Oracle DBA Tips and Techniques

UPGRADE CLOUD CONTROL FROM VERSION TO DATABASE VERSION: DOCUMENT FOLLOWED FOR UPGRADE : features in shutdown OMS, repository and agent and take a full backup.Next restart the repository and OMS and agent.I am following this approach:4.1 Upgrading Enterprise Manager in a Single-OMS Non-HA Environment1.Check for any outstanding database service instance creation requests. If there are any requests in progress, allow them to complete. For requests that are scheduled, suspend them.To do so, follow these steps.In Cloud Control, from the Enterprise menu, select Cloud, then select Self Service Portal.On the Infrastructure Cloud Self Service Portal page, right under the page title, select My Databases to view only database requests.In the Requests table, for requests that are in progress, allow them to complete. For requests that are scheduled, suspend them.To suspend the scheduled requests, click the request name. Click the Deployment tab. Click the deployment procedure listed there, and suspend it. 2.Make a copy (using the Create Like action) of the out-of-box rule sets you are using to receive e-mail notifications. Otherwise, you will lose the e-mail subscriptions made to the rule sets.To make a copy, from the Setup menu, select Incidents, then select Incident Rules. On the Incident Rules - All Enterprise Rules page, in the table, select the out-of-box rule set you want to copy. Then, from the Actions menu, select Create Like Rule Set. In the Create Like Rule Set page, provide the required details and click Save.3.Ensure that the tables in the Management Repository do not have any snapshots created.To verify this, log in to the Management Repository and run the following SQL query as SYSMAN user:select master , log_table from all_mview_logs where log_owner='<EM_REPOS_USER>For example,select master , log_table from all_mview_logs where log_owner='SYSMAN'If there are snapshots created in a table, then the query displays the master table and the snapshot details. For example,SQL> master log_tableem-violations em$violation_logIf there are snapshots, then drop them by running the following command as SYSMAN user:SQL> Drop snapshot log on <master>For example,SQL> Drop snapshot log on em-violations 4.(CRITICAL MANDATORY STEP)Apply the following patches on the database. You can access My Oracle Support and search for these patches. For instructions, see the ReadMe file associated with the patch. If you do not apply these patches, you will run into upgrade failures that cannot be corrected.Patches to be installed depends on version of repository database.Since the repository database in my test environment is on this is the instruction:For Oracle Database 12c Release 1 ( Unix as well as Microsoft Windows platforms, apply the patch 16619249.Download patches 16619249 from My Oracle Support and copy it to the OMS server staging area.oracle12c:/u02/oradata/stage/pre-cloud-upgrade-patch> l-rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 163788 Jun 6 08:45 p16619249_121010_AIX64-5L.zipunzip p16619249_121010_AIX64-5L.ziporacle12c:/u02/oradata/stage/pre-cloud-upgrade-patch> cd 16619249oracle12c:/u02/oradata/stage/pre-cloud-upgrade-patch/16619249> opatch applyOPatch succeeded.5.Before you run the installer prepare the system for upgrading. Run emctl to copy EMKey from emkey.ora file to the management repository databasecd OMS_HOME/binoracle12c:/u05/oradata/Middleware12cr3l/oms/bin> ./emctl config emkey -copy_to_repos_from_file -repos_host p520test1 -repos_port 1521 -repos_sid oracle12c -repos_user sysman -emkey_file /u05/oradata/Middleware12cr3l/sysman/config/emkey.oraOracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 3Copyright (c) 1996, 2013 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.Enter Admin User's Password :Enter Enterprise Manager Root (SYSMAN) Password :The EMKey has been copied to the Management Repository. This operation will cause the EMKey to become unsecure.After the required operation has been completed, secure the EMKey by running "emctl config emkey -remove_from_repos".oracle12c:/u05/oradata/Middleware12cr3l/oms/bin>6.SHUTDOWN OMScd $OMS_HOME/bin./emctl stop oms –all7. Shut down the Management Agent that monitors the Management Services and Repository target, to prevent the Management Agent from connecting to the Management Repository for metric collections. Not shutting down this Management Agent might cause the OMS upgrade to failcd /u05/oradata/agent12c/agent_inst/bin./emctl stop agent8.Make sure no INVALID objects exist in the following owner,object_name, object_type from all_objects where status='INVALID' and owner in ('SYS','SYSTEM','SYSMAN','MGMT_VIEW', 'DBSNMP','SYSMAN_MDS');no rows selected9.In repository database :grant execute on dbms_random to dbsnmp;grant execute on dbms_random to sysman;revoke execute on dbms_random from public;10.Begin upgrade.OMS is down, agent is also down and only database repository is running.Copy software zip files from oracle site to staging area on server and unzip the