Websphere Platform Upgrad - State of Ohio Procurement

Ohio Workforce Case Management Systems (OWCMS)Supplement 1 - OWCMS Enhancement RequirementsWebsphere Platform UpgradeThis work includes moving the entire application from Websphere 8.5.5 to Websphere Application Server v9. This will trigger the need for a JAVA upgrade to JAVA 8. Java Technology 7 which is part of IBM WebSphere Application Server will be out of support by Sep 2019.Oracle UpgradeThis work includes moving the application to Oracle 18c. The current version in production is Oracle 12c (a.k.a v12.2)3.0: Trade Petitions EnhancementsRequest:Create a new menu option titled ‘Trade Petitions’ under the Administrative Menu option. Then add a new screen that includes the following fields:Warn / Mass Layoff #Certification datePetition number from DOL and dateType: In State or Out of StateTrade Delivery List (list of workers under this petition) - will need to enter details on each of the workers (new fields to capture data about worker list)Add Employer data fields Subpoena issued and dateBRI location, POC, date, TDS & TDP assigned, Trade participant that attendedSent forms electronically to workers on listTrack Petition Appeal with DOL - need fields added for thisPetition Terminate Date; Denied DateSend internal email to Trade distribution groupSend letter/email to Trade participantsSend letter/email to EmployerOther Business Rules - example: when other fields or services are updated in WCMS, some of these fields on this screen will also be updated. This will keep this Trade / Employer data up to date on each worker in the list.Need to interface with OMJ - receive new data from OMJ. The Trade participant will be utilizing their OMJ backpackCapability to update this Admin screen manually and still send out letter/email to Trade participantBenefits:Brings together systems of data: OMJ, Trade Access databases, Filenet into WCMS to Case Management in IOPThis will replace the ‘Trade Upload” - to be removed from upload selectionReplaces: Trade Petitions access databaseBrings online forms (data) into WCMS - from Employer and Participant completing themSuccess Criteria:No longer having 3 access databases, OMJ, Filenet, Update OJI and OWMCS, and all of these do not interface or share data amongst systemsAll this data will be together in (1) database, and able to case manage with all information in (1) Trade participant case in WCMSFeature List:New Admin screen to capture and track Trade PetitionsContains all Petition details - number, start and end datesContains all Worker ListsContains all the Worker details that Trade program selectsExisting Functionality to Integrate:As the Trade participant list is entered into this new Admin screen, this will do one of the following:Create a new WCMS seeker record in WCMS and update Trade eligibility fieldsUpdate the existing Active or Open or Inactive case with Trade eligibility fields Integrate the OMJ results and BRI / filenet results into WCMS Assumptions:OMJ will be able to make modifications and implement with this project timeline 4.0 Create New AssessmentRequest:Remove the existing Seeker Assessment from WCMSCreate new online Trade assessment using some parts of the CCMEP assessment and add other business rules provided by Trade teamInclude the Trade 6 criteria (currently in existing Seeker Assessment in blue font)Add this new Trade assessment to the Services & IOP option (just like CCMEP assessment)Update interface with OMJ - Trade participants will register hereTrade participants will complete the Workkeys (all 3) - will be assessment for TradeResults will display in WCMS on OMJ Details screenBenefits:Determine the eligibility for the Trade participants.No longer using an access database to document and track (case manage) Trade participants.Success Criteria:With the assessment redesigned and online, will enable DOL reporting with ease (all data extractable from an online repository)Feature List:Provide ability for Trade managers to complete assessment online (manually) if neededProvide Trade managers with an improved Trade assessment - aid in eligibility determinationExisting Functionality to Integrate:Use the CCMEP online assessment on the WIOA side of WCMSScreens in WCMS:Current Seeker Assessment screens (with 6 criteria used to determine Training) in WCMS. The 6 criteria is the Blue Font questions, on each screen capture below. 