Oracle sql instr case insensitive


Oracle sql instr case insensitive

Question: What does regexp_instr operator do? Can you show an example of regexp_instr use? Answer: The operator regexp_instr shows the corresponding models within a chain. The regexp_instr is very powerful to extract patterns from the inside of a chain. Let's take a closer look at the prototype of the regexp_instr function: regexp_instr (chain, pattern, position, occurrence, return option, parameters) The last argument is the most important. The argument of parameters can be a combination of these formats: i - Used to introduce case-insensitively c - Maintains case (default value) n - to make the point (.) match new lines as well m - to make 'and $ match beginning and end of a line in a multi-line chainThe setting i is used to force the case-insensitive layout. Like the common UNIX grep-i command, we can use the tiny i to extract both Acre and acres. The tiny i is also the last argument in the regexp_like function. Oracle 10g introduces regular expression features in SQL with REGEXP_SUBSTR, REGEXP_REPLACE, REGEXP_INSTR and REGEXP_LIKE functions. SELECT ENAME, REGEXP_SUBSTR (ENAME, 'DAM') SUBSTR, REGEXP_INSTR (ENAME, 'T') INSTR, REGEXP_REPLACE (ENAME,'AM', '') REPLACE, REGEXP_COUNT (ENAME, 'A') COUNT FROM EMP WHERE REGEXP_LIKE (ENAME,'S'); ENAME SUBSTR INSTR REMPLACER COUNT---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------SMITH 4 SMITH 0JONES 0 JONES 0SCOTT 4 SCOTT 0 ADAMS DAM 0 AD@S 2JAMES 0 J@ES 1 REGEXP_SUBSTR returns the BARRAGE sub-filiation if found, REGEXP_INSTR returns the position of the first T, REGEXP_REPLACE replaces the AM strings with O and REGEXP_COUNT counts the occurrences of A. REGEXP_LIKE returns the strings that contain the 'S' pattern. SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR ('Programming','[[:alpha:]',1,2)FROM DUAL; REGEXP-----Racle This feature is an advanced extension of the existing INSTR function, which returns the location of the expression model to the source chain. The prototype of the REGEXP_INSTR function is shown below, REGEXP_INSTR Source_string Search_pattern, Start_position[, Match_occurrence, Return_option[,' Match_modifier]] Source_string: The chain to look for. ? Search_pattern: The regular expression model that needs to be searched in the source chain. This may be a combination of POSIX and Perl-influenced metacharactors mentioned in the section above. ? Start_position: This is an optional setting. This determines the position in the source chain where the search begins. By default, it is 1, which is the starting position of the source chain. ? Match_occurrence: This is an optional setting. This determines the appearance of the search model. By default, it is 1, which is the first appearance of the search model in the chain. ? This is an optional setting. By default, it's 0. ? If 0, the position of the first event is returned. ? If 1, the character's position after the first event is returned. ? Match_modifier/Return_option/Match_occurrence/Start_position/Search_pattern/Source_string Match_modifier/Return_option/Match_occurrence/Start_position/Search_pattern/Source_string This is an optional setting. This setting allows us to change, the corresponding behavior of the function. The valid range of options is mentioned in the Reason Matching Changes section explained above. Text position search The basic operation, which can be performed using this function is to find the position of a character or a series of characters in the source chain as shown below. The statement below returns the position of the first occurrence of the INSTR channel into the source chain with the return option as 0. PLEASE REGEXP_INSTR ('REGEXP_INSTR is an advanced extension of INSTR', 'INSTR', 1, 1, 0, 'i') regexp_instr FROM dual; Result: 8 When the return option is changed to 1, the function returns the character's position after INSTR, i.e. the space position is returned in the example below, SELECT REGEXP_INSTR ('REGEXP_INSTR is an advanced extension of inSTR', 'INSTR', 1, 1, 1, 'i') regexp_instr from dual; Result: 13-digit position search The statement below looks for the position of the numerical numbers in the source chain using the Perl-d-influenced metacharinar. This function returns the position of the first number in the source chain, i.e. the position of the number 1 is returned in the example below. SELECT REGEXP_INSTR ('REGEXP_INSTR is introduced in the Oracle 10g' version, 'd', 1) regexp_instr FROM dual; Result: 50 vowels Position search The list below searches and returns the position of the first vowel in the source chain with case sensitivity check manually deactivated using the match modifier set on i. SELECT REGEXP_INSTR ('REGEXP_INSTR is an advanced extension of inSTR', '[aeiou]', 1, 1, 0, 'i') regexp_instr from dual; Result: 2 number of POINTS The position of the second current DOT character in the source chain can be found using the query statement below. The search model O. searches for the literal DOT in the source chain. As dowry is a metacharacter, it is escaped using the reverse slash of the escape operator. PLEASE REGEXP_INSTR ('', '.', 1, 2, 0, 'i') regexp_instr from dual; Result: 16 Oracle Training by Don Burleson The best on-site Oracle training classes are just a phone call! You can get custom Oracle training from Donald Burleson, right at your shop! Burleson is the American Team Note: This Oracle documentation was created as an Oracle training support and reference for use by our DBA tuning performance consulting professionals. Don't hesitate to ask questions on our Oracle forum. Check out the experience! Anyone considering using Oracle's support expert's services must independently investigate their credentials and experience, and not rely on advertisements and self-proclaimed expertise. All legitimate Oracle experts publish their Oracle qualifications. Errata? Oracle technology is changing and we are working to update our BC Oracle support information. If you find an error or if you have a suggestion suggestion improve our content, we would appreciate your feedback. Just send an email: and include the URL of the page. Copyright ? 