Chapter 16 Appendix Home Page : State of …




Key number:       ODOT Region:       Local Agency:      

Project Title:      

(Project title on plan cover sheet MUST MATCH the title used within the special provisions)

Contract #:      

Federal Aid #:       Supplemental Project Agreement #:

Local Agency Information:

|Project Manager Name & Title: |

| |

|      |

|Construction & Contract Admin Sufficiency Reviewer Name & Title: |

| |

|      |


Construction & Contract Admin

Submitted by: ______________________________ ___________ ____________

(Local Agency Project Manager) Date Phone

Construction & Contract Admin

Reviewed by: _______________________________ ___________ ____________

(Local Agency Reviewer) Date Phone


|Reference |Section A - PRE-CONSTRUCTION |Format |Completed? |Notes |

| | | |YES |NO |N/A | |

|LAG |Was a pre-construction conference held? |On file | | | |Date:       |

|Section C | | | | | | |

|Chap. 16 | | | | | | |

|LAG |Did the Contractor submit required items to the local agency, prior to the |On file | | | | |

|Section C |Pre-Construction Conference? | | | | |For CLA’s using the ODOT Construction Manual, it includes these items |

|Chap. 16 | | | | | |1. Project Work Schedule (10 CD prior) |

| | | | | | |2. Erosion & Sediment Control Plan (10 CD prior) |

| | | | | | |3. Pollution Control Plan (5 CD prior) |

| | | | | | |4. Traffic Control Plan (5 CD prior) |

| | | | | | |5. Steel Escalation Participation Notice (7 CD |

| | | | | | |prior) |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | |CD = Calendar Days. Items shown apply for local agency using ODOT |

| | | | | | |Construction Manual and specs. |

| | | | | | |Items for a local agency using its own ODOT approved specs/ process |

| | | | | | |will be per local agency requirements. |

| | | | | | |      |

|Reference |Section A - PRE-CONSTRUCTION |Format |Yes |No |N/A |Notes |

|LAG |Were the following items submitted/reviewed at the |On file | | | |Items shown apply for a local agency using ODOT Construction Manual |

|Section C |Preconstruction Conference? | | | | |and specs. |

|Chap. 16 |Safety Questionnaire | | | | |Items for a local agency using its own ODOT approved specs/process |

| |Lump Sum Breakdown (for all LS Bid Items) | | | | |will be per local agency requirements. |

| |Training Program | | | | |      |

| |DBE Workplan Proposals | | | | | |

| |List of all Material Sources | | | | | |

|LAG |Was the ODOT LAL notified of the Preconstruction Conference?|On file | | | |      |

|Section C | | | | | | |

|Chap. 16 | | | | | | |

|LAG |Did LAL attend the Preconstruction Conference? |On file | | | |      |

|Section C | | | | | | |

|Chap. 16 | | | | | | |

|LAG |Was the ODOT Office of Civil Rights notified of the |On file | | | |      |

|Section C |Preconstruction Conference? | | | | | |

|Chap. 16 | | | | | | |

|LAG |Did an Office of Civil Rights staff attend the Preconstruction Conference? |On file | | | |      |

|Section C | | | | | | |

|Chap. 16 | | | | | | |

|LAG |Was ODOT Environmental staff notified of the |On file | | | |      |

|Section C |Preconstruction Conference? | | | | | |

|Chap. 16 | | | | | | |

|LAG |Did an ODOT Environmental staff person attend the Preconstruction Conference? |On file | | | |      |

|Section C | | | | | | |

|Chap. 16 | | | | | | |

|Reference |Section B - LABOR COMPLIANCE |Format |Completed? |Notes |

| | | |YES |NO |N/A | |

|Reference |Section C - PROGRESS PAYMENT TRACKING |Format |Completed? |Notes |

| | | |YES |NO |N/A | |

|LAG |Was any work deemed non-participatory and/or |On file | | | |      |

|Section C |non-reimbursable? | | | | | |

|Chap. 16 | | | | | | |

|Reference |Section D - SUBCONTRACTING |Format |Completed? |Notes |

| | | |YES |NO |N/A | |

|ODOT |Were all submitted subcontracts reviewed to ensure the following: |On file | | | | |

|Construction |Subcontractor held the appropriate license or certification applicable to the | | | | | |

|Manual |type of work being performed. | | | | | |

|Chap. 14 |Subcontractor was not on the CCB disqualified list, FHWA excluded parties | | | | | |

| |list, or other such list. | | | | | |

| |Subcontractor filed a Public Works Bond with the CCB, unless exempt, prior to | | | | | |

| |beginning work. | | | | | |

| |Subcontract includes the required state-mandated statements regarding prompt | | | | | |

| |payment, interest, right to file a complaint with the CCB, hourly rate of wage| | | | | |

| |and lower-tier uses. | | | | | |

| |Subcontract includes form FHWA-1273 (for all federal-aid contracts). | | | | | |

|Reference |Section E - CONTRACT CHANGES |Format |Completed? |Notes |

| | | |YES |NO |N/A | |

|Master |Were all change orders requiring ODOT approval, per the Master Certification |On file | | | |LAG manual references Authority Approval |

|Certification |Agreement, appropriately approved by ODOT? | | | | |Matrix (Section A, Chapter 2 Appendix) for FHWA and ODOT approval |

|Agreement |Date(s) of approval:       | | | | |responsibilities. |

| | | | | | |      |

|Master |Were all change orders requiring FHWA approval, appropriately approved? |On file | | | |LAG manual references Authority Approval |

|Certification |Date(s) of approval:       | | | | |Matrix (Section A, Chapter 2 Appendix) for FHWA and ODOT approval |

