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Minimal Downtime Cross Platform Migration and Database Upgrade This note describes the procedure used to perform a minimal downtime platform migration from Windows to Linux as well as a database upgrade from Oracle to Oracle 12c ( create a Data Guard physical standby database using the DUPLICATE FROM ACTIVE DATABASE feature, followed by a switchover and then we activate the standby and make it a primary database. Finally we upgrade the database to 12c using the perl utility with the parallel upgrade option.By using Data Guard and the 12c command line parallel upgrade utility the entire operation has been performed with database outage of less than 30 minutes.This example uses a Data Guard MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE configuration, but in a production environment it is recommended to use a MAXIMUM AVAILABILITY configuration which will require the SYNC Redo Log transport attributes and creation of standby redo log files as well.This is the environmentSite A : Windows 64 bit Oracle database (testdb)Site B: OEL 6.3 Oracle database (testdb12)Site A: This is the database file layout on WindowsSQL> select name from v$datafile;NAME--------------------------------------------------------------------------------F:\ORADATA\TESTDB\SYSTEM01.DBFF:\ORADATA\TESTDB\SYSAUX01.DBFF:\ORADATA\TESTDB\UNDOTBS01.DBFF:\ORADATA\TESTDB\USERS01.DBFF:\ORADATA\TESTDB\EXAMPLE01.DBFOn Site B these will be the location for the data files /u01/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/u02/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12Site A: This is the location of the redo log filesSQL> select member from v$logfile;MEMBER-------------------------------------------------------------------------------G:\ORADATA\TESTDB\REDO01.LOGG:\ORADATA\TESTDB\REDO02.LOGG:\ORADATA\TESTDB\REDO03.LOGSite B: This will be the location for the redo log files /u01/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/PART 1 - Data Guard ConfigurationSite B: Add a static entry in the listener.ora? (SID_LIST_LISTENER =? (SID_LIST =(SID_DESC =????? (GLOBAL_DBNAME = testdb12)????? (ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1)????? (SID_NAME = testdb12)??? ))Site B: Reload the listener[oracle@LINT0003 admin]$ lsnrctl reloadLSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 19-JAN-2015 09:27:18Copyright (c) 1991, 2014, Oracle.? All rights reserved.Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=LINT0003.apac.)(PORT=1521)))The command completed successfullySite B: Add entry to the /etc/oratab file for the testdb12 databaseSite B : Create the password file – use the same SYS password as the source database [oracle@LINT0003 admin]$ . oraenvORACLE_SID = [testdb] ? testdb12The Oracle base remains unchanged with value /u01/app/oracle[oracle@LINT0003 admin]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME[oracle@LINT0003 dbhome_1]$ pwd/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1[oracle@LINT0003 dbhome_1]$ cd dbs[oracle@LINT0003 dbs]$ orapwd file=orapwtestdb12 password=Oracle#123Copy init.ora from Windows (Site A) to Linux (Site B) and make changes as appropriateCreate the required directories on Site B for the data files, control files, redo log files , archive log files, diagnostic destination, audit file destination etcThe following changes to the init.ora were made on Site B in this case*.audit_file_dest='/u01/app/oracle/admin/testdb12/adump'*.control_files='/u01/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/control01.ctl','/u01/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/control02.ctl'*.db_unique_name='testdb12'*.db_recovery_file_dest='/u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area'*.diagnostic_dest='/u01/app/oracle'*.log_file_name_convert='G:\ORADATA\TESTDB\','/u01/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/'*.log_archive_dest_1='LOCATION=USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST VALID_FOR=(ALL_LOGFILES, ALL_ROLES) DB_UNIQUE_NAME=testdb12'*.fal_server='testdb'*.fal_client='testdb12'On both Site A and Site B add the following entries to the tnsnames.ora file TESTDB12 =? (DESCRIPTION =??? (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = LINT0003.apac.)(PORT = 1521))??? (CONNECT_DATA =????? (SERVER = DEDICATED)????? (SERVICE_NAME = testdb12)??? )? )TESTDB =? (DESCRIPTION =??? (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = CSMSDC-ORAD01.apac.ent.)(PORT = 1521))??? (CONNECT_DATA =????? (SERVER = DEDICATED)????? (SERVICE_NAME = testdb)??? )? )Site B: Start the instance in NOMOUNT state[oracle@LINT0003 dbs]$ sqlplus sys as sysdbaSQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Jan 19 10:00:02 2015Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle.? All rights reserved.Enter password:Connected to an idle instance.SQL> startup nomount;ORACLE instance started.Total System Global Area 1068937216 bytesFixed Size????????????????? 2260088 bytesVariable Size???????????? 671089544 bytesDatabase Buffers????????? 