Cancer Burden on Northwest AI/ANs

(Idaho, Oregon and Washington)

Note: All non-urinary bladder in situ cases are excluded from all analyses except stage at diagnosis comparisons.

|Total number of cancers for Northwest AI/ANs*, 1996-2002 |

|Year |Male |Female |Total |

|1996 |166 |183 |349 |

|1997 |182 |194 |376 |

|1998 |198 |211 |409 |

|1999 |194 |220 |414 |

|2000 |162 |214 |376 |

|2001 |201 |230 |431 |

|2002 |203 |191 |394 |

|1996-2002 |1306 |1443 |2749 |

|*Includes cases diagnosed among AI/ANs from Idaho, Oregon and Washington. |

|Source: Northwest Tribal Registry Project, May 2005. |

|Sex and age distributions of cancers among Northwest AI/ANs*, 1996-2002 |

|Sex |Percent of all cases |

|Male |47.5 |

|Female |52.5 |

|Age | |

|0-19 |2.0 |

|20-29 |2.5 |

|30-30 |6.1 |

|40-49 |13.2 |

|50-59 |21.3 |

|60-69 |24.4 |

|70-79 |21.7 |

|80+ |8.7 |

|*Includes cases diagnosed among AI/ANs from Idaho, Oregon and Washington. |

|Source: Northwest Tribal Registry Project, May 2005. |


|Leading cancer sites (by number of cases) by sex for Northwest AI/ANs*, 1996-2002 |

|Male |Female |Total |

| | | |

|Prostate |Breast |Breast |

|Lung |Lung |Lung |

|Colorectal |Colorectal |Colorectal |

|Leukemia/Lymphoma |Leukemia/Lymphoma |Prostate |

| | |Leukemia/Lymphoma |

|* Includes cases diagnosed among AI/ANs in Idaho, Oregon and Washington. |

|Source: Northwest Tribal Registry Project, May 2005. |

|Stage at diagnosis for cancers among Northwest AI/ANs*, 1996-2002 |

|Stage |Percent of all cases |

|In Situ |1.0 |

|Local |26.7 |

|Regional |17.6 |

|Distant |17.6 |

|Unknown |37.1 |

|Categorical Stage | |

|Early** |27.7 |

|Late*** |35.2 |

|Unknown |37.1 |

|* Includes cases diagnosed among AI/ANs in Idaho, Oregon and Washington. |

|**Early state includes in situ or local cancers. |

|***Late stage includes regional or distant cancers. |

|Source: Northwest Tribal Registry Project, May 2005. |

|Stage at diagnosis for screenable cancers among Northwest AI/ANs*, 1996-2002 |

|Site |Percent Diagnosed at Early Stage** |

|Breast |62.1 |

|Cervix |53.6 |

|Colorectal |28.9 |

|Prostate*** |76.5 |

|* Includes cases diagnosed among AI/ANs in Idaho, Oregon and Washington. |

|**Early state includes in situ or local cancers. |

|***In 2002, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) concluded that insufficient evidence exists|

|to recommend for or against routine screening for prostate cancer using the prostate specific antigen |

|test (PSA) or digital rectal exam (DRE). |

|Source: Northwest Tribal Registry Project, May 2005. |

|Age-adjusted cancer incidence rates* by race, 1996-1999 |

|  |Northwest - All Races |Northwest - AI/ANs |

|All Sites, Both Sexes |467.7 (463.4, 472.0) |409.0 (362.1, 455.9) |

|All Sites, Male |530.8 (524.0, 537.6) |474.6 (391.9, 557.3) |

|All Sites, Female |424.3 (418.8, 429.9) |367.7 (311.1, 424.3) |

|*Rate per 100,000 (95% confidence interval); adjusted to the 2000 U.S. Standard Population; |

|excludes all in situ cases (except urinary bladder). |




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