|Agreement | | | | | |responsibilities. |

| | | | | | |      |

|LAG C-16 |Were all force orders adequately justified and procedures properly followed? |On file | | | |Construction Manual reference applies to local agencies using ODOT’s |

|ODOT | | | | | |construction Manual. |

|Construction | | | | | |      |

|Manual | | | | | | |

|Chap. 12G | | | | | | |

|LAG C-16 |Was any force account work adequately justified and procedures properly |On file | | | |Construction Manual reference applies to local agencies using ODOT’s |

|ODOT |followed? | | | | |construction Manual. |

|Construction | | | | | |      |

|Manual | | | | | | |

|Chap. 12G | | | | | | |

|Reference |Section F - TERMINATION OF CONTRACT |Format |Completed? | Notes |

| | | |YES |NO |N/A | |

|23 CFR 635.125 |Was terminated contract awarded to new contractor? |On file | | | |      |

|OR Stnd. Spec | | | | | | |

|180.90 | | | | | | |

|23 CFR 635.125. |Were Administrative Settlement Costs awarded? |On file | | | |      |

|OR Stnd. Spec | | | | | | |

|180.90 | | | | | | |

|Reference |Section G - INSPECTIONS/REPORTING |Format |Completed? |Notes |

| | | |YES |NO |N/A | |

|LAG |Were Certified Agency Quarterly Report Forms submitted to the LAL with cc’s to|On file | | | |Identify each date the Quarterly Report Form was sent. |

|Quarterly Report |the ODOT Construction Office, Construction Contract Services Coordinator? | | | | |      |

|Form |Date(s) submitted:___________________ | | | | | |

|LAG | | | | | | |

|Section C | | | | | | |

|Chap. 16, Sect | | | | | | |

|D-12 | | | | | | |

|LAG |Were required ODOT Region Assurance Specialist (RAS) reviews completed? |On file | | | |Review requirements vary for test and fully certified projects. |

|Section C |Date(s) completed:___________________ | | | | |      |

|Chap. 17, Sect 4-d| | | | | | |

|Reference |Section H - ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE |Format |Completed? |Notes |

| | | |YES |NO |N/A | |

|LAG |Were long–term environmental impacts and commitments, identified and made by |On file | | | |      |

|Section C |the local agency, met? | | | | | |

|Chapter 6 |Note: See LAG Manual Section B, Chapter 5, Section O. | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |Check the following environmental construction impacts as applicable to this |On file | | | |      |

|LAG |project: | | | | | |

|Section C |Erosion control monitoring | | | | | |

|Chapter 6 |Dewatering | | | | | |

| |Wetland mitigation | | | | | |

| |Post-construction monitoring | | | | | |

|LAG |Other mitigation measures (list here) | | | | | |

|Section C | | | | | | |

|Chap. 17 |Were checked environmental impacts appropriately addressed? | | | | | |

|Reference |Section I - MATERIALS TESTING, QA/QC/IA (Independent Assurance) |Format |Completed? |Notes |

| | | |YES |NO |N/A | |

|LAG |Were materials certified that the quality of all materials incorporated into |On file | | | |      |

|Section C |the project conform to the plans and specifications. | | | | | |

|Chap. 16 | | | | | | |

|LAG |Were any waivers to Buy America requirements approved by FHWA? Date of |On file | | | |      |

|Approval |approval:_________ | | | | | |

|Authority Matrix | | | | | | |

|LAG |Were any contractor disputes or claims reviewed and processed by ODOT pursuant|On file | | | |      |

|Approval |to the Approval Authority Matrix? | | | | | |

|Authority Matrix | | | | | | |

|Reference |Section J - FINAL CLOSEOUT |Format |Completed? |Notes |

| | | |YES |NO |N/A | |

|Master |Was final billing submitted by the local agency to ODOT within 3 months of |On file | | | |      |

|Certification |project completion? | | | | | |

|Agreement | | | | | | |

|ODOT Const. |Were Final Records prepared, documented and include (as appropriate): Refer to|On file | | | |If local agency is using own approved manual(s) then local agency |

|Manual & |the Semi-Final Documentation Checklist 734-2706 – if using ODOT Construction | | | | |checklists will apply. |

|LAG |Manual. | | | | |      |

|Section C | | | | | | |

|Chap. 17 | | | | | | |

|Reference |Section K - FEDERAL COMPLIANCE |Format |Completed? |Notes |

| | | |YES |NO |N/A | |

|Reference |Section L - CONSTRUCTION MILESTONES |Format |Completed? |Notes |

| | | |YES |NO |N/A | |

|LAG |Was Second Notification or local agency equivalent, recording the end of |On file | | | |Provide local agency equivalent construction |

|Section C |on-site work and construction time, for each completion date provided by the | | | | |milestone language if different from ODOT |

|Chap. 17 |local agency to the LAL? | | | | |      |

| |Date of Second Notification:       | | | | | |

|LAG |Was Third Notification or local agency equivalent, recording the notice of |On file | | | |Provide local agency equivalent construction |

|Section C |project completion to the contractor, provided by the local agency to the LAL?| | | | |milestone language if different from ODOT |

|Chap. 17 |Date of Third Notification:       | | | | |      |

|Reference |Section M - PROPER RECORDS RETENTION |Format |Completed? |Notes |

| | | |YES |NO |N/A | |


Local Agency must coordinate with their LAL to determine whether this signatory section and the following checklist is a required submittal for test projects.

Received by: __________________________________________ ___________ ________

(ODOT Liaison) Date Phone

Received by: __________________________________________ ___________ _________

(ODOT Local Government Section) Date Phone

Copy To: _______________________________________________________ ______________ __________

(ODOT RAS) Date Phone


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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