390070272 bytesRedo Buffers??????????????? 5517312 bytesSite A: Connect via RMAN to target and auxiliary destination C:\Users\soorg9>rman target sys/Oracle#123 auxiliary sys/Oracle#123@testdb12Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Mon Jan 19 10:03:20 2015Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates.? All rights reserved.connected to target database: TESTDB (DBID=2652718402)connected to auxiliary database: TESTDB (not mounted)This is the RMAN command we will run run{allocate channel c1 type disk;allocate channel c2 type disk;allocate auxiliary channel c3 type disk;SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 1 TO '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/SYSTEM01.DBF';SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 2 TO '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/SYSAUX01.DBF';SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 3 TO '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/UNDOTBS01.DBF';SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 4 TO '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/USERS01.DBF';SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 5 TO '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/EXAMPLE01.DBF';SET NEWNAME FOR TEMPFILE 1 TO '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/TEMP01.DBF';DUPLICATE TARGET DATABASEFOR STANDBYFROM ACTIVE DATABASEDORECOVER;}RMAN> run{2> allocate channel c1 type disk;3> allocate channel c2 type disk;4> allocate auxiliary channel c3 type disk;5> SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 1 TO '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/SYSTEM01.DBF';6> SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 2 TO '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/SYSAUX01.DBF';7> SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 3 TO '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/UNDOTBS01.DBF';8> SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 4 TO '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/USERS01.DBF';9> SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 5 TO '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/EXAMPLE01.DBF';10> SET NEWNAME FOR TEMPFILE 1 TO '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/TEMP01.DBF';11> DUPLICATE TARGET DATABASE12> FOR STANDBY13> FROM ACTIVE DATABASE14> DORECOVER;15> }using target database control file instead of recovery catalogallocated channel: c1channel c1: SID=3 device type=DISKallocated channel: c2channel c2: SID=19 device type=DISKallocated channel: c3channel c3: SID=129 device type=DISKexecuting command: SET NEWNAMEexecuting command: SET NEWNAMEexecuting command: SET NEWNAMEexecuting command: SET NEWNAMEexecuting command: SET NEWNAMEexecuting command: SET NEWNAMEStarting Duplicate Db at 19-JAN-15contents of Memory Script:{?? backup as copy reuse?? targetfile? 'J:\oracle\product\\dbhome_1\DATABASE\PWDtestdb.ORA' auxiliary format'/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/dbs/orapwtestdb12'?? ;}executing Memory ScriptStarting backup at 19-JAN-15Finished backup at 19-JAN-15contents of Memory Script:{?? backup as copy current controlfile for standby auxiliary format? '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/control01.ctl';}executing Memory ScriptStarting backup at 19-JAN-15channel c1: starting datafile copycopying standby control fileoutput file name=J:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\\DBHOME_1\DATABASE\SNCFTESTDB.ORA tag=TAG20150119T105153 RECID=7 STAMP=869395914channel c1: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01Finished backup at 19-JAN-15contents of Memory Script:{?? sql clone 'alter database mount standby database';}executing Memory Scriptsql statement: alter database mount standby databasecontents of Memory Script:{?? set newname for tempfile? 1 to"/u02/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/TEMP01.DBF";?? switch clone tempfile all;?? set newname for datafile? 1 to"/u01/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/SYSTEM01.DBF";?? set newname for datafile? 2 to"/u01/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/SYSAUX01.DBF";?? set newname for datafile? 3 to"/u01/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/UNDOTBS01.DBF";?? set newname for datafile? 4 to"/u02/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/USERS01.DBF";?? set newname for datafile? 5 to"/u02/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/EXAMPLE01.DBF";?? backup as copy reuse?? datafile? 