MONDAY, MARCH 12, 2018


A. Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Mayor Rance Pilley. Everyone rose and said the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.


Rance Pilley, Mayor

Jim Beard, Councilor

Eileen Kelley, Councilor

Steve Dahl, City Administrator


Sharon Ruud, Councilor

Justin Cobb, Council President

B. Welcome and Opening Remarks

C. Recognition of Visitors/Requests

Visitors: Michael Hogsett, Larry & Valarie Johns, Jo Barker, Jim & Cynthia Rogers, Joy McMullin, Harold Burris, Chuck Craighill, Dana Benner, Grace McNeil, Undersheriff Frieze, Sgt. Hansen, Commissioner Freeman

Jacob Callister with Lane Council of Governments (LCOG) presented the Findings of Fact for the annexation of property at 504 E. B Avenue in Drain. Jacob discussed the requirements that allow a City to bring in new property and showed how this request met the criteria.

Sgt. Hansen with the Douglas County Sheriff’s Dept. presented the current statistics reports and explained the difference between the two reports presented. Deputy Lang is working with the schools regarding truancy issues. There was a pickup stolen on A Avenue and Diva had some items taken from 2nd St.

Carl A. Patenode – Sewer plant construction update, Carl is out due to a surgery & Mayor Pilley updated council on the sewer update, sheetrock & insulation have been installed in the main building. Councilor Kelley had questions on change orders, Mayor Pilley answered her questions and they discussed the project being behind schedule.

Valerie Johns gave an update on the library district the Douglas County Commisioners approved the library district and they will be on the May ballot. There has been a PAC opened and are able to accept donations and have developed a strategy to promote the upcoming library levy. Valerie inquired about council approval to place a banner at the Drain Civic Center reminding people to vote in the election. City Administrator Steve Dahl was going to look into the matter and get back with Valerie regarding what could be displayed. In the last two weeks of April and first week of May the PAC will be in various locations in town with library information for the community.

Jo Barker came forward, Jo resides at 630 N. First St. and would like to request a change to the Drain zoning ordinance regarding livestock and prohibiting such animals in the low density residential zone.



No meeting in February

The next meeting of the Drain Planning Commission is scheduled for Tuesday March 5, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. It will be held in the Meeting Room of the Drain Civic Center, 205 West A Avenue.


A. Trees with large limbs breaking

Steve Dahl discussed the issue of large tree limbs breaking and possibly hitting someone or damaging grave markers. The committee discussed bringing in an arborist to assess the trees. Harold Burris presented photos to the committee of breaking limbs and possible dead trees.

Shirley Jackson made a motion to remove trees and trim limbs on the recommendation of the arborist. Judy Levins seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

B. Headstone placement (what direction should markers face)

Harold Burris brought up marker placement and recent issues that need to be addressed regarding where & how markers should be placed. Currently the City does not have any regulations on marker placement. The Committee discussed the matter.

Shirley Jackson made a motion to recommend to the City Council and amend the cemetery rules and regulations to include “headstones be placed at the head of the grave matching the direction of the nearby graves”. Judy Levins seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

C. Hiring an arborist to assess the trees.

The committee discussed and moved to have an arborist hired to assess the trees. See item A.

Harold was asked by the owners of the property doing the logging if they could take out log trucks through the cemetery. The committee said it was ok as long as they clean up any mess created by Memorial Day and they do not set up a log deck within the cemetery.

Issues from the Committee:

Shirley Jackson brought up the issue of having the cemetery open on the weekends. She understands that the City cannot afford to have staff open and close the cemetery on the weekends. Shirley Jackson suggested that they set up volunteers who once a month would open and close the gate at the cemetery. Steve Dahl didn’t have an issue with why this would not work and would bring it up to the council at the next council meeting.

The next meeting of the Drain Cemetery Committee is scheduled for Tuesday, April 17, 2018 at 9:30 a.m. It will be held in the Meeting Room of the Drain Civic Center, 205 West A Avenue.


No meeting in February

The next meeting of the Drain Civic Center Committee is scheduled for Monday, March 19, 2018 at 5:30 p.m. It will be held in the Meeting Room of the Drain Civic Center, 205 West A Avenue.


See Report


Consent Agenda:

1. Minutes - Regular Meeting-February 12, 2018

2. Payment of the Bills Check #’s 30822-30867 in the total amount of

$ 131,449.15 & Payroll Check #’s 9336-9354 in the total amount of

$ 35,938.69.

Councilor Kelley moved to approve the consent agenda. Councilor Beard seconded. The motion passed unanimously.


A request by Dylan Millsaps for an annexation of real property within the UGB of the City of Drain. The subject property is located in the City of Drain’s Urban Growth Boundary at 504 East B Avenue and described as Township 22, Range 5, Section 17AA, Tax Lot 100, on the Douglas County Assessors Map.

Session opened at 7:10 p.m. and closed at 7:11 p.m.

Jacob Callister from Lane Council of Governments presented to council the Findings of Fact for the request for an annexation of property into Drain City Limits. The Planning Commission heard the staff report March 5, 2018 and recommendation to council was to approve the request.


A. Ordinance 431 Annexation for Dylan Millsaps, 504 E. B Ave.

The purpose of the public hearing is for City Council to obtain citizen views and to respond to questions and comments in regards to a request for annexation by Dylan Millsaps.