1996 - 2020 All rights reserved by Burleson Oracle ? are the registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. This Oracle tutorial explains how to use Oracle/PLSQL REGEXP_INSTR with syntax and examples. Oracle/PLSQL REGEXP_INSTR is an extension of the INSTR function. It returns the location of a regular expression pattern to a chain. This feature, introduced in Oracle 10g, will allow you to find a sub cordon in a chain using regular matching of expression patterns. The syntax for the REGEXP_INSTR function in Oracle is: REGEXP_INSTR (chain, pattern [, start_position [, nth_appearance [, return_option [, match_parameter [, sub_expression ] ] Settings or arguments chain to search. can be CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, CLOB or NCLOB. It can be a combination of the following: Value Description - Matches at the beginning of a chain. If used with a m match_parameter, it corresponds to the beginning of a line anywhere in the expression. $ corresponds to the end of a string. If used with a m match_parameter, it corresponds to the end of a line anywhere in the expression. Matches zero or more occurrences. Matches one or more events. ? Matches zero or an event. . Matches any character except NULL. | Used as a OR to specify more than one alternative. [ ] Used to specify a corresponding list where you try to match one of the characters on the list. [^ ] Used to specify an unmatched list where you try to match any character except those on the list. ( ) Used to group expressions as a subexpression. Correspondences m times. 'm', ' Matches at least m times. 'm,n' Matches at least m times, but no more n times. n is a number between 1 and 9. Matches the nth sub expression found inside ( ) before meeting . [..] Matches a snack item that can be more than one character. [::] Matches character classes. [==] Matches equivalency classes. It's a numerical character. D Corresponds to a non-digital character. It corresponds to a word character. W corresponds to a non-word character. S corresponds to a character of white space. S is a non-whitespace character. A Corresponds to the beginning of a string or corresponds to the end of a string before a newline character. Z Lights at the end of a chain. *? Matches the previous model zero or more occurrences. +? Matches the previous model one or more events. ?? Matches the previous model zero or event. 'n'? Matches the previous model n times. Matches the previous model at least n times. 'n,m'? Matches the previous model at least n times, but no more times. start_position optional. This is the position in the chain where the search will begin. If omitted, it is by default to 1 which is the first position in the chain. nth_appearance optional. This is the first appearance of chained. If omitted, it is by default to 1 which is the first model appearance in the chain. return_option optional. If a return_option of 0 is provided, the position of the first character of the model occurrence is returned. If a return_option of 1 is provided, the position of the character after the appearance of the pattern is returned. If it is omitted, it is by default at 0. match_parameter optional. It allows you to change the corresponding behavior for the REGEXP_INSTR function. This may be a combination of the following: Description of the c value Perform case-sensitive matching. 'i' Perform case-insensitive pairing. 'n' Allows the period character (.) to match the newline character. By default, the period is a wildcard. m expression is supposed to have several lines, where 'is the beginning of a line and $ is the end of a line, regardless of the position of these characters in the expression. By default, the expression is supposed to be a single line. Whitespace 'x' characters are ignored. By default, the characters in the white space are matched like any other character. optional sub-expression. This is used when the model has sub-expressions and you want to indicate which sub-expression in the model is the target. This is an intemping 0 to 9 indicating the sub-expression to match in the model. The REGEXP_INSTR function returns a numerical value. If the REGEXP_INSTR function does not find any model occurrence, it will return 0. Note If there are conflicting values match_parameter, the REGEXP_INSTR function will use the last value. If you omit the match_behavior setting, the REGEXP_INSTR function will use the NLS_SORT setting to determine whether it should use a case-sensitive search, it will assume that the string is a single line, and assume the period character to match any character (not the newline character). See