Policy Transmittal Aging and People with Disabilities

Policy Transmittal Aging and People with Disabilities

Mike McCormick Authorized signature

Number: APD-PT-18-014 Issue date: 3/27/2018

Topic: Long Term Care

Due date:

Transmitting (check the box that best applies):

New policy

Policy change

Policy clarification

Administrative Rule

Manual update


Executive letter

Applies to (check all that apply):

All DHS employees Area Agencies on Aging: Types A and B Aging and People with Disabilities Self Sufficiency Programs County DD program managers

ODDS Children's Residential Services Child Welfare Programs

County Mental Health Directors Health Services Office of Developmental Disabilities Services (ODDS)

ODDS Children's Intensive In Home Services Stabilization and Crisis Unit (SACU) Other (please specify):

Policy/rule title:

Community Based Rates

Policy/rule number(s): Collective Bargaining Agreement Release number:

Effective date:

April 1, 2018

Expiration date:


Web address:

. pdf ,


Discussion/interpretation: Per the 2015-2019 Collective Bargaining Agreement, the rate of pay for the homecare workers (HCWs) will be increasing on April 1, 2018.

The new rates are shown on the attached rate schedule. Implementation/transition instructions: None

DHS 0079 (rev. 10/12/17)

Training/communication plan: None


Local/branch action required: Review transmittal and apply appropriate rates.

Central office action required: Central Office staff will review the rate schedule and make system changes. Field/stakeholder review: Yes No

If yes, reviewed by:

Filing instructions: File with PT's

If you have any questions about this policy, contact:

Contact(s): Cindy Susee, Reimbursement Policy Analyst

Phone: 503-945-6448

Fax: 503-947-4245

Email: cynthia.susee@dhsoha.state.or.us

DHS 0079 (rev. 10/12/17)

RATE SCHEDULE (Effective April 1, 2018) Rates apply to Medicaid Services funded by Aging and People with Disabilities.

Room & Board



AD/OAA $583.00

In-Home Maintenance Allowance $1,250


Personal Incidental Funds

NF $61.38

CBC $167

Community-Based Care (CBC) Monthly Rates

Base Base plus 1 add-on Base plus 2 add-ons Base plus 3 add-ons Hourly Exception Rate

Residential Adult Foster Care Facilities Homes

$1,475 $1,761 $2,047 $2,333 $12.00 / Hr.

$1,490 $1,761 $2,032 $2,303 $13.11 / Hr.

Assisted Living Facilities

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

$1,184 $1,468 $1,841 $2,313 $2,782

Memory Care (Endorsed Units Only)


Nursing Facility (NF)

? Homecare Workers



Daily Rate




H?CW Hourly Wage


$1 over rate

Complex Medical $422.38

M? ileage, Non-Medical

$.485 per Mile



*?HCW who are certified by the Home Care Commission (i.e.

Comparable Monthly NF Rate

s?uccessfully completed the Professional Development C?ertification) will receive an additional $.50/hr. *Central Office will code the cases.




Complex Rate $12,264.53 ?


Providence ElderPlace Monthly Capitated Rate: Statewide Rate - $4,415.98

Home Delivered Meals: $ 9.54 / meal

Long Term Care Community Nursing Services: $15.00 / 15 minute unit of service

In-Home Agencies: $23.44 / Hr. Mileage, Non-Medical: $.485 per Mile

HK Shelter: $59.09/ month $1.94 / Day

Adult Day Services: Refer to Contracted Rates

In-Home Service Plan Max. Hour Local Office Tier 2 Hours Approval





Tier 2 = May also approve plans previously approved by Central Office.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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