment, 1, 66-83. [Invited paper]

64. Elliott, T., Byrne, C., Byrd, E. K., MacNair, R., & Werth, J. (1993). Clinical impressions of depression and physical stigma. Rehabilitation Psychology, 38, 165-176.

65. Elliott, T., Richards, J. S., DeVivo, M., Jackson, A., & Stover, S. (1994). Spinal cord injury model systems of care: The legacy and the promise. NeuroRehabilitation, 4(2), 84-90. [Invited paper]

66. Elliott, T. (1994). A place for theory in the study of psychological adjustment among persons with neuromuscular disorders: A reply to Livneh and Antonak. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 9(5), 231-236.

67. Marmarosh, C., Elliott, T., Rybarcyzk, B., Frank, R., Sherwin, E., Yoder, B., Hoffman, J., & Hanson, S. (1994). Cognitive responses of nurses to patient (mis)behavior. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 9(5), 321-334.

68. Elliott, T., Marmarosh, C., & Pickelman, H. (1994). Negative affectivity, social support, and the prediction of depression and distress. Journal of Personality, 62, 299-319.

69. Elliott, T., Herrick, S., MacNair, R., & Harkins, S. (1994). Personality correlates of self-appraised problem-solving ability: Problem orientation and trait affectivity. Journal of Personality Assessment, 63, 489-505.

70. Elliott, T., & Marmarosh, C. (1994). Problem solving appraisal, health complaints, and health-related expectancies. Journal of Counseling and Development, 72, 531-537.

71. Elliott, T., Chartrand, J., & Harkins, S. W. (1994). Negative affectivity, emotional distress, and the cognitive appraisal of occupational stress. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 45, 185-201.

72. Herrick, S., Elliott, T., & Crow, F. (1994). Social support and the prediction of health complications among persons with spinal cord injuries. Rehabilitation Psychology, 39, 231-250.

73. Herrick, S., Elliott, T., & Crow, F. (1994). Self-appraised problem solving skills and the prediction of secondary complications among persons with spinal cord injury. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 1, 269-283.

74. Elliott, T., Sherwin, E., Harkins, S., & Marmarosh, C. (1995). Self-appraised problem solving ability, affective states, and psychological distress. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 42, 105-115.

75. Elliott, T., & Shewchuk, R. (1995). Social support and leisure activities following severe physical disability: Testing the mediating effects of depression. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 16, 471-487.

76. Elliott, T., Herrick, S., Elliott, A., & Shrout, J. R. (1995). Personality correlates of self-appraised problem solving abilities. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 8, 163-171.

77. Johnstone, B., Frank, R. G., Belar, C., Berk, S., Bieliauskas, L. A., Bigler, E. D., Caplan, B., Elliott, T., Glueckauf, R., Kaplan, R. M., Kreutzer, J., Mateer, C., Patterson, D., Puente, A., Richards, J. S., Rosenthal, M., Sherer, M., Shewchuk, R., Siegel, L., Sweet, J. J. (1995). Psychology in health care: Future directions. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 26, 341-365. [Invited paper]

78. Stoltenberg, C. D., McNeill, B. W., & Elliott, T. (1995). Selected translations of social psychology to counseling psychology. The Counseling Psychologist, 23, 603-610.

79. Elliott, T., & Marmarosh, C. (1995). Social cognitive processes in behavioral health: Implications for counseling. The Counseling Psychologist, 23, 666-681.

80. Stoltenberg, C. D., McNeill, B. W., & Elliott, T. (1995). Translating social psychology for the scientist-practitioner counseling psychologist. The Counseling Psychologist, 23, 682-685.

81. Clay, D., Hagglund, K., Frank, R., Elliott, T., & Chaney, J. (1995). Enhancing the accuracy of depression diagnosis in patients with spinal cord injury using bayesian analysis. Rehabilitation Psychology, 40, 171-180.

82. Elliott, T., & Johnson, M. (1995). Personality assessment in SCI rehabilitation: I. Assessment of nonpathological personality characteristics. SCI Psychosocial Process, 8, 139-144.

83. Elliott, T., Jackson, W. T., Layfield, M., & Kendall, D. (1996). Personality disorders and response to outpatient treatment for chronic pain. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 3, 219-234.

84. Elliott, T., & Frank, R. G. (1996). Depression following spinal cord injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 77, 816-823. [Invited review article]

85. Elliott, T., & Jackson, W. T. (1996). Psychological assessment in spinal cord injury rehabilitation: Benefiting patient, treatment team, and health care delivery system. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, 2(2), 34-45. [Invited paper]

86. Elliott, T., Shewchuk, R., Richeson, C., Pickelman, H., & Weaver-Franklin, K. (1996). Problem-solving appraisal and the prediction of depression during pregnancy and in the post-partum period. Journal of Counseling and Development, 74, 645-651.

87. Elliott, T., & Shewchuk, R. (1996). Defining health and well being for the future of counseling psychology. The Counseling Psychologist, 24, 743-750.

88. Elliott, T., Shewchuk, R., Hagglund, K., Rybarczyk, B., & Harkins, S. (1996). Occupational burnout, tolerance for stress, and coping among nurses in rehabilitation units. Rehabilitation Psychology, 41, 267-284.

89. Elliott, T., Johnson, M., & Jackson, R. (1997). Social problem solving skills and health behaviors of undergraduate students. Journal of College Student Development, 38, 24-31.

90. Uswatte, G., & Elliott, T. (1997). Ethnic and minority issues in rehabilitation psychology. Rehabilitation Psychology, 42, 61-71.

91. Elliott, T., & Sherwin, E. D. (1997). Developing hope in the social context: Alternative perspectives of motive, meaning, and identity. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 1, 119-123.

92. Godshall, F., & Elliott, T. (1997). Behavioral correlates of self-appraised problem solving ability: Problem solving skills and health compromising behaviors. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 27, 929-944.

93. Elliott, T., & Klapow, J. (1997). Training psychologists for a future in evolving health care delivery systems: Building a better Boulder model. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 4, 255-267.

94. Richards, J. S., Elliott, T., Shewchuk, R., & Fine, P. R. (1997). Attribution of responsibility for onset of spinal cord injury and psychosocial outcomes in the first year post-injury. Rehabilitation Psychology, 42, 115-124

95. Shewchuk, R., Richards, J. S., & Elliott, T. (1998). Dynamic processes in health outcomes among caregivers of patients with spinal cord injuries. Health Psychology, 17, 125-129.

96. Wegener, S. T., Hagglund, K. J, & Elliott, T. (1998). On psychological identity and training: Boulder is better for rehabilitation psychology. Rehabilitation Psychology, 43, 17-29.

97. Jackson, W. T., Taylor, R., Palmatier, A., Elliott, T., & Elliott, J. L. (1998). Negotiating the reality of visual impairment: Hope, coping, and functional ability. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 5, 173-185.

98. Elliott, T., & Shewchuk, R. (1998). Recognizing the family caregiver: Integral and formal members of the rehabilitation process. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 10, 123-132. [invited paper]

99. Elliott, T., Shewchuk, R., & Richards, J. S. (1999). Caregiver social problem solving abilities and family member adjustment to recent-onset physical disability. Rehabilitation Psychology, 44, 104-123.

100. Shewchuk, R., Elliott, T., MacNair, R. R., & Harkins, S. (1999). Trait influences on stress appraisal and coping: An evaluation of alternative frameworks. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 29, 685-704.

101. Ford, G., & Elliott, T. (1999). Clinicians' reactions to depressive behavior and ill health. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 30, 269-274.

102. Elliott, T., & Richards, J. S. (1999). Living with the facts, negotiating the terms: Unrealistic beliefs, denial and adjustment in the first year of acquired disability. Journal of Personal and Interpersonal Loss, 4, 361-381.

103. Elliott, T. (1999). Social problem solving abilities and adjustment to recent-onset physical disability. Rehabilitation Psychology, 44, 315-332.

104. Elliott, T., & Shewchuk, R. (1999). Sponsored research in the counseling psychology literature. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 12, 431-446.

105. Forsyth, D. R., Elliott, T., & Welsh, J. A. (1999). The functions of groups: a psychometric analysis of the group resources inventory. The International Journal of Action Methods: Psychodrama, Skill Training, and Role Playing, 52, 1–14.

106. Wegener, S., Elliott, T., & Hagglund, K. (2000).On psychological training and identity: A reply to Thomas and Chan. Rehabilitation Psychology, 45, 74-80.

107. Miller, D., Shewchuk, R., Elliott, T., & Richards, J.S. (2000). Nominal group technique: A process for identifying diabetes self-care issues among patients and caregivers. The Diabetes Educator, 26, 305-314.

108. Elliott, T., Uswatte, G., Lewis, L., & Palmatier, A. (2000). Goal instability and adjustment to physical disability. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 47, 251-265. [Abstracted in Clinician’s Research Digest: Briefings in Behavioral Science, March 2001, 19(3), 4].

109. Shewchuk, R., Johnson, M., & Elliott, T. (2000). Self-appraised social problem solving abilities, emotional reactions, and actual problem solving performance. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 38, 727-740.

110. Temple, R., & Elliott, T. (2000). Personality disorder characteristics and adjustment following spinal cord injury. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, 6(1), 54-65.

111. Grant, J.S., Bartolucci, A., Elliott, T., & Giger, J.N. (2000). Sociodemographic, physical, and psychosocial characteristics of depressed and non-depressed family caregivers of stroke survivors. Brain Injury, 14, 1089-1100.

112. Grant, J.S., Elliott, T., Giger, J., & Bartolucci, A. (2001). Social problem-solving abilities, social support, and adjustment among family caregivers of individuals with a stroke. Rehabilitation Psychology, 46, 44-57. [Abstracted in Clinician’s Research Digest: Briefings in Behavioral Science, September 2001, 19(4), 6].

113. Herrick, S., & Elliott, T. (2001). Social problem solving abilities and personality disorder characteristics among dual-diagnosed persons in substance abuse treatment. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 57, 75-92.

114. Putzke, J.D., Elliott, T., & Richards, J.S. (2001). Marital status and adjustment one year post-spinal cord injury. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 8, 101-107.

115. Elliott, T, Shewchuk, R, & Richards, J.S. (2001). Family caregiver problem solving abilities and adjustment during the initial year of the caregiving role. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 48, 223-232.

116. Kurylo, M., Elliott, T., & Shewchuk, R. (2001). FOCUS on the family caregiver: A problem-solving training intervention. Journal of Counseling and Development, 79, 275-281.

117. Kurylo, M., Temple, R., Elliott, T., & Crawford, D. (2001). Use of the rey auditory verbal learning test in assessing individuals with recent-onset spinal cord injury. Rehabilitation Psychology, 46, 247-261.

118. Elliott, T., Shewchuk, R, Miller, D, & Richards, J.S. (2001). Profiles in problem solving: Psychological well-being and distress among persons with diabetes mellitus. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 8, 283-291.

119. Grant, J.S., Elliott, T., Giger, J., & Bartolucci, A. (2001). Social problem solving telephone partnerships with family caregivers. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 24(3), 181-189.

120. Behel, J., Rybarczyk, R., Elliott, T, & Nicholas, J.J. (2002). The role of perceived vulnerability in adjustment to a leg amputation: A cross-validation study. Rehabilitation Psychology, 47, 92-105.

121. Elliott, T., & Shewchuk, R. (2002). Using the nominal group technique to identify the problems experienced by persons who live with severe physical disability. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 9, 65-76.

122. Elliott, T. (2002). Presidential address: Defining our common ground to reach new horizons. Rehabilitation Psychology, 47, 131-143.

123. Elliott, T., Kurylo, M., Chen, Y., & Hicken, B. (2002). Alcohol abuse history and adjustment following spinal cord injury. Rehabilitation Psychology, 47, 278-290.

124. Grant, J., Elliott, T., Weaver, M. Bartolucci, A., & Giger, J. (2002). A telephone intervention with family caregivers of stroke survivors after hospital discharge. Stroke, 33, 2060-2065.

125. Elliott, T. (2002). Psychological explanations of personal journeys: Hope for a positive psychology of theory, practice, and policy. Psychological Inquiry, 13, 295-298. [Invited comment]

126. Elliott, T., & Shewchuk, R. (2003). Social problem solving abilities and distress in family members assuming a caregiver role. British Journal of Health Psychology, 8, 149-163.

