Medication or Category

Medication or Category |Misc Details |Drug/Dose |Indication for Use |Mechanism of Action |Contraindications & Toxicity |Adverse Reactions | |

|Adrenergic Agonist- |Alpha- smooth musc. Beta1- heart |Direct- Albuterol, Epi, Norepi, |Use: ADHA, Vasconstrictor for | Direct- Stimulate a,B1, B2 |Heart disease, glaucoma, renal |Anxiety, headache, |

|Sympathomimetic |Beta2- lungs |Isoproterenol, Ritodine. Indirect- |LA, Decongestant, Vasopressor |receptors. indirect-stimulate |disease, pregnancy, |hypertension, tachycardia |

| | |Amphetamine. Mixed- Ephedrine |to control BP, Bronchodilator |release of Norepi |hypersensitivity | |

|Adrenergic Blocking Agents |Vasodilating on peripheral blood |Imidazoline and haloalkylamine |ACUTE Hypertension- surgery |Blocks SANS functions |Hypersentivity, pregnancy, |Orthostatic hypotension, |

|(ALPHA) |vessels.Sympatholytic | | | |coronary heart disease |weakness, tachycardia |

| |Competitive antagonist | | | | | |

|B-adrenergic Blockers |Decrease heart rate |Sympathomimetic Atenolol, Metoprolol, |Prevent another MI, glaucoma, |Vasodilation, blocks SANS |Ibuprofen, diabetes, heart failure|Dypsnea, dizziness, |

| | | |hypertension | | |hyperglycemia, hypotension |

|Cholinergic |Mimic Ach, cholinomimetic |Pilocarpine- salivary stimulant |Glaucoma, Xerostomia, |Direct- act on receptor | | |

| | | |myasthenia gravis, dementias |Indirect-cause release of | | |

| | | |SLUDGE- Salivation, |neurotransmitter | | |

| | | |Lacrimation, Urination, | | | |

| | | |Defecation, Gastric Motility, | | | |

| | | |Emesis | | | |

|Anticholinergic or | |1-Belladonna alkaloids- Atropine |Decrease salivary flow. Block |Block responses to PANS |Glaucoma, MI, CHF |Dry mouth, blurred vision, |

|Antimuscarinic | |2-Semi-synthetic Derivatives- |SLUDGE, reduce gastric |stimulations and SANS of | |drowsiness, confusion, |

| | |Homatropine |acidity, bradycardia, renal |thermoregulatory sweat glands. | |excitement |

| | |3-Synthetic Quart. Ammonian Compounds- |colic and incontinence, |Protects ACh from hydrolysis by | | |

| | |Methantheline |Parkinson’s and Tremors, |acteylcholinesterase | | |

| | |4-Synthetic NOT Quart Amm Compounds- |prevents motion sickness, | | | |

| | |Benzatropine |reduce dilation of pupil, | | | |

| | | |relax bronchioles- asthma | | | |

|Medication or Category |Misc Details |Drug/Dose |Indication for Use |Mechanism ofAction |Contraindications & Toxicity |Adverse Reactions |

|BenzodiazepinesUndergo 1st |Dose-dependant depressants, MINOR|Diazepam (Valium) Alprazolam |Reduce anxiety- (low dose); |Enhance GABA and increase frequency|Interacts with Alcohol, |Drowsiness, Allergic |

|pass metabolism |tranquilizer, highly lipid, |Flumaxenil- Benzodiazepine OD |drowsiness/sleep (high dose); |of Cl- opening. |barbiturates, anticonvulsants & |reactions |

| |un-ionized &highly protein bound- | |anticonvulsants, hypnotics, | |phenothiazines. Smoking reduces | |

| |so quick onset and easily cross | |muscle relaxant, Alcohol | |effectiveness, Increase effects of| |

| |BBB and placenta | |withdrawl, panic disorders | |Digoxin, Phenytoin (Dilatin) | |

|Barbiturates |Dose-dependant, Addiction, MAJOR |Thiopental |General Anesthesia, Tx of |Enhance GABA binding and increase |Pt. with porphyria: Decrease |Addiction, |

| |tranquilizer |Phenobarbital- most common |Epilepsy, Relaxation |DURATION of Cl- channel opening |duration of other drugs | |

| | |anticonvulsant | | |metabolized in liver such as | |

| | | | | |Dilantin | |

|Non-barbiturates Sedative |Chloral Hydrate (Noctec) |Zolpidem (Ambien)-short term mg of | | | | |

|Hypnotic |preoperative sedation for kids |insomnia and anxiolytic b/f tx | | | | |

| |Meprobamate | | | | | |

|Anticonvulsant- NARROW TI |Also used for trigeminal neuralgia|Carbamazepine (Tegretol) | | |Decrease effects of Arestin, |GI upset, depressed CNS, |

| |& | | | |Warfarin, oral contraceptives, |sedation, teragoncity, rash, |

| |PARTIAL Seizures | | | |Increase effects when used with |eythema multiforme, Oral |

