Rajkumar Yadav | “Developer ke bharose na baithiye, kya ...

This document explains how to upgrade Oracle database to release 12cR2 ( by manual method.Assuming a version database is already running and database software is already installed, proceed by following the below steps. In the current environment, we have a database “db6” running on Oracle enterprise linux 6.Current Oracle home – /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1New Oracle home????? – /u01/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1Preupgrade tool is available in the 12.2.0 oracle home. Run it using the syntax ?as shown below, to generate some scripts useful for upgradation.?Run the?preupgrade_fixup.sql?generated by preupgrade utility to generate prerequisite actions to be taken before starting the upgrade.As per the recommendations by the?sql, remove emconsole, OLAP component and increase the size of flash recovery area as shown in screenshots below.Use the script emremove.sql to remove em console, and catnoamd.sql for removing OLAP component from the Oracle database. Now increase the flash recovery area size and purge recyclebinRe-run?preupgrade_fixup.sql?and ignore the apex warningA restore strategy must be implemented in case of upgrade failure by taking manual backups or flashback technology. Here we used flashback technology and created a guaranteed restore point as a restore strategy to revert the database in case of upgrade failure.Copy the parameter file and password file current oracle home to new oracle home and export new environment variables as shown below.Connect to sqlplus and start the database in upgrade mode s below.Run “catctl.pl” script located in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin. ‘-n’ option is used to specify degree of parallelism. This can take time based on the resources available.?Run the “postupgrade_fixups.sql” script generated earlier by preupgrade utility. The script will show recommendations if any,As we can see time zone file is not of the latest version since the target database ships with timezone datafile version 26. We need to upgrade to latest version. Current version shown in the figure belowRefer to document 1585343.1 in my oracle support and download DBMS_DST_scripts.zip file which contains scripts for updating time zone file. Unzip the directory and run “upg_tzv_check.sql” script,Now run “upg_tzv_apply.sql”. This is the script that actually upgrades the time zone file.As we can from below, time zone file is upgraded to the latest version.Re-run the?postupgrade_fixups.sql?script and make sure all the recommendations are passed.Now run the post upgrade status tool by running “utlu122s.sql” under $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin and verify component versions and upgrade status. The version of the time zone file can also be verified from this screen.Run the script “catuppst.sql” located under $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin.Run “utlrp.sql” script located under $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin to compile invalids.Change the compatible parameter value to “12.2.0” and check for any invalid objects as shown.Shutdown the database and startup. You might face the below error,As it clearly shows due to restore point compatible parameter cannot be set to new value. Follow below steps to resolve this.A. Create a pfile from spfile.B. Change compatible to (Old compatible value).C. Mount the database using pfile.D. Drop the restore point.E. Startup the database using spfile.Now perform a normal startup of the database.This completes database upgrade by manual method to 12c Release2. ................

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