127. Rivera, P., Shewchuk, R., & Elliott, T. (2003). Project FOCUS: Using videoconferencing to provide problem solving training to family caregivers of persons with spinal cord injuries. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, 9(1), 53-62.

128. Dreer, L., Elliott, T., & Tucker, E. (2004). Social problem solving abilities and health behaviors of persons with recent-onset spinal cord injuries. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 11, 7 – 13.

129. Elliott, T., & Kennedy, P. (2004). Treatment of depression following spinal cord injury: an evidence-based review. Rehabilitation Psychology, 49, 134-139.

130. Grant, J., Weaver, M., Elliott, T., Bartolucci, A., & Giger, J. (2004). Family caregivers of stroke survivors: characteristics of caregivers at-risk for depression. Rehabilitation Psychology, 49, 172-179.

131. Grant, J., Weaver, M., Elliott, T., Bartolucci, A., & Giger, J. (2004). Demographic, physical, and psychosocial factors associated with depressive behaviors in family caregivers of stroke survivors in the acute phase. Brain Injury, 18, 797-809.

132. Dreer, L., Ronan, G., Ronan, D., Dush, D., & Elliott, T. (2004). Binge drinking and college students: An investigation of social problem solving abilities. Journal of College Student Development, 45, 303-315.

133. Shewchuk, R., Rivera, P., & Elliott, T. (2004). Using cognitive mapping to understand problems experienced by caregivers of persons with severe physical disabilities. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 11, 141 – 150.

134. Kurylo, M., Elliott, T., DeVivo, L., & Dreer, L. (2004). Caregiver social problem-solving abilities and family member adjustment following congestive heart failure. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 11, 151 – 157.

135. Shanmugham, K., Elliott, T., & Palmatier, A. (2004). Social problem solving abilities and psychosocial impairment among individuals recuperating from surgical repair for severe pressure sores. NeuroRehabilitation, 19, 259 – 269.

136. Schmitt, M. M., & Elliott, T. (2004). Verbal learning abilities and adjustment to recent-onset spinal cord injury. Rehabilitation Psychology, 49, 288 – 294.

137. Grant, J. S., Glandon, G. L., Elliott, T., Giger, J. N., & Weaver, M. (2004). Caregiving problems and feelings experienced by family caregivers of stroke survivors the first month post-discharge. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 27(2), 105-111.

138. Dunn, D., & Elliott, T. (2005). Revisiting a constructive classic: Wright’s Physical Disability: A Psychosocial Approach. Rehabilitation Psychology, 50, 183-189.

139. Dreer, L., Elliott, T., Fletcher, D, & Swanson, M. (2005). Social problem-solving abilities and psychological adjustment of persons in low vision rehabilitation. Rehabilitation Psychology, 50, 232-238.

140. Snyder, C. R., & Elliott, T. (2005). 21st century graduate education in clinical psychology: A four level matrix model. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 61, 1033-1054.

141. Elliott, T., & Snyder, C. R. (2005). Sharing open secrets about the training future generations for an evolving profession. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 61, 1197-1199.

142. Fletcher, D., Dreer, L., & Elliott, T. (2005). Tactile analogue scale instrument for investigation of low vision patient psychological characteristics. International Congress Series, 1282, 125-128.

143. Thio, I., & Elliott, T. (2005). Hope, social support, and postpartum depression: Disentangling the mediating effects of negative affectivity. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 12, 293-299.

144. Baños, J., Schmitt, M., & Elliott, T. (2005). Factor structure of the rey auditory verbal learning test: Age trends in adults with spinal cord injury. Rehabilitation Psychology, 50, 375-380.

145. Elliott, T., Bush, B., & Chen, Y. (2006). Social problem solving abilities predict pressure sore occurrence in the first three years of spinal cord injury. Rehabilitation Psychology, 51, 69-77.

146. Johnson, M., Elliott, T., Neilands, T., Morin, S. F., & Chesney, M. A. (2006). A social problem-solving model of adherence to HIV medications. Health Psychology, 25, 355-363.

147. Grant, J., Elliott, T., Weaver, M., Glandon, G., & Giger, J. (2006). Social problem-solving abilities, social support, and adjustment of family caregivers of stroke survivors. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 87, 343-350.

148. Rivera, P., Elliott, T., Berry, J., Shewchuk, R., Oswald, K., & Grant, J. (2006). Family caregivers of women with physical disabilities. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 13, 431-440.

149. Grant, J., Glandon, G., Elliott, T., Giger, J., & Weaver, M. (2006). Problems and associated feelings experienced by family caregivers of stroke survivors the second and third month post-discharge. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 13(3), 66-74.

150. Harkins, S., Elliott, T., & Wan, T. (2006). Emotional distress and urinary incontinence among older women. Rehabilitation Psychology, 51,346-355.

151. Hui, S. A., Lindsey, C., & Elliott, T. (2007). Church attendance and marital commitment beliefs of undergraduate women. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 37, 501-514.

152. Hui, S. A., Elliott, T., Shewchuk, R., & Rivera, P. (2007). Communal behaviors and psychological adjustment following spinal cord injury. Rehabilitation Psychology, 52, 113-119.

153. Rivera, P., Elliott, T., Berry, J., Oswald, K., & Grant, J. (2007). Predictors of caregiver depression among community-residing families living with traumatic brain injury. NeuroRehabilitation, 22, 3-8.

154. Heesacker, M., & Elliott, T. R. (2007). My dog’s better than your dog: Publication counts and quality of clinical psychology Ph.D. training. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 14, 175-178.

155. Dreer, L., Elliott, T., Shewchuk, R., Berry, J., & Rivera, P. (2007). Family caregivers of persons with spinal cord injury: Predicting caregivers at risk for probable depression. Rehabilitation Psychology, 52, 351-357.

156. Berry, J., Elliott, T., & Rivera, P. (2007). Resilient, undercontrolled, and overcontrolled personality prototypes among persons with spinal cord injury. Journal of Personality Assessment, 89, 292-302.

157. Elliott, T. (2007). Registering randomized clinical trials and the case for CONSORT. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 15, 511-518.

158. Elliott, T., & Johnson, M. O. (2008). Counseling psychology and chronic health conditions: A call for action. The Counseling Psychologist, 36, 118-126.

159. Rivera, P., Elliott, T., Berry, J., & Grant, J. (2008). Problem-solving training for family caregivers of persons with traumatic brain injuries: A randomized controlled trial. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 89, 931-941.

160. Dreer, L., Elliott, T., Berry, J., Fletcher, D., Swanson, M., & McNeal, J. (2008). Cognitive appraisals, distress and disability among persons in low vision rehabilitation. British Journal of Health Psychology, 13, 449-456.

161. Kwok, O.-M., Underhill, A., Berry, J. W., Luo, W., Elliott, T., & Yoon, M. (2008). Analyzing longitudinal data with multilevel models: An example with individuals living with lower extremity intra-articular fractures. Rehabilitation Psychology, 53, 370-386.

162. Brossart, D., Meythaler, J. M., Parker, R. I., McNamara, J., & Elliott, T. (2008). Advanced regression methods for single-case designs: Studying propranolol in the treatment for agitation associated with traumatic brain injury. Rehabilitation Psychology, 53, 357-369.

163. Dunn, D., & Elliott, T. (2008). The place and promise of theory in rehabilitation psychology research. Rehabilitation Psychology, 53, 254-267.

164. Elliott, T., Brossart, D., Berry, J. W. & Fine, P. R. (2008). Problem-solving training via videoconferencing for family caregivers of persons with spinal cord injuries: A randomized controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 46, 1220-1229.

165. Elliott, T., & Pezent, G. (2008). Family caregivers of older persons in rehabilitation. NeuroRehabilitation, 23, 439-446.

166. Hartley, S., Vance, D. E., Elliott, T., Cuckler, J., & Berry, J. W. (2008). Hope, self-efficacy and functional recovery after knee and hip replacement surgery. Rehabilitation Psychology, 53, 521-529.

167. Resch, J. A., Villareal, V., Johnson, C., Elliott, T., Kwok, O., Berry, J., & Underhill, A. (2009). Trajectories of life satisfaction in the first five years following traumatic brain injury. Rehabilitation Psychology, 54, 51-59.

168. Shanmugham, K., Cano, M., Elliott, T., & Davis, M. J. (2009). Social problem solving abilities, relationship satisfaction, and distress among family caregivers of stroke survivors. Brain Injury, 23, 92-100.

169. Elliott, T., & Berry, J. W. (2009). Brief problem-solving training for family caregivers of persons with recent-onset spinal cord injury: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 65, 406-422.

170. Dreer, L., Berry, J., Rivera, P., Elliott, T., Swanson, M., McNeal, J., Shewchuk, R., & Miller, D. (2009). Efficient assessment of social problem-solving abilities: A rasch analysis of the social problem-solving inventory-revised. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 65, 653-659.

171. Elliott, T., Berry, J. W., & Grant, J. S. (2009). Problem-solving training for family caregivers of women with disabilities: A randomized clinical trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 47, 548-558.


Fournier, C. J., Davis, M., Patnaik, A., Elliott, T. R., Dyer, J. A., Jasek, E., & Phillips, C. D. (in press). Modeling caregivers’ perceptions of children’s need for formal care: Physical function, intellectual disability level, and behavior. Disability and Health Journal.



Hui, S.-K. A., Elliott, T., Martin, R., & Uswatte, G. Family caregiver attributions about care-recipient behavior:

Does relationship satisfaction mediate the attribution-distress relationship?

Johnson, C.L., Resch J. A., Villarreal, V., Elliott, T. R., Kwok, O.-M., Berry, J. W., & Underhill, A. T. Family

satisfaction predicts life satisfaction trajectories over the first five years after traumatic brain injury.

Ramkumar, N., & Elliott, T. Family caregiving of persons following neurotrauma: Issues in research, service

and policy.


Frank, R. G., & Elliott, T. (2000). Handbook of Rehabilitation Psychology. Washington, D.C.: American

Psychological Association Press.

Book Chapters and Monographs:

1. Byrd, E. K., & Elliott, T. (1988). Media and disability: A discussion of research. In H. E. Yuker (Ed.), Attitudes toward Persons with Disabilities (pp. 82-95). New York, NY: Springer.

2. Brolin, D. E., Elliott, T., & Corcoran, J. (1988). Career education. In K. Kavale, S. Forness, & M. Bender (Eds.), Handbook of Learning Disabilities (Vol. 3, pp. 39-60). New York: College Hill, Little Brown & Co.

3. Frank, R. G., & Elliott, T. (1992). Conflict resolution and feedback. In M. G. Eisenberg (Ed.), Guide to Interdisciplinary Practice in a Rehabilitation Setting (pp. 150 - 164). Chicago, IL: American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine.

4. Elliott, T. (1993). Training psychology graduate students in assessment for rehabilitation settings. In R. Glueckauf, L. Sechrest, G. Bond, & E. C. McDonel (Eds.), Improving the Quality of Assessment Practices in Rehabilitation and Health (pp. 196-211). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

5. Elliott, T., & Umlauf, R. (1995). Measurement of personality and psychopathology in acquired disability. In L. Cushman & M. Scherer (Eds.), Psychological Assessment in Medical Rehabilitation Settings (pp. 325-358). Washington, D. C.: American Psychological Association.

6. Richards, J. S., Elliott, T., Cotliar, R., & Stevenson, V. (1995). Pediatric medical rehabilitation. In M. C. Roberts (Ed.), Handbook of Pediatric Psychology (2nd. ed.) (pp. 703-722). New York: Guilford Publications.

7. Forsyth, D. R., & Elliott, T. (1999). Group dynamics and psychological well-being: The impact of groups on adjustment, dysfunction, and change. In R. Kowalski & M. R. Leary (Eds.), The Social Psychology of Emotional and Behavioral Problems: Interfaces of Social and Clinical Psychology (pp. 339-361). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

8. Elliott, T., & Uswatte, G. (2000). Ethnic and minority issues in physical medicine and rehabilitation. In M. Grabois, S. J., Garrison, K. A. Hart, & L. D. Lehmukuhl (Eds.), Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: The Complete Approach (pp. 1820–1828). Franklin, NY: Blackwell Science, Inc. [also published on CD-ROM]

9. Elliott, T., & Shewchuk, R. (2000). Problem solving therapy for family caregivers of persons with severe physical disabilities. In C. Radnitz (Ed.), Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions for Persons with Disabilities (pp. 309-327). New York: Jason Aronson, Inc.

