Functions and Relations,

SBI3CI Grade 11 College Biology Course Overview 2019-2020 Name:

Teacher: Mrs. Orescanin-Wicken (519) 634-5441 ext.5636 E-mail:

School website: Course Website: mrso-w.


This course focuses on the processes that occur in biological systems. Students will learn concepts and theories as they conduct investigations in the areas of cellular biology, microbiology, genetics, the anatomy of mammals, and the structure of plants and their role in the natural environment. Emphasis will be placed on the practical application of concepts, and on the skills needed for further study in various branches of the life sciences and related fields. (Ontario Curriculum, 2008) ($12 course fee – financial aid available, subject to change)



➢ Life processes are determined by the structures and functions of biochemical compounds, cell organelles, and body systems.

➢ Technological devices that support cellular functions and processes can be used to improve human health.

➢ Substances that are present in our everyday lives can affect cellular functions and processes in positive and negative ways.


➢ Groups of microorganisms have common characteristics, and these characteristics enable them to interact with other organisms in the environment.

➢ Microorganisms can have both positive and negative effects on the environment.

➢ The technological use of microorganisms raises many ethical issues.


➢ Genetic research and biotechnology have social, environmental, and ethical implications.

➢ Variability and diversity of living organisms result from the distribution of genetic materials during the process of meiosis.


➢ Groups of organs with specific structures and functions work together as systems, which interact with other systems in the body.

➢ Technologies that are used to maintain human health have social and economic benefits and costs.

➢ Environmental factors, including natural factors and those resulting from human activity, can have a wide range of effects on human health.


➢ Plants have specialized structures with distinct functions that enable them to respond and adapt to their environment.

➢ Plants are critical to the survival of ecosystems.

➢ Humans affect the sustainability of ecosystems when they alter the balance of plants within those ecosystems.


Assessment and evaluation in this course will be based on the provincial curriculum expectations. Students will be provided with numerous and varied opportunities to demonstrate the full extent of their acquired knowledge throughout the course.

Evaluative items throughout the course will include tests, quizzes, lab reports and assignments. Summative evaluations during the final portion of the course will include the fetal pig dissection and report, and the final exam. The breakdown is as follows:

Term Work 70% Final Evaluation 30%


Numerous and varied assessment items have been chosen for students to demonstrate evidence of acquisition of essential knowledge and subject-specific skills, as required for credit in this course.

All work required for evaluation must be completed in order to achieve credit in the course.

• It is the teacher’s responsibility to clearly outline expectations for each evaluative item and to clearly communicate the due date.

• It is the student’s responsibility to ensure all evaluative items are completed, and submitted by the due date.

Summative assessment item(s) not submitted by the negotiated due date will receive an incomplete (I). This will be reflected in the learning skills area of the report card, and may jeopardize success in the course. Due dates are designed to pace learning & provide timely and useful feedback.

Essential learning required for summative assessment items not completed by the due date will still need to be demonstrated at a future date at the discretion and design of the teacher. In such a case, the teacher will use his/her professional judgment to determine an appropriate final course mark. The student is at risk of failure should any evaluative work not be completed.


It is expected that each student will keep an organized binder of notes and handouts throughout each unit. This will be monitored throughout the course to encourage organizational skills and to assist students when it is time to study for quizzes, tests and the final exam.

The student will be responsible for accessing our Google Classroom and mrso-w. whenever indicated in order to access posted information & important documents. The student shall print all required documents to keep in their notebook for study purposes.


The student will be loaned a textbook for the semester, and will be responsible for loss or any damage. Cost for damages/loss will be assessed at the end of the course. Currently, the replacement cost is $120.ooCDN. This is subject to change.


The following learning skills will be assessed throughout the course and will be communicated on the report card:

• independent work

• collaboration

• organization

• responsibility

• self-regulation

• initiative


Attendance and Lates

Regular attendance and punctuality at school is very important for learning and achievement of course expectations.

Please familiarize yourself with the reference material provided in the student planner on the school’s website regarding attendance.

IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO CATCH UP ON ALL MISSED WORK due to an absence in a timely manner (prior to the next lesson is recommended to reduce stress on the student, wherever possible.)

Please call the guidance office to set up a homework collection folder for extended absences.

