TE.040 System Test Script - Fixed Assets - Richard Byrom


TE.040 System Test Script

Fixed Assets


Creation Date: May 16, 1999

Last Updated: XXX 0, 0000

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Version: DRAFT 1A

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Overview 1

System Test Sequences 2

System Test Specifications – Add Assets Manually (Detail) 3

System Test Specifications – Add Assets Manually (Quick Additions) 4

System Test Specifications – Add CIP Assets 5

System Test Specifications – Perform Mass Additions 6

System Test Specifications – Add Leased Assets (Optional) 7

System Test Specifications – Run Depreciation 9

System Test Specifications – Create Journal Entries and Reconcile to the General Ledger 10

System Test Specifications – Perform Cost and Depreciation Life Adjustments 11

System Test Specifications – Capitalize CIP Assets 12

System Test Specifications – Reclassify Assets 13

System Test Specifications – Retire and Reinstate Assets 14

System Test Specifications – Transfer Assets 16

System Test Specifications – Run Depreciation 17

System Test Specifications – Create Journal Entries and Reconcile to the General Ledger 18

System Test Specifications – View Financial Information 19

System Test Specifications – View Transaction History 20

System Test Specifications – Run Depreciation Projections 21

System Test Specifications – Perform Mass Transactions 22

System Test Specifications – Run Reports 24

System Test Specifications – Tax book transactions 25

Data Profile - 26

Defect Log 27

Open And Closed Issues For This Deliverable 28

Open Issues 28

Closed Issues 28

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This System Test Script documents the steps needed to test the integration of application extensions with the target application system with respect to the process.

System testing measures the quality of the entire application system, using system test sequences and scripts. You must create scripts for all business processes based on the Mapped Business Requirements (BR.030). You should be able to reuse the test scripts you created during Test Business Solutions (BR.080); however, the focus of business solution testing is confirming individual business processes, while business system testing focuses on confirming the collective application system. For more information, refer to Business Mapping Test Results (BR.080) as a basis for business system test specifications.

This system test will include the following types of testing:

1. Integrated Business Processes

2. Manual Procedures

3. Support Procedures

4. Security Testing

5. Initial System Documentation Inspection

6. Manual Data Inspection

7. Database Journaling

8. Converted Data Load Testing

9. Converted Data Inspection

10. Interface Testing (limited to processing data as input from another system, or creating data for use by another system)

11. Data/Transaction Reconciliation to the legacy system

12. Job Stream Testing (if there is a batch component)

13. Back-Up and Recovery Testing

14. Data Archival Testing

15. Lock Testing Simulating User Load (executing identical scenarios)

16. Batch Window Test (on full converted data volumes)

System Test Sequences

N The tables in this deliverable contain sample data that should be used as an example only. Remove all sample data before completing your final deliverable.

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N A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:

1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario

2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test

3) Role: Step/Sequence owner

4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information

5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence

8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence

9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

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| | | | |The system will require that the YTD | | | | |

| | | | |depreciation be less than or equal to the | | | | |

| | | |Input a prior period asset, including YTD and |accumulated depreciation amount | | | | |

| | | |accumulated depreciation amounts | | | | | |

| | | |Split asset cost to more than one cost center | | | | | |

| | | | |The system will allow assets to be assigned to | | | | |

| | | | |more than one cost center by using fractions of | | | | |

| | | |Change the depreciation life |a unit | | | | |

| | | | |The system will allow users to change the | | | | |

| | | |Assign an employee |asset’s depreciation life | | | | |

| | | | |The system will only allow users to input | | | | |

| | | | |employees that have been setup in the HR tables | | | | |

| | | |Try to save an asset before all required information |The system will prompt the user for required | | | | |

| | | |is input (Required information includes description, |information before allowing the user to save the| | | | |

| | | |category, expense account and location.) |asset | | | | |

| | | |Input parent asset numbers for child assets | | | | | |

| | | | |The system will acknowledge if the parent asset | | | | |

| | | |Verify that asset numbers are assigned sequentially. |number is valid | | | | |

| | | | |Asset numbers will be sequential, starting with | | | | |

| | | | |the next available number as designated in the | | | | |

| | | | |System Control setup. | | | | |

|FA10 |10.5 | |Add sales tax and overhead allocation to asset lines.| | | | | |

| | | |Make sure Subledger balances to General Ledger at | | | | | |

| | | |month end and that appropriate journal entries offset| | | | | |

| | | |the added lines. | | | | | |

System Test Specifications – Add Assets Manually (Quick Additions)

