JAMS 7.X User Guide

User Guide JAMS Scheduler 7.3

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JAMS 7.X User Guide

Table of Contents

JAMS 7.X Client Features Jobs In JAMS Working with Jobs Scheduling Recurring Jobs Execution Methods Submitting Jobs Manually Sequence Jobs Managing Sequence Parameters Sequence Tasks Workflow Jobs Workflow Activities Migrating JAMS Objects File Transfer Features Variables Working with Variables Elements Documentation Elements EventHandler Elements Prerequisite Elements Result Elements Trigger Elements Folders Working with Folders Dates and Times Date Properties Creating Special Date Definitions Specifying Dates Using Natural Language Named Times in JAMS Dashboards and Reports Custom Dashboards Creating New Report Templates and Customizing Existing Reports Manually Generating Reports Integrating Reports with Automated JAMS Jobs SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) Monitors and Views


3 4 5-19 20-22 23-27 28-29 30-34 35-38 39-47 48-51 52-59 60-61 62-67 68 69-71 72 73-74 75-79 80-83 84-86 87-92 93 94-104 105 106-107 108-111 112-114 115-118 119 120-129 130-131 132-133 134-135 136-137 138

Using the Monitor Working with Projected Schedules Resources, and Queues Using Resources Resource Properties Using Queues JAMS Scheduler Features JAMS Scheduler Services Configuring the JAMS Scheduler Logon as Batch Upgrading JAMS Upgrading JAMS Using a Primary-Failover Environment Upgrading JAMS 7.x

JAMS 7.X User Guide

139-142 143-144

145 146-147 148-149

150 151 152-154 155 156 157 158 159-169


JAMS 7.X Client Features

JAMS 7.X User Guide



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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