| | | | | |and CA blockers and TB drugs, |effects- Zerostomia, |

| | |Valproate (Depokote) | | |erythromycin. |glossitis, |

|Medication or Category |Misc Details |Drug/Dose |Indication for Use |Mechanism ofAction |Contraindications & Toxicity |Adverse Reactions |

|Antiparkinson | |Levodopa (Dopar) | |Combo w/ another drug, cross BBB | | |

| | | | |and converts Dopamine to help | | |

| | | | |decrease tremors | | |

|Anticonvulsant |Tonic-Clonic Seizure |Phenytoin (Dilatin) | | | |Gingival Hyperplasia-50% of |

| | |Phenobarbital | | | |pt on Dilantin |

| |Petite Mal- Valproic Acid & | | | | | |

| |Ethosuccimide | | | | | |

|Antipsychotics | |Phenothiazine | | |Combined with Opiod will increase | |

| | | | | |depression | |

|Digitalis Glycoside | |Digitalis (Lanoxin) |Used for CHF | |Use LA with caution |Narrow TI, GI upset, |

| | | | | | |arrthymias, increase saliva |

| | | | | | |and gag reflex, |

|Opioids (Narcotics) |Used when NSAID are |Morphine, Oxycodone, Codeine, |Analgesia, sedation, |Bind to receptor site in CNS and |Allergy, compromised respiration, |GI upset, respiratory |

| |contraindicated |Hydrocodone |antidiarrheal, anesthesia, |alters perception of pain. Mu, k, |head injury, myxedema, pregnant, |depression |

| | | |pulmonary edema |delta receptors |alcoholic, constipation | |

|Salicylates (Nonopioids) |Antiinflammatory, analgesic- nerve|Aspirin- acetylsalicylic acid |Mild/mod pain, prevent MI, |INhibits COX |Bleeding disorders, toxicity, |GI upset, bleeding |

| |origin,antipyretic, anti-platelet | |arthritis, chronic pain | |allgery, pregnant, hepatic or | |

| | | | | |renal disease, Reye’s syndrome | |

|Medication or Category |Misc Details |Drug/Dose |Indication for Use |Mechanism ofAction |Contraindications & Toxicity |Adverse Reactions |

|NSAIDS |Antiinflammatory, Analgesic- |Ibuprofen (Advil) |Arthritis, fever, pain, gout, |Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis |Renal, Allgery, Pregnant, Can’t |GI upset, Xerostomia, |

| |mechanical, thermal or chemical |Naproxen (Aleve) |menstration | |take with Lithium salts, |sedation, dizziness |

| |origin, antipyretic | | | |anticoagulants, acetaminophen, | |

| | | | | |diuretics, | |

|Acetaminophen |Weak anti-inflammatory, analgesic,|Tylenol, Datril, Panadol |When aspirin is | |Allergy, alcoholics, pregnant, use|Hepatic necrosis, urticaria, |

| |antipyretic | |contraindicated. | |of barbiturates, rifampin and |hypoglycemia |

| | | |Osteoarthritis, Children Fever| |isoniazid (TB drugs) may increase | |

| | | |or flu, arthritis | |toxic effects | |

|Antifungal |3 forms- aqueous solution-50% |Nystatin- take for 10-14 days or 48 hrs|Used for Candidiasis |Binds to sterols in fungal cell |Allergy, pregnancy, renal or liver| |

| |sugar. |after symptoms clear | |membrane increasing permeability & |disease | |

| |pastilles-15min to dissolve, | | |K leaks out | | |

| |sugar. | | | | | |

| |Vaginal tablets-no sugar. 4x/day. | | | | | |

|Antifungal- Imidazole class | |Ketroconazole- Needs acidic |Used for oropharyngeal |Alters cytoplasmic membrane |Decrease effects of oral |Inhibits secretion of |

| | |environment, take with HCL thru straw. |candiasis and esophageal |permeability and interferes with |contraceptives, don’t take with |corticosteriods, |

| | |Fluconazole-immunocompromised |candidiasis |enzymes. |rifampin (TB drug), pregnancy, |hepatotoxicity, |

| | | | | |liver or renal disease, don’t take| |

| | | | | |with drugs that reduce acidity of | |

| | | | | |GI | |

|Antifungal- Imidazole class |2nd pass metabolism- because |Clotrimazole-oral lozenge 1tab 5x/day |Used for oropharyngeal |Alters cytoplasmc membrane | |Elevated liver enzymes, GI |

| |elevates liver enzymes |48hrs after symptoms clear |candiasis |permeability. Binds to | |upset |

| | | | |phospholipids | | |

|Medication or Category |Misc Details |Drug/Dose |Indication for Use |Mechanism ofAction |Contraindications & Toxicity |Adverse Reactions |

|Antiviral |Acyclovir-Nucleoside inhibitor, |Acyclovir- ORAL- take at prodromal |Recurrent Herpes, genital, and| | |GI upset, Headache, |