N A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:

1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario

2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test

3) Role: Step/Sequence owner

4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information

5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence

8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence

9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

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N A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:

1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario

2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test

3) Role: Step/Sequence owner

4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information

5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence

8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence

9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

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N A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:

1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario

2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test

3) Role: Step/Sequence owner

4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information

5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence

8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence

9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

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N A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:

1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario

2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test

3) Role: Step/Sequence owner

4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information

5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence

8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence

9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

| | | | | | | | | |

|FA50 |50.2 | |Open the Prepare Mass Additions form |The Find Mass Additions form will open. | | | | |

| | | |Mass Additions ( Prepare Mass Additions | | | | | |

|FA50 |50.3 | |Choose the invoices in the Find Mass Additions form |Oracle will display all the Mass Addition | | | | |

| | | |verify that the invoices input in Purchasing/Payables|entries for the chosen invoices in the Prepare | | | | |

| | | |were successfully imported into Oracle Assets. |Mass Additions form. | | | | |

|FA50 |50.4 | |Add category, expense distribution, location and |The system will not permit users to input | | | | |

| | | |asset key to several invoice lines in the Prepare |invalid categories, expense distributions, | | | | |

| | | |Mass Additions form. |locations or asset keys. | | | | |

| | | |(B) Open | | | | | |

|FA50 |50.5 | |Merge some invoice lines together to create a single |Users will be able to merge invoice lines. The | | | | |

| | | |asset. Perform the merge function at least twice. |system will assign the merged lines a queue | | | | |

| | | |(B) Merge |status of "Merged". | | | | |

|FA50 |50.6 | |Undo one of the merges performed in Step 50.5 |Users will be able to reverse merged lines | | | | |

| | | |(B) Undo Merge |before the parent invoice line is posted. | | | | |

|FA50 |50.7 | |Split some invoice lines into more than one line. |Users will be able to split invoice lines. The | | | | |

| | | |(B) Split |system will assign the split lines a queue | | | | |

| | | | |status of "Split". | | | | |

|FA50 |50.8 | |Undo one of the splits performed in Step 50.8 |Users will be able to reverse split lines before| | | | |

| | | |(B) Undo Split |the split children are posted. | | | | |

|FA50 |50.9 | |Add an invoice line to a CIP asset: |Users will be able to add invoice lines to CIP | | | | |

| | | |- Select an invoice line to add to a CIP asset |assets. | | | | |

| | | |- Select the "Add to Asset" button | | | | | |

| | | |- Select a CIP asset to add the invoice line to | | | | | |

| | | |Select the "Done" button | | | | | |

| | | |(B) Add to Asset | | | | | |

|FA50 |50.10 | |Change the queue name to "Post" for each line that is|The system will change the queue name to "Cost | | | | |

| | | |capitalizable. |Adjustment" for all invoice lines that were | | | | |

| | | |For a few invoice lines, change the queue name to |added to an asset. | | | | |

| | | |"Delete". | | | | | |

| | | |(B) Open | | | | | |

|FA50 |50.11 | |Post Mass Additions |The program will post all invoice lines with a | | | | |

| | | |Mass Additions ( Post Mass Additions |queue status of "Post" or "Cost Adjustment" to | | | | |

| | | | |the FA tables. After the program completes, the| | | | |

| | | | |queue status for these invoice lines will change| | | | |

| | | | |to "Posted" in the Prepare Mass Additions form | | | | |

|FA50 |50.12 | |Review the Mass Additions Exception Report and |The Mass Additions Posting Report will detail | | | | |

| | | |Posting Report |all the invoice lines posted in Step 50.11 | | | | |

|FA50 |50.13 | |Verify that the assets posted properly. |Users will be able to view all the assets | | | | |

| | | |Assets ( Asset Workbench |created in Step 50.11. | | | | |

|FA50 |50.14 | |Run the Delete Mass Additions program |The program deletes all invoice lines in the | | | | |

| | | | |Prepare Mass Additions form with a queue status | | | | |

| | | | |of "Delete". | | | | |

|FA50 |50.15 | |Review the Mass Additions Delete Report |The report will detail all the invoice lines | | | | |

| | | | |deleted in Step 50.14. | | | | |

|FA50 |50.16 | |Verify that invoices marked as "Delete" are no longer|The invoice lines deleted in Step 50.14 will no | | | | |

| | | |in the Prepare Mass Additions form |longer appear in the Prepare Mass Additions form| | | | |