10. Elliott, T., & Kurylo, M. (2000). Hope over disability: Lessons from one young woman’s triumph. In C. R. Snyder (Ed.), The Handbook of Hope: Theory, Measurement, and Interventions (pp. 373-386). New York: Academic Press.

11. Frank, R. G., & Elliott, T. (2000). Rehabilitation psychology: Hope for a psychology of chronic conditions? In R. G. Frank & T. Elliott (Eds.), Handbook of Rehabilitation Psychology (pp. 3-8). Washington, D. C.: American Psychological Association Press.

12. Shewchuk, R., & Elliott, T. (2000). Family caregiving in chronic disease and disability: Implications for rehabilitation psychology. In R. G. Frank & T. Elliott (Eds.), Handbook of Rehabilitation Psychology (553-563). Washington, D. C.: American Psychological Association Press.

13. Elliott, T., & Frank, R. G. (2000). Drawing new horizons for rehabilitation psychology. In R. G. Frank & T. Elliott (Eds.), Handbook of Rehabilitation Psychology, (pp. 645-653). Washington, D. C.: American Psychological Association Press.

14. Elliott, T., (2000). The rehabilitation psychologist. In J. Galas (Ed.), Spinal Cord Injury: You Do Have Choices, (pp. 47-50). Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Research & Training Center on Independent Living.

15. Elliott, T., Kurylo, M. & Carroll, M. (2001). Personality assessment in medical rehabilitation. In M. Scherer (Ed.), Assistive Technology: Matching Device and Consumer for Successful Rehabilitation (pp. 47-58). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

16. Elliott, T., Kurylo, M., & Rivera, P. (2002). Positive growth following an acquired physical disability. In C. R. Snyder & S. Lopez (Eds.), Handbook of Positive Psychology (pp. 687-699). New York: Oxford University Press.

17. Elliott, T., & Rivera, P. (2003). Spinal cord injury. In A. Nezu, C. Nezu, & P. Geller (Eds.), Handbook of Psychology, Volume 9: Health Psychology (pp. 415-435). New York: John Wiley & Sons.

18. Donnay, D., & Elliott, T. (2003). California personality inventory. In L. Beutler & G. Groth-Marnat (Eds.), Integrative Assessment of Adult Personality, 2nd Ed (pp. 227 – 261). New York: Guilford Press.

19. Elliott, T., & Rivera, P. (2003). The experience of families and their carers in healthcare. In S. Llewelyn & P. Kennedy (Eds.), Handbook of Clinical Health Psychology (pp. 61 – 77). Oxford: Wiley & Sons. Reprinted in P. Kennedy & S. Llewelyn (Eds.), The Essentials of Clinical Health Psychology (pp. 39 – 55). Oxford: Wiley & Sons, 2006.

20. Elliott, T., & Mullins, L. L. (2004). Counseling families and children with disabilities. In D. Atkinson & G. Hackett (Eds.), Counseling Diverse Populations, 3thd Ed. (pp. 151 – 170). New York: McGraw-Hill.

21. Elliott, T., Rivera, P., & Tucker, E. (2004). Groups in behavioral health and medical settings. In J.L. DeLucia-Waack, D. Gerrity, C. Kalodner, & M. Riva (Eds). Handbook of Group Counseling and Psychotherapy (pp. 338 -350). New York: Sage.

22. Elliott, T., & Shewchuk, R. (2004). Family adaptation in illness, disease, and disability: Implications for research, policy, and practice. In J. Racynski, L. Bradley, & L. Leviton (Eds.), Health and Behavior Handbook, Vol. II (pp. 379 – 403). Washington, D. C.: American Psychological Association Press.

23. Elliott, T., Grant, J., & Miller, D. (2004). Social problem solving abilities and behavioral health. In E. Chang, T. J. D’Zurilla, & L. J. Sanna (Eds.), Social problem solving: Theory, research, and training (pp. 117- 133). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

24. Elliott, T., & Miller, D. (2004). Rehabilitation counseling. In C. Spielberger (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology (pp. 249-253). New York: Elsevier Science.

25. Elliott, T., & Leung, P. (2005). Vocational rehabilitation: history and practice. In W. B. Walsh & M. Savickas (Eds.), Handbook of Vocational Psychology, 3thd Ed. (pp. 319-343). New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Press.

26. Elliott, T., & Jackson, W. T. (2005). Cognitive-behavioral therapy in rehabilitation psychology. In A. Freeman (Editor-in-Chief), Encyclopedia of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (pp. 324-327). New York: Springer Science + Business Media, Inc.

27. Dreer, L., Jackson, W. T., & Elliott, T. (2005). Social problem solving, personality disorder, and substance abuse. In. M. McMurran & J. McGuire (Eds.), Social problem-solving and offending: Evidence, evaluation, and evolution  (pp. 66-89). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

28. Elliott, T., & Warren, A. M. (2007). Why psychological issues are important. In P. Kennedy (Ed.), Psychological Management of Physical Disabilities: A Practitioner’s Guide (pp. 16-39). London: Brunner-Rutledge Press.

29. Elliott, T. (2007). Maintain scientific integrity in the quest for relevance and application. Insert in the final chapter of C. R. Snyder & S. Lopez (Eds.), Positive Psychology: The Scientific and Practical Explorations of Human Strengths (pp. 496-497). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

30. Elliott, T., & Dreer, L. (2007). Disability. In S. Ayers, A. Baum, C. McManus, S. Newman, K. Wallston, J. Weinmann, & R. West (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Psychology, Health & Medicine (2nd Ed.), 80 – 84. New York: Cambridge University Press.

31. Warren, A. M., Pullins, J., & Elliott, T. (2008). Concomitant cognitive impairment in persons with spinal cord injuries in rehabilitation settings. In S. T. Gontkovsky & C. J. Golden (Eds.), Neuropsychology within the Inpatient Rehabilitation Environment (pp. 79-98). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

32. Elliott, T., & Hurst, M. (2008). Social problem solving and health. In W. B. Walsh (Ed.), Biennial Review of Counseling Psychology (pp. 295-314). New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Press.

33. Peterson, D., & Elliott, T. (2008). Advances in conceptualizing and studying disability. In R. Lent & S. Brown (Eds.), Handbook of Counseling Psychology, 4th Edition (pp. 212-230). New York: Sage.

34. Rath, J., & Elliott, T. (2008). Traumatic brain injury. In E. Altmaier and B. D. Johnson (Volume Editors) (2008). Encyclopedia of Counseling: Volume 1. Changes and Challenges for Counseling in the 21st Century (pp. 421-423). Leong, F.T. L. (Editor-in-Chief). Thousand Oaks, New York: Sage.

35. Elliott, T., & Uswatte, G. (2009). Rehabilitation psychology. In S. J. Lopez (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Positive Psychology, Volume 2 (pp. 1594827- 1594831). Williston, VT: Blackwell Publishing.

36. Dunn, D. S., Uswatte, G., & Elliott, T. (2009). Happiness, resilience and positive growth following disability: Issues for understanding, research and therapeutic intervention. In S. J. Lopez (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology (2nd Ed.) (pp. 651-664). New York: Oxford University Press.

37. Elliott, T., & Parker, M. W. (in press). Family caregivers and health care providers: Developing partnerships for a continuum of care and support. In R. C. Talley & J. E. Crews (Eds.), Caregiving and Disabilities. New York: Springer.

38. Elliott, T. (in press). Education and support in context with other interventions for caregivers. In D. Monahan (Ed.), Education and Support Programs for Caregivers; Implications for Practice, Research and Policy. New York: Springer.

39. Elliott, T., & Rath, J. (in press). Rehabilitation psychology. In E. Altmaier & J.-I. Hanson, The Oxford Handbook of Counseling Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.

40. Reed, G.M., Olkin, R., Spaulding, W.D., Elliott, T.R., Olivera Roulet, G., Di Nanno, A.E., Rosetto, J.S., Wong, D.W., Hernández, L.W., & Tshivashe, M. (in press). Psychological and Counselling Services. In World Report on Disability and Rehabilitation. Geneva: World Health Organization.

Published Abstracts:

1. Frank, R. G., Parker, J., Beck, N., Kashani, J., Elliott, T., & Kay, D. (1986). Depression in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 29(4), S82.

2. Frank, R. G., Kashani, J., Parker, J., Beck, N., Elliott, T., Smith, E., & Kay, D. (1987). Analgesic effects of antidepressants in rheumatoid arthritis: Preliminary results. Proceedings of the Sixth General Meeting of the American Pain Society, p. 72, Washington, D.C.

3. Elliott, T., Spruell, M., & Godshall, F. (1988). Correlates of social support among spinal cord injured patients. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 69, 759.

4. Elliott, T., Gramling, S., Personius, W., & Robertson, R. (1988). Sensory-affective measurement of chronic pain. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 69, 789.

5. Elliott, T., & Frank, R. (1988). Cognitive responses to disability and depression. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 69, 799.

6. Sherwin, E., Elliott, T., Hoffman, J., Hansen, S., Frank, R., Patterson, K. (1991). Negotiating the reality of caregiving: Burnout and hope among nurses in rehabilitation units. Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Convention of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, 174.

7. Herrick, S., & Elliott, T. (1991). Social support and depression among persons with spinal cord injury. Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Convention of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, 144.

8. Elliott, T., Pickelman, H., & Richeson, C. (1992). Negative affectivity, problem-solving appraisal, and post-partum depression. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Convention of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, 55.

9. Richards, J. S., Shewchuk, R., Elliott, T., & Bullard, J. (1994). Outcomes for caregivers of persons with spinal cord injuries: A longitudinal investigation. Journal of American Paraplegia Society, 17, 103.

10. Elliott, T. (1994). Social support, depression, and spare time activities of men with SCI. Journal of the American Paraplegia Society, 17, 103.

11. Richards, J. S., Shewchuk, R., Elliott, T., & Bullard, J. (1994). Caregivers of persons with spinal cord injury: A longitudinal investigation. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 75, 725-726.

12. Richards, J.S., Elliott, T., Shewchuck, R.M., & Little, D. (1995). Intentionality, risk, and perception of responsibility: Changes in life satisfaction and family satisfaction in persons with spinal cord injury across the first year post-injury. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 18, 118.

13. Elliott, T., Richards, J. S., & Shewchuk, R. M. (1995). Predictors of life satisfaction, family adjustment, and secondary complications during the first post-discharge year. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 18, 153.

14. Jackson, W. T., Taylor, R. T., Elliott, T., & Palmatier, A. (1996). Psychological variables in blind rehabilitation: MBHI and hope scale findings. Rehabilitation Psychology, 41, 174.

15. Palmatier, A., Jackson, W. T., Taylor, R. T., & Elliott, T. (1996). Psychological assessment of blind veterans in rehabilitation: A study using the hope scale. The Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science, 67(2), 110.

16. Elliott, T., Jackson, W. T., & Johnson, M. O. (1996). Identifying personality subtypes among persons receiving inpatient treatment for pressure sores. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 19, 148.

17. Uswatte, G., & Elliott, T. (1998). Personal styles and adjustment among newly injured persons with spinal cord injury. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 21, 60.

18. Shewchuk, R., Richards, J. S., Elliott, T., & Palmatier, A. (1998). Caregiver problems and solutions: A focus group approach. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 21, 50.

19. Palmatier, A., Elliott, T., Shewchuk, R., Richards, J. S., & Margolis, K. (1998). Social problem solving and adjustment to caregivers. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 21, 62.

20. Lewis, L., & Elliott, T. (1998). Goal instability and reaction to recent onset spinal cord injury. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 21, 60-61.

21. Elliott, T., Shewchuk, R., & Richards, J. S. (1998). Caregiver problems and solutions following spinal cord injury: A focus-group approach. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 20, S079.

22. Kurylo, M., Shewchuk, R., & Elliott, T. (1999). Project FOCUS: Training in Problem Solving for Caregivers of Patients with Spinal Cord Injuries. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 21, S153.

23. Shewchuk, R., Elliott, T., & Kurylo, M. (1999). Problem solving abilities predict caregiver adjustment following spinal cord injury: An extension and replication. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 21, S185.

24. Shewchuk, R., Miller, D., Elliott, T., & Richards, J. S. (1999). Social problem solving abilities and adjustment among persons with diabetes. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 21, S185.