1 auxiliary format"/u01/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/SYSTEM01.DBF"?? datafile2 auxiliary format"/u01/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/SYSAUX01.DBF"?? datafile3 auxiliary format"/u01/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/UNDOTBS01.DBF"?? datafile4 auxiliary format"/u01/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/USERS01.DBF"?? datafile5 auxiliary format"/u01/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/EXAMPLE01.DBF"?? ;?? sql 'alter system archive log current';}executing Memory Scriptexecuting command: SET NEWNAMErenamed tempfile 1 to /u01/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/TEMP01.DBF in control fileexecuting command: SET NEWNAMEexecuting command: SET NEWNAMEexecuting command: SET NEWNAMEexecuting command: SET NEWNAMEexecuting command: SET NEWNAMEStarting backup at 19-JAN-15channel c1: starting datafile copyinput datafile file number=00001 name=F:\ORADATA\TESTDB\SYSTEM01.DBFchannel c2: starting datafile copyinput datafile file number=00002 name=F:\ORADATA\TESTDB\SYSAUX01.DBFoutput file name=/u01/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/SYSTEM01.DBF tag=TAG20150119T105159channel c1: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: 00:00:07channel c1: starting datafile copyinput datafile file number=00005 name=F:\ORADATA\TESTDB\EXAMPLE01.DBFoutput file name=/u01/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/SYSAUX01.DBF tag=TAG20150119T105159channel c2: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: 00:00:07channel c2: starting datafile copyinput datafile file number=00003 name=F:\ORADATA\TESTDB\UNDOTBS01.DBFoutput file name=/u02/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/EXAMPLE01.DBF tag=TAG20150119T105159channel c1: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: 00:00:03channel c1: starting datafile copyinput datafile file number=00004 name=F:\ORADATA\TESTDB\USERS01.DBFoutput file name=/u01/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/UNDOTBS01.DBF tag=TAG20150119T105159channel c2: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: 00:00:04output file name=/u02/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/USERS01.DBF tag=TAG20150119T105159channel c1: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01Finished backup at 19-JAN-15sql statement: alter system archive log currentcontents of Memory Script:{?? backup as copy reuse?? archivelog like? "J:\ORACLE\FAST_RECOVERY_AREA\TESTDB\ARCHIVELOG\2015_01_19\O1_MF_1_8_BCRWBWB3_.ARC" auxiliary format"/u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/TESTDB12/archivelog/2015_01_19/o1_mf_1_8_%u_.arc"?? ;?? catalog clone recovery area;?? switch clone datafile all;}executing Memory ScriptStarting backup at 19-JAN-15channel c1: starting archived log copyinput archived log thread=1 sequence=8 RECID=3 STAMP=869395932output file name=/u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/TESTDB12/archivelog/2015_01_19/o1_mf_1_8_12pt3res_.arc RECID=0 STAMP=0channel c1: archived log copy complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01Finished backup at 19-JAN-15searching for all files in the recovery areaList of Files Unknown to the Database=====================================File Name: /u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/TESTDB12/archivelog/2015_01_19/o1_mf_1_8_12pt3res_.arccataloging files...cataloging doneList of Cataloged Files=======================File Name: /u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/TESTDB12/archivelog/2015_01_19/o1_mf_1_8_12pt3res_.arcdatafile 1 switched to datafile copyinput datafile copy RECID=7 STAMP=869395871 file name=/u01/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/SYSTEM01.DBFdatafile 2 switched to datafile copyinput datafile copy RECID=8 STAMP=869395871 file name=/u01/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/SYSAUX01.DBFdatafile 3 switched to datafile copyinput datafile copy RECID=9 STAMP=869395871 file name=/u01/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/UNDOTBS01.DBFdatafile 4 switched to datafile copyinput datafile copy RECID=10 STAMP=869395871 file name=/u02/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/USERS01.DBFdatafile 5 switched to datafile copyinput datafile copy RECID=11 STAMP=869395871 file name=/u02/app/oracle/oradata/testdb12/EXAMPLE01.DBFcontents of Memory Script:{?? set until scn? 972136;?? recover?? standby?? clone database??? delete archivelog?? ;}executing Memory Scriptexecuting command: SET until clauseStarting recover at 19-JAN-15starting media recoveryarchived log for thread 1 with sequence 8 is already on disk as file /u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/TESTDB12/archivelog/2015_01_19/o1_mf_1_8_12pt3res_.arcarchived log file name=/u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/TESTDB12/archivelog/2015_01_19/o1_mf_1_8_12pt3res_.arc thread=1 sequence=8media recovery complete, elapsed time: 00:00:00Finished recover at 19-JAN-15Finished Duplicate Db at 19-JAN-15released channel: c1released channel: c2released channel: c3RMAN>Site B : Note the database role and the mount state of the database[oracle@LINT0003 testdb12]$ sqlplus sys as sysdbaSQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Jan 19 10:53:54 2015Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle.? All rights reserved.Enter password:Connected to:Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit ProductionWith the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing optionsSQL> select open_mode,database_role from v$database;OPEN_MODE??????????? DATABASE_ROLE-------------------- ----------------MOUNTED????????????? PHYSICAL STANDBYSite A: Add the parameter for Redo Transport SQL> alter system set LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2='SERVICE=testdb12? VALID_FOR=(ONLINE_LOGFILES,PRIMARY_ROLE) DB_UNIQUE_NAME=testdb12' scope=both;System altered.SQL> select destination,status,error from v$archive_dest_status where rownum <3;DESTINATION--------------------------------------------------------------------------------STATUS??? ERROR--------- -----------------------------------------------------------------J:\oracle\product\\dbhome_1\RDBMSVALIDtestdb12VALIDSite A: Simulate some changes on the Primary database. SQL> conn system/Oracle#123Connected.SQL> create table myobjects? 2? tablespace users? 3? as select * from dba_objects;Table created.SQL> conn / as sysdbaConnected.SQL> alter system switch logfile;System altered.Site B: Open the standby database and start the managed recovery SQL> alter database open;Database altered.SQL> recover managed standby database disconnect from session;Media recovery complete.SQL> select count(*) from system.myobjects;? COUNT(*)----------???? 86736SQL> !ps -ef |grep mrporacle??? 6360???? 1? 0 10:59 ???????? 00:00:00 ora_mrp0_testdb12oracle??? 6436? 5425? 0 10:59 pts/0??? 00:00:00 /bin/bash -c ps -ef |grep mrpSQL> SELECT PROCESS, STATUS, THREAD#, SEQUENCE#,BLOCK#, BLOCKS FROM V$MANAGED_STANDBY;PROCESS?? STATUS????????? THREAD#? SEQUENCE#???? BLOCK#???? BLOCKS--------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------ARCH????? CONNECTED???????????? 0????????? 0????????? 0????????? 0ARCH????? CONNECTED???????????? 0????????? 0????????? 0????????? 0ARCH????? CONNECTED???????????? 0????????? 0????????? 0????????? 0ARCH????? CONNECTED???????????? 0????????? 0????????? 0????????? 0RFS?????? IDLE????????????????? 0????????? 0????????? 0????????? 0RFS?????? IDLE????????????????? 1???????? 12?????? 2863????????? 1RFS?????? IDLE????????????????? 0????????? 0????????? 0????????? 0MRP0????? WAIT_FOR_LOG????????? 1???????? 12????????? 0????????? 0SQL> SELECT MESSAGE FROM V$DATAGUARD_STATUS;MESSAGE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARC0: Archival startedARC1: Archival startedARC2: Archival startedARC1: Becoming the 'no FAL' ARCHARC2: Becoming the heartbeat ARCHARC2: Becoming the active heartbeat ARCHARC3: Archival startedError 12154 received logging on to the standbyFAL[client, ARC0]: Error 12154 connecting to testdb for fetching gap sequenceManaged Standby Recovery not using Real Time ApplyMedia Recovery CompleteMESSAGE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------RFS[1]: Assigned to RFS process 5906Primary database is in MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE modeRFS[2]: Assigned to RFS process 5920RFS[2]: No standby redo logfiles createdRFS[3]: Assigned to RFS process 5922Primary database is in MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE modeRFS[4]: Assigned to RFS process 6249RFS[4]: No standby redo logfiles createdAttempt to start background Managed Standby Recovery processMRP0: Background Managed Standby Recovery process startedManaged Standby Recovery not using Real Time ApplyMESSAGE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/TESTDB12/archivelog/2015_01_19/o1_mf_1_9_bcrwlwfz_.arcMedia Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/TESTDB12/archivelog/2015_01_19/o1_mf_1_10_bcrwly09_.arcMedia Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/TESTDB12/archivelog/2015_01_19/o1_mf_1_11_bcrwlxxj_.arcMedia Recovery Waiting for thread 1 sequence 12 (in transit)DATABASE/APPLICATION OUTAGE STARTS NOW!!Site B: Cancel managed recovery, activate the standby database and make it primarySQL> alter database recover managed standby database cancel;Database altered.SQL> alter database recover managed standby database finish;Database altered.SQL> alter database activate physical standby database;Database altered.SQL> select name, open_mode, database_role from v$database;NAME????? OPEN_MODE??????????? DATABASE_ROLE--------- -------------------- ----------------TESTDB??? MOUNTED????????????? PRIMARYSQL> alter database open;Database altered.SQL> select name, open_mode, database_role from v$database;NAME????? OPEN_MODE??????????? DATABASE_ROLE--------- -------------------- ----------------TESTDB??? READ WRITE?????????? PRIMARYPART 2 – Oracle 12c Database UpgradeNote: All actions now performed on Site B….Run the 12c preupgrd.sql script in the environment[oracle@IOMDC-LINT0004 admin]$ sqlplus sys as sysdbaSQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Jan 21 08:12:16 2015Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle.? All rights reserved.Enter password:Connected to:Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit ProductionWith the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing optionsSQL> @/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/admin/preupgrd.sqlLoading Pre-Upgrade Package...