System Test Specifications – Run Depreciation

N A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:

1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario

2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test

3) Role: Step/Sequence owner

4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information

5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence

8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence

9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

| | | | | | | | | |

|FA60 |60.2 | |View requests to ensure process completed without |Process will complete without error | | | | |

| | | |error | | | | | |

| | | |Help Menu ( View My Requests | | | | | |

System Test Specifications – Create Journal Entries and Reconcile to the General Ledger

N A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:

1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario

2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test

3) Role: Step/Sequence owner

4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information

5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence

8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence

9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

| | | | | | | | | |

|FA70 |70.2 | |Match the depreciation expense recorded on the |The reports will reconcile. | | | | |

| | | |Journal Entry Reserve Ledger Report to the Unposted | | | | | |

| | | |Journal Report. | | | | | |

|FA70 |70.3 | |Match the ending balance of the Cost Summary Report |The reports will reconcile. | | | | |

| | | |with the Unposted Journal Report. | | | | | |

|FA70 |70.4 | |Match the ending balance of the CIP Summary Report |The reports will reconcile. | | | | |

| | | |with the Unposted Journal Report. | | | | | |

|FA70 |70.5 | |Match the ending balance of the Reserve Summary |The reports will reconcile. | | | | |

| | | |Report with the Unposted Journal Report. | | | | | |

|FA70 |70.6 | |Reconcile the Cost Clearing Reconciliation Report to |The reports will reconcile. | | | | |

| | | |the Unposted Journal Report. | | | | | |

System Test Specifications – Perform Cost and Depreciation Life Adjustments

N A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:

1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario

2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test

3) Role: Step/Sequence owner

4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information

5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence

8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence

9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

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|FA80 |80.2 | |Change the cost of the asset |The system will allow users to change the cost | | | | |

| | | | |of an asset. | | | | |

|FA80 |80.3 | |Expense the adjustment (i.e. do not check the |The system will allow users to expense | | | | |

| | | |"Amortize Adjustment" checkbox) |adjustments. | | | | |

|FA80 |80.4 | |Choose another asset from the Asset Workbench and |The Books form will open. | | | | |

| | | |select the "Books" button | | | | | |

| | | |Assets ( Asset Workbench ( (B)Books | | | | | |

|FA80 |80.5 | |Change the depreciation life for the asset |The system will allow users to change the | | | | |

| | | | |depreciation life of an asset. | | | | |

|FA80 |80.6 | |Expense the adjustment |The system will allow users to expense | | | | |

| | | | |adjustments. | | | | |

|FA80 |80.7 | |Repeat the above steps for a few more assets | | | | | |

|FA80 |80.8 | |After creating journal entries (Process 150), verify |See Process 140 | | | | |

| | | |that the proper journal entries were created for the | | | | | |

| | | |cost and life adjustments made in Steps 80.1 through | | | | | |

| | | |80.8. | | | | | |

System Test Specifications – Capitalize CIP Assets

N A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:

1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario

2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test

3) Role: Step/Sequence owner

4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information

5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence

8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence

9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

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| | | | |The system will capitalize the assets selected. | | | | |

| | | |(B) Capitalize | | | | | |

|FA90 |90.4 | |Select the asset that was capitalized in Step 90.3 |The asset type will be "Capitalized" | | | | |

| | | |Verify changes to asset. | | | | | |

| | | |Assets ( Asset Workbench ( (B)Open | | | | | |

System Test Specifications – Reclassify Assets

N A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:

1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario

2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test

3) Role: Step/Sequence owner

4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information

5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence

8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence

9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

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|FA100 |100.2 | |Change asset category |The system will only allow users to change the | | | | |

| | | | |category to an existing category combination. | | | | |

|FA100 |100.3 | |Verify that the category combination has changed to |The asset will reflect the new category | | | | |

| | | |the combination assigned in Step 100.2. |combination. | | | | |

| | | |Assets ( Asset Workbench ( (B)Open | | | | | |

|FA100 |100.4 | |Change the depreciation method and life to reflect |The system will allow users to change the | | | | |

| | | |the method and life of the new category. |depreciation method and life of the reclassified| | | | |

| | | |Assets ( Asset Workbench ( (B)Books |asset. | | | | |

|FA100 |100.5 | |After creating journal entries (Process 140), verify |See Process 140 | | | | |

| | | |that the cost and accumulated. depreciation for the | | | | | |

| | | |asset have been transferred to the new category cost | | | | | |

| | | |and accumulated depreciation accounts. Verify that | | | | | |

| | | |depreciation for the month is booked to the new | | | | | |

| | | |category depreciation account. | | | | | |

System Test Specifications – Retire and Reinstate Assets

N A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:

1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario

2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test

3) Role: Step/Sequence owner

4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information

5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence

8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence

9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

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|FA110 |110.2 | |Enter a Corporate book, units to retire, retirement |Users will be able to enter a Corporate book, | | | | |

| | | |type and proceeds. |units to retire, retirement type and cost | | | | |

| | | | |retired for the asset selected in Step 110.1. | | | | |

|FA110 |110.3 | |Select the "Done" button to save the transaction. |The system will retire the asset selected in | | | | |

| | | | |Step 110.1. Note the reference number | | | | |

|FA110 |110.4 | |Run Calculate Gains and Losses. Run the Asset |The system will calculate gains and losses for | | | | |

| | | |Retirements Report and verify that the system |retired assets correctly. | | | | |

| | | |calculated any gains or losses for the asset | | | | | |

| | | |properly. | | | | | |

|FA110 |110.5 | |Find the retired asset in the Asset Workbench form |The asset’s status will change to "Processed" | | | | |

| | | |and then perform the following steps: |after the Calculate Gains and Losses report is | | | | |

| | | |Select the "Retirements" button from the Asset |run or after depreciation is run for the period | | | | |

| | | |Workbench | | | | | |

| | | |Enter Query mode in the Retirements form by hitting | | | | | |

| | | |the F7 key | | | | | |

| | | |Input the reference number noted in Step 110.3 in the| | | | | |

| | | |Reference Number field | | | | | |

| | | |Execute the query by hitting the F8 key | | | | | |

| | | |Verify that the asset’s status is "Processed" | | | | | |

|FA110 |110.6 | |Repeat the above steps for a few more assets in each | | | | | |

| | | |Corporate book. | | | | | |

|FA110 |110.7 | |Reinstate some of the assets retired in Step 110.3: |The system will reinstate the asset selected by | | | | |

| | | |In the Asset Workbench, find one of the assets |the user. | | | | |

| | | |retired in Step 110.3 | | | | | |

| | | |Select the "Retirements" button | | | | | |

| | | |Enter Query mode in the Retirements form by hitting | | | | | |

| | | |the F7 key | | | | | |

| | | |Input the reference number noted in Step 110.3 | | | | | |

| | | |Execute the query by hitting the F8 key | | | | | |

| | | |Select the "Reinstate" button | | | | | |

|FA110 |110.8 | |After creating journal entries (Process 140), verify |See Process 140 | | | | |

| | | |that the system created the proper retirement | | | | | |

| | | |entries. | | | | | |

System Test Specifications – Transfer Assets

N A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:

1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario

2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test

3) Role: Step/Sequence owner

4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information

5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence

8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence

9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

| | | | | | | | | |

|FA120 |120.2 | |Enter the number of units to transfer in the Unit |The system will allow users to input the number | | | | |

| | | |Change column on the first assignment row |of units to transfer in the Unit Change column. | | | | |

|FA120 |120.3 | |Create a new assignment row and enter the number of |Users will be able to create a new assignments | | | | |

| | | |units transferred in the Unit Change column |row and enter the number of units transferred in| | | | |

| | | | |the Unit Change column. | | | | |

|FA120 |120.4 | |Change the expense account and location for the asset|The system will not allow users to input invalid| | | | |

| | | |on the new assignment row created in Step 120.3 and |expense accounts or locations. | | | | |

| | | |save your work. | | | | | |

|FA120 |120.5 | |Repeat the above steps for a few more assets | | | | | |

|FA120 |120.6 | |After creating journal entries (Process 140), verify |See Process 140 | | | | |

| | | |that the system is posting depreciation expense to | | | | | |

| | | |the new expense account assigned in Step 120.4. Also| | | | | |

| | | |verify that the appropriate journal entries were | | | | | |

| | | |created to transfer cost and accumulated depreciation| | | | | |

| | | |for assets that were transferred to different cost | | | | | |

| | | |centers. | | | | | |

System Test Specifications – Run Depreciation

N A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:

1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario

2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test

3) Role: Step/Sequence owner

4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information

5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence

8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence

9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

| | | | | | | | | |

|FA130 |130.2 | |View requests to ensure process completed without |Process will complete without error. | | | | |

| | | |error | | | | | |

System Test Specifications – Create Journal Entries and Reconcile to the General Ledger