5.0 Individual Opportunity Plan/Employment Plan (IOP/IEP)Request:Currently, an IOP exists on the WIOA side of WCMS. Need to modify this IOP by adding the Trade program functionalityAdd the Trade Services to the services tab to choose (only if staff have Trade roles). No other roles would see these services.Re-arrange the ‘blue buttons’ and the tabs across the top of the IOPMove all the Blue buttons where the tabs currently areWhen IOP is selected the tabs need to be re-arranged to: Experience Summary (optional tab), Services, Performance Goals (must select at least 1), Long Term Goals (optional tab), Short Term Goals (optional tab)Add all the Workforce Programs down the left side of the screen (ex: WIOA, LE, Trade, RESEA, etc)Create a combined IOP Summary screen (this is a new selection located on left side with programs)A suggested screen mockup is in this epic under screensLong-Term and Short-Term Goals tabs are required fields. The goals should be made optional for all programs. Since additional programs will be accessing the IOP, business logic will need to be created for view-only and editing capabilities based upon the OWCMS User Roles.The IOP Summary tab needs to be redeveloped to increase the readability of the document.Results from modified Initial Assessment and modified WCMS assessment needs to populate suggested services/activities on the IOP. For example, the Initial Assessment identifies that the participant doesn’t have his/her Diploma, the suggested service would be GED Classes.The suggested services would be populated on the IOP without any dates, and could be withdrawn by the case manager. OWD will provide the mapping of assessment results to suggested services.New functionality – Benchmarks: chart to update every 60 days, up to 26 weeks; start end dates;Waiver: chart to update every 30 days; waiver can be granted twice a year (every 180 days)Upload Documents – current functionality exists to allow the CCMEP program to upload docs to WCMS case. Open this functionality up to all programs to upload documents to case.Benefits:Allow all Workforce Programs to use the same Employment Plan, EDP, etc, now called the IOP.This will be a ‘shared’ screen between programs, allowing all users to see the IOP (view only). Only users can update their own data on the IOP (add, change, delete, cancel)Success Criteria:The re-arranged IOP screen will be more user friendly.All Workforce Programs are integrated into the new shared IOP Feature List:All Workforce Programs listed down left side of IOPWhen you select a program, the tabs across the top are related to that programExisting Functionality to Integrate:Start with the existing WIOA IOP screens and create a new IOP - screen prints and new suggested IOP screen is in this IOPTrade Services List613ASSIST WITH FINANCIAL AIDTR_AWFA615EMPLOYMENT PLAN DEVELOPEDTR_EPD616ENROLLED IN TAA TRAININGTR_EITT617INFORM CUSTOMER ABOUT TRAINING OPTIONSTR_ICATO618INFORM OF OTHER SUPPORTIVE SERVICESTR_IOOSS619JOB SEEKER ALLOWANCETR_JSA620NEEDS ASSESSMENTTR_NA623RELOCATION ALLOWANCETR_RELA624REMEDIAL ASSISTANCETR_REMA625SKILLS ASSESSMENTTR_SACurrent CCMEP IOP screens:NEW MOCKUP for IOP SUMMARY:6.0 Update Services ListRequest:With the new WIOA law, need to modify the Services lists for both the LE and WIOA sides of bine all service lists from the LE and WIOA programs into (1) listInactivate all of the current Labor Exchange Seeker Services (both ‘P’ & ‘N’)Retain the inactive services to display on WCMS screens, to be in DOL reporting and all other Cognos reportsAdd new ‘P’ services titled “Career Services” to LE Seeker Services table & screenAdd new ‘P’ services titled “Individualized Services” to LE Seeker Services table & screenAdd new ‘N’ services titled “Career Services – Non Participating” to LE Seeker Services table & screenWhen displaying on screens and storing in db table, annotate each service as being a ‘P’ – participating or ‘N’ - Non participatingWhen displaying on screens and storing in db table, annotate each Career service as ‘Career’ or ‘Individualized’.Modify the WIOA services as follows:Update the current Career services (make sure correct services)When displaying on screens and storing in db table, annotate each Career service as ‘Career’ or ‘Individualized’.When displaying on screens and storing in db table, annotate each service as being a ‘P’ – participating or ‘N’ - Non participatingRemove the Non-Registered Services screenRetain the previous selected services for screen display and reportingAdd the Career Services – Non Participating to the Services & Activities table and list to be displayed on the Old Services screen and the New IOP screen, to be selected. Modify OWD access to screen: under menu option ‘Table Maintenance’, tab titled ‘Service Types’. OWD would like to be able to ACTIVATE and INACTIVATE a service, change service from a ‘P’ to ‘N’. (screen captures listed last in