Order on Motion to Withdraw or Transfer Funds in a ...

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|In the District Court of Utah |

|__________ Judicial District ________________ County |

|Court Address ______________________________________________________ |

|In the Matter of Protection for |Order on Motion to Withdraw or Transfer Funds in a Restricted |

|___________________________________, |Account |

|Protected Person |_______________________________ |

| |Case Number |

| |_______________________________ |

| |Judge |

The matter before the court is the guardian’s/conservator’s motion regarding funds in a restricted account. Having considered the documents filed with the court, the evidence and the arguments, and now being fully informed,

The Court Orders:

1. The motion is [ ] granted [ ] denied.

2. [ ] The guardian/conservator is permitted to:

[ ] withdraw $___________ from a restricted account held by ________________________________________________ (name of financial institution).

[ ] transfer $____________ from a restricted account held by ____________________________________ (name of current financial institution) to an account held by _________________________________________ (name of proposed new institution).For the reasons and purposes described in the motion.

Judge’s signature may instead appear at the top of the first page of this document.

| |Signature ► | |

|Date |Judge | |

|Certificate of Service |

|I certify that I filed with the court and am serving a copy of this Order on Motion to Withdraw or Transfer Funds in a Restricted Account on |

|the following people. |

|Person’s Name |Service Method |Service Address |Service Date |

| |[ ] Mail | | |

| |[ ] Hand Delivery | | |

| |[ ] E-filed | | |

| |[ ] Email | | |

| |[ ] Left at business (With person in charge or in | | |

| |receptacle for deliveries.) | | |

| |[ ] Left at home (With person of suitable age and | | |

| |discretion residing there.) | | |

| |[ ] Mail | | |

| |[ ] Hand Delivery | | |

| |[ ] E-filed | | |

| |[ ] Email | | |

| |[ ] Left at business (With person in charge or in | | |

| |receptacle for deliveries.) | | |

| |[ ] Left at home (With person of suitable age and | | |

| |discretion residing there.) | | |

| |[ ] Mail | | |

| |[ ] Hand Delivery | | |

| |[ ] E-filed | | |

| |[ ] Email | | |

| |[ ] Left at business (With person in charge or in | | |

| |receptacle for deliveries.) | | |

| |[ ] Left at home (With person of suitable age and | | |

| |discretion residing there.) | | |

| |Signature ► | |

|Date |Printed Name | |


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