25. Temple, R., & Elliott, T. (2000). Personality disorder characteristics and adjustment to recent-onset spinal cord injury. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 22, S013.

26. Grant, J., Elliott, T., Giger, J., & Bartolucci, A. (2000). Social problem solving abilities, social support, and adjustment of family caregivers. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 22, S016.

27. Kurylo, M., DeVivo, L., Crawford, D., & Elliott, T. (2000). Problem solving in caregivers of persons with congestive heart failure. Rehabilitation Psychology, 45, 318.

28. Elliott, T., Chwalisz, K., Grant, J., & Glueckauf, R. (2001). Innovations in understanding and assisting families living with disability. Rehabilitation Psychology, 46, 322.

29. Grant, J., Elliott, T., Bartolucci, A., & Giger, J. (2001). Predictors of depression among family caregivers of stroke survivors. Rehabilitation Psychology, 46, 339.

30. Elliott, T., & Rivera, P. (2002). An active problem-solving intervention for caregivers. SCI Psychosocial Process, Summer, 118.

31. Elliott, T., Shewchuk, R., Richards, J. S., & Chen, Y. (2003). Predicting changes in depression status in family caregivers of persons with recent spinal cord injuries. Safety In Numbers: Working Together from Research into Practice Abstracts Book, Centers for Disease Control, 43.

32. Rivera, P., Elliott, T., & Shewchuk, R. (2003, April). Social problem-solving abilities, depression and well-being among family caregivers of persons with spinal cord injuries. Safety In Numbers: Working Together from Research into Practice Abstracts Book, Centers for Disease Control, 145.

33. Elliott, T., & Shewchuk, R. (2005, May). Project FOCUS: A problem-solving intervention for family caregivers of persons with spinal cord injury. Injury and Violence in America: Meeting Challenges, Sharing Solutions Abstracts book, 2005 National Injury Prevention and Control Conference, 99.

34. Meythaler, J., Elliott, T., Chen, Y., & Novack, T. (2006). Treatment of agitation with propranolol. Journal of Health Trauma Rehabilitation, 21, 416.

35. Elliott, T., Rivera, P., Berry, J., Oswalt, K., Adams, D., & Grant, J. (2006). Problem-solving abilities and caregiver adjustment. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 21, 426.

36. Warren, A. M., Bruce, L., & Elliott, T. (2008). Does substance use history correlate with pressure sore occurrence during inpatient rehabilitation? SCI Psychosocial Process, 20(2), 56-57.

37. Berry, J. W., Elliott, T., & Grant, J. S. (2009). Caregiver treatment impact on TBI care recipient depression. National Violence & Injury Prevention Research Conference: From Discovery to Practice Abstracts book, March, 11.



Elliott, T. (June 2006). Caregiving. In the APA Psychotherapy Video/DVD Series IV - Relationships. American

Psychological Association: Washington, D. C. (Review in PsyCritiques, August 15, 2007:


Internet/On-Line Articles

1. Grant, J. S., & Elliott, T. R. (2003). Social problem-solving for depression [On-line]. Available: . Accessed February 5, 2007.

2. Warren, A. M., & Elliott, T. (2007). Commentary: Assessment and identification of concomitant cognitive impairments in persons with traumatic spinal cord injury: Considerations for rehabilitation professionals. . SCI Psychosocial Process (online), 20(1). Accessed January 23, 2009.

Non-Peer Review Articles

1. Elliott, T., & Brolin, D. E. (1984). Career Education Personnel Preparation Project (CEPP) Evaluation Report: 1982-1983. University of Missouri-Columbia.

2. Elliott, T. (1992). Concerns of a junior colleague. Rehabilitation Psychology News, 19(2), 11-12.

3. Elliott, T. (1993). Notes from the Chair. Health Psychology Interest Group Correspondence, Winter(11), 1.

4. Elliott, T. (1993). Counseling psychology and health care reform: Issues and opportunities. Health Psychology Group Correspondence, Winter(11), 2 – 3.

5. Elliott, T. (1994). Counseling psychology and behavioral health: Research tips. Health Psychology Interest Group Correspondence, Summer(12), 1-2.

6. Elliott, T. (1996). Feature article: Counseling psychology and primary care. Correspondence: APA

Division 17 Health Psychology Section, Fall(17), 4-5.

7. Elliott, T. (1997). Who is the client? Counseling for Health: Newsletter for the Counseling Health Psychology Section, Summer(18), 6-7.

8. Elliott, T. (1999). Chill out! Paraplegia News, 53(11), pp. 31-33.

9. Elliott, T (2000, Summer). President’s Message: Your Involvement is Needed; We Will be Calling. Rehabilitation Psychology News, 28(1), pp. 1, 3.

10. Elliott, T (2001, Spring). President’s Message: Hot ‘lanta: New Benchmarks and By-Laws for Your Division. Rehabilitation Psychology News, 28(3), 1.

11. Elliott, T (2001, Summer). President’s Message: Time to Convene in San Francisco! Rehabilitation Psychology News, 28(4), pp. 1, 10.

12. Elliott, T (2001, Winter). President’s Message: It Looks Like We Did It! Rehabilitation Psychology News, 28(2), pp. 1, 3.

13. Elliott, T. (2006). Editorial. Rehabilitation Psychology, 51, 1-2.

14. Elliott, T. (2007). Rehabilitation Psychology: Notes from the Editor’s Desk. Rehabilitation Psychology News, 34(2), 4.

15. Elliott, T. (2007). Rehabilitation Psychology: From the Editor’s laptop. Rehabilitation Psychology News, 34(4), 4.

16. Elliott, T. (2007). Rehabilitation Psychology: From the Editor’s laptop. Rehabilitation Psychology News, 35(1), 4.

Monographs and Technical Reports

1. McMahon, R., & Elliott, T. (1989). Health Promotion and Wellness in Older Adults. Geriatric Curriculum Resource Guides for Health Professionals Series, Geriatric Education Center, Virginia Commonwealth University.

2. Klapow, J., Elliott, T., Pruitt, S., & Kovac, S. (2003). An evaluation of participant retention in CarePatterns diabetes and asthma programs. Department of Psychology, University of Alabama at Birmingham.

3. Phillips, C. D., Hawes, C., Dyer, J., Elliott, T., Fournier, C.,, Halperin, L., Shaw, M., Patnaik, A., & Chen, M. (August, 2008). Reliability testing of the Personal Care Assessment Forms (PCAFs): A Report Prepared for the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University.

4. Phillips, C. D., Hawes, C., Fournier, C., Elliott, T., Dyer, J., Halperin, L., Shaw, M., & Kimbell, A.-M. (September, 2008). Personal Care Assessment Form (PCAF): Ages 4-20 and 0-3 User’s Manual (Revised): Item-by-Item Instructions for Completing PCAF Assessments. Report prepared for Texas Health & Human Services Commission. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University.

5. Phillips, C. D., Patnaik, A., Dyer, J., Hawes, C., Fournier, C., Elliott, T., Johnson, J., & Naiser, E. (November, 2009). Special Children: Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) and Medicaid Personal Care Services (PCS) in Texas, 2009. Prepared for the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University.

Book Reviews

1. Elliott, T. (1982). Handbook of severe disability. (Review of Handbook of Severe Disability by W. C. Stolov and M. K. Clowers). Journal of Rehabilitation, 48(4), 76-78.

2. Elliott, T. (1982). Courtesy needs of the disabled consumer. (Review of Courtesy Needs of the Disabled Consumer by S. A. Schmitt). Journal of Rehabilitation, 48(3), 75.

3. Elliott, T. (1982). Driver education for the handicapped. (Review of Driver Education for the Handicapped by D. G. Kramer). Journal of Rehabilitation, 48(3), 75, 78.

4. Elliott, T. (1987). Research with the attitudes toward disabled persons scales. (Review of Research with the Attitudes Toward Disabled Persons Scales by H. Yuker and J. Block). Journal of Rehabilitation, 53(2), 69.

5. Elliott, T. (1993). Strong ambivalence: Stress and well-being at work in America. (Review of Stress & Well-Being at Work: Assessment and Interventions for Occupational Mental Health by J. C. Quick, L. R. Murphy, & J. J. Hurrell). Contemporary Psychology, 38, 981-982.

6. Elliott, T., & Johnson, M. O. (1996). The social psychology response to the HIV and AIDS crisis. (Review of The Social Psychology of HIV Infection by J. Pryor & G.D. Reeder). Contemporary Psychology, 41, 1192-1193.


Poster Exhibits:

1. Elliott, T., & Byrd, E. K. (1983, March). Attitude change toward disability with television portrayal: A study and a replication. Poster presented at the convention of the American Personnel and Guidance Association, Washington D.C.

2. Elliott, T., & Byrd, E. (1984, March). Attitude change toward disability through television portrayal with male college students. Poster presented at the convention of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans.

3. Corcoran, J., Frank, R. G., & Elliott, T. (1985, August). The interpersonal response to spinal cord injury and depression: A methodological study. Poster presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles.

4. Frank, R. G., Beck, N. C., Parker, J. C., Kashani, J. H., Elliott, T., & Kay, D. (1986, June). Depression in rheumatoid arthritis patients. Poster presented at the convention of the American Rheumatism Association, New Orleans, LA.

5. Frank, R. G., Parker, J., Beck, N., Kashani, J., Elliott, T., & Kay, D. (1986, August). Relationship of depression, pain, and disease course in rheumatoid arthritis. Poster presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

6. Frank, R. G., Parker, J., Beck, N., Kashani, J., Elliott, T., Smith, E. & Kay, D. (1986, October). Analgesic effects of antidepressants in rheumatoid arthritis: Preliminary results. Poster presented at the convention of the American Pain Society, Washington, D. C.

7. Frank, R. G., Kashani, J. K., Parker, J. C., Beck, N., Brownlee-Duffeck, M., Elliott, T., Atwood, C., Smith, E., & Kay, D. (1987, June). Antidepressant analgesia in rheumatoid arthritis: A preliminary report. Poster presented at the convention of the American Rheumatism Association, Washington, D. C.

8. Heesacker, M., Elliott, T., & Howe, L. (1987, August). Does Holland code predict job satisfaction and productivity in blue-collar workers? Poster presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association, New York, NY.

9. Umlauf, R., Elliott, T., Lawrence, K., & Chraska, K. (1987, September). Interpersonal responses of nursing staff to depression and spinal cord injury. Poster presented at the convention of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Nurses, Las Vegas, NV.

10. Elliott, T., & Umlauf, R. (1988, August). Nursing staff responses to patient depression and disability. Poster presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA.

11. Elliott, T., Frank, R., Godshall, F., & Patti, A. (1988, August). Social-cognitive reactions to depression and disability. Poster presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA.

12. Elliott, T., Spruell, M., & Godshall, F. (1988, October). Correlates of social support among spinal cord injured patients. Poster presented at the convention of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine/American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Seattle, WA.

13. Harris, J. E., Heesacker, M., Elliott, T., & Howe, L. (1989, May). The impact of work personality on productivity and job tenure in clothing factory workers. Poster presented at the convention of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago.

14. Gramling, S., Harkins, S., Wade, J., Elliott, T., & Price, D. (1990, March). Coping with chronic pain: Appraisal processes, situation-specific and dispositional coping. Poster presented at the convention of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Chicago.

15. Frank, R., Chaney, J., Shutty, M., Clay, D., Beck, N., Kay, D., Elliott, T., & Gramling, S. (1990, August). Dysphoria: A major factor of depression in persons with a disability or chronic illness. Poster presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston.

16. Godshall, F., Elliott, T., Herrick, S., Witty, T., & Spruell, M. (1990, August). Problem-solving appraisal and psychological adjustment following spinal cord injury. Poster presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston.

17. MacNair, R. R., Yoder, B, & Elliott, T. (1990, August). Do AIDS prevention groups change attitudes about risk-reduction behaviors among persons in substance abuse treatment? Poster presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston.

18. Sherwin, E., Elliott, T., Hoffman, J., Hanson, S., Frank, R., & Patterson, K. (1991, March). Negotiating the reality of care giving: Burnout and hope among nurses in rehabilitation units. Poster presented at the convention of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, D. C.

19. Herrick, S., Witty, T., & Elliott, T. (1991, March). Negotiating reality following the onset of spinal cord injury. Poster presented at the convention of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, D. C.