N A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:

1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario

2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test

3) Role: Step/Sequence owner

4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information

5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence

8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence

9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

| | | | | | | | | |

|FA140 |140.2 | |Match the depreciation expense recorded on the |The reports will reconcile. | | | | |

| | | |Journal Entry Reserve Ledger Report to the Unposted | | | | | |

| | | |Journal Report (GL). | | | | | |

|FA140 |140.3 | |Match the ending balance of the Cost Summary Report |The reports will reconcile. | | | | |

| | | |with the Unposted Journal Report (GL). | | | | | |

|FA140 |140.4 | |Match the ending balance of the CIP Summary Report |The reports will reconcile. | | | | |

| | | |with the General Ledger Report. | | | | | |

|FA140 |140.5 | |Match the ending balance of the Reserve Summary |The reports will reconcile. | | | | |

| | | |Report with the General Ledger Report. | | | | | |

|FA130 |140.6 | |Reconcile the Cost Clearing Reconciliation Report to |The reports will reconcile. | | | | |

| | | |the General Ledger Report. | | | | | |

System Test Specifications – View Financial Information

N A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:

1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario

2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test

3) Role: Step/Sequence owner

4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information

5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence

8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence

9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

| | | | | | | | | |

|FA150 |150.2 | |Select several assets and verify that their financial|The financial history of the selected assets | | | | |

| | | |history is correct. |will be accurate. | | | | |

| | | |(B) Assignments | | | | | |

| | | |(B) Source Lines | | | | | |

| | | |(B) Books | | | | | |

|FA150 |150.3 | |Attempt to update financial information. |System will not allow data to be updated. | | | | |

System Test Specifications – View Transaction History

N A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:

1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario

2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test

3) Role: Step/Sequence owner

4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information

5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence

8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence

9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

| | | | | | | | | |

|FA160 |160.2 | |Select a Corporate book and asset range |The system will display the transaction | | | | |

| | | | |information screen. | | | | |

|FA160 |160.3 | |Verify transaction history for several assets. |The transaction history of the selected assets | | | | |

| | | |(B) Details |will be accurate. | | | | |

|FA160 |160.4 | |Attempt to update financial information. |System will not allow data to be updated. | | | | |

System Test Specifications – Run Depreciation Projections

N A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:

1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario

2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test

3) Role: Step/Sequence owner

4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information

5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence

8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence

9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

| | | | | | | | | |

|FA170 |170.2 | |Select projection calendar, number of periods, |The user will be able to input projection | | | | |

| | | |starting period, book and type of report detail. |calendar, number of periods, starting period, | | | | |

| | | | |book and type of report detail. | | | | |

|FA170 |170.3 | |Select the "Run" button. |The system will calculate depreciation | | | | |

| | | |(B) Run |projections for the book specified in Step | | | | |

| | | | |180.2. | | | | |

|FA170 |170.4 | |Review the FA Projections Report for reasonableness.| | | | | |

System Test Specifications – Perform Mass Transactions

N A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:

1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario

2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test

3) Role: Step/Sequence owner

4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information

5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence

8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence

9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

| | | | | | | | | |

|FA180 |180.2 | |Review the Mass Transfer Preview Report |The system will generate the Mass Transfer | | | | |

| | | |(B) Preview |Preview Report. | | | | |

|FA180 |180.3 | |Return to the Mass Transfers screen and query the |The system will display the Mass Transfer | | | | |

| | | |Mass Transaction Number noted in Step 180.2. |information input in Step 180.1. | | | | |

| | | |Mass Transactions ( Transfers | | | | | |

|FA180 |180.4 | |Select "Run" button to run the Mass Transfer. |The system will perform the Mass Transfer. | | | | |

| | | |(B) Run | | | | | |

|FA180 |180.5 | |Input "Assets to Change" data and "Changes" data |The system will allow users to input "Assets to | | | | |

| | | |Mass Transactions ( Changes |Change" data and "Changes" data. | | | | |

|FA180 |180.6 | |Review the Mass Change Preview Report |The system will generate the Mass Change Preview| | | | |

| | | |(B) Preview |Report. | | | | |

|FA180 |180.7 | |Query the Mass Transaction Number noted in Step 180.5|The system will display the Mass Changes | | | | |

| | | |Mass Transactions ( Changes |information input in Step 180.5 | | | | |

|FA180 |180.8 | |Select the "Run" button to run the Mass Changes |The system will perform the Mass Change. | | | | |

