UKOUG 2004 Conference - Presentation Abstracts

Requirements 2

Enhance your implementation process with Oracle Applications Implementation Methodology 2

It’s month end, now comes the reconciliation crunch! 2

Get more out of 11i with Oracle Applications Desktop Integrator (ADI) 2

Maximise your Return on Implementation Investment with Oracle Tutor 3

Successful methodologies for effective data take on 3

The beauty of Oracle’s web enabled applications 3

Keys to building effective Property Management solutions in 11i 4

Audit considerations for your 11i implementation 4

Take the pain out of Public Sector Budgeting Implementation Setups 4

Enhance your organisations budgeting process with Oracle Financial Analyzer 4

UKOUG 2004 Conference - Presentation Abstracts


Abstract: 200 Words

Enhance your implementation process with Oracle Applications Implementation Methodology

Demands for faster and better implementations are continuously increasing. This presentation will show how Oracle Applications Implementation Methodology (AIM) meets the demand for quicker, more efficient business system implementations. While traditional implementations make it difficult to realise business benefits quickly, the use of AIM’s core and optional tasks automatically define the fastest route by focusing on those tasks that are most relevant to the implementation. By eliminating any unnecessary tasks from your project, you reduce the implementation time frame.

Ensuring the implementation process is appropriately documented is also important – AIM provides generic project management document templates as well as templates specific to Oracle Applications implementations. The presenter will illustrate this by highlighting key deliverables and documentation templates the AIM software provides as well as giving practical advice based on implementation experiences.

It’s month end, now comes the reconciliation crunch!

This presentation emphasises the importance of performing reconciliations for your financial and operational systems on a regular basis. Setup issues that impact an organisations ability to reconcile as well as pertinent reports and tools that can be used in the reconciliation process will also be demonstrated.

A three-step approach will be taken. Firstly we will look at what should be reconciled, why we should reconcile and how effective reconciliations can be performed. Secondly, we will look at how setup issues within the General Ledger and Sub Ledgers can have an impact on the reconciliation process and factors to consider when setting up that could impact your ability to reconcile. Lastly, relevant reports will be highlighted to users based on the presenter’s experience in systems reconciliations.

In conclusion, the importance of performing month end closing procedures for your system will be emphasised and suggested approaches for doing this will be outlined.

Get more out of 11i with Oracle Applications Desktop Integrator (ADI)

Oracle Applications Desktop Integrator (ADI) is a fantastic tool with a wide variety of features usable by many 11i modules. This presentation discusses the account hierarchy editor, security model, and Web ADI components of the product. Although the account hierarchy editor is not widely used, the speaker will demonstrate the account hierarchy editor's potential for graphically creating, maintaining, and reviewing account structure hierarchies.

With ADI's increased proliferation across the organisation, security should be a concern. Hence the session also addresses how your organisation should use and set up functional and profile security.

Lastly, the presenter will examine how Web ADI broadens the software's functionality by leveraging the Internet Computing Architecture (ICA). With this being the main focus of the presentation, the speaker will highlight how Oracle is improving ADI’s functionality by web enabling various components of the product.

Maximise your Return on Implementation Investment with Oracle Tutor

The corporate functions of any business consist of Commerce, Knowledge Management and Business Operations. This presentation will identify how implementing Oracle Tutor adds value to each of the functions mentioned, hence increasing the Return on Investment for your implementation.

Firstly, the standard Tutor procedure documents and business forms will be analysed and discussed. Secondly, the ability to customise procedure documentation and to create personalised training material will be shown. Lastly, the use of the Authoring tool to create customised help will be discussed and demonstrated. At each stage of the analysis the presenter will highlight new functionality that has been introduced to the product as well as provide advice based on implementation experiences.

Successful methodologies for effective data take on

Without a structured approach to data take on the implementation is likely to run aground. This presentation will outline a three-step approach to taking on data. Firstly, the take on should be appropriately planned. This entails understanding the take on tools to be used, the data types involved and the timing of the take on exercise.

Secondly the infrastructure of the modules should be designed and implemented to cater for the data take on (main area of focus). Here, various setup options which affect the taking on of master and transactional data will be considered.

Lastly the actual data should be taken on using an Extract, Translate/Clean and Load process – here the presenter will look at non-technical data take on methods including the use of Oracle Applications Desktop Integrator (ADI) and DataLoader.

The beauty of Oracle’s web enabled applications

Demand for web services is growing and Oracle has adapted to and even pre-empted this requirement by web enabling their entire range of software. This presentation highlights what web offerings are available for Oracle Applications Desktop Integrator (ADI), Oracle Financial Analyzer (OFA) and Oracle Discoverer. It will also explore how these products interact with each other to provide sophisticated query, analysis and reporting functionality on organisational information.

The architecture of these web solutions will be discussed followed by the steps involved in setting up and configuring the web interface for each of these products.

Lastly, the single sign on functionality will be examined.

Keys to building effective Property Management solutions in 11i

This presentation demonstrates how Oracle Property Manager provides a comprehensive real estate management solution which automates and enhances properties definition, space utilisation management and lease administration. It will highlight how Property Manager effectively supports lease execution from both the owner and leaseholder perspectives as well as how it integrates with Payables and Receivables.

Also discussed will be key implementation considerations and the latest features introduced into the module.

Audit considerations for your 11i implementation

In any ERP implementation, review and audit is an inevitable part of the implementation process. This is particularly true today with the enactment of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and other worldwide initiatives to enhance corporate governance. This presentation identifies how to implement 11i in a manner that meets the control requirements of your auditors, both internal and external. Initially I will examine the reasons for auditing such systems and will then look at common problems encountered during audit and review exercises. In answer to the problems experienced the high level Oracle solution will be outlined and we will then take a look at specific auditing and review features embedded in the 11i E-Business Suite.

Take the pain out of Public Sector Budgeting Implementation Setups

Oracle Public Sector Budgeting is a proactive management application designed to support the unique requirements of public sector entities. This presentation will highlight the key setup steps in a PSB implementation for both Position and Non Position Budgeting. Procedures for configuring the Excel spreadsheet interface will also be outlined. Practical solutions and workarounds will be provided based on implementation experiences.

Enhance your organisations budgeting process with Oracle Financial Analyzer

This session will teach how OFA supports the budgeting process within an organisation. Specific consideration will be to the OFA web interface and Excel Spreadsheet Add-in. The GL write back functionality will also be looked at for instances where OFA is implemented on top of Oracle Applications.


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