***************************************************************************Executing Pre-Upgrade Checks in TESTDB...***************************************************************************????? ************************************************************????????????????? ====>> ERRORS FOUND for TESTDB<<====The following are *** ERROR LEVEL CONDITIONS *** that must be addressed??????????????????? prior to attempting your upgrade.??????????? Failure to do so will result in a failed upgrade.1) Check Tag:??? PURGE_RECYCLEBIN??? Check Summary: Check that recycle bin is empty prior to upgrade??? Fixup Summary:???? "The recycle bin will be purged."??????????? You MUST resolve the above error prior to upgrade????? ************************************************************????? ************************************************************?????????????? ====>> PRE-UPGRADE RESULTS for TESTDB <<====ACTIONS REQUIRED:1. Review results of the pre-upgrade checks:/u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/testdb/preupgrade/preupgrade.log2. Execute in the SOURCE environment BEFORE upgrade:/u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/testdb/preupgrade/preupgrade_fixups.sql3. Execute in the NEW environment AFTER upgrade:/u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/testdb/preupgrade/postupgrade_fixups.sql????? ***************************************************************************************************************************************Pre-Upgrade Checks in TESTDB Completed.***************************************************************************Review the preupgrade.log file [oracle@IOMDC-LINT0004 admin]$ cat /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/testdb/preupgrade/preupgrade.logOracle Database Pre-Upgrade Information Tool 01-21-2015 08:12:41Script Version: Build: 006**********************************************************************?? Database Name:? PDEV7? Container Name:? Not Applicable in Pre-12.1 database??? Container ID:? Not Applicable in Pre-12.1 database???????? Version:? Compatible:? Blocksize:? 8192??????? Platform:? Linux x86 64-bit?? Timezone file:? V1**********************************************************************?????????????????????????? [Update parameters]??????????????????????? [No parameters to update]********************************************************************************************************************************************????????????????????????? [Renamed Parameters]???????????????????? [No Renamed Parameters in use]********************************************************************************************************************************************??????????????????? [Obsolete/Deprecated Parameters]--> sec_case_sensitive_logon???? 12.1?????? DESUPPORTED??????? [Changes required in Oracle Database init.ora or spfile]**********************************************************************??????????????????????????? [Component List]**********************************************************************--> Oracle Catalog Views?????????????????? [upgrade]? VALID--> Oracle Packages and Types????????????? [upgrade]? VALID--> JServer JAVA Virtual Machine?????????? [upgrade]? VALID--> Oracle XDK for Java??????????????????? [upgrade]? VALID--> Oracle Workspace Manager?????????????? [upgrade]? VALID--> Oracle Enterprise Manager Repository?? [upgrade]? VALID--> Oracle XML Database??????????????????? [upgrade]? VALID--> Oracle Java Packages?????????????????? [upgrade]? VALID--> Expression Filter????????????????????? [upgrade]? VALID--> Rule Manager??????????????? ???????????[upgrade]? VALID--> Oracle Application Express???????????? [upgrade]? VALID**********************************************************************????????????????????????????? [Tablespaces]**********************************************************************--> SYSAUX tablespace is adequate for the upgrade.???? minimum required size: 29945 MB--> SYSTEM tablespace is adequate for the upgrade.???? minimum required size: 1539 MB--> TEMP tablespace is adequate for the upgrade.???? minimum required size: 60 MB--> UNDOTBS1 tablespace is adequate for the upgrade.???? minimum required size: 400 MB????????????????????? [No adjustments recommended]********************************************************************************************************************************************????????????????????????? [Pre-Upgrade Checks]**********************************************************************WARNING: --> Enterprise Manager Database Control repository found in the database???? In Oracle Database 12c, Database Control is removed during???? the upgrade. To save time during the Upgrade, this action???? can be done prior to upgrading using the following steps after???? copying