SQL*Plus Quick Reference - Oracle


Quick Reference

Release 8.1.5

February, 1999

Part No. A66735-01

SQL*Plus Quick Reference, Release 8.1.5

Part No. A66735-01

Copyright ? 1996, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Contributing Authors:

Frank Rovitto

Contributors: Larry Baer, Lisa Colston, Roland Kovacs, Karen Denchfield-Masterson, Alison Holloway,

Sanjeev Jhala, Christopher Jones, Anita Lam, Nimish Mehta, Luan Nim, Bud Osterberg, Irene Paradisis,

Richard Rendell, Farokh Shapoorjee, Larry Stevens, Andre Touma

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SQL*Plus Quick Reference, Release 8.1.5

Part No. A66735-01

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SQL*Plus Quick Reference

This Quick Reference shows the syntax for SQL*Plus commands. For detailed

information on each command, refer to the SQL*Plus User¡¯s Guide and Reference.

SQL*Plus Quick Reference 1


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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