EVT Schema Conformance Report

EVT Schema Conformance Report

Flow Documentation Status and Contact Information

Flow Name: Integrated Report Event (EVT) flow for EPA Office of Water

Schemas/Versions included in Conformance Report: EVT v1.1

Conformance Report Author: Scott Kocher

Contact Information: INDUS Corporation, Vienna, VA, 22182; 703-506-6700

Schema Developer: Scott Kocher

Contact Information: INDUS Corporation, Vienna, VA, 22182; 703-506-6700

Other Point of Contact for Flow Documentation Package: Steve Andrews

Contact Information: INDUS Corporation, Vienna, VA, 22182; 703-506-6700

Date Flow Documentation Package Submitted: November 1, 2007

W3C Conformance and Validation

W3C’s XSV Tool Output:

[X] yes [ ] no Output pasted in the last section of the Conformance Report

[X] yes [ ] no Zero errors identified by XSV Tool

Explanation of Warnings Listed in XSV Tool Output:

|Warning |Explanation |

| | |

Schema and Instance Document Validation:

Names of XML parser(s) intended for use in conjunction with the flow and development tool(s) used to validate the schema and instance documents:

|Xerxes |

|Oracle XML Parser |

[X] yes [ ] no All schema files validate using all parsers and tools listed above

[X] yes [ ] no All sample instance documents validate using all parsers and tools listed above

[X] yes [ ] no All sample instance documents validate using the CDX validator service

Design Rules and Conventions Conformance

Explanation of DRC Violations Identified:

|DRC Rule ID |Schema Filenames |Explanation |

|SD5-20: Data-centric |index.xsd |This violation occurs only in the index.xsd file, the default |

|schemas SHOULD include a | |file for the WAD schema directory. Since the default file |

|version number (1.0) in | |enables access to a schema without having to know any of the |

|their filename. | |schema's filenames, it should not include a version number. The |

| | |violation is not valid for this file. |

Shared Schema Components Conformance

Due to the specialized nature of the spatial data being included in this dataflow, no Shared Schema Components were utilized. However, some existing XML Schema elements and types were used from the NOAA Coastal Services Center’s XML Schema implementing the Federal Geographic Data Committee’s Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata (SGML). Integration of this standard is also listed below.

SSC Integration:

High Level of SSC Integration:

|Element Name |Schema Path |

| | |

Medium Level of SSC Integration:

|Element Name |Complex SSC Element or Data Type |Derived By |

| | | |

Low Level of SSC Integration:

|Element Name |Simple SSC Element or Data Type |

| | |

Explanation for Not Integrating Available SSCs:

|Schema Name |Element or Type |SSC Element or Type |Explanation |

| | | | |

SGML Integration:

High Level of SGML Integration:

|Element Name |Schema Path |

|sgml:supplinf |sgml/fgdc-std-001-1998-ann.xsd |

|sgml:procstep |sgml/fgdc-std-001-1998-ann.xsd |

|sgml:cntinfo |sgml/fgdc-std-001-1998-ann.xsd |

Medium Level of SGML Integration:

|Element Name |Complex SGML Element or Data Type |Derived By |

| | | |

Low Level of SGML Integration:

|Element Name |Simple SGML Element or Data Type |

| | |

Explanation for Not Integrating Available SGMLs:

|Schema Name |Element or Type |SGML Element or Type |Explanation |

| | | | |

Explanation for Not Integrating Available EDSC Element Names:

|Schema Name |Element or Type |SSC Element or Type |Explanation |

| | | | |

Candidates for New SSCs:

|Schema Name |Element or Type Name |CRM data block |

| | | |


1. The Schema Design Tool should be modified to exclude validation check SD5-20 for the default schema file, index.xsd.

W3C’s XSV Tool Output

Schema validating with XSV 3.1-1 of 2007/12/11 16:20:05

* Target: [standalone schema assessment]

(Real name:

Length: 885 bytes

Last Modified: Wed, 04 Mar 2009 20:16:41 GMT

Server: Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server)

* schemaDocs:

* The schema(s) used for schema-validation had

no errors

* The target was not assessed

Schema resources involved

Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: command line) for

no namespace,


Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for



Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for



Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for



Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for



Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for


skipped, already loaded

Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for



Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for


skipped, already loaded

Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for



Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for


skipped, already loaded

Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for



Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for


skipped, already loaded

Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for



Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for


skipped, already loaded

Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for



Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for


skipped, already loaded

Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for



Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for


skipped, already loaded

Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for



Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for



Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for



Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for


skipped, already loaded

Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for



Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for


skipped, already loaded

Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for



Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for


skipped, already loaded

Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for



Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for


skipped, already loaded

Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for



Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for


skipped, already loaded

Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for



Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for


skipped, already loaded

Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for



Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for


skipped, already loaded

Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for



Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for


skipped, already loaded

Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for



Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for


skipped, already loaded

Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for



Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for


skipped, already loaded

Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for



Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for


skipped, already loaded

Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for


skipped, already loaded

Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for



Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for


skipped, already loaded

Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for



Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for


skipped, already loaded

Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for


skipped, already loaded

Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for



Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for


skipped, already loaded

Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for


skipped, already loaded

Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for


skipped, already loaded

Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for


skipped, already loaded

Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for


skipped, already loaded

Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for



Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for


skipped, already loaded

Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for



Attempt to load a schema document from

(source: include) for


skipped, already loaded

DRC Schema Design Tool Output

Violations for File : index.xsd

Wed Mar 04 15:38:09 EST 2009

1 [SD5-20] Data-centric schemas SHOULD include a version number (1.1) in their filename.

Total Number of Violations = 1

Violations for File : EVT_v1.1.xsd

Wed Mar 04 15:38:48 EST 2009

Total Number of Violations = 0

Violations for File : EVT_Events_v1.1.xsd

Wed Mar 04 15:39:22 EST 2009

Total Number of Violations = 0

Violations for File : EVT_Attributes_v1.1.xsd

Wed Mar 04 15:39:33 EST 2009

Total Number of Violations = 0

Violations for File : EVT_Metadata_v1.1.xsd

Wed Mar 04 15:39:44 EST 2009

Total Number of Violations = 0

Violations for File : EVT_MetadataLookup_v1.1.xsd

Wed Mar 04 15:39:55 EST 2009

Total Number of Violations = 0


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