SACAB Meeting Minutes - Auraria Campus

SACAB Meeting Minutes

Date: 09/14/2018 Time: 9:00-10:00am Location: Tivoli 329, Senate Chambers


Community College of Denver ? Nahomi Mochimatsu, SACAB ? present ? Maya Rossi, SACAB ? present ? Kathryn Mahoney, Ex-Officio ? absent

Metropolitan State University of Denver ? Ade Awosanya, SACAB ? present ? Courtney Jones, SACAB ? present ? Angela LeValley, Ex-Officio ? absent

University of Colorado Denver ? Arya Afshang, SACAB ? present ? Mona Eyghanifard, SACAB ? present ? Joe Halter, Ex-Officio ? present

Auraria Higher Education Center ? Ariel Redell, Advisor ? present ? Jared Rollheiser, Secretary ? present

Others Present ? Rob Byers, AHEC Director of Campus Programs ? Chris Herr, SCP Officer

AGENDA Approval of Agenda and Minutes There were no amendments to the agenda. Courtney called for a motion to approve the minutes from last meeting; Ade moved and Mona seconded. The minutes were approved unanimously.

Guest Speakers: None

Unfinished/New Business:

o SCPAC member approval SCP is trying to solidify and approve their new committee members. Potential members will be required to either attend a SACAB meeting and talk about who they are and why they are interested in sitting on SCPAC, or they can submit a paragraph explaining the same topics. One potential SCPAC member came to the meeting: Jeremy introduced himself, he's a MSU student majoring in geography with sustainability emphasis. He's been looking at policy development as a future career and mentioned how important policy is when trying to be sustainable. The group did not have any questions for Jeremy.

Ariel asked the group if they were okay approving SCPAC committee members that simply submitted their info paragraph, instead of being at a SACAB meeting in person. Arya requested that SACAB have ample time to ask questions and have active communication with the remainder of the potential committee members before approval, since he feels like the positions shouldn't necessarily be open to just anyone. The group agreed that if there were questions, they could postpone approval until their questions were answered.

o Updates/Reminders: The new Auraria library director has reached out and would like to meet the group. She will be a guest at the next SACAB meeting.

The Halloween office decorating contest is also coming up quickly. If SACAB would like to continue this tradition, they should start the planning process. They need to let all the Tivoli offices know that they will be doing the contest again this year (usually SACAB creates flyers that they distribute to the offices). They will also need to arrange a time for judging and choose 3 judges from outside the Tivoli to pick the best decorated office. The winner of the decorating contest wins a pizza party for their office, provided by SACAB. Usually SACAB sends out flyers at the beginning of October, and has judging sometime close to Halloween.

Courtney let the group know that if they have agenda items that they would like to talk about during a meeting or guests they would like to invite, she encourages them to let her know. She would need the info the Wednesday before the regular Friday meeting.

Position Announcements o SGA MSU Denver: is doing a toys for tots program on behalf of the aerospace program. They also welcomed a new senator who is a marketing major. CCD: didn't have a meeting last week. They had a Welcome Back event with their President, Dr. Freeman. It was open forum, where students got to ask lots of questions. CU Denver: No update.

o ABOD: No Update

o PODSOC: Soon there will be more scooters coming to campus. AHEC is working on policies with two of the scooter companies. AHEC is also continuing work on the campus hardening

project, which is adding bollards, planters, boulders and benches to large grassy areas and pedestrian areas.

o FSAC: They're still looking for an MSU Denver rep. They hope to get a group together soon. It will be critical now that the RFP process for new caterers is starting.

o SCP: has their committee members, they just need to be approved. They did a trash audit which was good for seeing if things are being thrown away properly. Results were not super encouraging, and the signage on the bins will be updated soon.

o Reprogramming: They are still hard at work. In a couple months, they hope to be able to present their recommendation document to SACAB. Some very exciting moves will be happening.

o Campus Update: Ariel Redell/Rob Byers: The all gender bathroom is open! SACAB can host a ribbon cutting ceremony if they wish.

Ariel reminded the group that on the 28th, SACAB will be taking a field trip to hear about the entrepreneur program, CO-STARTERS at the Commons on Champa.

Ariel was asked a question about Starbucks online ordering. Currently none of the Starbucks licensed stores are able to use online ordering OR the rewards program. They are hopeful that within the next year or two, this will become available to Auraria Starbucks.

Public Comment Bill Mummert, AHEC CFO, will be coming again in late October and will be talking about parking.

Adjournment 9:36am


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