rdbms/admin/emremove.sql from the new Oracle home?? - Stop EM Database Control:??? $> emctl stop dbconsole?? - Connect to the Database using the SYS account AS SYSDBA:?? SET ECHO ON;?? SET SERVEROUTPUT ON;?? @emremove.sql???? Without the set echo and serveroutput commands you will not???? be able to follow the progress of the script.WARNING: --> Database contains INVALID objects prior to upgrade???? The list of invalid SYS/SYSTEM objects was written to???? registry$sys_inv_objs.???? The list of non-SYS/SYSTEM objects was written to???? registry$nonsys_inv_objs unless there were over 5000.???? Use utluiobj.sql after the upgrade to identify any new invalid???? objects due to the RMATION: --> Older Timezone in use???? Database is using a time zone file older than version 18.???? After the upgrade, it is recommended that DBMS_DST package???? be used to upgrade the database time zone version???? to the latest version which comes with the new release.???? Please refer to My Oracle Support note number 977512.1 for details.ERROR: --> RECYCLE_BIN not empty.???? Your recycle bin contains 98 object(s).???? It is REQUIRED that the recycle bin is empty prior to upgrading.???? Immediately before performing the upgrade, execute the following???? command:?????? EXECUTE dbms_preup.purge_recyclebin_fixup;INFORMATION: --> Oracle Application Express (APEX) can be???? manually upgraded prior to database upgrade???? APEX is currently at version and will need to be???? upgraded to APEX version 4.2.5 in the new release.???? Note 1: To reduce database upgrade time, APEX can be manually???????????? upgraded outside of and prior to database upgrade.???? Note 2: See MOS Note 1088970.1 for information on APEX???????????? installation upgrades.WARNING: --> RESOURCE_LIMIT default has changed to TRUE starting with Resource limits defined for users via database profiles may not????? be currently enforced because RESOURCE_LIMIT init parameter in????? this database is shown to be defaulted to FALSE.????? o RESOURCE_LIMIT in release and earlier is FALSE by??????? default but is TRUE starting with o To continue having these resource limits disabled for users??????? after database upgrade, set RESOURCE_LIMIT to FALSE.????? o For example, to change parameter file: update PFILE or use??????? "ALTER SYSTEM SET RESOURCE_LIMIT=FALSE SCOPE=SPFILE".? Note that??????? the update will not take effect until next database startup.**********************************************************************????????????????????? [Pre-Upgrade Recommendations]**********************************************************************??????????????????????? *****************************************??????????????????????? ********* Dictionary Statistics *********??????????????????????? *****************************************Please gather dictionary statistics 24 hours prior toupgrading the database.To gather dictionary statistics execute the following commandwhile connected as SYSDBA:??? EXECUTE dbms_stats.gather_dictionary_stats;^^^ MANUAL ACTION SUGGESTED ^^^**********************************************************************???????????????????? [Post-Upgrade Recommendations]**********************************************************************??????????????????????? *****************************************??????????????????????? ******** Fixed Object Statistics ********??????????????????????? *****************************************Please create stats on fixed objects two weeksafter the upgrade using the command:?? EXECUTE DBMS_STATS.GATHER_FIXED_OBJECTS_STATS;^^^ MANUAL ACTION SUGGESTED ^^^**********************************************************************?????????????????? ************? Summary? ************1 ERROR exist that must be addressed prior to performing your upgrade.3 WARNINGS that Oracle suggests are addressed to improve database performance.2 INFORMATIONAL messages that should be reviewed prior to your upgrade.After your database is upgraded and open in normal mode you must runrdbms/admin/catuppst.sql which executes several required tasks and completesthe upgrade process.You should follow that with the execution of rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql, and acomparison of invalid objects before and after the upgrade usingrdbms/admin/utluiobj.sqlIf needed you may want to upgrade your timezone data using the processdescribed in My Oracle Support note 1509653.1?????????????????? ***********************************[oracle@IOMDC-LINT0004 admin]$Execute the recommended pre-upgrade actions and shutdown the database[oracle@IOMDC-LINT0004 admin]$ sqlplus sys as sysdbaSQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Jan 21 08:16:14 2015Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle.? All rights reserved.Enter password:Connected to:Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit ProductionWith the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing optionsSQL>??????? EXECUTE dbms_preup.purge_recyclebin_fixup;PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.SQL>???? EXECUTE dbms_stats.gather_dictionary_stats;PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.SQL>? ??SET ECHO ON;?? SET SERVEROUTPUT ON;?? @emremove.sqlSQL> SQL> SQL> RemSQL> Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/emremove.sql /main/2 2012/07/27 01:19:53 spramani Exp $SQL> RemSQL> Rem emremove.sqlSQL> RemSQL> Rem Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.SQL> RemSQL> Rem??? NAMESQL> Rem emremove.sql - This script removes EM Schema from RDBMS….