document)Benefits:All Workforce programs using same services, same descriptions/definitions, less confusionNo duplicate services being provided amongst programsMakes this much easier to share data with other agencies for reporting (all using same data)Success Criteria:All programs will be using the same Basic and Training services, no confusion.DOL reporting will be easier, with same Basic services across programs.Feature List:Updating the LE and WIOA individual services tables and screens with exact same list of services for all programs.Existing Functionality to Integrate:Using the LE Seeker Services screen functionality - just updating the list of servicesUsing the WIOA services and activities functionality - just updating the list of servicesScreens in WCMS:LE - Seeker Services WIOA - Non Registered ServicesWIOA - Career and Training Services (old Services screen)NEW: WIOA IOP - used for CCMEP program only (input Youth services)Per NEW WIOA LAW in 2015.2016: below is the new LE and WIOA Services listsCareer Services in WIOABasic Career Services Not Triggering Participation in WIOA (previously called nonregistered core services)?Determination WIOA adult, dislocated worker, or youth services eligibility;?Outreach, intake, and orientation to the information and other services available through the workforce development delivery system;?Self-directed or self-service job search assistance;?Workforce and labor market information (includes job vacancy listings, job skills necessary to obtain the vacant jobs, and the earnings, skill requirements, and opportunities for advancement in such occupations);?Provision of information on in-demand industry sectors and occupations;?Provision of information on nontraditional employment;?Provision of eligible training provider performance information and program cost information;?Referrals to and coordination of activities with other programs and services;?Provision of local area performance information;?Provision of supportive service information and appropriate referrals to those services and assistance;?Group workshops (e.g., interviewing, job search, financial management, and resume writing).Basic Career Services Triggering Participation in WIOA(previously called registered core services)?Initial assessment of skill levels;?Supportive service needs assessment;?Staff-assisted job search assistance;?Placement assistance (includes job matching, job referrals, and job development);?Career counseling;?Provision of information and assistance regarding filing claims for unemployment compensation;Assistance in establishing eligibility for programs of financial aid; andProvision of job club activities.Individualized Career Services (previously called intensive services)?Comprehensive and specialized assessments of the skill levels and service needs;?Development of an individual employment plan (IEP);?Group counseling;?Individual counseling;?Career planning;?Short-term prevocational services to prepare individuals for unsubsidized employment or training;Internships;Work Experiences;Transitional jobs;English language acquisition and integrated education and training programs;Workforce preparation activitiesFinancial literacy services; andOut-of-area job search assistance and relocation assistanceCareer Services in Wagner-Peyser Employment ServicesBasic Career Services Not Triggering Participation in Wagner-Peyser (called "N" services)?Determination WIOA adult, dislocated worker, or youth services eligibility;?Outreach, intake, and orientation to the information and other services available through the workforce development delivery system;?Self-directed or self-service job search assistance;?Workforce and labor market information (includes job vacancy listings, job skills necessary to obtain the vacant jobs, and the earnings, skill requirements, and opportunities for advancement in such occupations);?Provision of information on in-demand industry sectors and occupations;?Provision of information on nontraditional employment;?Provision of eligible training provider performance information and program cost information;?Referrals to and coordination of activities with other programs and services;?Provision of local area performance information;?Provision of supportive service information and appropriate referrals to those services and assistance;?Group workshops (e.g., interviewing, job search, financial management, and resume writing); and?Provision of UCRS activities.Basic Career Services Triggering Participation in Wagner-Peyser (called "P" services)Initial assessment of skill levels;?Supportive service needs assessment;?Staff-assisted job search