| |excreted primarily unchanged, |stage |prophylaxis | | |Dizziness, irritability, |

| | |Penciclovir-Topical- drug stays in cell| | | |depression |

| | |longer | | | | |

|Antiviral- HIV |1-Nucleoside reverse transcriptase|1-Retrovir-AZT-terminates synthesis of |Cocktail for HIV |Short Half live |When NNRTI used alone-resistance |Bone marrow depression, |

| |inhibitor |viral DNA, blocks viral replication | | |develops rapidly, |thrombocytopenia, GI |

| |2-Non-nucleoside reverse |2- Nevirapine- HIV1 | | |With AZT-Tylenol, indomethacin & |problems, mucosal |

| |transcriptase inhibitor |3-Saquinavir-prevent HIV cell from | | |aspirin increase potential |ulcerations, rash, |

| |3-Protease inhibitor |maturing | | |toxicity for both drugs. |hyperglycemia |

|Antiviral- Interferons |Have antiviral, cytotoxic and |Interferon |Used for MS, | | |Flu-like symptoms |

| |immunomodulating action | |Hep C | | | |

|GI drugs |1-Proton Pump Inhibitor- inhibit |3-Antibiotics- Amoxicillin |Emetics- emptying the stomach-| | | |

| |acid secretion-GERD Esomeprazole |Clarithromycin |Ipecac. For emergency | | | |

| |2-H2receptor antihistamine- PEPTIC|4-Gastric Antiacids- increase gastric |ingestion of poison. | | | |

| |ULCER- Cimetidine |ph, neutralize acid,- magnesium salt, | | | | |

| | |calcium carbonates | | | | |

|Respiratory Drugs |1-antinflammotory- corticosteroids|3-Adren. Agonist- Epi, Ephedrine | | | | |

| |2-B2 selective blocker- Albuterol,|4. Nonsteriodal Prophlaxis- Cromolyn, | | | | |

| |Metaproternol |Methotrexate | | | | |

|Medication or Category |Misc Details |Drug/Dose |Indication for Use |Mechanism ofAction |Contraindications & Toxicity |Adverse Reactions |

|Anticoagulants | |1-Heparin- DIRECT acting |1-monitors aPTT (intrinsic |1-interferes with blood coagulation|Pt. can have excessive bleeding. |Heparin antidote- Prtamine IV|

| | | |pathway) | |Need INR |Coumadin antidote- Vitamin K |

| | |2-Coumadin INDIRECT acting | |2-inhibits Vitamin K epoxide | |IV |

| | | | |reductase enzyme. | | |

|Antiarrhythmic |Four groups |1.Na blocker- Lidocaine |Abnormal pulse conduction |Depress the parts of the heart that| | |

| | |2-B-blocker- Propranolol |Can be caused by blocked |are beating irregularly by | | |

| | |3-K blocker- Amiodirome |artery, anoxia & |decreasing rate of depolarization | | |

| | |B- Verapimil |arteriosclerosis |or frequency of charge | | |

|Antianginal |Pain in chest that radiates down |1- Nitroglycerin compounds |Angina |Vasodilator, release nitrite ions |Storage- degraded by moisture, |severe headache, hypotension,|

| |shoulder, left arm, neck ,back, | | |and nitric oxide---decreases O2 |heat, brown bottle, discard after |burning or tingling at site |

| |jaw | | |demand and reduces angina pain |3-6 months |of admin |

| |Insufficient O2 to heart | | | | | |

|Antianginal | |2-B-blockers-Atenolol, Propranolol, |Exercise Induced or Stress |Blocks beta response to | |Bradycardia, CHF, headache, |

| | |Metoprolol |Induced angina |catecholamine stimulation- decrease| |Xerostomia, blurred vision |

| | | | |in O2 demand | | |

|Antianginal | |3-CCB-Verapimil, Nifedipine (Procardia)|Angina |Inhibits Ca during constraction of | |Procardia-gingival |

| | | | |cardiac & smooth muscle contraction| |enlargement |

| | | | | | |hypotension, constipation, |

| | | | | | |dizzy |

|Antihypertensive |Tx- 1-Lifestyle 2-Drug/Lifestyle |Thiazides-most common for HT |HT |Unknown- |NSAIDS can reduce effects of |Hypokalemia, hyperglycemia, |

| |3-Drug dose increase |Hydrochlorothiazide | |Maybe- initial inhibit reabsorption|thiazide |hyperlipidemia, |

| |4- Mix 2-3 drugs | | |of sodium in kidney | |hypercalcemia, Xerostomia |

|Medication or Category |Misc Details |Drug/Dose |Indication for Use |Mechanism ofAction |Contraindications & Toxicity |Adverse Reactions |

|Antihypertensive | | | | | | |

|Histamine | | | | | | |

|Antihistamine | | | | | | |

|Hypothyroidism Drugs | | | | | | |


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