….Dropping synonym : SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY_ARRAY ...Dropping synonym : SMP_EMD_TARGET_OBJ ...Dropping synonym : SMP_EMD_TARGET_OBJ_ARRAY ...Finished phase 5Starting phase 6 : Dropping Oracle Enterprise Manager related other roles ...Finished phase 6The Oracle Enterprise Manager related schemas and objects are dropped.Do the manual steps to studown the DB Control if not done before running thisscript and then delete the DB Control configuration filesPL/SQL procedure successfully completed.SQL> shutdown immediate;Database closed.Database dismounted.ORACLE instance shut down.Copy the password file and init.ora to the Oracle 12c environment location[oracle@LINT0003 dbs]$ cp inittestdb12.ora /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/dbs[oracle@LINT0003 dbs]$ cp orapwtestdb12 /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/dbsEdit the oratab file and enter the Oracle 12c home locationSet the Oracle 12c environment and open the database in UPGRADE mode[oracle@LINT0003 admin]$ sqlplus sys as sysdbaSQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Jan 19 11:16:58 2015Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle.? All rights reserved.Enter password:Connected to an idle instance.SQL> startup upgrade;ORACLE instance started.Total System Global Area 1073741824 bytesFixed Size????????????????? 2932632 bytesVariable Size???????????? 679477352 bytesDatabase Buffers????????? 385875968 bytesRedo Buffers???? ???????????5455872 bytesDatabase mounted.Database opened.Run the to upgrade the database to using the command line method with the parallel upgrade option[oracle@IOMDC-LINT0004 admin]$? $ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin/perl -n 4 -l /tmp catupgrd.sqlArgument list for []SQL Process Count???? n = 4SQL PDB Process Count N = 0Input Directory?????? d = 0Phase Logging Table?? t = 0Log Dir?????????????? l = /tmpScript??????????????? s = 0Serial Run??????????? S = 0Upgrade Mode active?? M = 0Start Phase?????????? p = 0End Phase???????????? P = 0Log Id??????????????? i = 0Run in??????????????? c = 0Do not run in???????? C = 0Echo OFF????????????? e = 1No Post Upgrade?????? x = 0Reverse Order???????? r = 0Open Mode Normal????? o = 0Debug z = 0Debug Z = 0Display Phases??????? y = 0Child Process???????? I = version: Base?????????? = /u01/app/oracleAnalyzing file catupgrd.sqlLog files in /tmpcatcon: ALL catcon-related output will be written to /tmp/catupgrd_catcon_22992.lstcatcon: See /tmp/catupgrd*.log files for output generated by scriptscatcon: See /tmp/catupgrd_*.lst files for spool files, if anyNumber of Cpus??????? = 4SQL Process Count???? = 4------------------------------------------------------Phases [0-73]Serial?? Phase #: 0 Files: 1???? Time: 398sSerial?? Phase #: 1 Files: 5???? Time: 32sRestart? Phase #: 2 Files: 1???? Time: 1sParallel Phase #: 3 Files: 18??? Time: 5sRestart? Phase #: 4 Files: 1???? Time: 0sSerial?? Phase #: 5 Files: 5???? Time: 16sSerial?? Phase #: 6 Files: 1???? Time: 9sSerial?? Phase #: 7 Files: 4???? Time: 7sRestart? Phase #: 8 Files: 1???? Time: 0sParallel Phase #: 9 Files: 62??? Time: 17sRestart? Phase #:10 Files: 1???? Time: 1sSerial?? Phase #:11 Files: 1???? Time: 11sRestart? Phase #:12 Files: 1???? Time: 0sParallel Phase #:13 Files: 91??? Time: 6sRestart? Phase #:14 Files: 1???? Time: 0sParallel Phase #:15 Files: 111?? Time: 9sRestart? Phase #:16 Files: 1???? Time: 0sSerial?? Phase #:17 Files: 3???? Time: 1sRestart? Phase #:18 Files: 1???? Time: 0sParallel Phase #:19 Files: 32??? Time: 13sRestart? Phase #:20 Files: 1???? Time: 0sSerial?? Phase #:21 Files: 3???? Time: 6sRestart? Phase #:22 Files: 1???? Time: 0sParallel Phase #:23 Files: 23??? Time: 65sRestart? Phase #:24 Files: 1???? Time: 0sParallel Phase #:25 Files: 11??? Time: 30sRestart? Phase #:26 Files: 1???? Time: 0sSerial?? Phase #:27 Files: 1???? Time: 1sRestart? Phase #:28 Files: 1???? Time: 0sSerial?? Phase #:30 Files: 1???? Time: 0sSerial?? Phase #:31 Files: 257?? Time: 19sSerial?? Phase #:32 Files: 1???? Time: 0sRestart ?Phase #:33 Files: 1???? Time: 0sSerial?? Phase #:34 Files: 1???? Time: 3sRestart? Phase #:35 Files: 1???? Time: 0sRestart? Phase #:36 Files: 1???? Time: 0sSerial?? Phase #:37 Files: 4???? Time: 41sRestart? Phase #:38 Files: 1???? Time: 0sParallel Phase #:39 Files: 13??? Time: 44sRestart? Phase #:40 Files: 1???? Time: 0sParallel Phase #:41 Files: 10??? Time: 5sRestart? Phase #:42 Files: 