20. Herrick, S., & Elliott, T. (1991, March). Social support and depression among persons with spinal cord injury. Poster presented at the convention of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, D.C.

21. Byrne, C., Elliott, T., Hornbuckle, P., & Elliott, A. (1991, March). Oral contraceptive use, self-appraised problem-solving ability, and menstrual distress. Poster presented at the convention of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans.

22. Forsyth, D. R., Elliott, T., & Welsh, J. (1991, June). Multidimensional model of the functions of groups. Poster presented at the convention of the American Psychological Society, Washington, D. C.

23. Herrick, S., Elliott, T., & Witty, T. (1991, August). Problem solving appraisal and the effects of social support. Poster presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.

24. Sherwin, E., Elliott, T., Frank, R., Hanson, S., Hoffman, J., & Patterson, K. (1991, August). Reality negotiation among nurses in rehabilitation settings. Poster presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.

25. Elliott, T., Pickleman, H., & Richeson, C. (1992, April). Negative affectivity, problem-solving appraisal, and post-partum depression. Poster presented at the convention of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, New York.

26. Herrick, S., & Elliott, T. (1992, August). Problem-solving appraisal and health status of persons with spinal cord injury. Poster presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington D. C.

27. Elliott, T., Marmarosh, C., & Patterson, K. (1992, August). Problem-solving appraisal, health complaints, and health-related expectancies. Poster presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D. C.

28. Marmarosh, C., & Elliott, T. (1993, August). Social-cognitive predictors of academic success among black and white college students. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto.

29. Marmarosh, C., & Elliott. T. (1993, November). Problem-solving appraisal as a predictor of caucasian, african-american, asian-american college performance. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Atlanta.

30. Richards, J. S., Shewchuk, R., Elliott, T., & Bullard, J. (1994, April). Outcomes for caregivers of persons with spinal cord injuries: A longitudinal investigation. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Spinal Injury Association, Philadelphia.

31. Richards, J. S., Shewchuk, R., Elliott, T., & Bullard, J. (1994, June). Caregivers of persons with spinal cord injury: A longitudinal investigation. Poster presented at the convention of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Minneapolis, MN.

32. Elliott, T., Richards, J. S., & Shewchuk, R. (1995, May). Predictors of life satisfaction, family adjustment, and secondary complications during the first post-injury year. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Spinal Injury Association, Orlando.

33. Johnson, M. O., & Elliott, T. (1995, August). Social problem solving and acceptance of disability. Poster presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association, New York.

34. Johnson, M. O., & Elliott, T. (1995, September). Correlates of career indecision in persons with spinal cord injury. Poster presented at the convention of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas.

35. Shewchuk, R., Elliott, T., Hagglund, K., & Rybarczyk, B. (1995, September). Cognitive appraisal, coping, and burnout among rehabilitation nurses. Poster presented at the convention of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas.

36. Elliott, T., Jackson, W. T., & Johnson, M. O. (1996, April). Identifying personality subtypes among persons receiving inpatient treatment for pressure sores. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Spinal Injury Association, Seattle.

37. Godshall, F., & Elliott, T. (1996, August). Behavioral correlates of self-appraised problem solving ability: Problem solving skills and health compromising behaviors. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto.

38. Jackson, W. T., Taylor, R., Elliott, T., & Palmatier, A. (1996, August). Psychological variables in blindness rehabilitation: MBHI and hope scale findings. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto.

39. Johnson, M. O., Elliott, T., & Palmatier, A. (1996, September). Initial reactions to SCI: Depression, problem solving, and acceptance of disability. Poster presented at the convention of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas.

40. Lozano, K. K., Richards, J. S., Elliott, T., & Shewchuk, R. (1996, September). Attributions for injury onset and adjustment following spinal cord injury. Poster presented at the convention of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas.

41. Shewchuk, R., Richards, J. S., Elliott, T., & Palmatier, A. (1996, September). Caregivers of persons with SCI: A longitudinal study. Poster presented at the convention of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas.

42. Elliott, T., Shewchuk, R., Richards, J. S., Palmatier, A., & Margolis, K. (1997, April). Social problem solving and adjustment of caregivers of persons with recent onset spinal cord injury. Poster presented at the convention of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco.

43. Chwalisz, K., Menefree, L., Elliott, T., DeLoach, C., Vieten, M., Rivas, L., Tiwari, N., & Kreuder, K. (1997, August). The Division 17 Special Task Group on Disability Issues Survey. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago.

44. Uswatte, G., & Elliott, T. (1997, September). Personal styles and adjustment among newly injured persons with SCI. Poster presented at the convention of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas.

45. Lewis, L. H., & Elliott, T. (1997, September). Goal instability and reaction to recent onset spinal cord injury. Poster presented at the convention of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas.

46. Palmatier, A., Elliott, T., Shewchuk, R., Richards, J. S., & Margolis, K. (1997, September). Social problem solving and adjustment of caregivers. Poster presented at the convention of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas.

47. Elliott, T., Shewchuk, R., & Richards, J.S. (1998, March). Caregiver problems and solutions following spinal cord injury: A focus-group approach. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans.

48. Ford, G., & Elliott, T. (1998, August). Clinicians’ reactions to depressive behavior and ill health. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.

49. Elliott, T. (1998, August). Caregiver problem solving abilities predict patient adjustment following SCI. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.

50. Miller, D. M., Shewchuk, R., Richards, J. S., & Elliott, T. (1998, November). The use of the nominal group technique to identify issues which affect the behavioral component of diabetes management. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Seattle.

51. Kurylo, M., Shewchuk, R., & Elliott, T. (1999, March). Project FOCUS: Training in problem solving for caregivers of patients with spinal cord injuries. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Diego.

52. Shewchuk, R., Elliott, T., & Kurylo, M. (1999, March). Problem solving abilities predict caregiver adjustment following spinal cord injury: An extension and replication. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Diego.

53. Shewchuk, R., Miller, D., Elliott, T., & Richards, J. S. (1999, March). Social problem solving abilities and adjustment among persons with diabetes. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Diego.

54. Miller, D. M., Shewchuk, R., Richards, J. S., & Elliott, T. (1999, April). The use of the nominal group technique to identify issues affecting self-management of diabetes. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Counseling Association, San Diego.

55. Elliott, T., Kurylo, M., & Shewchuk, R. (1999, August). Social problem solving abilities and gender differences in caregiver adjustment. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston.

56. Harkins, S. W., Elliott, T., & Wan, T. (1999, August). Cognitive appraisals predict adjustment to urinary incontinence among older women. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston.

57. Temple, R., & Elliott, T. (2000, April). Personality disorder characteristics and adjustment to recent-onset spinal cord injury. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Nashville.

58. Grant, J., Elliott, T., Giger, J., & Bartolucci, A. (2000, April). Social problem solving abilities, social support, and adjustment among family caregivers of individuals with a stroke. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Nashville.

59. Kurylo, M., DeVivo, L., Crawford, D., & Elliott, T. (2000, August). Problem solving in caregivers of persons with congestive heart failure. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

60. Temple, R., & Elliott, T. (2000, September). Personality disorder characteristics of persons with severe pressure sores. Poster presented at the annual conference of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas.

61. Shanmugham, K., & Elliott, T. (2001, September). Problem solving and treatment involvement among individuals with severe pressure ulcers. Poster presented at the annual conference of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas.

62. Tucker, E., Elliott, T., & Garner, N. (2002, September). SASSI-3 and the patient with spinal cord injury in the rehabilitation setting. Poster presented at the annual conference of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas.

63. Schmitt, M., Banos, J., & Elliott, T. (2003, February). Factor structure of the rey verbal learning test in spinal cord injury. Poster presented at the annual conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, Honolulu.

64. Shewchuk, R., Elliott, T., Richards, J. S., & Chen, Y. (2003, March). Predictors of change in depression among family caregivers of persons with recent-onset spinal cord injury. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT.

65. Elliott, T., & Bush, B. (2003, April). Social problem-solving abilities and pressure sore occurrence among persons with spinal cord injury. Poster presented at the mid-winter conference of the Division of Rehabilitation Psychology/APA and the American Board of Rehabilitation Psychology entitled, “Celebrating Our Heritage, Creating Our Vision”, Tucson, AZ.

66. Schmitt, M., & Elliott, T. (2003, April). Verbal learning abilities and adjustment to recent-onset spinal cord injury. Poster presented at the mid-winter conference of the Division of Rehabilitation Psychology/APA and the American Board of Rehabilitation Psychology entitled, “Celebrating Our Heritage, Creating Our Vision”, Tucson, AZ. [awarded first prize for best student presentation]

67. Rivera, P., Elliott, T., & Shewchuk, R. (2003, April). Social problem-solving abilities, depression and well-being among family caregivers of persons with spinal cord injuries. Poster presented at the conference conducted by the Centers for Disease Control entitled, Safety In Numbers: Working Together from Research into Practice, Atlanta.

68. Elliott, T., & Rivera, P. (2003, August). Problems encountered by family caregivers of women with cerebral palsy. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto.

69. Uswatte, G., Elliott, T., & Shewchuk, R. (2003, August). Challenges experienced by caregivers of constraint-induced movement therapy patients. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto.

70. Tucker, E., & Elliott, T. (2003, September).  Social problem solving abilities and health behaviors of persons with spinal cord injuries. Poster presented at the annual conference of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas, NV.

71. Schmitt, M. M., Banos, J., & Elliott, T. (2004, February). Verbal learning in spinal cord injury patients: Effects of age and time since injury. Poster presented at the annual conference of the International Neuropsychological Society. Baltimore, MD.

72. Hui, S.A., Elliott, T., Shewchuk, R., & Rivera, P. (2004, March). Communal behaviors, problem solving abilities, and adjustment of caregivers of persons with spinal cord injuries. Poster presented at the mid-winter conference of the Division of Rehabilitation Psychology/APA and the American Board of Rehabilitation Psychology, Seattle, WA.

73. Dreer, L., Schmitt, M., Elliott, T., Fletcher, D., & Porter, C. (2004, March). Social problem solving abilities and depression among persons with visual impairment. Poster presented at the mid-winter conference of the Division of Rehabilitation Psychology/APA and the American Board of Rehabilitation Psychology, Seattle, WA.

74. Dreer, L., Fletcher, D., & Elliott, T. (2004, April). Low vision rehabilitation: An investigation of psychological characteristics. Poster presented at the annual convention of Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, FL.

75. Hui, S. A., Elliott, T., Shewchuk, R., & Rivera, P. (2004, July). Communal behaviors and adjustment following spinal cord injury. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.

76. Hui, S. A., Lindsey, C.., & Elliott, T. (2004, July). Church attendance and marital commitment beliefs of undergraduate women. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.

77. Elliott, T., Shewchuk, R., & Rivera, P. (2005, April). Evaluating a problem-solving intervention for family caregivers of persons with spinal cord injury. Poster presented at the mid-winter conference of the Division of Rehabilitation Psychology/APA and the American Board of Rehabilitation Psychology, Baltimore, MD.

78. Rivera, P., & Elliott, T. (2005, August). Family caregivers of women with disabilities: Problem solving and adjustment. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D. C.

79. Swanson, M., Dreer, L. E., Elliott, T. R., Berry, J., Fletcher, D. C., & McNeal, J. C. (2005, November). Cognitive appraisals, distress and disability among persons in low vision rehabilitation. Poster presented at the 39th Annual Convention for the Association for the Advancement of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.  Washington, D. C.

80. Schmitt, M. M., Elliott, T. R., Porter, C. A. & Jackson, W. T. (2006, March).The development of a measure of learning during blind rehabilitation. Poster presented at the 8th Annual Conference of The Division of Rehabilitation Psychology of the American Psychological Association in Reno, Nevada.

81. Bambara, J., Dreer, L., Elliott, T., Swanson, M., DeCarlo, D., & Uswatte, G. (2006, March). Well-being of individuals with low vision and their informal caregivers’ gratitude and altruism. Poster presented at the 8th Annual Conference of The Division of Rehabilitation Psychology of the American Psychological Association in Reno, Nevada.

82. Elliott, T., Rivera, P., Berry, J., & Oswald, K. (2006, March). Characteristics of family caregivers at risk for depression. Poster presented at the 8th Annual Conference of The Division of Rehabilitation Psychology of the American Psychological Association in Reno, Nevada.

