Credentialing Program: - Virginia Department of Education

Fact Sheet:

Certified Dental Assistant Examinations from Dental Assisting National Board, Inc. (DANB)

|Preparation can be obtained in course sequences in Health and Medical Sciences. | |

|Credentialing Program |Dental Assistant Examinations |

|Industry Certifications |*Infection Control Examination |

| |*Radiation Health & Safety Examination |

| | |

| |*These are two of the three exams that comprise the full certification program for |

| |DANB’s Certified Dental Assistant. Either exam will serve as credentialing for |

| |student-selected verified credit in Virginia. |

|Cost | |

| |Examination Fee: $85.00 (per exam) |

| |Application Fee: $35.00 (non-refundable) |

|Testing Procedure | |

| |Applicants should contact the Dental Assisting National Board, Inc. (DANB), for a |

| |“2003 Candidate Guide” which will include exam applications, information regarding |

| |print and/or computer examinations, and testing sites. Candidates must choose |

| |whether to take an examination in computerized format (offered throughout the year), |

| |or written format (paper and pencil) offered up to three times a year (limited |

| |locations). DANB has contracted with a national computerized testing vendor to |

| |administer computerized versions of DANB examinations. After an application |

| |(contained in “2003 Candidate Guide”) is processed, the candidate will receive a |

| |notification letter from DANB stating that the candidate my schedule an appointment |

| |for testing by calling a special tool free line. |

|Ordering Information | |

| |Order Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) “2003 Candidate Guide” from: |

| |Dental Assisting National Board, Inc. (DANB) |

| |676 N. St. Clair Street, Suite 1880 |

| |Chicago, Illinois 60611 |

| |1-800-FOR-DANB or 312-642-3368 |

| |Fax: 312-642-1475 |

| |danbmail@ |

|Issuing Entity Web Site for Additional | |

|Information | |

| | |

| |Examination information and applications: |

| | |

| | |

|Instructional Materials | |

| |Publications are available from DANB that will help prepare candidates to earn the |

| |Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) credential (see “2003 Candidates Guide,” or |

| |). |

|Certification Board of Education Approved | |

| |Student-selected Verified Credit, CTE Diploma Seal |

|CTE Course Correlation | |

| |See Section 4, Health and Medical Sciences, of “CTE Administrative Planning Guide |

| |2005-2006.” |

| | |

| | |

|Issuing Entity Contact | |

| |Dental Assisting National Board, Inc. (DANB) |

| |676 N. St. Clair Street, Suite 1880 |

| |Chicago, Illinois 60611 |

| |1-800-FOR-DANB or 312-642-3368 |

| |Fax: 312-642-1475 |

| |danbmail@ |

| | |

|DOE Contact for CTE Curriculum Area | |

| |JoAnn Wakelyn |

| |Specialist for Health and Medical Sciences |

| |804-225-2842 |

| |Joann.wakelyn@doe. |

|DOE Contact for Credentialing: | |

| |Gordon Creasy |

| |Specialist for Industry Certification and Licensure |

| |804-225-2057 |

| |Gordon.creasy@doe. |


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