Mississippi State University

ASRED Spring Meeting Agenda

April 16 – 18, 2018

Hilton Garden Inn - Orange Beach, AL

(All activities scheduled for the Island Bay Room)

|Monday, April 16 |

|5:30 – 7:00 PM |Joint Welcome Reception |

| |

|Tuesday, April 17 |

|6:30 – 8:00 AM |Breakfast |

|8:00 – 8:30 |1 |Welcome and Introductions – Dr. Gary Lemme, Chair, ASRED |

| | |Review Agenda |

| | |Approve Minutes of August 2017 Meeting |

| | |Appoint and Charge Committees |

| | |Nominating Committee for 2018 - 2019 (See list of vacancies HERE) |

| | |ED Evaluation/POW/Budget Committee (See Accomplishment/Goals HERE and Budget HERE) |

| | |Resolutions Committee |

| | | |

|8:30 – 10:00 |2 |State Updates (5 minutes each) |

| | |Print Consolidated State Update document HERE or print separately below. |

| | |Individual documents: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, |

| | |Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Virgin Islands |

|10:00 – 10:30 |Break |

|10:30 – Noon |3 |ECOP Reports/Discussion – Drs. Ed Jones, Tom Dobbins, Gary Jackson and Doug Steele |

| | |Programmatic Themes/Reporting Proposal – Dr. Ed Jones |

| | |Private Resource Mobilization Report – Dr. Tom Dobbins |

| | |Budget and Legislative Committee Report – Dr. Doug Steele, Chair |

| | |CE and University Mission Report – ECOP Members |

| | |kGlobal Study Proposal – Dr. Ed Jones |

| | |Policy Board of Directors Report – Dr. Doug Steele |

|12:00 – 1:00 PM |Lunch |

|1:00 – 5:00 PM |General ASRED Session |

|1:00 – 3:00 |4 |NIFA Update – Dr. Denise Eblen, Deputy Director, USDA/NIFA, Institute of Food Safety and Nutrition |

| | |See report HERE. |

| |5 |NIFA Questions and Issues Regarding Budgeting and Reporting – Drs. Ron Brown and Eric Young |

| | | |

| | |Several Directors, as well as budgeting and reporting staff, have identified Questions/Issues that are of concern from the|

| | |standpoint of influencing negatively the effective management of capacity funds. Questions also remain about Time and |

| | |Effort reporting. |

| |6 |Southeast Small Fruits Consortium (PDF) – Drs. Rich Bonanno and Laura Johnson |

| |7 |ECOP 4-H Leadership Report and National 4-H Congress Update – Drs. Laura Johnson and Ed Jones |

| |8 |Public-private Partnerships/Collaborations – Dr. Rick Cartwright and All |

| | | |

| | |Public-private partnerships and similar collaborative activities are often productive, but issues arise – policies and |

| | |procedures concerning conflict of interest; best practices; successes and failures, especially with private ag-related |

| | |companies and company-sponsored events, including “recreation” activities connected to conferences. |

|3:00 – 3:30 |Break |

|3:30 – 5:00 |9 |SAAESD Update – Dr. Eric Young |

| | | |

| | |Dr. Young will provide an update on SAAESD, highlight the joint 2019 regional LG meeting and report on SERA 46. |

| |10 |Managing Extension Faculty Needs |

| | | |

| | |Salary enhancement to retain faculty – Dr. Rick Cartwright |

| | |9-month versus 12-month appointments – Dr. Rich Bonanno |

| | |Consulting policies – in and out of state – Dr. Rick Cartwright |

| |11 |Value of Assessments – Dr. Laura Johnson |

| | | |

| | |Each year, Directors have to weigh the value of assessments to the total Extension program. Dr. Johnson will lead a |

| | |discussion about assessments that are commonly considered across the region. |

|Wednesday, April 18 |

|6:30 – 8:00 AM |Breakfast |

|8:00 – Noon |ASRED Business Session |

|8:00 – 10:00 |(2) |Continue State Updates, if needed |

| |12 | |

| | |Nominations Committee Report/Action |

| | |Resolutions Committee Report/Action |

| | |ED Review/Budget Committee Report/Action |

| |13 |NIDB Committee Update – Drs. Ron Brown and Eric Young |

| |14 | |

| | |Forestry Committee Update – Dr. Laura Johnson (3 handouts attached) |

| | |Review of current MOU and funding (HERE) |

| | |Report on evaluating issue program funding (Place and Johnson) |

| | |Discussion on continued need for Regional Forestry support (HERE) |

| | |Action steps moving forward (FY18 Budget) |

|10:00 – 10:30 | |Break | |

|10:30 - Noon |15 |Administrative Advisor and Other Reports | |

| | |(a) SERA 25, Turf (HERE)– Dr. Gary Lemme | |

| | |(b) ANR PC Report – Dr. Laura Johnson | |

| | |(c) Middle Managers Report – Dr. Rick Cartwright | |

| | |(d) Southern Region Aquaculture Center Report – Dr. Rick Cartwright | |

| | |(e) Upcoming 2018 Meetings (HERE) | |

| | |(f) Culture of Health/RWJF Update – Dr. Michelle Rodgers | |

| | |(g) Committee on Legislation and Policy Report – Dr. Fred Schlutt | |

| | |(h) LG System Response to the Opioid Crisis (HERE) – Dr. Mark Skidmore | |

| | |(i) EDEN Report – Dr. Nick Place | |

| | |(j) Civil Dialogue Update – Ms. Rachel Welborn, SRDC | |

| | |(k) JCEP Report – Dr. Kathleen Tweeten | |

| | |(l) NUEL Report – Dr. Patrick Proden | |

| |16 |Other Items | |

| | |(a) Regional Weed MOU – Dr. Rich Bonanno | |

|Noon |Adjourn |


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