also the INSTR function. The REGEXP_INSTR feature can be used in the following versions of Oracle/PLSQL: Oracle 12c, Oracle 11g, Oracle 10g Let's start by looking at the simplest case. Let's find the position of the first t character in a chain. For example: SELECT REGEXP_INSTR ('TechOnTheNet is a great resource', 't') dual; Result: 12 This example pays off 12 because it conducts a sensitive search for t cases. As a result, he skips the T characters and finds the first t in the 12th position. If we wanted to include both t and T in our results and conduct a case-sensitive search, we could change our query as follows: SELECT REGEXP_INSTR (TechOnTheNet is a great resource, t, 1, 1, 0, i) dual; Result: 1 Now, because we provided a start_position of 1, a nth_appearance of 1, a return_option of 0, and a match_parameter i, the query will return 1 accordingly. This time, the function will search for the t and T values and return the first occurrence. If we wanted to find the first occurrence of the t character in a column, we could try something like this (insensitive search on a case-bycase basis): SELECT REGEXP_INSTR REGEXP_INSTR 't', 1, 1, 0, 'i') AS First_Occurrence from contacts; This would allow the first occurrence of t or T values to be returned to the last_name field of the contact table. Then let's look at how we would use the REGEXP_INSTR function to match a multi-character model. For example: SELECT REGEXP_INSTR (The example shows how to use the REGEXP_INSTR function, ow, 1, 1, 0, i) double; Result: 15 This example will return the first occurrence of 'ow' in the chain. It will correspond to the ow in the word shows. We could change the starting position of the search to conduct the search from the middle of the chain. For example: SELECT REGEXP_INSTR (The example shows how to use the REGEXP_INSTR function, ow, 16, 1, 0, i) of the double; Result: 20 This example will start searching for the 'ow' model at position 16 in the chain. In this case, it will jump on the first 15 characters of the string before searching for the pattern. Now let's look at how we would use the REGEXP_INSTR function with a table column and look for several characters. For example: SELECT REGEXP_INSTR (other_comments, the, 1, 1, 0, i) from contacts; In this example, we will search for the model in the field other_comments in the contact table. The next example we will look at is the use of | Model. The | model is used as a OR to specify more than one alternative. For example: SELECT REGEXP_INSTR ('Anderson', 'a|||i|o|u') of the doubles; Result: 4 This example will return 4 because it is looking for the first vowel (a, e, i, o, or u) in the chain. Since we did not specify a match_parameter value, the REGEXP_INSTR function will perform a case-sensitive search, which means that the A in Anderson will not be matched. We could modify our query as follows to perform a search insensitive to the following case as follows: SELECT REGEXP_INSTR ('Anderson', 'a||e|o|u', 1, 1, 0, 'i') DUAL; Result: 1 Now, because we have provided a match_parameter of i, the query will return 1 accordingly. This time, the A in Anderson will be found as a match. Now let's quickly show how you would use this feature with a column. So let's say we have a contact table with the following data: contact_id last_name 1000 Anderson 2000 Smith 3000 Johnson Now, let's file the following motion: SELECT contact_id, last_name, REGEXP_INSTR (last_name, 'a|e|i|o|o|u', 1, 1, 0, 'i') AS first_occurrence FROM contact; These are the results that would be returned by the query: contact_id last_name first_occurrence 1000 Anderson 1 2000 Smith 3 3000 Johnson 2 The next example we will look at is the nth_occurrence setting. The nth_occurrence setting lets you select model you want to return the position of. First event Let's look at how to find the first occurrence of a pattern in a chain. For example: SELECT REGEXP_INSTR ('TechOnTheNet', 'a|e|i|o|u', 1, 1, 0, 'i') DE dual; Result: 2 This example will come back 2 because it is for the first occurrence of a vowel (a, e, i, o, or u) in the chain. Second occurrence Then we will look for the second occurrence of a pattern in a chain. For example: SELECT REGEXP_INSTR ('TechOnTheNet', 'a|e|i|o|u', 1, 2, 0, 'i') DE dual; Result: 5 This example will return 5 because it is looking for the second occurrence of a vowel (a, e, i, o, or u) in the chain. Third occurrence For example: SELECT REGEXP_INSTR ('TechOnTheNet', 'a|e|c|o|u', 1, 3, 0, 'i') DE dual; Result: 9 This example will return 9 because it is looking for the third occurrence of a vowel (a, e, i, o, or u) in the chain. Finally, let's look at how the return_option setting affects our results. For example: SELECT REGEXP_INSTR ('TechOnTheNet', 'The', 1, 1, 0, 'i') DE dual; Result: 7 In this basic example, we look for a pattern in a chain and the search is insensitive to cases. We have specified the return_option setting as 0 which means that the position of the first character of the model will be returned. Now let's change the setting return_option 1 and see what happens. For example: SELECT REGEXP_INSTR ('TechOnTheNet', 'The', 1, 1, 1, 'i') DE dual; Result: 10 A setting return_option 1 tells the function REGEXP_INSTR to return the position of the character according to the matched model. In this example, the function will be back 10. 10.

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