➢ Please notify your teacher of any upcoming absences, so that you may work ahead and be prepared for class upon your return.

➢ Come in for extra help during your teacher’s office hours if you encounter difficulty with lesson material after an absence.

➢ If you know that you will be absent for a test, YOU MUST make arrangements to write it ahead of time. Please be sure to validate absences prior to returning to the next class. You will write the test during the lunch hour on your first day back to the building.

➢ All labs/assignments/homework are due at the beginning of class on the due date, both printed and submitted online to .

➢ Once the Turnitin window is closed and a paper copy of the assessment item has not been submitted, a “no mark” will be assigned. An alternate assignment/test will not be designed to replace an assignment a student has chosen not to do. The student’s course mark will be negatively affected by incomplete assessments.

SUPPLIES – please communicate at home!

Each day you must bring:


• 3-ring binder


• Pencil & eraser

• Red & Blue/Black pens

• Correction fluid/tape

• Assorted pencil crayons

• Highlighter(s)


Extra help is available. Don’t wait!!! Come in as soon as you encounter difficulty….

Extra help hours: First half of lunch (10:55-11:15am) Mondays & Thursdays only Room 208

Arrive by 10:55 to ensure adequate time to address your concerns. If no one arrives by 10:57, the session will be closed.


Permission to use a study aid for tests/exam is an occasional privilege and reward for attending class. It is not an entitlement.

In order to use a study aid, attendance in all classes leading up to a test/exam is required. Valid absences are the only exception.

! PLAGIARISM AND CHEATING POLICY – Please read carefully!

Plagiarism, including theft and misrepresentation of original work (DO NOT COPY ANY PART OF ANOTHER STUDENT’S LAB REPORT), cheating, theft of evaluation instruments, use of unauthorized aids, and false representation of identity, will result in appropriate consequences. The teacher will inform administration and meet with the student to determine the nature and extent of the incident, the student’s understandings of the situation and intent. Please refer to the student planner for more information.

If you do not understand plagiarism, or have any questions, please ask your teacher for clarification.

Note to Parents/Guardians

Please sign below to show that you have read and understand the content of the course outline, are aware of the expectations of this course and that you have recorded the name and contact information for your son/daughter’s teacher at home. DO NOT CUT OFF THIS PORTION!!

This course outline document will remain at the front of your son/daughter’s binder at all times for the remainder of the year.

Please feel free to contact your son/daughter’s teacher at any time via phone or email.

Date: _______________ Student Signature: ___________________________ Parent email: _________________________________________

(please print clearly)

Date: _______________ Parent Signature: ____________________________ Daytime phone #: ___________________________________


The purpose of this contract is to make the student aware of his/her responsibility for laboratory safety. The student agrees to:

- follow all instructions given by the teacher

- protect their eyes, face, hands and body when involved in science experiments

- carry out good housekeeping practices (keep a tidy lab bench, use common sense when working with glassware)

- know the location of the first aid kit, eye wash station, fire blanket and fire extinguisher

- conduct themselves in a responsible manner at all times (understand that there is no running or horseplay in the lab area)

- respect all school property, equipment and the safety of classmates

- not bring any food, gum or drinks into the science room (water bottles are permitted in the classroom area only)

- not use any distracting electronic devices, such as cell phones, into the science lab or the classroom without specific instruction.

I, ______________________________________ (print student name), have read and agree to follow the safety regulations as described in the Safety Contract above. I will follow all oral and written instructions provided by the teacher and the school administration.

Student Signature: __________________________________

This course outline document and daily lesson information are available for viewing on the website: mrso-w.


* You may use this section throughout all units of this course. * A separate document may be requested if you run out of room.

Notes & Handouts – Curricular information delivered in class & researched at home

Keep track of all items that are to be collected and organized by date in your 3-ring binder.

Check the corresponding unit attachment on mrso-w. as we progress through each unit to make sure you do not miss anything.

| | |Style – checkmark ( in the appropriate column(s) only |Copy printed & |

|Unit |Date | |inserted into |

| | | |binder |

| | | |( |

| | |Handwritten in class |Photocopied |

| | | |handout |

| |Handwritten in class |Photocopied handout |Online - typed |Online – fill in the blank on template |Posted in Google Classroom |Completed at home | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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