83. Elliott, T., Rivera, P., Berry, J., Oswald, K., Adams, D., & Grant, J. (2006, March). Problem-solving abilities and caregiver adjustment. Poster presented at the 2nd Federal TBI Interagency Conference entitled, “Integrating Models of Research and Service Delivery, Bethesda, MD.

84. Elliott, T., Rivera, P., Berry, J., Oswald, K., Grant, J., & Edwards, G. (2006, August). Problem-solving training for family caregivers: A randomized clinical trial. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.

85. Schmitt, M., Elliott, T., & Porter, C. (2006, August). Problem-solving skills, negative affectivity, and adjustment in blind veterans. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.

86. Hartley, S., Elliott, T., Cuckler, J., & Berry, J. (2006, August). Predicting depression and functional abilities after knee or hip replacement. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.

87. Rivera, P. A., Berry, J., & Elliott, T. R. (2006, November). Survival analysis of the effects of problem solving training on depressed family caregivers. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.  Chicago, IL.

88. Martin, R. C., Elliott, T. R., Dreer, L., Shui, A., & Nabors, L. B.  (2006, November).  Quality of life concerns expressed by caregivers of persons with brain cancer. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.  Chicago, IL.

89. Bambara, J., Bjelke, E., Uswatte G., Swanson, M., DeCarlo, D., Cheavens, J., Dreer, L., & Elliott, T. (2006, November).  Patient perspectives of caregiver character strengths on the prediction of depression.  Poster presented at the annual convention of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.  Chicago, IL.

90. Rivera, P. A., Elliott, T., Berry, J. W., & Grant, J. (2007, August). Problem-solving training and caregiver depression: Results over 1 year. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.

91. Hui, S.-K. A., Elliott, T., Martin, R., & Uswatte, G. (2007, August). Attributions, relationship satisfaction, and adjustment of family caregivers. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.

92. Erosa, N., Elliott, T., Berry, J. W., & Grant, J. S. (2009, February). Family caregiver experience of abuse and their self-reported adjustment. Poster presented at the 11th annual Rehabilitation Psychology Conference, Jacksonville, FL.

93. Villarreal, E., Warren, A. M., & Elliott, T. (2009, February). Impact of brain injuries on inpatient spinal cord injury rehabilitation. Poster presented at the 11th annual Rehabilitation Psychology Conference, Jacksonville, FL.

94. Johnson, C. L., Resch, J. A., Villarreal, V., Elliott, T., Kwok, O. M., Berry, J. W., & Underhill, A. (2009, February). Does family satisfaction following TBI predict life satisfaction trajectories? Poster presented at the 11th annual Rehabilitation Psychology Conference, Jacksonville, FL.

95. Resch, J. A., Johnson, C. L., Villarreal, V., Elliott, T., Kwok, O. M., Berry, J. W., & Underhill, A. (2009, February). Trajectories of life satisfaction following traumatic brain injury. Poster presented at the 11th annual Rehabilitation Psychology Conference, Jacksonville, FL.

96. Villarreal, V., Johnson, C. L., Resch, J. A., Elliott, T. R., Kwok, O., Berry, J.W., & Underhill, A. (2009, March). Trajectories of life satisfaction following traumatic brain injury across racial groups. Poster session presented at the First Annual International Conference on Culture, Ethnicity, & Brain Injury Rehabilitation, Arlington, VA.

97. Berry, J., Elliott, T., & Grant, J. (2009, March). Caregiver treatment impact on TBI care recipient depression. National Violence & Injury Prevention Research Conference: From Discovery to Practice, Atlanta, GA.

98. Fournier, C., Elliott, T. R., Davis, M., Phillips, C., Patnaik, A., Hawes, C., & Dyer, J. (2009, August). Children with low incidence disabilities: Families’ perspective of assistance needs. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto.



1. Elliott, T. (1993, August). Counseling psychology programs can prepare students for health psychology settings. In C. Carmin (Chair), Making Training Relevant: Counseling Psychologists in Health & Medical Settings. Symposium conducted at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto.

2. Richards, J. S., Shewchuk, R. M., Elliott, T., & Palmatier, A. (1996, August). Caregivers of persons with spinal cord injury: A longitudinal investigation. Paper presented in A. Quittner (Chair), Contemporary Perspectives on Family Caregiving of Persons with Chronic Conditions. Symposium conducted at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto.

3. Elliott, T., Kurylo, M., & Shewchuk, R. (1999, November). Project FOCUS: Problem solving training for new caregivers of persons with spinal cord injury. Paper presented in S. H. Friedman (Chair), Family Caregivers: Innovative Assessment Techniques and Problem-Solving Interventions for the Unofficial Members of the Health Care Team. Symposium conducted at the convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Toronto.

4. Elliott, T., & Kennedy, P. (2002, May). Depression following spinal cord injury: An evidence-based review. Presentation in the symposium entitled Evidence-Based Reviews Musculoskeletal Disorders, Neuropathic Pain, Depression, and Cardiovascular Exercise conducted at the joint conference of the American Spinal Injury Association and the International MSOP, Vancouver, Canada.

5. Fletcher, D., Dreer, L., & Elliott, T. (2005, April). Tactile analogue scale instrument for investigation of low vision patient psychological characteristics. Presentation at the Vision 2005 Conference sponsored by the International Society of Low Vision Research and Rehabilitation, London, UK.


1. Elliott, T. (1987, November). Social and interpersonal consequences of depression and physical disability. Paper presented at the convention of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas, NV.

2. Elliott, T., Spruell, M., & Godshall, F. (1988, September). Social support and psychosocial adjustment following spinal cord injury. Paper presented at the convention of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas.

3. Elliott, T., & Frank, R. (1988, October). Cognitive responses to disability and depression. Paper presented in the Accredited Session for Continuing Education Credit entitled "Selected Post-Stroke Studies" at the convention of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine/American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Seattle, WA.

4. Elliott, T., Gramling, S., Personius, W., & Robertson, R. (1988, November). Sensory-affective measurement of chronic pain. Paper presented at the convention of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine/American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Seattle, WA.

5. Shrout, J. R., Elliott, T., Gramling, S., & Elliott, A. (1989, March). Hassles on campus: Sources of student stress. Paper presented at the convention of the American College Personnel Association, Washington, D.C.

6. Elliott, T. (1989, August). Sensory-affective dimensions of pain and psychosocial functioning of spinal cord injured patients. In S. Gramling (Chair), Assessment in Pain Rehabilitation: Sensory and Affective Dimensions. Symposium conducted at the convention of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans.

7. Elliott, T., & Gramling, S. (1989, August). Psychology and rehabilitation: New roles and old training models. In R. Frank (Chair), Psychology in Rehabilitation: Exploited or Missed Opportunity? Symposium conducted at the convention of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans.

8. Buckelew, S., Elliott, T., Frank, R., Shutty, M., Chaney, J., Hewett, J., & Riche, J. (1989, September). Adjustment to spinal cord injury: Stage theory revisited. In R. Frank (Chair), Depression and Spinal Cord Injury: Future Models of Assessment and Treatment. Symposium conducted at the convention of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas.

9. Elliott, T. (1989, September). Psychological problems following discharge. In T. Elliott (Chair), Psychosocial Issues Facing the Spinal Cord Injured after Discharge: Didactic and Panel Discussion. Symposium conducted at the Fourth Annual Advanced Conference for Health Professionals on the Management of the Spinal Cord Injured Patient entitled, "The Reality of Post Discharge Care," Virginia Beach, VA.

10. Elliott, T. (1989, November). Psychological interventions for anxiety in rehabilitation. In D. Bishop (Chair), Tension, Apprehension, Avoidance, Phobias, and Anxiety: Update of Assessment and Treatment. Symposium conducted at the convention of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, San Antonio.

11. Clay, D., Frank, R., Chaney, J., & Elliott, T. (1990, August). Diagnosing depression in patients with spinal cord injury. Paper presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston.

12. Elliott, T. (1990, August). Social behavior and adjustment following spinal cord injury: Clinical and experimental evidence. In T. Elliott (Chair), Social Behavior and Adjustment following Spinal Cord Injury. Symposium conducted at the convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston.

13. Elliott, T. (1990, September). Pain Assessment. In Chronic Pain and Spinal Cord Injury. Symposium conducted at the convention of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas.

14. Elliott, T. (1990, October). Training Psychology Graduate Students in Assessment for Rehabilitation Settings. In R. Glueckauf (Chair), Improving the Quality of Assessment Practices in Rehabilitation Psychology. Symposium conducted at Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis, IN.

15. MacNair, R. R., & Elliott, T. (1991, August). Problem solving appraisal and behavioral health. In T. Elliott (Chair), Problem Solving Appraisal: Recent Applications and Theoretical Implications. Symposium conducted at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.

16. Clay, D., Hagglund, R., Frank, R., & Elliott, T. (1992, August). Enhancing the depression diagnosis in spinal cord injury using Bayesian analysis. Paper presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D. C.

17. Elliott, T. (1993, September). Clinical and methodological issues in SCI pain. In J. Summers (Chair), SCI Pain: Is it Really Different than Chronic Pain? Symposium conducted at the annual convention of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas.

18. Elliott, T. (1993, March). Staff stress and intervention strategies. In W. McKinley (Chair), Health Maintenance for Patients and Staff. Symposium conducted at the Seventh Annual Advanced Conference for Health Professionals sponsored by the Virginia Spinal Cord Injury System, Williamsburg, VA.

19. Elliott, T. (1994, April). Social support, depression, and spare time activities of men with spinal cord injuries. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Spinal Injury Association, Philadelphia.

20. Elliott, T., & Wegener, S. (1994, August). Respecting the primacy and integrity of psychology in predoctoral training. Paper presented in D. Patterson (Chair), Predoctoral, Postdoctoral, and ABPP Certification Training in Rehabilitation Psychology. Symposium conducted at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles.

21. Elliott, T. (1994, August). Discussant on symposium. Paper presented in D. Patterson (Chair), Patient Distress and Observer Bias after Physical Trauma. Symposium conducted at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles.

22. Elliott, T. (1994, August). Theory-based assessment and interventions from counseling psychology perspectives. Paper presented in K. Chwalisz (Chair), Updating our Roots: Nineties Counseling Psychologists Working in Rehabilitation Settings. Symposium conducted at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles.

23. Elliott, T. (1995, August). Discussant on symposium. Paper presented in D. Patterson (Chair), Suffering After Trauma: Should We Treat the Patient or the Staff? Symposium conducted at the convention of the American Psychological Association, New York.

24. Richards, J. S., Elliott, T., Shewchuk, R., & Little, D. (1995, May). Intentionality, risk, and the perception of responsibility: Changes in life satisfaction and family satisfaction in persons with spinal cord injury across the first year post-injury. Symposium presentation at the annual convention of the American Spinal Injury Association, Orlando.

25. Jackson, W. T., Johnson, M. O., & Elliott, T. (1995, September). Verbal learning and memory: SCI norms and implications for rehabilitation. Paper presented at the convention of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas.

26. Shewchuk, R., Richards, J. S., Elliott, T., & Palmatier, A. D. (1997, September). Caregiver problems and solutions: A focus group approach. Paper presented in symposium conducted at the convention of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas.

27. Elliott, T. (1997, August). Issues in psychological assessment for rehabilitation services. Paper presented in D. L. Schneider & H. E. Roberts, (Chairs), Reauthorization of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973: Psychology's Role. Symposium conducted at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago.

28. Elliott, T., & Shewchuk, R. (1998, November). Social problem-solving abilities predict caregiver and patient outcomes following spinal cord injury. Paper presented in C. L. Radnitz (Chair), Cognitive-Behavioral Practice with Persons with Physical Disabilities: Recent Innovations and Trends. Symposium conducted at the convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington, D.C.

29. Elliott, T., & Shewchuk, R. (1998, November). Problem-solving training for caregivers of persons with spinal cord injury. Paper presented in A M. Nezu (Chair), Social Problem-Solving Therapy: State-of-the-Art and Future Directions. Symposium conducted at the convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington, D.C.

30. Elliott, T., Shewchuk, R., & Richards, J.S. (1999, August). Social problem solving abilities and caregiver adjustment over time. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston

31. Kurylo, M., & Elliott, T. (1999, August) Alcohol problems and adjustment to recent-onset spinal cord injury. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston.

