English Vocabulary Exercises | Opposite Words

English Vocabulary Exercises | Opposite Words

Answers are at the bottom of the page. Exercise 7 Which of these words are either synonyms or antonyms (or opposites words)? Ex:

Find the two synonyms: bed - sick - ill - healthy sick et ill sont synonymes Find the two opposite words: kitchen - sink - clever - float sink et float sont antonymes 1 - Find the two synonyms: tiny - tired - lively - active 2 - Find the two opposite words: dark - turn - light - bulb 3 - Find the two synonyms: bright - green - smart - grow 4 - Find the two opposite words: under - far - always - never 5 - Find the two synonyms: tired - sleepy - energy - night 6 - Find the two opposite words: quiet - invisible - loud - see 7 - Find the two synonyms: jump - mad - laugh - angry 8 - Find the two opposite words: outside - right - inside - behind 9 - Find the two synonyms: many - zero - number - none 10 - Find the two opposite words: water - wet - dry - towel


ANSWERS 1. opposite words: dark - light 2. synonyms: bright - smart 3. opposite words: always - never 4. synonyms: tired - sleepy 5. opposite words: quiet - loud 6. synonyms: mad - angry 7. opposite words: outside - inside 8. synonyms: zero - none 9. opposite words: wet - dry



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