Oracle 12c sql chapter 3 hands on assignments answers - Weebly


Oracle 12c sql chapter 3 hands on assignments answers

how can i get the solutions for the Hands-On Assignments and Advanced Challenge for chapter 3 on Oracle 12c SQL Show transcribed image textIn the given problems. if we want to create a new table called CATEGORY, and columns CatCode and CatDesc. so in sql if we want to create a new table weview the full answerPrevious question Next questionblem 1AC Bookmark Show all steps. ON The management of JustLee Books has approved implementing a new commission policy and benefits plan for the account managers. The following changes need to be made to the existing database Two new columns must be added to the ACCTMANAGER table: one to indicate the commission classification assigned to each employee and another to contain each employee's benefits code. The commission classification column should be able to store integ Comm_ id. The value of the Comm column should be set to a value of 10 automatically if no value is provided when a row is added. The benefits code column should also accommodate integer values up to a maximum of 99 and ers up to a maximum value of 99 and be named be named Ben_id. .A new table, COMMRATE, must be created to-store the commission rate schedule and must contain the following columns: Comm jid: A numeric column similar to the one added to the ACCTMANAGER table Comm rank: A character feld that can store a rank name allowing up to 15 characters .Rate: A numenc field that can store two decimal digts (such as 01 or 03) A new table, BENEFITS, must be created to store the avalable benofit plan options and must contain the following columns: . Ben id: A numeric column simlar to the one added to the ACCTMANAGER table Bon plan: A character field that can store a single character value . Ben provider: A numeric field that can store a three dgit integer lche: Acharacter teid tat can hold a valu. of YorN ? Required: Create the SQL statements to address the changes needed to support the new 6 8 HOA Bookmark Show all steps:ON Problem Create a new table containing the category code and description for the categories of books sold by JustLee Books. The table should be called CATEGORY, and the columns should be CatCode and CatDesc. The CatCode column should store a maximum of 2 characters, and the CatDesc column should store a maximum of 10 characters. Step-by-step solution There is no solution to this problem yet Get help from a Chegg subject expert Ask an expert 8 9 HOA Boark Show all steps: ON ON Problem Create a new table containing these four columns: Emp#, Lastname, Firstname, and Job-class The table name should be EMPLOYEES. The Job _class column should be able to store character strings up to a maximum length of four, but the column values shouldn't be padded if the value has less than four characters. The Emp# column contains a numeric ID and should allow a five-digit number. Use column sizes you consider suitable for the Firstname and Lastname columns Step-by-step solution There is no solution to this problem yet Get help from a Chegg subject expert. Ask an expert 9 0 Bookark Show all steps: ON Bookmark Problem Add two columns to the EMPLOYES table. One column, named EmpDate,.contains the date of> employment for each employee, and its default value should be the system date. The second column, named EndDate, contains employees' date of termination. Step-by-step solution There is no solution to this problem yet. Get help from a Chegg subject expert Ask an expert ip Bookmark Show all steps: ON 4HOA Problem Modify the Job_class column of the EMPLOYEES table so that it allows storing a maximum width of two characters. Step-by-step solution There is no solution to this problem yet. Get help from a Chegg subject expert Ask an expert roblem 6HOA 0 Bookmark Show all steps:ONXA Problem -Rename the EMPLOYEES table as JL EMPS. Step-by-step solution There is no solution to this problem yet. Get help from a Chegg subject expert Ask an expert ip Oracle 10g: SQL1 EditionISBN: 9781418836290EBK ORACLE 12C: SQL3 EditionISBN: 9781305465305Bundle: Oracle 12c: SQL, 3rd + SAM 365/2016 Assessment, Training and Projects v1.0 Single-Term Printed Access Card3 EditionISBN: 9781337575058EBK ORACLE 12C: SQL3 EditionISBN: 8220101292070ORACLE 12C: SQL17 EditionISBN: 9781305449947 You're Reading a Free Preview Pages 4 to 5 are not shown in this preview.

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