32. Kurylo, M., Elliott, T., & Crawford, D. (2000, August). Alcohol use history and secondary complications following spinal cord injury. Paper presented in A. Heinemann (Chair), Substance Abuse and Disability: Outcomes Research and Policy Implications. Symposium conducted at the convention o f the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

33. Elliott, T. (2000, August). Both sides now: From academic counseling psychology to health care. Paper presented in K. Chwalisz & M. Stern (Chairs), Counseling Health Psychology: Celebrating Professional Biculturality. Symposium conducted at the convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. [ERIC document temporary number CG030609, Resources in Education Level One].

34. Elliott, T. (2000, August). Participant in symposium entitled, Creating Successful Strategies for Promoting Diversity in APA Divisions and Provincial Psychological Associates. Symposium conducted at the convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

35. Rivera, P. & Elliott, T. (2000, September). Personality style as a predictor of adjustment to disability following spinal cord injury. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas.

36. Elliott, T. (2000, November). Preparing psychologists to work with persons who have physical disabilities. Paper presented in S. H. Friedman (Chair), Training Clinical Health Psychologists for the 21st Century. Symposium conducted at the convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New Orleans.

37. Clay, D. L. & Elliott, T. (2001, March). Counseling Psychology: Are we responding to America’s health care needs and priorities? In D. L. Clay & M. Stern, (Co-chairs) Counseling Psychology: Responding to the Changing Health Care Environment. American Psychological Association Division 17 conference, Houston.

38. Grant, J., Bartolucci, A., Elliott, T., Giger, J. (2001, April). Telephone problem-solving partnerships with family caregivers. Symposium conducted at the convention of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses, San Francisco.

39. Elliott, T. (2001, August). Defining our common ground to reach new horizons. Presidential address presented to the Division of Rehabilitation Psychology at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.

40. Elliott, T. (2001, August). Developing meaningful programs to assist families living with disability. Paper presented in T. Elliott (Chair), Presidential symposium: Innovations in understanding and assisting families living with disabilities. Symposium conducted at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.

41. Elliott, T., & Rivera, P. (2001, September). An active problem solving intervention for caregivers. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas.

42. Grant, J., Elliott, T., Bartolucci, A. & Giger, J. (2002, March). Caregiving problems experienced by family members of stroke survivors and strategies used to address the problems. Symposium conducted at the convention of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses, Chicago.

43. Shewchuk, R., Elliott, T., & Rivera, P. (2002, April). Cognitive representation of problems experienced by caregivers of persons with spinal cord injury. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, D. C.

44. Elliott, T. (2002, September). Hope for a positive psychology in theory, practice, and policy. In Hope for Positive Psychology: Theory, Practice, and Policy. Symposium conducted at the annual conference of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas.

45. Elliott, T. (2002, September). Personality assessment: recommendations for assistive technology. In Matching Consumer and Assistive Technology for Successful Rehabilitation. Symposium conducted at the annual conference of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas.

46. Elliott, T. (2002, September). Concomitants of depression among family caregivers of persons with recent-onset spinal cord injury. In Caregiving in Neurological Disease: Lifespan and Chronic Illness Perspectives. Symposium conducted at the conference entitled Advancing Nursing Practice Excellence: State of the Science Congress, Washington, D. C.

47. Elliott, T., Shewchuk, R., Richards, J. S., & Chen, Y. (2003, April). Predicting changes in depression status in family caregivers of persons with recent spinal cord injuries. Paper presented at the conference conducted by the Centers for Disease Control entitled Safety In Numbers: Working Together from Research into Practice, Atlanta.

48. Elliott, T. (2003, August). Applying the participatory action research model in a clinical setting with ethnic minority groups. Paper presented in the symposium entitled, Disability, Gender, Ethnicity, and Community – Using the Participatory Action Research Model. Symposium conducted at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto.

49. Elliott, T. (2003, November). Education and support in the context of other interventions for caregivers. Paper presented at the Education, Training & Support Programs for Caregivers: Expert Panel Meeting sponsored by Johnson & Johnson and the Rosalynn Carter Institute. Atlanta, GA.

50. Dreer, L. E., Elliott, T., & Fletcher, D. C. (2004, November). Social problem-solving abilities and adjustment of persons in low vision rehabilitation. Paper presented in the symposium entitled, Social Problem Solving Abilities in Chronic Disease and Disability. Symposium conducted at the annual convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New Orleans, LA.

51. Elliott, T., Shewchuk, R., & Rivera, P. (2004, November). Project FOCUS: Results of a problem-solving intervention for family caregivers of persons with spinal cord injury. Paper presented in the symposium entitled, Social Problem Solving Abilities in Chronic Disease and Disability. Symposium conducted at the annual convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New Orleans, LA.

52. Elliott, T. (2005, August). Funded research in counseling psychology: The problem and the potential. Paper presented in the symposium entitled, Federally Funded Research in Counseling Psychology – What Kinds and How to Get Them. Symposium conducted at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D. C.

53. Rivera, P., Elliott, T., & Shewchuk, R. (2005, September). Project FOCUS: Results of a longitudinal study of spinal cord injury problem solving training. Presentation conducted at the annual conference of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas.

54. Elliott, T. (2006, September). Predicting depression among family caregivers. Presentation conducted at the annual conference of the American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas.

55. Elliott, T. (2006, October). Rehabilitation psychology. Presentation in the Editor’s Roundtable Session conducted at the State of the Science Burn Research Conference sponsored by the American Burn Association, Washington, D.C.

56. Rivera, P. A., & Elliott, T. (2007, August). Preventing attrition from caregiver intervention programs and research. Paper presented in the symposium entitled, Engage, Retain, Adhere – Psychological Inteventions with Family Caregivers at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.

57. Elliott, T. (2008, August). A legacy of hope. Presentation in the symposium entitled, Past, present and future of hope: Honoring C. R. Snyder, conducted at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

58. Elliott, T. (2008, October). Utilizing technology to improve rural residents’ access to mental health services. Presentation in the symposium entitled, Reducing Health Disparities for Rural Populations, conducted at the annual convention of the American Public Health Association, San Diego, CA.


1. Elliott, A. P., Gramling, S., Witty, T., Elliott, T., & Shrout, J. R. (1989, March). Hassles on campus. Paper presented at the convention of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

2. Gramling, S., & Elliott, T. (1989, March). Daily hassles and the stress of college life. Paper presented at the convention of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

3. Elliott, T., Godshall, F., Witty, T., Yoder, B., Caulkins, P., Spruell, M. (1989, March). The relationship between psychosocial variables and sensory-affective dimensions of chronic pain in spinal cord injured (SCI) patients. In S. Gramling (Chair), New Directions in Pain Assessment: Bridging the Gap from Laboratory to Clinic. Symposium conducted at the convention of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

4. Elliott, T., Gramling, S., & Shrout, J. R. (1989, March). Personal and environmental moderators of student stress. In T. Elliott (Chair), The Stress of Student Life: Hassles on Campus. Symposium conducted at the convention of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

5. Elliott, T. (1989, May). Social behavior and rehabilitation. Paper presented at the Sheltering Arms Rehabilitation Hospital Conference on Rehabilitation Progress, Richmond, VA.

6. Elliott, T. (1994, April). Problem solving appraisal and behavioral health. Paper presented at the University of Missouri Health Sciences Center Psychology Consortium Series. Columbia, MO.

7. Elliott, T. (1994, May). Stress in the long-term health care provider. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses (Alabama chapter), Birmingham, AL.

8. Elliott, T. (1994, June). Stress management. Presentation at the annual conference of the Alabama College Co-Op and Placement Association, Decatur, AL.

9. Elliott, T. (1994, October). Why do I feel on fire? Tips for preventing job burnout. Presentation at the annual staff conference of the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services, Montgomery, AL.

10. Elliott, T. (1994, November). Disability and relationships. Presentation at the workshop entitled Epilepsy and You: Education for Daily Living, sponsored by the Epilepsy Foundation of North & Central Alabama, Birmingham, AL.

11. Elliott, T. (1994, November). Problem solving appraisal and behavioral health. Presentation at the meeting of the Alabama Behavioral Medicine Group, Birmingham, AL.

12. Elliott, T. (1995, February). Self-appraised problem solving abilities and behavioral health. Presentation at the UAB Department of Psychology Colloquium Series, Birmingham.

13. Elliott, T. (1996, April). Psychosocial issues and treatment: New challenges. Paper presented at the annual advanced conference for health professionals conducted by the Virginia Spinal Cord Injury System, Williamsburg, VA.

14. Elliott, T. (1997, July). Psychological impact on consumers with a spinal cord injury. Paper presented at the conference entitled, “Analysis of Medical Disabilities by Specialties in Their Field”, conducted by the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services, Birmingham, AL.

15. Elliott, T. (1997, August). Depression and coping among persons with SCI. Paper presented at the Howard A. Rusk International Symposium on Neurological Rehabilitation, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO.

16. Elliott, T. (1997, September). Social problem solving and adjustment following spinal cord injury. Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Grand Rounds, University of Alabama-Birmingham.

17. Elliott, T., & Shewchuk, R. (1998, April). Assisting caregivers of persons with spinal cord injuries: A problem solving approach. Presentation at the Injury Control Research Center, University of Alabama-Birmingham.

18. Elliott, T. (1998, April). Assisting caregivers of persons with spinal cord injury. Paper presented at the Prepared Family Caregiver Conference, Penn State – Hershey Medical School, Hershey, PN.

19. Elliott, T. (1998, September). Stress management. Paper presented at the Spinal Cord Injury Research Update for Consumers with SCI, Families, and Providers. University of Alabama at Birmingham.

20. Elliott, T. (1998, November). Problem solving appraisal and behavioral health. Colloquium presented at the Department of Psychology, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa.

21. Elliott, T. (2000, June). Depression following SCI. Paper presented at the conference entitled “New Challenges for a New Century: Celebrating 25 Years and Beyond” conducted by the Arkansas Spinal Cord Commission, Little Rock.

22. Elliott, T. (2000, June). Stress? What stress? Stress management after SCI. Paper presented at the conference entitled, “New Challenges for a New Century: Celebrating 25 Years and Beyond” conducted by the Arkansas Spinal Cord Commission, Little Rock.

23. Elliott, T. (2000, October). Health and wellness. Presentation to undergraduate music majors at Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham.

24. Elliott, T. (2001, June). Life after traumatic brain injury. Addressing the emotional needs of the family. Presentation at the Pediatric-Adolescent Traumatic Brain Injury Conference conducted by the Alabama Health Injury Foundation, Birmingham, AL.

25. Elliott, T, (2001, September). Social problem solving abilities predict patient and caregiver adjustment following spinal cord injury. Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Grand Rounds, University of Alabama at Birmingham.

26. Elliott, T, (2001, October). Social problem-solving abilities predict patient and caregiver adjustment following spinal cord injury. Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, University of Alabama at Birmingham.

27. Elliott, T. (2002, January). Active problem solving interventions for family caregivers. Case Conference Workshop, Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, University of Florida.

28. Elliott, T. (2003, February). Social problem solving abilities and family caregiving following disability. College of Medicine Research Seminar presentation, Department of Medical Humanities and Social Sciences, College of Medicine, Florida State University.

29. Elliott, T. (2003, October). Social problem-solving abilities and family caregiving following disability. UAB Center for Aging and Birmingham/Atlanta VA Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center Scientific Seminar Series, University of Alabama-Birmingham.

30. Elliott, T. (2003, November). Social problem-solving abilities and family caregiving following disability. Department of Psychology colloquium, University of Arkansas at Little Rock.

31. Elliott, T. (2005, February). Social problem solving abilities and behavioral health. Department of Psychology colloquium, University of Miami.

32. Elliott, T. (2005, May). Working with family caregivers of persons with severe physical disabilities: A problem-solving approach. Paper presented at the conference of the Alabama Psychological Association, Fort Walton Beach, FL.

33. Elliott, T. (2006, March). Family caregiving: A public health concern. Presentation for the Children, Youth and Families group, Department of Educational Psychology, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX.

34. Elliott, T. (2006, May). Problem-solving interventions for family caregivers of persons with disabilities. Presentation to the University of Missouri Health Sciences Consortium Internship Lecture series, Columbia, MO.

35. Elliott, T. (2008, March).  Traumatic brain injury.  Invited presentation at the Texas Recreation and Park Society Conference, San Angelo, TX.