files.From new software location:export DISPLAYcd /u02/oradata/stage/cloud_control_12.1.0.4 > ./runInstallerStarting Oracle Universal Installer...Checking Temp space: must be greater than 400 MB. Actual 2020 MB PassedChecking swap space: must be greater than 150 MB. Actual 8192 MB PassedChecking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors. Actual 16777216 PassedPreparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2014-06-10_08-32-36AM. Please wait ...Untick the Security updates option.YesSkipIgnore the failed error for ulimit.Click on Upgrade and choose One System Upgrade and select installed Oracle HomeNew OMS home – /u05/oradata/Middleware12cr4Enter sys and sysman password and confirm repository is backed up.OKSince the Installer fixes the issue, simply click Yes.I clicked Cancel and fixed the recommendations.alter system set compatible="" scope=spfile;alter system set sga_max_size=2048m scope=spfile;alter system set sga_target=2048m scope=spfile;alter system set pga_aggregate_target=1024m scope=spfile;SQL> shutdown immediate;startup;Start from this screen again –SQL> Show parameter secure file;NAME TYPE VALUE------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------db_securefile string PREFERREDoptimizer_secure_view_merging boolean TRUESQL> alter system set db_securefile=PERMITTED;System altered.SQL>Click OKNo additional plug-ins needed – click NextEnter new OMS_HOME/gc_inst as new OMS_instance Base LocationRun /u05/oradata/Middleware12cr4/oms/ when prompted as root.Login to Cloud Control and check.The agent is started automatically by the upgrade installer.Make sure job_queue_processes are not set to zero.SQL> show parameter job;NAME TYPE VALUE------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------job_queue_processes integer 1000SQL>SQL> show parameter compatibleNAME TYPE VALUE------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------compatible string>Upgrade agent running on OMS serveroracle12c:/u05/oradata/agent12c/agent_inst/bin> ./emctl status agentOracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 2Copyright (c) 1996, 2012 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.---------------------------------------------------------------Agent Version : Version : Version : Home : /u05/oradata/agent12c/agent_instAgent Binaries : /u05/oradata/agent12c/core/ Process ID : 37945458Parent Process ID : 19333124Agent URL : URL : at : 2014-06-06 18:43:10Started by user : oracleLast Reload : (none)Last successful upload : 2014-06-10 13:43:38Last attempted upload : 2014-06-10 13:43:38Total Megabytes of XML files uploaded so far : 8.76Number of XML files pending upload : 0Size of XML files pending upload(MB) : 0Available disk space on upload filesystem : 70.90%Collection Status : Collections enabledHeartbeat Status : OkLast attempted heartbeat to OMS : 2014-06-10 13:43:41Last successful heartbeat to OMS : 2014-06-10 13:43:41Next scheduled heartbeat to OMS : 2014-06-10 13:44:41---------------------------------------------------------------Agent is Running and Readyoracle12c:/u05/oradata/agent12c/agent_inst/bin>Login to Cloud ControlClick on Add under Agents for UpgradeHighlight agent and click OKSubmitOkSeems to have failed – click on failed field….By default the /tmp area is used as staging area for the agent upgrade but it did not have 2 gb free.Re-run using a different staging area as /tmp does not have 2 gb free.Click on Additional Inputs and use a different staging area - /u02/oradata/stage instead of default /tmpOk this time – proceeding with upgrade.Check status of agent and version oracle12c:/u05/oradata/agent12c/agent_inst/bin> ./emctl status agentOracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 4Copyright (c) 1996, 2014 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.---------------------------------------------------------------Agent Version : Version : Version : Home : /u05/oradata/agent12c/agent_instAgent Log Directory : /u05/oradata/agent12c/agent_inst/sysman/logAgent Binaries : /u05/oradata/agent12c/core/ Process ID : 37486674Parent Process ID : 29491424Agent URL : Agent URL in NAT : URL : at : 2014-06-11 10:38:43Started by user : oracleOperating System : AIX version 6.1 (ppc64)Last Reload : 2014-06-11 10:41:20Last successful upload : 2014-06-11 10:46:41Last attempted upload : 2014-06-11 10:46:41Total Megabytes of XML files uploaded so far : 0.34Number of XML files pending upload : 0Size of XML files pending upload(MB) : 0Available disk space on upload filesystem : 70.68%Collection Status : Collections enabledHeartbeat Status : OkLast attempted heartbeat to OMS : 2014-06-11 10:52:32Last successful heartbeat to OMS : 2014-06-11 10:52:32Next scheduled heartbeat to OMS : 2014-06-11 10:53:32---------------------------------------------------------------Agent is Running and Readyoracle12c:/u05/oradata/agent12c/agent_inst/bin>Agent and OMS version is ========================================================================= ................

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