1???? Time: 0sSerial?? Phase #:43 Files: 1???? Time: 4sRestart? Phase #:44 Files: 1???? Time: 0sSerial?? Phase #:45 Files: 1???? Time: 10sSerial?? Phase #:46 Files: 1???? Time: 0sRestart? Phase #:47 Files: 1???? Time: 0sSerial?? Phase #:48 Files: 1???? Time: 89sRestart? Phase #:49 Files: 1???? Time: 0sSerial?? Phase #:50 Files: 1???? Time: 33sRestart? Phase #:51 Files: 1???? Time: 0sSerial?? Phase #:52 Files: 1???? Time: 0sRestart? Phase #:53 Files: 1???? Time: 0sSerial?? Phase #:54 Files: 1???? Time: 84sRestart? Phase #:55 Files: 1???? Time: 0sSerial?? Phase #:56 Files: 1???? Time: 61sRestart? Phase #:57 Files: 1???? Time: 0sSerial?? Phase #:58 Files: 1???? Time: 0sRestart? Phase #:59 Files: 1???? Time: 0sSerial?? Phase #:60 Files: 1???? Time: 0sRestart? Phase #:61 Files: 1???? Time: 0sSerial?? Phase #:62 Files: 1???? Time: 155sRestart ?Phase #:63 Files: 1???? Time: 0sSerial?? Phase #:64 Files: 1???? Time: 2sSerial?? Phase #:65 Files: 1 Calling sqlpatch with LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/lib; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH;/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/perl/bin/perl -I /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/admin -I /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/admin/../../sqlpatch /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/admin/../../sqlpatch/ -verbose -upgrade_mode_only > /tmp/catupgrd_datapatch_upgrade.log 2> /tmp/catupgrd_datapatch_upgrade.errreturned from sqlpatch??? Time: 28sSerial?? Phase #:66 Files: 1???? Time: 39sSerial?? Phase #:68 Files: 1???? Time: 0sSerial?? Phase #:69 Files: 1 Calling sqlpatch with LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/lib; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH;/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/perl/bin/perl -I /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/admin -I /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/admin/../../sqlpatch /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/admin/../../sqlpatch/ -verbose > /tmp/catupgrd_datapatch_normal.log 2> /tmp/catupgrd_datapatch_normal.errreturned from sqlpatch??? Time: 35sSerial?? Phase #:70 Files: 1???? Time: 9sSerial?? Phase #:71 Files: 1???? Time: 0sSerial?? Phase #:72 Files: 1???? Time: 0sSerial?? Phase #:73 Files: 1???? Time: 19sGrand Total Time: 1310sLOG FILES: (catupgrd*.log)Upgrade Summary Report Located in:/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/cfgtoollogs/testdb/upgrade/upg_summary.logGrand Total Upgrade Time:??? [0d:0h:21m:50s][oracle@IOMDC-LINT0004 admin]$Note the upgrade log files located in /tmp[oracle@IOMDC-LINT0004 tmp]$ ls -lrt cat*-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle dba????? 358 Jan 21 08:27 catupgrd_catcon_22992.lst-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle dba??????? 0 Jan 21 08:46 catupgrd_datapatch_upgrade.err-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle dba????? 396 Jan 21 08:46 catupgrd_datapatch_upgrade.log-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle dba??????? 0 Jan 21 08:48 catupgrd_datapatch_normal.err-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle dba????? 396 Jan 21 08:48 catupgrd_datapatch_normal.log-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle dba? 6298525 Jan 21 08:48 catupgrd1.log-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle dba? 5059334 Jan 21 08:48 catupgrd2.log-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle dba? 5742452 Jan 21 08:48 catupgrd3.log-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle dba 45146507 Jan 21 08:49 catupgrd0.logCheck the component upgrade status by reviewing the upgrade log filesOracle Database 12.1 Post-Upgrade Status Tool?????????? 01-21-2015 08:48:44Component?????? ????????????????????????Current???????? Version? Elapsed TimeName??????????????????????????????????? Status????????? Number?? HH:MM:SSOracle Server????????????????????????? UPGRADED????? 00:12:33JServer JAVA Virtual Machine????????????? VALID????? 00:01:28Oracle Workspace Manager????????????????? VALID????? 00:00:50Oracle XDK??????????????????????????????? VALID????? 00:00:32Oracle XML Database?????????????????????? VALID????? 00:01:23Oracle Database Java Packages???????????? VALID????? 00:00:10Oracle Application Express??????????????? VALID???? 00:02:22Final Actions??????????????????????????????????????????????????? 00:01:06Post Upgrade????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????00:00:07Total Upgrade Time: 00:20:50PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.Elapsed: 00:00:00.08Grand Total Upgrade Time:??? [0d:0h:21m:50s]Execute the following post-upgrade stepsCompile invalid objects via utlrp.sqlRun utluiobj.sql to identify any objects invalidated by the upgrade processGather fixed object statistics via EXECUTE DBMS_STATS.GATHER_FIXED_OBJECTS_STATS;Upgrade timezone dataChange COMPATIBLE parameter to ................

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