Chaired Symposia

1. Elliott, T. (1989, March). The Stress of Student Life: Hassles on Campus. Symposium conducted at the convention of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

2. Elliott, T. (1989, September). Psychosocial Issues Facing the Spinal Cord Injured after Discharge: Didactic and Panel Discussion. Symposium conducted at the Fourth Annual Advanced Conference for Health Professionals on the Management of the Spinal Cord Injured Patient entitled, "The Reality of Post Discharge Care," Virginia Beach, VA.

3. Elliott, T. (1990, August). Social Behavior and Adjustment following Spinal Cord Injury. Symposium conducted at the convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston.

4. Elliott, T. (1991, August). Problem Solving Appraisal: Recent Applications and Theoretical Implications. Symposium conducted at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.

5. Elliott, T. (1991, September). Interpersonal Behavior and Psychosocial Adjustment of Persons with Spinal Cord Injury. Symposium conducted at the annual convention of the Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas.

6. Elliott, T. (1994, September). Nonpathological Assessment of Personality of Persons with Spinal Cord Injury. Symposium conducted at the annual convention of the Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers, Las Vegas.

7. Dunn, D., & Elliott, T. (1996, August). Advancing Psychosocial Theory in Disability: The Rehabilitation and Social-Personality Interface. Symposium conducted at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto.

8. Elliott, T., & Waxweiler, R. (1998, May). Psychological and social issues in injury-related disabilities and rehabilitation. Dialog presentation conducted at the conference entitled, Public Health in the 21st Century: Behavioral and Social Science Contributions, sponsored by the American Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA.

9. Elliott, T., (2001, August). Presidential symposium: Innovations in understanding and assisting families living with disabilities. Symposium conducted at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.

10. Elliott, T., & Sherwin, E. (2004, July). Future directions in directions in determining treatment efficacy and effectiveness in rehabilitation. Symposium conducted at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.

11. Dreer, L. E., & Elliott, T. (2004, November). Social problem solving abilities in chronic disease and disability. Symposium conducted at the annual convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New Orleans, LA.

12. Elliott, T. (2007, August). Counseling psychologists with grant funds – principal investigators reveal their secrets. Symposium conducted at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.



1. Byrd, E. K., & Elliott, T. (1987, September). Media and disability: Implications of research. Invited paper presented at the symposium conducted by the Polish Society for Rehabilitation of the Disabled entitled "The Mass Media and Disabled People", Warsaw, Poland.

2. Elliott, T. (1996, August). Depression following spinal cord injury: Implications for rehabilitation psychology. Invited Division 22 Fellows address presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto.

3. Elliott, T. (2003, June). Social problem solving abilities and family caregiving following disability. Guest presentation at the 20th Guttman Multidisciplinary Meeting entitled Family and Social Impact of Spinal Cord Injury conducted at the Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury, England.

4. Elliott, T. (2007, July). Caregiver issues in the United States: Contemporary Issues. Invited presentation at the conference entitled, New Approaches in Caregiver Research and Interventions sponsored by the Robert-Bosch-Hospital, Clinic for Geriatric Rehabilitation; Stuttgart, Germany.


1. Elliott, T. (1991, August). Three questions for a junior colleague. Invited paper presented in response to receiving the Division 22 (Rehabilitation Psychology) Early Research Achievement Award at the convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.

2. Elliott, T. (1998, August). Sponsored research in the counseling psychology literature. Invited Division 17 Fellows address presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.

3. Elliott, T. (1999, March). Rehabilitation Psychology 2000: Science and Practice, San Diego, CA. Conference sponsored by the Division of Rehabilitation Psychology/APA and the American Board of Rehabilitation Psychology. Conducted presentations on “Advances in SCI” and “Research Methodology: Practical Strategies for the Novice and Expert.”

4. Elliott, T, & Kurylo, M. (2000, March). Rehabilitation Psychology 2000 and Beyond: Science and Practice, San Antonio, TX. Conference sponsored by the Division of Rehabilitation Psychology/APA and the American Board of Rehabilitation Psychology. Conducted presentation on “Caregiver Assessment and Intervention.”

5. Elliott, T, & Hagglund, K. (2000, March). Rehabilitation Psychology 2000 and Beyond: Science and Practice, San Antonio, TX. Conference sponsored by the Division of Rehabilitation Psychology/APA and the American Board of Rehabilitation Psychology. Conducted presentation “Advances in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation.”

6. Elliott, T. (2000, June). 8th Annual Conference; Spinal Cord Injuries, Fort Myers, FL., conducted by Contemporary Forums. Conducted presentations on “Family Caregiving Issues: Implications Concerning Family Involvement” and “Psychological Adjustment Post SCI: Recent Evidence and Updates.”

7. Elliott, T., & Rivera, P. (2001, March). Rehabilitation Psychology 2001 and Beyond: Science and Practice in the New Millennium, Atlanta, GA. Conference sponsored by the Division of Rehabilitation Psychology/APA and the American Board of Rehabilitation Psychology. Conducted presentation on “Active Problem Solving Interventions for Family Caregivers.”

8. Elliott, T. (2001, June). 9th Annual Conference entitled Spinal Cord Injuries: Issues and Advances, Traverse City, MI, conducted by Contemporary Forums. Conducted presentations on “Caregiver Stress: Family Members as Care Providers” and “Reducing Secondary Complications of SCI: Medical and Psychological Issues.”

9. Elliott, T. (2002, April). 10th Annual Conference; Spinal Cord Injuries: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Today’s Clinical Challenges, La Jolla, CA, conducted by Contemporary Forums. Conducted presentations on “Families as Part of the Rehabilitation Team,” and “Psychosocial Considerations: Long-term Secondary Complications for Persons with SCI.”

10. Elliott, T., & Rivera, P. (2004, September). Caregiving and TBI: Issues, Concerns and Solutions. Presentation at the annual conference of the National Association of State Head Injury Administrators, Nashville, TN.

11. Elliott. T. (2005, August). Social problem-solving and health: A policy-relevant research program. Invited address in receipt of the Dorothy Booz Black Award from the Society of Counseling Psychology, presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D. C.

12. Elliott, T. (2007, August). A problem-solving perspective of family caregiving. Invited address upon receipt of the Best Science Award in the program entitled, “Showcase of Society of Counseling Psychology’s Best Practice and Science” at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.

13. Elliott, T. (2008, October). Caring for the Family Caregiver. Keynote presentation at the 4th Annual Conference of the Missouri Brain Injury Association, St. Charles, MO.

14. Elliott, T. (2009, February). Publishing (…what works and what doesn’t in getting manuscripts published). Invited presentation at the 11th Annual Rehabilitation Psychology Conference, Jacksonville, FL.


1. Byrd, E. K., & Elliott, T. (1986, June). Media and disability: A review of the literature. Invited paper presented at the Hofstra University Conference on Attitudes Toward Persons with Disabilities: A Comprehensive Evaluation, New York City.

2. Elliott, T., & Price, D. (1988, April). Guest faculty for program entitled, Pain Management sponsored by the Medical College of Virginia; conducted workshop entitled “Psycho-physical Assessment of Pain,” and presented paper entitled “Psychological Assessment of Pain,” Williamsburg, VA.

3. Elliott, T. (1988, June). Social-cognitive responses to depression and stigma. Invited paper presented at the conference entitled "Social Cognitive Processes in Adjustment and Health", Kill Devil Hills, NC.

4. Elliott, T. (1988, October). The Management Center, School of Business, VCU; instructor of continuing education course entitled "Surviving the Stress of Management."

5. Elliott, T. (1989, April). Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center, Fishersville, VA; conducted continuing education course on "Group Dynamics and the Management of an Interdisciplinary Team."

6. Elliott, T. (1989, May). Continuing Education Program, Medical College of Virginia; presented paper entitled "Psychological Considerations in the Management of Chronic Pain" at Lee County Hospital, Pennington Gap, VA; Lonesome Pine Hospital, Big Stone Gap, VA; and Pulaski Community Hospital, Pulaski, VA.

7. Elliott, T. (1989, May). Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center, Fishersville, VA; presented paper entitled, "Facilitating the Interdisciplinary Team" during a workshop entitled "An Interdisciplinary Approach to Rehabilitation: The Social Worker as Facilitator."

8. Elliott, T. (1989, September). Fourth Annual Advanced Conference for Health Professionals on Management of the Spinal Cord Injured Patient, Virginia Beach, VA; conducted focus session entitled "Assessment and Intervention of Psychosocial At-Risk Factors following Discharge."

9. Elliott, T. (1993, March). Seventh Annual Advanced Conference for Health Professionals on Management of the Spinal Cord Injured Patient, Williamsburg, VA; presented paper entitled "Staff Stress and Intervention Strategies", and participated on panel discussion addressing "Health Maintenance for Patients and Staff."

10. Elliott, T. (1994, February, March) Continuing Education Program, University of Alabama-Birmingham Division of Rehabilitation Nursing; presented workshops entitled "Coping with Stress and Burnout" and "Interpersonal Problem Solving."

11. Elliott, T. (1996, April). Ninth Annual Advanced Conference for Health Professionals on Management of the Spinal Cord Injured Patient, Williamsburg, VA; conducted focus session entitled "Psychosocial Treatment and Intervention."

12. Elliott, T. (1997, October). Instilling hope in persons and families living with spinal cord injury. Keynote presentation at the conference entitled, SCI Management: Restoring Hope, Function, and Quality of Life, Virginia Commonwealth/Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, VA.

13. Elliott, T. (2000, July). Southwest Texas State University Therapeutic Recreation Summit, San Marcos, TX. Conducted lectures on “Depression Following a Spinal Cord Injury” and “Stress Management.”

14. Elliott, T. (2001, October). “Active Problem Solving Interventions for Family Caregivers,” Workshop sponsored by the Spinal Cord Injury Unit, Veterans’ Administration Medical Center, Augusta, GA.

15. Elliott, T. (2001, November). “Active Problem Solving Interventions for Family Caregivers,” Presentation to the UAB Hospital Social Service.

16. Elliott, T. (2002, March). “Recognizing Family Caregivers: Integral and Formal Members of Health Care Service Delivery.” Lecture presented at the course entitled, Effective Management and Treatment of Patients with Spinal Cord Injury, conducted by the Department of Veterans Affairs Employee Education System, for the VSIN7 Special Programs Service Line and the VSIN7 Education Service Line, Atlanta.

17. Elliott, T. (2002, May). “Life after Traumatic Brain Injury: Addressing the Emotional Needs of the Caregiver.” Keynote presentation at the 17th Annual Western Michigan Brain Injury Symposium, Grand Rapids, MI.

18. Elliott, T., & Rivera, P. (2004, April). Train-the-Trainer workshop. Conducted at the meeting of the Alabama Primary Health Care Association, Montgomery, AL.

19. Elliott, T. (2004, August). Ninth Annual Therapeutic Recreation Summit, Camp For All, Burton, TX. Conducted workshops on “Developing Problem Solving Skills” and “Problem Solving Training for Family Caregivers.”

20. Elliott, T. (2004, September). Family Caregiving Following Spinal Cord Injury. Presentation at the conference entitled, “Successes, Challenges and Future Directions of Interdisciplinary Caregiving Research,” sponsored by the University of Alabama-Birmingham Center for Aging, Birmingham, AL.

21. Elliott, T. (2006, November). Research in rehabilitation psychology. Presentation at the Clinical Psychology Research and Practice Seminar, Department of Psychology, Texas A&M University.

22. Elliott, T. (2007, August). 12th Annual Therapeutic Recreation Summit, Camp For All, Burton, TX. Conducted session on “Traumatic Brain Injury.”

23. Elliott, T. (2008, August). 13th Annual Therapeutic Recreation Summit, Camp For All, Burton, TX. Conducted session on “Traumatic Brain Injury and Wounded Warriors.”

24. Elliott, T. (2009, April). How to publish (…from the perspective of an Editor). In How to Publish Session, sponsored by the American Psychological Association, conducted at the annual convention of the Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio, TX.

25. Elliott, T., & Resch, A. (2009, August). 14th Annual Therapeutic Recreation Summit, Camp for All, Burton, TX. Conducted session entitled, “Giving Parents a Voice: Challenges Experienced by Parents of Children with Disabilities.”

26. Elliott, T., & Villarreal, E. (2009, August). 14th Annual Therapeutic Recreation Summit, Camp for All, Burton, TX. Conducted session entitled, “Special Need Individuals and Sheltering During Disasters.”


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