| | | |(B) Run | | | | | |

|FA180 |180.9 | |Query the Mass Transaction Number noted in Step 180.5|The system will display the Mass Changes | | | | |

| | | |Mass Transactions ( Changes |information input in Step 180.5 | | | | |

|FA180 |180.10 | |Review the effects of the Mass Change. | | | | | |

| | | |(B) Review | | | | | |

|FA180 |180.11 | |Input retirement selection data |The system will allow users to input retirement | | | | |

| | | |Mass Transactions ( Retirements |selection data. | | | | |

|FA180 |180.12 | |Run the Mass Retirements |The system will perform the Mass Retirement. | | | | |

| | | |(B) Retire | | | | | |

|FA180 |180.13 | |Review the Mass Retirement Report and the Mass | | | | | |

| | | |Retirements Exception Report | | | | | |

|FA180 |180.14 | |Run the Calculate Gains and Losses report and verify |The system will calculate gains and losses for | | | | |

| | | |that the system calculated any gains or losses for |retired assets correctly. | | | | |

| | | |the asset properly. | | | | | |

| | | |Depreciation ( Calculate Gains and Losses | | | | | |

|FA180 |180.15 | |Requery the Mass Transaction Number noted Step 180.13|The system will display the Mass Retirements | | | | |

| | | |Mass Transactions ( Retirements |information input in Step 180.12 | | | | |

|FA180 |180.16 | |Select the "Reinstate" button |The system will reinstate the Mass Retirements. | | | | |

| | | |Mass Transactions ( Retirements | | | | | |

|FA180 |180.17 | |Choose several assets that were reinstated in Step |Assets will be properly reinstated. | | | | |

| | | |180.16 to ensure that they were properly reinstated. | | | | | |

| | | |Assets ( Asset Workbench |Note the status of the transaction will be | | | | |

| | | | |“Reinstated” | | | | |

System Test Specifications – Run Reports

N A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:

1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario

2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test

3) Role: Step/Sequence owner

4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information

5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence

8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence

9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

| | | | | | | | | |

System Test Specifications – Tax book transactions

N A Test Specification defines test script execution. You can have several specification line items per process task. Follow these guidelines:

1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario

2) Test Step: the series of procedural steps that must be taken for the scenario step in order to properly perform the test

3) Role: Step/Sequence owner

4) Action or Path: descriptive of action to be taken by the primary resource or role during the test; either navigation, location or directive information

5) Expected Results: anticipated outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

6) Actual Results: actual outcomes or outputs described in measurable terms

7) Expected Cycle Time: anticipated elapsed time for processing the Step/Sequence

8) Actual Cycle Time: actual elapsed time consumed during processing the Step/Sequence

9) Status: Active, Pending Active, Pending Obsolete, or Obsolete

| | | | | | | | | |

|FA200 |200.2 | |Run Depreciation. in Tax Books |Tax Depreciation. will be calculate. using the | | | | |

| | | |Run Tax Depreciation. |parameters defined in Tax Books. | | | | |

|FA200 |200.3 | |Run Various Tax Reports for Year End |Check year end tax reports for reasonableness | | | | |

Data Profile -

N A Data Profile describes the business conditions that are needed in order to test the application system. You can have several Data Profiles per process task. Follow these guidelines:

1) Scenario Step: unique sequence number for each task as listed on the Business Requirements Scenario (RD.050) for this scenario

2) Business Object: the name of a particular data element that must be present (like “Customer” or “Master Demand Schedule”)

3) Data Condition: actual values or reference to some other document containing values—or even a screen shot

4) Business Rule: the policy or decision drivers that influence the process step

5) Type: the entity type.

6) Status: the entity state.

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|Defect ID |Test Step |Module Name |Defect Description |Resolution |Re-Test By |Re-Test Date |Pass/Fail |Status (open, |

|Number |Reference | | | | | | |closed, in process) |

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Open And Closed Issues For This Deliverable

N Add open issues that you identify while writing or reviewing this document to the open issues section. As you resolve issues, move them to the closed issues section and keep the issue ID the same. Include an explanation of the resolution.

When this deliverable is complete, any open issues should be transferred to the project- or process-level Risk and Issue Log (PJM.CR.050) and managed using a project level Risk and Issue Form (PJM.CR.050). In addition, the open items should remain in the open issues section of this deliverable, but flagged in the resolution column as being transferred.

|ID |Issue |Resolution |Responsibility |Target Date |Impact Date |

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Closed Issues

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