assistance;Placement assistance (includes job matching, job referrals, and job development);?Career counseling;?Provision of information and assistance regarding filing claims for unemployment compensation (meaningful assistance);?Assistance in establishing eligibility for programs of financial aid;?Provision of job club activities; and?Provision of RESEA activities.Individualized Career Services (called "P" services)Comprehensive and specialized assessments of the skill levels & service needs;Development of an individual employment plan (IEP);?Career planning; and?Short-term prevocational services to prepare individuals for unsubsidized employment or training.Access to the Service Types – located under the Administrative/Table Maintenance menu optionCurrent screen:Suggested changes to screen:7.0 Effort Scoring Support for workload balancing Request:Modify the Case Assignment view for Supervisors to track ‘Effort Scoring’ for Trade Staff caseload assignmentsAdd a new column titled: ‘Effort’ (after the column titled - #cases assigned)Any Referral Services added to case = 1 pointRTAA completed = 1 point (this will be updated by OJI interface/UI system)BRI completed (this will be a Seeker Service added to case) = 2 pointsWaiver granted = 3 points new field with date - allow more then 1 waiver to be entered on a case), waivers only good for 30days. Send Waiver notice to OJI. Make Waiver a possible service ?!?1 on 1 completed = 5 points Create this as online and manually updatedonce IOP is created, this is completed. Create this as a new service with a date. This needs a name change, its not really a 1on1. Currently this is completed either online or telephone (manual input by staff)Training Contract completed = 5 points This starts when new provider/employer enters into contract (OWD wants contract automated in WIET)This end when the contract is signed by all 3 - Provider; Participant and Trade staff.OJT Contract completed = 5 points This starts when new provider/employer enters into contract (OWD wants contract automated in WIET)This end when the contract is signed by all 3 - Employer; Participant and Trade staff.Benefits:Ability to see anytime from Caseload View, the Effort Scoring to enable the Supervisor to adjust workload of staffSuccess Criteria:Whether the Trade individual’s path is (1) Training; or (2) Employment, that we are able to track their progress via the IOP and see the Staff’s efforts as well via the Supv ViewFeature List:New column on Supervisor Case Assignment View to track Staff’s case management effortsExisting Functionality to Integrate:Start with the existing Supervisor Case Assignment View screen/functionalityScreens:Existing Supervisor - Staff Assignment ViewExisting Staff Caseload View screen8.0 New functionality to send (3) notices from WCMS to individualsOWD to provide business rules, but these notices will be sent to individuals when selected or approved for Programs services and activities (OWD will provide mock ups)9.0 LE Follow UpWith WIOA law in effect since 2016, OWD has not completed the updates to WCMS for the Wagner Peyser/Labor Exchange program.? We need to add a Follow Up menu option.? Currently the Follow Up menu and functionality exists for the WIOA programs on the WIOA side of WCMS.? We need to copy the current functionality from WIOA, and with a few modifications, implement this for WP/LE in WCMS.?? We will need to add new menu option, possibly new table (unless we use same table, so no duplication).? ?Update specific services to be used here by each LE Program.? Add all to our reporting database.? Screen pics of the current WIOA Follow Up screen below. ??10.0 :? MINI INCUMBENT WORKER UPLOADRecently, Workforce Development has been awarded a grant (titled RETAIN GRANT).? This grant will exist for 5 years maybe more.? We need to establish tracking functionality in WCMS/db for this new grant.? Currently we have screen and functionality in the WCMS db for Mini Incumbent Workers.? This grant pertains to this program.? We would need to establish an UPLOAD process for this data.? We have existing File Uploads into WCMS.? We would need to create the file format using the Mini Incumbent Worker fields and more that pertain to the RETAIN GRANT.? We would have our clients log in and upload their data to us using this new file format with the capability of adding more clients to the upload process through these 5 years.? All of this data would be stored in new tables and our reporting database.? We would need to discuss, if we want any of this data available/viewable on screens in WCMS.? ?? ................

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