The Planning Commission heard the staff report March 5, 2018. There were no exparte’ contacts, there was no testimony for or against. The Planning Commission made a recommendation for council to approve the request.

Councilor Kelley moved to approve Ordinance 431 Annexation for Dylan Millsaps. Councilor Beard seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

B. Discussion on overview of zoning changes-Resolution R1718-10 stating a need for low income housing and asking for help from the Oregon Dept. of Transportation, Transportation and Growth Management Program

ODOT Transportation & Growth Management Grant:

Councilor Kelley asked what the difference was between low income housing and affordable housing and was informed there wasn’t a legal definition but both were used in the resolution because they were keywords used in the housing discussion.

It was pointed out that this resolution did not guarantee a grant and that the council had no obligations to change anything if Drain received the grant and did not want to follow through on the recommendations.

Councilor Kelley moved to pass Resolution R1718-10 stating the need for low income and asking for help from the Oregon Department of Transportation, Transportation and Growth Management Program. Councilor Beard seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

C. Resolution R1718-09 Adopting a Supplemental Budget and Making Appropriations for the fiscal year 2017-2018.

Councilor Kelley & Mayor Pilley had questions regarding the water & wastewater fund. Dana Benner informed Council where Carl Patenode’s consulting wages were coming from. After much discussion Resolution R1718-09 was tabled because of confusion in both parts of the resolution and the errors in the resolution made by the City Administrator. No action taken.

D. Approval accepting the books from Douglas County

At the February 12th Council Meeting the Council reviewed the Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Drain and Douglas County giving the City the library books to the City with the understanding that the books will be given back to the County if a library is not open within the next year.

The Council had no changes to the agreement.

Councilor Beard moved to accept the Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Drain and Douglas County giving the City the library books for the library and if a library is not open within a year the books will be returned to the County. Councilor Kelley seconded. The motion passed unanimously.


A. Volunteers opening the East Drain Cemetery on the weekends

The Council discussed the idea brought forth from the Cemetery Committee about the possibility of having a volunteer committee open and close the East Drain Cemetery on the weekends.

Councilor Kelley expressed concern that there would be many keys floating around the City but was in favor of having the Cemetery open.

Councilor Beard liked the idea of the cemetery open on the weekends but also had reservations regarding the same concerns as Mayor Pilley & Councilor Kelley.

Mayor Pilley thought the City has nothing to lose by trying this. The Council expressed interest in seeing what a committee like this would look like and would like to see a set of rules at the next council meeting.

B. Review of suggested changes to Sheriff’s contract

The Council reviewed the ideas that Councilor Kelley and City Administrator Steve Dahl came up with. The Council also reviewed the ideas that Undersheriff Frieze sent to the Council after meeting with Councilor Kelley and Administrator Steve Dahl.

Overall the comments were positive in response to Undersheriff Frieze suggestions. Undersheriff Frieze has shared these ideas with the Sheriff and the only change that the Sheriff had was to also provide a community watch program.

After much discussion the subject was tabled till next month so that missing Councilors could have their ideas on the contract shared with the rest of the Council members.

C. Discuss water fund

Administrator Dahl discussed the water fund with council and showed the fund has been losing money for the last three years and they haven’t had an increase to water rates in five years.

After some discussion the Mayor said he and Councilor Kelley will meet with City Staff to go over the budget and look at different ways they can move money around since the electric fund was doing so well.


Trees- The City is going to work with a local arborist to do a survey of the trees in the Cemeteries and other public spaces owned by the City. Staff has expressed concern about falling limbs and possible damage to themselves or graves. This survey when completed will provide a schedule of when trees should be removed, trimmed, or left alone.

Dyer- Dyer has gone out for bid for the 2nd and E Street project. I have asked them to include the cost of putting sidewalks on E street. If this raises the cost more than Council would like to pay we can remove that part of the project and just go with the previously approved curb and gutter.

Movies- Saturday February 24th was the last of the February movies. The movies averaged 18 people per showing. North Douglas Travel Club was able to raise funds for their coming trip. Diva was able to raise some funds for their projects. Sutherlin Sanitation, Next Home, Zolezzi, and Alliance Geosource were able to get some good advertising. Overall I thought it was a successful event.

Cemetery- Martin Thompson will be taking some logs out through the cemetery. They have promised not to make the area muddy and ensure that it is cleaned up when the logging is through.

Diva/Church of Christ- April 21, 2018 City clean up, garbage will be gathered from city streets and creek sides from 8am-Noon. The City will provide trash bags, rubber gloves & orange vests. The City clean up will be followed by a bbq at the Civic Center for participants.

Easter Egg Hunt- March 31, 2018, The Church of Christ will have an Easter Egg Hunt at Anna Drain Park.

Mayor Pilley requested City Administrator Steve Dahl to add information about what he is doing weekly to the weekly staff report.

Mayor Pilley reported complaints regarding the dog at City Hall, City Administrator agreed not to bring the dog to the office anymore.

Mayor Pilley inquired about a matter between City Administrator Dahl and the Dyer Partnership from a recent meeting. Mayor Pilley requested City Administrator Dahl to make contact with Steve Major and remedy the matter.


It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.


Rance Pilley




Steve Dahl

City Administrator


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